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How to develop python on macOS


The following is an example showing how to develop python scripts for Senzing on macOS with the help of a Docker container.

The goal is to allow a user to use their macOS Integrated Development Environment (IDE) on macOS natively, but test the running of the scripts in a Linux Docker container.



  1. Identify SENZING_DIR. Example:

    export SENZING_DIR=/opt/senzing

Identify the python scripts directory

  1. Identify the directory that holds the python scripts. This can be a new or existing directory. Example:

    export MY_DATA_DIR=~/example-senzing-python-project
  2. If the directory doesn't exist, create the directory. Example:

    mkdir -p ${MY_DATA_DIR}

Example python script

  1. Optional. For testing purposes, a test python script can be created. Example:

    cat <<EOT > ${MY_DATA_DIR}/
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import os
    import json
    import sys
    debug = False
    # Establish directories and paths
    senzing_directory = os.environ.get("SENZING_DIR", "/opt/senzing")
    senzing_python_directory = "{0}/g2/python".format(senzing_directory)
    g2module_ini_pathname = "{0}/G2Module.ini".format(senzing_python_directory)
    # Add python directory to System Path
    # Initialize Senzing G2 modules.
    from G2Product import G2Product
    g2_product = G2Product()
    g2_product.init('pyG2Product', g2module_ini_pathname, debug)
    # Print Senzing version.
    version_string = g2_product.version()
    version_dictionary = json.loads(version_string)
    print(json.dumps(version_dictionary, sort_keys=True, indent=4))

Run Docker container

  1. Run the docker container using a SQLite database. Example:

     sudo docker run \
       --interactive \
       --rm \
       --tty \
       --volume ${SENZING_DIR}:/opt/senzing \
       --volume ${MY_DATA_DIR}:/data \
  2. To use other databases, see senzing/docker-senzing-base.

Run python scripts inside container

  1. The ${MY_DATA_DIR}/ script sitting on macOS is accessible inside the running container as /data/ It can be run inside the container. Example:

    # cd /data
    # python
        "BUILD_DATE": "2019-06-04",
        "BUILD_NUMBER": "2019_06_04__02_00",
            "CONFIG_VERSION": "2"
        "VERSION": "1.9.19155"

Modify python code

  1. Because the files in the docker container at /data are actually on macOS at ${MY_DATA_DIR}, they can be edited on macOS and run inside the Docker container.


Enhancing docker image

  1. If additional apt-get or pip installs are needed, create a new Dockerfile using the following FROM statement.

    FROM senzing/senzing-base

    or a more recent style:

    ARG BASE_IMAGE=senzing/senzing-base
  2. An example of this can be found in senzing/docker-senzing-poc-utility. View the Dockerfile.