From AWS account that has SSHD service deployed
Goto EC2 in management console
Instances new -> launch instances
Select Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (free tier)
- Select appropriate VPC and subnet
- Enable auto assign public IP
- Select appropriate security group.
- Select a key pair to use (or create one)
- Review and launch with everything else as default
If a key pair has been created
- Download and chmod to 600
Get the public ip from the amazon console
Log into the EC2 ubuntu machine: (use the correct pem file and ip address)
ssh -i ~/senzing.git/[pem file name].pem ubuntu@[public ip]
From the SSHD task that is running, collect the private IP address
Collect the root password for the SSHD task.
export SENZING_SSHD_HOST=[Private IP address for SSHD task] export SENZING_SSHD_USERNAME=root export SENZING_SSHD_PASSWORD=[root password for SSHD task] ssh ${SENZING_SSHD_USERNAME}@${SENZING_SSHD_HOST}
This should open a cmdline prompt in the SSHD container where the G2 tools and psql can be used.