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How to use senzingapi-runtime


The senzing/senzingapi-runtime Docker image has the Senzing binaries "baked-in". This Docker image and its corresponding senzingapi-runtime GitHub repository can be used in a number of ways to simplify development using the Senzing SDK library.


There a few techniques to consider when building a custom "Senzing base image". Each choice produces similar result, so the choice will depend upon the existing Docker environment.

  1. Simple inheritance - Start with Senzing's stock base image and build upon it
  2. Extend existing image with Senzing binaries - Start with a non-Senzing image and add Senzing binaries to it
  3. Add Docker instructions to existing Dockerfile - Manually customize a Docker image

Once a Senzing base image has been created it can be used to:

  1. Customize stock Senzing images

Simple inheritance

Docker images consist of layers. The Dockerfile's FROM instruction identifies the initial layer. The senzing/senzingapi-runtime image can be used as an initial layer.

  1. Use in a Dockerfile FROM instruction. Example:

    FROM senzing/senzingapi-runtime
  2. It's recommended to use a "pinned" version of an image. So in practice, it would look something more like:

    FROM senzing/senzingapi-runtime:3.5.0

    To find the latest versioned release, visit senzing/senzingapi-runtime tags.

Extend existing image with Senzing binaries

The following steps creates a new Docker image by wrapping an existing image with Senzing binaries.

  1. ✏️ Set environment variables.

    • DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE - The Docker image to build upon. It will be used as the Dockerfile's FROM value. This may be an image that has been "blessed" by an organization. The image must be a debian-based Linux distribution (e.g. debian, ubuntu, and others) Please note that ubuntu:22.04 is currently not supported.
    • DOCKER_IMAGE_SUFFIX - A suffix to append to the output Docker image. This is meant to differentiate between the "stock" senzing/senzingapi-runtime Docker image and a customized senzing/senzingapi-runtime-xyz Docker image.


    export DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:20.04
    export DOCKER_IMAGE_SUFFIX=mycompany
  2. Get versions of Docker images. This step sets environment variables that will be used when creating Docker images. Example:

    curl -X GET \
        --output /tmp/ \
    source /tmp/
  3. Synthesize environment variables. This step sets environment variables that simplify following steps. Example:

    echo ${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}
  4. Build new Docker image that will become the "base image" for other Docker images. Example:

    docker pull ${DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE}
    docker build \
      --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=${DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE} \

Add Docker instructions to existing Dockerfile

This technique is to copy, paste, and modify Docker instructions into the "original" Dockerfile to install Senzing.

  1. Using the senzing/senzingapi-runtime Dockerfile as a guide, copy the Docker instructions into your Dockerfile

  2. The following environment variable are important:


Customize stock Senzing images

Once a customized base image has been created by one of these methods:

or any other method, then the following instructions will create customized versions of "stock" Senzing Docker images:

  1. List the Github repository, DockerHub repository, version tag, and user for each Docker image and their corresponding environment variable name.

    Format: GitHub repository;DockerHub repository;tag;user where user defaults to 1001.


    export BASE_IMAGES=( \
      "docker-senzing-console;senzing/senzing-console;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_SENZING_CONSOLE:-latest}" \
      "docker-sshd;senzing/sshd;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_SSHD:-latest};0" \
      "docker-xterm;senzing/xterm;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_XTERM:-latest}" \
      "entity-search-web-app-console;senzing/entity-search-web-app-console;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_ENTITY_SEARCH_WEB_APP_CONSOLE:-latest}" \
      "redoer;senzing/redoer;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_REDOER:-latest};1001" \
      "senzing-api-server;senzing/senzing-api-server;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_SENZING_API_SERVER:-latest}" \
      "senzing-poc-server;senzing/senzing-poc-server;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_SENZING_POC_SERVER:-latest}" \
      "senzingapi-tools;senzing/senzingapi-tools;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_SENZINGAPI_TOOLS:-latest}" \
      "stream-loader;senzing/stream-loader;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_STREAM_LOADER:-latest}" \
  2. Build each of the Docker images in the list. Example:

    for BASE_IMAGE in ${BASE_IMAGES[@]}; \
    do \
        IFS=";" read -r -a BASE_IMAGE_DATA <<< "${BASE_IMAGE}"
        docker build \
            --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG} \
            --build-arg USER=${BASE_IMAGE_USER:-1001} \
  3. Verify each of the images was created. Example:

    docker images | grep ${DOCKER_IMAGE_SUFFIX}