# The only AWS account number allowed to be used in tests (used by git-secrets)
account = '123456789012';
# account used for cross-environment tests in addition to the one above
account: '234567890123'
# Account patterns used in the README
account: '000000000000'
account: '111111111111'
account: '222222222222'
account: '333333333333'

# used in physical names tests in @aws-cdk/core
account: '012345678912'
account: '012345678913'

# Account patterns used in the CHANGELOG
account: '123456789012'

# The account ID's of public facing ECR images for App Mesh Envoy
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/app-mesh/latest/userguide/envoy.html
account: '772975370895'
account: '856666278305'
account: '840364872350'
account: '422531588944'
account: '924023996002'
account: '919366029133' #cn-north-1
account: '919830735681' #cn-northwest-1

# The account IDs of password rotation applications of Serverless Application Repository
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/userguide/enable-rotation-rds.html
# partition aws
account: '297356227824'
# partition aws-cn
account: '193023089310'