General documentation on Git deploys is available on Heroku Dev Center.
# Log into Heroku
heroku login
# Clone PagerBeauty repository and change directory to it
git clone
cd pagerbeauty
# Switch to the latest stable build
git checkout production
# Create new application
heroku create
# Minimal configuration
# PagerDuty REST API v2 Access Key (Read-only)
# Generate your key
# or try test key y_NbAkKc66ryYTWUXYEu
heroku config:set PAGERBEAUTY_PD_API_KEY=y_NbAkKc66ryYTWUXYEu
# Comma-separated list of PagerDuty schedule ids.
# You can find schedule id in the URL of the schedule on PagerDuty website after symbol #
# For example, schedule has id PJ1P5JQ
# Or try test schedules: PJ1P5JQ,P538IZH
# Using `heroku config:set`, you can configure any PagerBeauty option from this list:
# Deploy!
git push heroku production:master
# Open your new app
heroku open
# Clone pagerbeauty repository if you don't have it
git clone
# Change directory to pagerbeauty
cd pagerbeauty
# Switch to the latest stable build
git checkout production
git pull
# Deploy!
git push heroku production:master
Currently the only way to update Heroku app deployed with Heroku Button is through Heroku CLI and Git.
# Log into heroku
heroku login
# Clone pagerbeauty repository if you don't have it
git clone
# Change directory to pagerbeauty
cd pagerbeauty
# Switch to the latest stable build
git checkout production
git pull
# Find the name of PagerBeauty app on Heroku
heroku apps
# Register it in git
heroku git:remote -a my-pagerbeauty-app
# Deploy!
git push heroku production:master
# Open your app
heroku open