Yupe - cms, written with a wonderful MVC-Yii framework(http://www.yiiframework.com/), which has been working for more than 150 projects.
More can be found here.
Out of the box you get a skeleton application with the following functionality is ready (we've got different modules - use only what you need):
- Registration, Authentication, Password recovery (User module).
- Registration and authorization via social networks. (social module).
- User Management (blocking, activation, editing, etc.) through the administrative interface (user module).
- Creating and publishing news (news module).
- Creating and managing site pages (page module).
- Creating and managing categories of sites (section) (category module).
- Creating and editing site navigation (module menu).
- Module comments (example http://yupe.ru/post/logotip-dlya-yupi.html or http://yupe.ru/gallery/gallery/foto/id/5) (comment module).
- Module handbooks (storage and management background information) (dictionary module).
- Module for blogging (both individual and collective) (blog module).
- "Feedback" Module + FAQ (feedback module).
- Module for working with content blocks (contentblock module).
- Wiki - working through module yeeki.
- Convenient admin panel based on Twitter Boostrap (It looks like this).
- Possibility to generate CRUD-style Twitter Bootstrap.
Installation instructions can be found here, or in file install_ru.txt
Source code, layout, design BSD.
Yupe community will be appreciate you if your site will be referenced on the yupe.ru/.