RNNs are used in problems where knowing the previous context is important to determine the next output. For example, if a text predictor wants to predict the next word on the phrase "Regarding food, I love _", the previous words "Regarding food, I love" are critical context for predicting what comes next.
The technical term for this type of problems is Time Series Analysis.
Natural Language Processing is a field that heavily uses RNNs since they naturally model some key characteristics of natural language that other types of networks struggle with:
- In natural language, the word order is critical in giving the text meaning. There is no easy way to model order dependencies in ANNs or CNNs.
- Natural Language has "long distance effects". These are inherently a time series problem.
- e.g. "I, the president of the United States, AM going to declare". In this example, "AM" is dependent on the word "I".
- Inputs in many NLP problems need to be of varying length because texts are of varying length. ANNs and CNNs only take fixed size inputs.
RNNs are typically drawn in 2 forms: rolled and un-rolled versions. The figure below explains the structure using the un-rolled representation.
The key characteristic of RNNs is that neurons are connected to themselves through time. This means that a
neuron at time t+1
uses 2 sources of inputs:
- The input from the
input sequence
. - The output from time
Don't be fooled by the simplified flat representation above. RNNs are multidimensional. A more precise representation
of how they are structured would be:
RNN architecture varies depending on the problem. Some RNNs take a single input, some others take a sequence of inputs. A similar thing happens with the outputs.
The diagram below shows multiple variants of RNN architectures being applied to solve different types of problems.
Neural networks get increasingly harder to train as we add more layers. The gradient
, the main piece of information
for updating the weights, gets unstable as the number of layers increase due to compounded derivative calculations.
- Remember that the
inlayer l
are calculated as the product of the derivatives for all layers froml+1
to the last layer. For example, in a 100-deep network,gradient_l1 ~= some_derivative_l2 * some_derivative_l3 * ... some_derivative_l100
. - Vanishing Gradient: When many
are< 1
their product will be very close to0
. This results ingradient_l1
being close to0
, so theweights
barely get updated during back propagation and get stuck. This means that early layers in the network are hard to train and require many epochs and lots of training data. - Exploding Gradient: When many
are> 1
their product will be very big. This results ingradient_l1
being very big and causing a violent and unstable update of theweights
. This big "jumps" in weights make the training unstable and the network might never find the optimal due to these swings.
If this doesn't make any sense, I suggest DeepLizard's youtube video on this topic.
This problem is not exclusive to RNNs. However, RNNs are very prone to it as their recursive nature makes them "arbitrarily deep".
In general, both problems are governed by the same mechanism and can be partially solved by doing smart weight initialization that ensures that the gradients don't get too small or too big.
A very popular way of doing this "smart" initialization is called Xavier Initialization (aka Glorot Initialization). Xavier Initialization is a per layer initialization technique that initializes the weights randomly with a normal distribution around 0 and standard deviation that changes per layer. To know more details about this initialization see DeepLizard's video on it.
supports Xavier (Glorot) initialization as shown next. Moreover, if we don't specify the type of
, it will use glorot_uniform
by default.
Dense(32, activation=relu, kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform')
There are other solutions to these problems that are specific for the type of problem we face: explosion or vanishing. The details of most of these solutions are out of the scope of these notes.
- Truncated Back Propagation: stop back propagation after some amount of layers.
- Penalties
- Gradient Clipping: Set a fixed max value for the gradient and back propagate that value when the calculated gradient exceeds it.
- Echo State Networks: A network architecture that helps with the problem (out of scope of this summary).
- Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks: Another network architecture that tackles this problem. This architecture is very popular for RNNs and we will discuss it in detail in the next section.
This summary is heavily based on the following article. I strongly recommend reading it: Understanding LSTM Networks by Christopher Olah
LSTM networks are a particular architecture of the more general RNN category. They are of particular importance because almost all exciting results from RNNs have been achieved using this architecture.
An RNNs main feature taking into account previous inputs and predictions to perform the current time-step prediction.
When the previous relevant context happened recently, "Vanilla" RNNs have no problem using that to inform the current
prediction. For example, in the if we were predicting the next word in the phrase "the clouds are in the sky
"clouds" happens very close to the place where sky
is being predicted.
However, in many applications (including text) context has a long distance effect. In these circumstances, "Vanilla RNNs" struggle to "remember" what happened many time steps ago.
Continuing with the text prediction example,
if the phrase was "I grew up in France, the birthplace of civil liberties. I speak fluent French
". "France"
is critical context to predict French
, but it happened so long ago that a "Vanilla RNN" won't be able to "remember"
it to narrow down the prediction. This is why it is said that Vanilla RNNs have short term memory.
- We've been talking about the short term memory problems of "Vanilla RNNs" from the inference point of view. However, they have the same problem at training time. During training, "Vanilla RNNs" are unable to connect related concepts if they have a long distance between them.
LSTMs are specifically designed to tackle the short-term memory problem. In fact, having long-term memory is their default behaviour.
An LSTM is a group of interconnected learned single-layer neural networks and point-wise operations that are grouped together in a "repeating group".
Each of these neural networks and point-wise operations serve a particular purpose in the architecture and are explained below. For now, lets get familiar with the notation:
The core idea behind LSTMs is the "memory cell / pipeline". Through the memory pipeline, information flows easily and mostly unchanged across the multiple steps of the RNN. Changes to the memory only happen when the gates determine so (see below).
Side note: Intuitively, since the information in the pipeline doesn't change much, the derivative over time stays close to 1. This is why LSTMs are less prone to suffer from vanishing or exploding gradient problems.
There are many variants of the LSTM architecture shown above. Most of them are slight variations of this architecture and have similar performance.
- Some popular variants are: Peephole connections, unified forget and remember decisions, Gated Recurring Units (GRUs), among many others.
- Go to Christopher Olah's article to read about these popular variants.
- Greff et al published a paper showing that most variations are about the same.
- Jozefowicz et al published a paper comparing many architectures and shows that some work better on certain tasks.
LSTMs were a step forward in RNN performance. The next big step in RNN performance are attention RNNs. Chirstopher Colah has an article on Attention RNNs and other forms of RNN augmentation.
- If you want to understand even deeper how each of the operations inside the LSTM repreating unit works, I recommend reading "Understanding LSTM and its diagrams".
- Visualizing and Understanding Recurrent Networks by Andrej Karpathy (2015).