Display a list of Videos using themoviedb.org API
if you want to test from Android Studio, you have just to create an api.properties file
with api_key="YOUR_API_KEY"
Or put it in local.properties and change file name in app.gradle.kt
Or in CI, I put it in project variable config
A signed APK is available in the Folder app/release Release
- Display lists of Movies
- API is paginated, so will use a DataSource for the Header
Display Details of a Movie
- Feature module independant from Home
- UI layer, domain layer, data layer
- DI by Hilt
- Jetpack Compose
Dependencies and versions are defined in a Version Catalog
OKhttp, Retrofit
Jetpack Compose
JUnit, Espresso
User authentication is controlled with a session_id query parameter.\ You can generate a session_id by following these steps:
Automatically or using API this is not possible.
Each of them will have to create their own account here on the website.
git remote set-url --add --push origin [email protected]:sezn/Movies.git/ git remote set-url --add --push origin [email protected]:sezn/moviesdb.git