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sfeakes edited this page Jun 4, 2023 · 41 revisions

AqualinkD WiKi

Optional automation hub integration

Debug & Supporting optional equipment


Hardware - Computer

Raspberry Pi Zero is the perfect device for this software but any Linux device with a USB connection will also work. AqualinkD comes pre-compiled for Raspberry PI, but all the source is available and designed to be compiled on any Linux based OS with no external dependencies, making it very simple for compiled for any Linux device. Even if you have never compiled anything before. It's been tested on a myriad of different devices, so if your preference is something other than a Raspberry Pi Zero you will be fine as long as it can run Linux.

All Raspberry PI's (except Pi4) are inherently unstable devices to be running 24/7/365 in default Linux configurations. This is due to the way the hardware address the CF card, a power outage will generally cause CF card corruption. Pi 4 have addressed the hardware limitation, more recent version of RaspberryOS have overcome this for all Pi version.

To make this extremely stable installation, my recommendation is to use what is called a "read only root" installation of Linux. Converting Raspbian to this is quite simple but will require some Linux knowledge. There are two methods; one uses overlayfs and if you are not knowledgeable in Linux this is the easiest option. There are a some downsides to this method on a PI, so my preferred method is to simply use tmpfs on it's own without overlayfs ontop, this is easier to setup initially, but will probably require a few custom things to get right as some services will fail. Once you are up and running you should research this topic. My Pi Zero running AqualinkD has been running like this 24/7/365 for over 8 years without one failuer or CF corruption. There are plenty of resources and even some scripts that will do everything for you. Below are two links that explain the process.

Good overlayfs tutorial on PI Forums

My preferred way to impliment

I have my own scripts to do this for me, and probably won't ever document or publish them, but thay are very similar to the 2nd link above.

If your hardware supports booting of anything other than a CF card (like the Pi 3), I strongly suggest you use that options with some form of SSD as it's a lot easier then RO Root described above.


Hardware - Connecting RS485 to control panel

You will need a USB2RS485 adapter This one is highly recommended. For more information on adapters and RS485 wiring click here for RS485 overview and adapters.
The adapter connects the computer running AqualinkD to the RS485 interface used by your pool equipment. (If you have an inside controller / keypad mounted on your wall this is usually the best place, if not, the outside control panel is the next best place). The simplest configuration is to connect the data + and data - from the USB2RS485 adapter to the data + and data - lines of the RS485 interface of any piece of pool equipment. Some USB adapters will have 3,4 or 6 connections, the 3rd is for ground, This can be important or problematic depending on your specific install, and the 4th power should generally not be used a USB2serial adapter. Standard RS485 pool equipment cable is 4 wires, (Data + & - and Power + & Ground -). The wire colors will depend on your installation, and label colors have changed over the years so it is hard to tell you exactly what colors to connect to. You should get your pool equipment manual and check but below is the most common information. The control panel will have a 4 post connector at the top right, (some will have 2). This is the RS485 interface. The wire colors will be labeled but not with what they actually do. This is usually (Green, Yellow, Black, Red).

In this example, you want the Yellow & Black wires, (Pin 2 & Pin 3), connect these to your RS4852USB adapter. You can always pick these wires up from any wired control panel inside your house. Pins are usually as follows

RS Panel USB Adapter Description Connection
Pin #2 Black RS485 #A Data + (Connect #2 to #A)
Pin #3 Yellow RS485 #B Data - (Connect #3 to #B)

###Note on wire. The wire and connections are very critical to getting a clean signal, if you get a lot of "checksum errors" in the logs this is usually due to wiring problems.

Recommended wire is 24AWG twisted pair. Complete info is in below paragraph taken from RS Cable Selection

The RS-422 specification recommends 24AWG twisted pair cable with a shunt capacitance of 16 pF per foot and 100 ohm characteristic impedance. While the RS-485 specification does not specify cabling, these recommendations should be used for RS-485 systems as well.

USB Device on RaspberryPi / Linux computer

Connect the USB2RS485 adapter to your RaspberryPI and find out the USB port. Run the below command to make sure the Linux kernel recognizes the adapter.

dmesg | grep usb

This should output something similar to below
[    1.643842] usb 1-1: Product: FT232R USB UART
[    1.646974] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: FTDI
[    1.649988] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: A50285BI
[   11.227839] usb 1-1: Detected FT232RL
[   11.414036] usb 1-1: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0

Notice the last line, that is your device, add /dev/ to it for complete path /dev/ttyUSB0

Check and make sure you are getting something from the USB device.

sudo -s eval 'stty raw -echo < /dev/ttyUSB0; cat -vte /dev/ttyUSB0'

That should give you lots of junk and a few words like below:

^C^@JANDY AquaLinkRSp^P^C^@^P^B^@^A^@^@^S^P^C^@^P^B*^@<^P^C^P^B^H^B^@^@^@^@^@^\^P^C^@^P^B^@^A^@^@^S^P^C^P^B$
^B^@^@^@^@^@^^^P^C^@^P^B^@^A^@^@^S^P^C^@^P^B`^@r^P^C^P^B^H^B^@^@^@^@^@^\^P^C^@^P^B^@^A^@^@^S^P^C^P^B^H^C^@ AIR TEMP 87M-_F  c^P^C^@^P^B^@^A^@^@^S^P^C^P^B$

If you get this far, things are looking good. Go to installing AqualinkD.

Simple install; trust everything

If you are using a raspberry PI with Raspbain you can simply use the below to install. Install first time. (This installs a script to your machine, and executes it)

cd ~
curl -s -o && chmod 755 && ./ release

Once you have run the above there will be a script in your home directory this is what you run from now on to perform upgrades.

~/ release      <- Download & install latest AqualinkD stable release.
~/ latest       <- Download & install latest AqualinkD version. (development release)
~/ force_latest <- Force latest option (don't run any version checks)
~/ install      <- Install to local filesystem, (config files will no be overwritten)
~/ clean        <- Remove everything, including configuration files

The script downloads the latest version from github AND installs to your filesystem, AND starts / stops deamon.


Installing AqualinkD

  • Get a copy of the repo using git.
sudo apt-get install git
cd ~
mkdir software
cd software
git clone
  • There is a chance the pre-compiled binary will run.

  • try to run it with :-

    • sudo ~/software/AqualinkD/release/aqualinkd -d -c ~/software/AqualinkD/release/aqualinkd.conf
  • If it runs but gives you errors, this is good! you can simply install and configure.

  • If it faild to run with some form of error on the binary file you'll need to build a new one.

cd ~/software/AqualinkD
make clean
sudo make install
  • Go to configure section AqualinkD service configuration

  • edit /etc/aqualinkd.conf to your setup

  • Test everything works :-

    • sudo aqualinkd -d -c /etc/aqualinkd.conf
    • point a web browser to the IP of the box running aqualinkd
  • If all is good enable as service

    • sudo systemctl start aqualinkd


Make AqualinkD

Makefile should be self explanatory.
AqualinkD has got quite large with all the options available to support different panels, while it runs just fine on RaspberryPi, there are some options you can use to reduce its memory footprint CPU cycles and generally strip out a lot of unneeded logic. It's recommended to turn off any of the below if they are not needed for your specific setup, Simply edit the Makefile :-

  • AQ_RS16
    • This is to support RS16 panels, no need for any other panels
  • AQ_PDA
    • PDA protocol, not needed unless you have PDA only panel
    • OneTouch protocol.
    • AqualinkTouch protocol.

Version 2

Special notes on AqualinkD V2.x.x

First a note. V2.x update has been a long time coming and I know a lot of people have been anxiously awaiting it and probably given up on it coming at all. There have been several reasons for the delay; none worth going into except the hardware reason. Since I have no VSP's or even a control panel that can support VSP, this has been a huge challenge as I'm working, kind of blind, on the protocols and how the panel controls the pumps. The current way this is implemented is sub-optimal and quite slow. Basically (as you'll see from below) I need to mimic a OneTouch control panel and at the same time mimic a RS all button panel, both over the same RS485 adapter. I know there is a protocol that would be far faster and way less complicated, but without a panel to code against I simply can't go much further. I do thank those of you who have offered using RDP/VNC/SSH access to their systems, but really this kind of protocol debugging takes many many hours of just putting it on a test-bench and working out everything that happens when you do certain things. Once you get it to a certain state, (as has happened with the PDA protocol), others can finish the development who have the appropriate panels to test against, but you need to get that first state out there.

In supporting this VSP release, I had to completely change all of the underlying communication aqualinkd uses with the control panel, and I didn't really realize just how many nuances are coded into that communication to support all the different versions, and more importantly specifics for all the different implementations over the years. There are an absolute ton of errors that get generated on the RS485 bus depending on your specific install, and coding around them is challenging. So, it's taken me literally 100's of hours of testing and writing test harnesses & simulation protocols to test it all, and I'm 100% sure I've missed a few things.

Anyway, in writing all this, I've realized that I really can't take AqualinkD much further without buying some different control panels to test against and therefor work out some better protocols to support some of the extended functionality like VSP. I've always thought that once my panel dies, I'll just design/build my own as it would be way cheaper, but that doesn't really help the community & AqualinkD. So, if you want to see this project go much further please donate and mark it (future development) and I'll ear mark it to buy some panels. (As an example, used, these boards usually go between $250~500 on ebay). Or if anyone has any RS panels that are in somewhat working condition that are REV (N, P, Q, QQ) or higher, ie (the 50 pin socket) that they no longer need, please contact me.

And to all that have already donated, I really do appreciate it, please don't feel like you need to donate again, I'm not trying to guilt anyone into doing anything.


Now onto how to V2.x.x

  • V2.2.1 Few config changes and new interface support.

    • If your panel is Rev I or newer AqualinkD can now instantly change heater setpoints through the Jandy serialadapter protocol. please add rssa_device_id=0x48 to your config. serial_logger will tell you if your panel supports this.
    • Changed the raw RS485 device reading to specific devices. Change read_all_devices & read_pentair_packets to :- read_RS485_swg, read_RS485_ePump, read_RS485_vsfPump. These will display the actual information of the devices, and sometimes confuses people. During times when the panel is changing VSP RPM (or the panel looses connection with the pump, which does happen a lot), the panel will actually tell the SWG to go to 0% but will still display a valid % on the jandy keypad. So if you notice this it is perfectly normal and NOT a bug.
  • Pre V2.2.0 AqualinkD would default to an RS8 panel and then move things around as it learned more about the panel during startup & general use. This is no longer the case, so the below panel_type configuration is of utmost importance. The bits within the protocol change depending on the panel type, so if you get the blow configuration wrong, strange things will happen. (Like filter pump turning off when you request light to turn on)

  • Jandy panel specifics now need to be set in the configuration with panel_type = . Serial Logging utility will now probe the panel and give you a Panel Identifyer string, you should simply be able to use that string in the configuration. Complete information is in AqualinkD service configuration. Quick example would be panel_type = RS-8 Combo

    • Format is XX-N ???? where
      • XX=RS -or- PD
      • N=Circuits
      • ????=Combo -or- Only -or- Dual
  • The above also means that your button_xx___ configuration will now probably be wrong, unless you have an RS-8 Combo panel. Complete information is in AqualinkD service configuration. please make sure to re-adjust your configuration.

  • V2.0.0 introduced OneTouch protocol for extended programming and VSP support. V2.2.0 now has AqualinkTouch protocol. It's strongly recomended to use AqualinkTouch protocol for VSP & Extended programming if your panel supports it.
    You need to find a valid ID AqualinkD that can be used to simulate a OneTouch or AqualinkTouch keypad. Valid OneTouch are(0x40, 0x41, 0x42 & 0x43). Valid AqualinkTouch are(0x30, 0x31, 0x32 & 0x33). Run the Serial Logging utility to find an appropriate ID. (make sure TO use any Jandy keypads while the serial logger is running). Once you have the ID, assign it to Aqualinkd.conf as an extended_device_id. NOTE you still need the device_id that AqualinkD has always used. Example aqualinkd.conf

    • device_id=0x0a
    • extended_device_id=0x41
  • For turning anything on or off and getting basic status updates, the standard RS protocol that AqualinkD uses is still the fastest, so that can't be turned off, (unless PDA mode). But when it comes to changing setpoints, SWG, VSP, RPM, freezeprotect, time etc, the AqualinkTouch protocol is a lot faster. The OneTouch protocol is about the same speed as standard RS protocol, some things are quick, some slower. The extended_device_id_programming allows AqualinkD to make an informed decision as to which protocol to use for what functions. While OneTouch protocol is a wash speed wise, it does have a plus side, while AqualinkD is programming the control panel (setting heater temps, boost, RPM, GPM etc) you can still turn things on and off where as you couldn;t before. It's strongly recomended to set this to yes if using AqualinkTouch protocol in extended_device_id.

    • extended_device_id_programming = yes
  • The rest has not changed between V2.1.x and V2.2.x so if you have already upgraded to V2, you can skip.

  • You need to configure the ID & Number (AqualinkD will work out protocol & type) of your VSP pumps in the button stanza of the aqualinkd configuration. example below :-

    • button_01_label=Filter Pump
    • button_01_pumpID=0x60
    • button_01_pumpIndex=2

    Details :-

    • button_01_label= This is what you should already have.
    • button_01_pumpID= This is the RS485 ID of the pump.
      • Pentair pumps use ID's of (0x60 to 0x6F 0x60, 0x61 0x61, 0x62, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6A, 0x6B, 0x6C, 0x6D, 0x6E, 0x6F)
      • Jandy pump use ID's of (0x78, 0x79, 0x7A, 0x7B).
      • The above is what I know so far, serial_logger will tell you what yours is if you don't know. AqualinkD will also make a LOT of decisions based on these ID's, so if yours are not listed please let me know.
    • button_01_pumpIndex= This is the Index your Jandy control panel has the specific pump listed as, these are usually labeled (VSP1, VSP2, VSP3 & VSP4) or (Pump 1, Pump 2, Pump 3 & Pump 4). You'll have to go to your Jandy kaypad to get this information.
      • DO NOT CONFUSE WITH 01 in the button_xx_
  • Set Colored Lights. All colored light modes are set by cycling or pulsing on/off commands to the light. Jandy control panel can do this for most lights depending on version, of you can get AqualinkD do it in cases your panel doesn;t support your specific light or a specific mode you may want. In bost cases AqualinkD can set the specific light mode, all you are configuring is if AqualinkD pulses the on/off or if AqualinkD tells the Control Panle to pulse the on/off. You do this by setting a light mode to a specific button.

    • button_xx_lightMode= (0=Aqualink program, 1=Jandy, 2=Jandy LED, 3=SAm/SAL, 4=Color Logic, 5=Intellibrite)
    • If you use mode 0 please make sure to check/set these value (same as V1.x), details are configuration.
    • light_programming_mode=0
    • light_programming_initial_on=15
    • light_programming_initial_off=12

That's it for the configuration, start and see what happens. Again don't forget to use debug when trying to figure out a problem (and I'm sure there will be some).

Few Notes.

  • AqualinkD will calculate the pump from the above information, if it's a Jandy pump, if it's a Pentair then AqualinkD will need to know if it's a VS or VF pump, since one you set the RPM and the other GMP, at the moment AqualinkD will do this from the pump RS 485 information, so the pump will need to be cycled each time AqualinkD is restarted. (This will change in a future release).
  • You can change the pump RPM/GPM in AqualinkD web interface in a similar manor to Heater setpoints, ie press and hold the mouse over the button until the options come up.
  • There will be some delay in recognizing any RPM/GPM changes, about 30~45 seconds, so please be patient.
  • There will also be MQTT messages and Web API's that can be used to set RPM/GPM documented in the MQTT/API interfaces part of this WiKi. Please note these are alpha as well and subject to change.


Upgrading AqualinkD

If you installed AqualinkD using the above you can upgrade AqualinkD to the latest version with these commands.

cd ~/software/AqualinkD
git pull
sudo ./release/


Notes on Aqualink PDA only (non RS panels)

It is recomended that you upgrade your PDA only chip to a RS & PDA chip in your control panel, here is information to do that: Upgrade PDA to RS
PDA only panels are supported in AqualinkD but there are limitations :-

  • Can switch devices on/off.
  • Can set and read heater setpoints.
  • Can set and read SWG information.
  • Freeze protect setpoints will depend on your panel version.
  • Programming light for different modes is NOT supported; only on/off will work.
  • It is very important to label the devices acurately in the AqualinkD configuration as to how they are actually displayed on the Real PDA. This is the only way AqualinkD can do device mapping.
  • It will be slow to turn a device on or off (~5 seconds) since the panel has to be put in programming mode.
  • While the Jandy control panel can support up to 4 PDA's; it can only support one being awake at any given time. For this reason AqualinkD will go into sleep mode ASAP to let other PDA's work. It will wake every 30 seconds to poll for any device changes, and will wake at any MQTT / WebAPI request, it will action that request and go to sleep again, for these reasons AqualinkD can seem slow to update status. There is a configuration option to turn this sleep mode "off" but it will render a real Jandy PDA inoperable. Leaving the AqualinkD web page open in any browser will stop AqualinkD going to sleep (this is by design).
  • Known issues
    • If you stop and restart AqualinkD too quickly, there is an issue with initilizing and you may lose devices like Heater setpoints. (Just make sure to stop, wait a few seconds before restarting)
    • Putting the control panel into Service mode seems to kill AqualinkD when in PDA mode.

Aqualink Protocols

Quick understanding of Jandy Protocols

Depending on the version, Jandy control panels can accept input commands on 5 known protocols, these are names after the device they support. AllButton, OneTouch, AqualinkTouch, PDA & RS SerialAdapter. Ignoring PDA (explained below) Each one of these protocols has it's good and bad points, only AqualinkTouch support the full range of panel features but it's also the newest and their for only supported on the fewest(or latest) amount of panels. The one protocol that every panel supports is AllButton, it's also the second fastest protocol (unless you need to program something). So the main AqualinkD code is around this protocol so we can support the widest range of panels. But since the AllButton protocol can be slow in some instances, and it doesn't support Variable Speed Pumps or ChemLink, AqualinkD will make use of other protocols (if you enable and configure them correctly). Hence AqualinkD can also use the other 3 protocols at the same time as using AllButton. The fastest and best protocol by a long way is RS SerialAdapter but this also supports the fewest features. So it's always good to enable rssa_device_id in the configuration to make use of this. Setting & Retreiving Pool/Spa Heater setpoints, retreiving status information on RS12/16 panels will now be instant. Enabeling OneTouch or AqualinkTouch is necessary for VSP or Chemlink support, AqualinkTouch can very signtly speed up setting SWG, time & Color Light modes but unless you have a specific need (ie VSP / Chemlink) they don't give you much. (But this may change in the future). AqualinkTouch is much prefered over OneTouch.

PDA Only panels. At some point, Jandy decided to sell a stripped-down panel (functionality-wise) with a PDA looking device to control it. These panels will ONLY support the PDA protocol, where as RS panels will support all protocols. But this protocol is a real headache and very slow. Strangly enough the OneTouch protocol is clearley the next itteration of the PDA protocol, and far more stable. AqualinkD can be set in PDA only mode, and it will do most things, but it is very slow and error prone compared to the other protocols, and very difficult to fully test in any of the hardware I have available. So this is also not the focus protocol of AqualinkD


AqualinkD service configuration

If you have more than one wired keypad or PDA only, then go to the Serial Logging section below to find a good device ID.

First stop the service if it's running.

sudo systemctl stop aqualinkd

Edit the configutation file /etc/aqualinkd.conf so it is appropiate for your setup.

The directory where the web files are stored. You can leave this alone on a default installation.


Log to file and/or syslog, comment out if you do not want to log to seperate file. This is usually only used when debugging a problem.


Pick the highest level, and all levels below will be sent to syslog and/or log_file. Your syslog settings may be set to only display messages above a certian level in which case make sure you use the log_file settings to capture everything


Display any ERROR or Warning messages in web interface.


The socket port that the web daemon listens to
If you change this from 80, remember to update aqualink.service.avahi


The serial port the daemon access to read the Aqualink RS8.


Your RS panel size. ie 4, 6, 8, 12 or 16 relates to RS4, RS6, RS8, RS12 or RS16. VERY important that you select 12 or 16, if you have either of those size panels. Also don't think setting a 12 when you have a 8 will give you 4 more accessories to control, it won't the panel information is needed as different panels use different bits within the RS protocol for status and key presses. serial_logger will get the panel type string if you don't know it, below are examples. Must be in format XX-N ???? (XX=RS or PD, N=Circuits, ????=Combo or Only or Dual)

panel_type = RS-8 Combo
#panel_type = PD-8 Combo
#panel_type = RS-16 Combo
#panel_type = RS-2/14 Dual
#panel_type = RS-4 Combo
#panel_type = RS-8 Only

If serial_logger doesn't give you a type string in the format above, you can use the next options to set the specifics. (Number of supported accessories / buttons)

panel_type_size = (6, 8, 10, 12, 14 or 16)
panel_type_combo = (yes or no) (combo panels support BOTH pool & spa)
panel_type_dual = (yes or no) (dual circuit panel)
panel_type_pda = (yes or no)  (PDA panel. only set this if you have to. Panel ONLY supports the PDA protocol)
panel_type_rs = (yes or no)   (RS panel. Panel Supports all protocols)

The id of the Aqualink terminal device. Working RS ID's are 0x0a 0x0b 0x09 0x08 <- 0x08 is usually taken If your panel is a PDA only model, then PDA device ID is 0x60. Other panels support up to 4 PDA's on ID's 0x61, 0x62, 0x63. But you should never need to use those ID's as PDA mode is NOT recomended to use unless you absolutly have no other option.


The ID for rssa_device_id settings, This is for V2.2.1 and above ONLY. If you do NOT have the Jandy RS serial adapter connected to the RS485 bus then this should be used for quicker heater setpoint changes and/or RS16 panels. There is only one known ID at present.


The ID for extended settings, This is for V2.x and above ONLY.
These are to enable Variable Speed Pump information, Chemlink, (one touch macros) & Extended Progamming.
Do not enable this if you don't need it, you'll just waste memory and cpu cycles.
Valid ID's are 0x40, 0x41, 0x42 & 0x43. for OneTouch.
Valid ID's are 0x30, 0x31, 0x32 & 0x33. for Aqualink Touch.
Serial Logging will tell you ID's that are free. Aqualink Touch is prefered over OneTouch if your panel supports both.


If you have extended_device_id set, then you can also use that ID for programming some features. This means that you can turn things on/off while AqualinkD is programming certian features. At the moment only heater setpoints & swg boost is on the extended device programming

extended_device_id_programming = yes

Keep the panel time synced with systemtime. Make sure to set systemtime / NTP correctly.

keep_paneltime_synced = yes

Enable AqualinkD scheduler. A version of cron that supports cron.d must be installed for the scheduler to work. If you used the install script and didn't receive any cron warnings, you should be good to go.

enable_scheduler = yes

Putting AqualinkD to sleep when in PDA mode after inactivity: If you have a Jandy PDA then this MUST be set to "yes" as the controller can only support one PDA at any given time. If you don't have a Jandy PDA leave this at "no" and AqualinkD will be a lot quicker. AqualinkD will sleep as it has nothing to do and will wake every 30 seconds to update status. Having Web UI open will force AqualinkD not to sleep.

pda_sleep_mode = yes

Leave this at "No" or commented out. Please see forum for more information, only set to yes when logging information to support new devices. Information will be written to /tmp/RS485.log

debug_RSProtocol_packets = no

Read status information directly from devices on the RS485 bus. AqualinkD will pick up all information from the control panel, but in many cases there is more information available that's not displayed. Use this to enable picking up information from the device directly.
Also note that the panel activly hides information from you. During time when the panel is changing VSP RPM (or the panel looses connection with the pump, which does happen a lot), the panel will actually tell the SWG to go to 0% but will still display a valid % on the jandy keypad. So if you notice this it is perfectly normal and NOT a bug. If you don't like seeing the exact details of the device then don't uncomment the lines below.
swg = Salt Water Generator
ePump = Jandy ePump or ePump AC
vsfPump = Pentair VS,VF,VSF pump

read_RS485_swg = yes
read_RS485_ePump = yes 
read_RS485_vsfPump = yes

If you have a SWG, set this to "yes". AqualinkD can only detect a SWG if it's actually generating due to the way the protocol works, so after a restart you will not be able to see/access a SWG until the the next time the pump cycles. This will force AqualinkD to setup a SWG on startup.

force_SWG = yes

If equiptment is in freeze protect mode some commands like pump_off/spa_on are ignored. You can force these to work by setting the below.

override_freeze_protect = no

Convert Deg F to Deg C when posting to Domoticz or MQTT. Most automation hobs will only accept temperatures in Deg C, and most Jandy control panels are set for Deg F. So setting these will convert the temperatures for you. Web interface and Web API's will not do any conversion.

convert_mqtt_temp_to_c = yes
convert_dz_temp_to_c = yes

Default is to use pool water temperature as spa water temperature when spa is off (and therefor not able to report water temperature). Enable below to report 0 as the spa temp when spa is off. This is for MQTT cnnections, WEB socket and WEB API always report TEMP_UNKNOWN (-999) allowing the consumer to decide how to report.

report_zero_spa_temp = no

Default is to not report changes to pool temp when the filter pump is off or in spa mode. Enable below to report 0 as the pool temp when the filter pump is off or when in spa mode. This is for MQTT cnnections only, WEB socket and WEB API always report TEMP_UNKNOWN (-999) allowing the consumer to decide how to report.

report_zero_pool_temp = no

MQTT Server connection information If you don't use MQTT, comment all this out, if you use MQTT but not Domoticz MQTT then comment out the two dz topics.

mqtt_address = localhost:1883
mqtt_user = someusername    
mqtt_passwd = somepassword
#mqtt_dz_pub_topic = domoticz/in
#mqtt_dz_sub_topic = domoticz/out
mqtt_aq_topic = aqualinkd

If you have colored lights, then can be programmed by control panel or AqualinkD (if control panel version doesn't support specific light or light mode you want then use AqualinkD to program it, if it does then use the control panel). AqualinkD will be able to set the light mode/color in eitehr configuration


All lights work with an on/off pulse to set the mode and advance to the next mode, but the timings of these pulses are different between manufactures. Below are the settings AqualinkD can control, please read your light manufacturer manual and enter the appropiate values. Note, The light color names / shows are configured in the web interface. /var/www/aqualinkd/config.js -or- <aqualinkd git directory>/web/config.js

If you want AqualinkD to control your color light, then the below are important. If you want the control panel to control the light then these can be ignored. Light programming mode. 0=safe mode. Any number greater than 0 is the seconds to wait between button presses. 0.4 seems to be the minimum, (worked for light modes below 10 presses). 0.6 seems to work about 95% of the time, but modes above 20 presses can be hit or miss. 0 will simply wait for the controler to send the response back before sending the next request. This is equivelent to about 1.2 seconds.


Light programming assumes that the light needs to be on before sending the first off/on pulse (above setting). If the light is off when a request is made to change "light show", then the below value is used to turn it on for x seconds before it starts programming.


Turn the light off for the below time before start programming pulses.


Everything in this section is for Domoticz ID's. So if it ends with dzidx and you don't use Domoticz, then simply comment it out and move on. Domoticz ID's for sensors, get the ID from your Domoticz Virtual Sensor (described in Domoticz section), and place it here.


Try to read labels from Control Panel. (not supported in PDA mode).


These are all the button labels / options / pump and light configurations you want to use.
Simply change these to your setup, valid options for wach button are :-
None of these are mandatory unless you have PDA or RS16 panel, then _label is mandatory

  • RS16 note The RS protocol doesn't support a binary button state for buttons 14 to 17 (AuxB5 to AuxB8), so the only way AqualinkD can get the state is to read text on the labels, so Button_14_label, Button_15_label, Button_16_label & Button_17_label MUST be set and to the identical value the control panel has those labels.
button_??_label=Filter Pump  <Label you want to see>  
button_??_dzidx=37           <Domoticz IDX>  
button_??_pumpID=0x60        <RS485 ID of VSP>  
button_??_pumpIndex=1        <Pump index Jandy panel is configured to use>  
button_??_lightMode=4        <Color light mode>  

If using PDA mode, The Labels below are of the utmost importance, the labels MUST match the labels in the "EQUIPTMENT ON/OFF" menu of the PDA device.
RS 16 Panels have no protocol bit representation for AUXB5 to AUXB8, only text, so as with PDA Those labels MUST match the control panel.

Below is an example of how different Panels map into the buttons.

#             |  RS-6 Combo  |  RS-6 Only   | RS-8 Combo   | RS-2/6 Dual  | RS-2/10 Dual |  RS-16 Combo |
#             --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Button_01   | Filter Pump  | Filter Pump  | Filter Pump  | Filter Pump  | Filter Pump  | Filter Pump  |
# Button_02   | Spa          | Aux_1        | Spa          | Spa          | Spa          | Spa          |
# Button_03   | Aux 1        | Aux 2        | Aux 1        | Aux 1        | Aux 1        | Aux 1        |
# Button_04   | Aux 2        | Aux 3        | Aux 2        | Aux 2        | Aux 2        | Aux 2        |
# Button_05   | Aux 3        | Aux 4        | Aux 3        | Aux 3        | Aux 3        | Aux 3        |
# Button_06   | Aux 4        | Aux 5        | Aux 4        | Aux 4        | Aux 4        | Aux 4        |
# Button_07   | Aux 5        | Temp 1       | Aux 5        | Aux 5        | Aux 5        | Aux 5        |
# Button_08   | Pool Heater  | Temp 2       | Aux 6        | Aux 6        | Aux 6        | Aux 6        |
# Button_09   | Spa Heater   | Solar Heater | Aux 7        | Pool Heater  | Aux B1       | Aux 7        |
# Button_10   | Solar Heater |              | Pool Heater  | Spa Heater   | Aux B2       | Aux B1       |
# Button_11   |              |              | Spa Heater   | Solar Heater | Aux B3       | Aux B2       |
# Button_12   |              |              | Solar Heater |              | Aux B4       | Aux B3       |
# Button_13   |              |              |              |              | Pool Heater  | Aux B4       |
# Button_14   |              |              |              |              | Spa Heater   | Aux B5       |
# Button_15   |              |              |              |              | Solar Heater | Aux B6       |
# Button_16   |              |              |              |              |              | Aux B7       |
# Button_17   |              |              |              |              |              | Aux B8       |
# Button_18   |              |              |              |              |              | Pool Heater  |
# Button_19   |              |              |              |              |              | Spa Heater   |
# Button_20   |              |              |              |              |              | Solar Heater |

Optional, ( button_01_pumpID & button_01_pumpIndex ).
If you have a Variable Speed Pump, then assign the RS485 ID to the button below so RPM/GPH/WATTS are displayed.
Format is button_01_pumpID=0x60

  • Pentair pump ID's
    • 0x60 to 0x6F (0x60, 0x61 0x62, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6A, 0x6B, 0x6C, 0x6D, 0x6E, 0x6F)
  • Jandy pump ID's
    • 0x78, 0x79, 0x7A, 0x7B

button_01_pumpIndex=1 If you have assigned this pump an index number in your Aqualink control panel, (Between 1 & 4), put it here or VSP, RPM, Primp information to be captured.

Set Colored Lights. All colored light modes are set by cycling or pulsing on/off commands to the light. Jandy control panel can do this for most lights depending on version, or you can get AqualinkD do it in cases your panel doesn't support your specific light or a specific mode you may want. In both cases AqualinkD can set the specific light mode, but you must configure if AqualinkD pulses the on/off or if AqualinkD tells the Control Panle to pulse the on/off. You do this by setting a light mode to a specific button. Light mode 0 is AqualinkD programs the color, anything else is let the control panel set the color.

  • You can not mix n match, if your control panel is configured for a color light on a button then you MUST let AqualinkD know that by setting a light mode other than 0, and aqualinkd will not program the light color.
  • button_xx_lightMode= (0=Aqualink program, 1=Jandy, 2=Jandy LED, 3=SAm/SAL, 4=Color Logic, 5=Intellibrite)
  • If you use mode 0 please make sure to check/set these value (same as V1.x), details are configuration.
  • If you use mode 1-6 your control panel HAS to be configured for that same light type (below)

Below is the table of lights & modes that Jandy control panel can configure.

   | 1=Jandy        | 2=Jandy LED    | 3=SAm/SAL      | 4=Color Logic  | 5=Intellibrite | 6=Dimmer       |
 1 | Alpine White   | Alpine White   | White          | Voodoo Lounge  | SAm            | 25%            |
 2 | Sky Blue       | Sky Blue       | Light Green    | Blue Sea       | Party          | 50%            |
 3 | Cobalt Blue    | Cobalt Blue    | Green          | Royal Blue     | Romance        | 75%            |
 4 | Caribbean Blue | Caribbean Blue | Cyan           | Afternoon Skies| Caribbean      | 100%           |
 5 | Spring Green   | Spring Green   | Blue           | Emerald        | American       |                |
 6 | Emerald Green  | Emerald Green  | Lavender       | Sangria        | Cal Sunset     |                |
 7 | Emerald Rose   | Emerald Rose   | Magenta        | Cloud White    | Royal          |                |
 8 | Magenta        | Magenta        |                | Twilight       | Blue           |                |
 9 | Violet         | Violet         |                | Tranquility    | Green          |                |
10 | Color Splash   | Slow Splash    |                | Gemstone       | Red            |                |
11 |                | Fast Splash    |                | USA            | White          |                |
12 |                | USA - Show     |                | Mardi Gras     | Magenta        |                |
13 |                | Fat Tuesday    |                | Cool Cabaret   |                |                |
14 |                | Disco Tech     |                |                |                |                | 

Labels for standard butons RS-8 Combo panel used as example.

button_01_label=Filter Pump

button_02_label=Spa Mode



button_05_label=Spa Blower

button_06_label=Pool Light

button_07_label=Spa Light



button_10_label=Pool Heater

button_11_label=Spa Heater

button_12_label=Solar Heater

These are all the button labels you want to use for the web interface and Domoticz virtual sensors. If you have an RS8 Allbutton keypan, most of this is a direct representation of the buttons on that keypad.

Simply change these to your setup, comment out ones that end in _dzidx if you don't use Domoticz.
If using PDA mode, PDA Labels below are of the utmost importance, the PDA labels MUST match the labels in the "EQUIPMENT ON/OFF" menu of the PDA device.

  • button_xx_label is Mandatory in all configurations
  • button_xx_PDA_label is Mandatory for PDA only, ignore otherwise.
  • button_xx_pumpID is Optional, only for VSP information (details below)
  • button_xx_pumpIndex is Optional, only for VSP, MUST be the pump number Jandy control panel has it assigned to (1 to 4)
  • button_xx_lightMode is Optional, only for colored lights (details below)
  • button_xx_dzidx is Optional, the domoiticz virtual device ID.

button_xx_pumpID, If you have a Variable Speed Pump, then assign the RS485 ID to the button below so RPM/GPH/WATTS are displayed.
Format is button_01_pumpID=0x60. Leave blank/comment out if you don't have a VSP.
If you don't know your VSP ID, you can use Serial Logging to find it.

  • Pentair pump ID's are 0x60 to 0x6F so (0x60, 0x61 0x61, 0x62, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6A, 0x6B, 0x6C, 0x6D, 0x6E, 0x6F)
  • Jandy pump ID's are 0x78, 0x79, 0x7A, 0x7B

button_xx_lightMode, Set the colored light type. If you use 0 (AqualinkD to program) then the control panel MUST be configured for basic light, otherwise if you have colored light, set the type here.

  • 0=Aqualink program, 1=Jandy Color, 2=Jandy LED, 3=SAm/SAL, 4=Color Logic, 5=Intellibrite, 6=Jandy Dimmer


button_01_label=Filter Pump
button_01_PDA_label=FILTER PUMP

button_02_label=Spa Mode



button_05_label=Spa Blower

button_06_label=Pool Lights




button_10_label=Pool Heater
button_10_PDA_label=POOL HEAT

button_11_label=Spa Heater
button_11_PDA_label=SPA HEAT

button_12_label=Solar Heater
button_12_PDA_label=EXTRA AUX

# There are plenty more buttons to configure on RS12 & RS16 panels.

Once configured, start AqualinkD

sudo systemctl start AqualinkD

Serial Logger

AqualinkD serial logging configuration

The default Device ID of 0x0a will usually be fine for most setups as it's the second all button keypad address, but if you have 2 all button keypads, or something else using this address, you'll need to fine a better address. If two devices share the same address on the RS485 buss, you will have a lot of issues.

Included is a serial loging tool that can let you know all information on the RS485 buss, you can also use this to find a good address.

If you had to make AqualinkD then you will also have to make the serial logging tool.

cd ~/software/AqualinkD
make slog

If you didn't have to make AqualinkD or have already made serial logger, then simply make sure AqualinkD is not running and run the serual logging tool.
Make sure all devices are on before running serial_loger
Some RS485 devices sleep (like PDA & iAqualink), and others don't respond unless they are on and activly doing something (Like SWG & VSP). So make sure all Pumps are on, and all keypads are awake before running serial_logger, that way you'll get an accurate disply of what's on the RS485 bus.

sudo systemctl stop AqualinkD
cd ~/software/AqualinkD
sudo ./release/serial_logger /dev/ttyUSB0
--- example output ---
Notice:  RS Serial: Jandy Control Panel Model   : RS-8 Combo
Notice:  RS Serial: Jandy Control Panel Version : REV T.0.1
Notice: Jandy ID's found
Notice: ID 0x50 is in use  <-- Salt Water Generator (Aquarite mode)
Notice: ID 0x08 is in use  <-- RS Keypad
Notice: ID 0x31 is in use  <-- Aqualink (iAqualink / Touch)
Notice: ID 0x09 is not used  <-- can use for Aqualinkd
Notice: ID 0x0a is not used  <-- can use for Aqualinkd
Notice: ID 0x0b is not used  <-- can use for Aqualinkd
Notice: ID 0x60 is not used  <-- can use for Aqualinkd (PDA mode only)
Notice: ID 0x40 is not used  <-- can use for Aqualinkd (Extended Device ID)
Notice: ID 0x41 is not used  <-- can use for Aqualinkd (Extended Device ID)
Notice: ID 0x42 is not used  <-- can use for Aqualinkd (Extended Device ID)
Notice: ID 0x43 is not used  <-- can use for Aqualinkd (Extended Device ID)
Notice: ID 0x32 is not used  <-- can use for Aqualinkd (Prefered Extended Device ID)
Notice: ID 0x33 is not used  <-- can use for Aqualinkd (Prefered Extended Device ID)

Notice: Pentair ID's found
Notice: ID 0x10 is in use  <-- Pentair Master (Probably Jandy RS Control Panel)
Notice: ID 0x60 is in use  <-- Pentair VSP
Notice: ID 0x20 is in use  <-- Remote wired controller

Any address listed with Aqualinkd can be used. This is the device_id address in the config file.
Any address listed with Extended Device ID can be used. This is the extended_device_id address in the config file.
Make note of the Jandy Control Panel Model, you will need that for aqualinkd configuration.

Note, if you have a lot of devices on your RS485 buss then you will need to increase the number of packets to log to find a good ID. -p 2000 is usually enough for busy RS485 buss's.

Command line options for serial_ligger are :-

-d        (print out every packet)
-p 1000   (log 1000 packets, default is 200, 0 will run indefinatly until you press CRTL-C)
-i 0x08   (just log information to and from 0x08, you can pass multiple -i XxXX to log multiple ID's)

Web Config

AqualinkD WEB UI configuration

  • use http://aqualink.ip.address/ or http://aqualink.ip.address/simple.html to access web UI

  • Both interfaces, edit <install_dir>/web/config.js there are two arrays that can be modified

    • devices List any device you want to see in there (commanent out the ones you don't), the odrer of that list will be the display order of devices.
      • Note :- By default Solar_Heater and SWG/Percent and are disabeled.
    • light_program If you have a programable light (and it's configured in aqualinkd.conf as a light for AqualinkD to program and not the control panel), then list the light modes here.
  • Default interface (not simple.html) has more configuration options

    • In <install_dir>/web/config.js
      • var background_url='hk/background.jpg'; Change that any valid picture or URL. ie for a camera.
      • var background_reload = 10; Change to reload the image ever x seconds, use 0 for static image.
      • turn_on_sensortiles=true Tiles that have no state like "Temperature" are shown as off, this wil show them as on.
      • show_vsp_gpm=false Variable Speed Pumps will display the "settable" value, ie RPM or GPM depending on model, you can force all to show RPM with this option.
      • var link_spa_and_spa_heater = true This will turn on/off the Spa Heater as you turn on/off Spa Mode
      • There are plenty of colors to change if you like.
      • look in <install_dir>/web/hk hopefully customizing icon are self explanatory.
      • icons should be around 50x50 pixles and in PNG format.


AqualinkD schedules (from version 2.3.0)

  • This does not overide, modify or change any schedules you have programed at the Jandy panel, so it's best to clear all panel schedules.
  • To enable AqualnkD scheduler, make sure enable_scheduler = yes is in aqualinkd.conf
  • The Scheduler is shown be selecting the time in the top left of the WebUI.
  • AqualinkD scheduler depends on cron.d, so a version of cron that supports cron.d must be installed AND enabeled. Look in file /etc/defaults/cron for a line like below
# Extra options for cron, see cron(8)
# For example, to enable LSB name support in /etc/cron.d/, use

Aqualinkd will write the schedule to /etc/cron.d/aqualinkd

  • If you are using read only root file system it will issue a command similar to mount / -o remount,rw before writing and mount / -o remount,ro after writing.
  • If you are using read only root with something like overlayfs, then AqualinkD will just save the file and expect overloayfs to do the appropiate update to the root filesystem.

cron is an extremely powerful scheduler, that supports a full calendar year and there for you can schedule pool equiptment for seasons. But as such can be a little difficult to understand at first, AqualinkD does provide some help on the options available for each entry in the WebUI and will also show a human readable version or each schedule by clicking on any of the entry cells. Below is an example

Their are also plenty of resources online that explain cron scheduling.


There are two ways to achieve Apple Homekit ingetration, each have their pros and cons. Both depend on HAP-NodeJS as the base. Homebridge extends HAP-NodeJS to a generic plugin environment, then there is a AqualinkD plugin for this environment. Homekit2MQTT extends HAP-NodeJS to a MQTT only environment, then you simply configure all the devices you want to the AqualinkD MQTT topics.

Both use MQTT, so both as as up to date / accurate / no polling, (I may add support for non MQTT / HTTP only in the homebridge-aqualinkd plugin in the future) Homebridge has a bigger footprint, but if you want to add a lot of other devices from your network to Apple Homekit this would be the choice.

Note:- HAP-NodeJS and anything based on it like Homebridge or Homekit2MQTT requires an area to write to that must be persistant over a reboot (so no ramdisk). So RO root filesystem does not suit this well, you can use a USB stick for this, but I'll leave that up to you as to what you want to use and how to configure.

The two options are below, PICK ONE NOT BOTH.


There are 2 things to install before HomeBridge-AqualinkD, (a MQTT broker and Homebridge) if you already have them, skip the appropiate sections.

Install MQTT (mosquitto)

If you don't already have an MQTT broker Installed, install one. Mosquitto is recomended, this can usually be installed with apt-get

sudo apt-get install mosquitto

Make sure to configure and make sure it starts on boot.

Install HomeBridge

Follow the instructions in this URL :-
Or follow the below instructions. Update your package cache to the latest

sudo apt-get update

Install Node.
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Install Homebridge (if you are using re-root you'll probably have to increase /tmp memdisk)

sudo npm install -g homebridge or 
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge

Install HomeBridge-AqualinkD

If you already have homebridge, then simply install aqualinkd-npm and add AqualinkD to the platform part of the config. Existing Install

sudo npm install -g homebridge-aqualinkd

Configure Homebridge and AqualinkD This can be done in many ways, this is how I do it, your install can ovbiously vary, just make sure the config.json has the aqualinkd parts.

sudo adduser --home /home/homebridge --disabled-login --gecos "" homebridge
sudo -i -u homebridge
cd /home/homebridge

Now, create a file config.json WITH THE BELOW CONTENT. (many ways to do this) Please delete the comments and change parameters.

  "bridge": {
         "name": "AqualinkD",
         "username": "CC:21:3E:E4:DE:33", // <<-- Randomize this...
         "port": 51826,
         "pin": "031-45-154" // <<-- Change pin

  "platforms": [{
         "platform": "aqualinkd",
         "name": "aqualinkd",
         "server": "", // <<-- servername/ip running aqualinkd
         "port": "80",
         "mqtt": {
               "host": "",  // <<-- servername/ip running MQTT
               "port": 1883,
               "topic": "aqualinkd"
         "excludedDevices": []

Test it's working

sudo -i -u homebridge
homebridge -U /home/homebridge

Go to your IOS device and add the AqualinkD bridge, all your pool controls should now show up.

Homebridge does not come with any startup scripts, if you installed in the above manor, you can use the startup scripts in the extras directory of the main AqualinkD distribution, these will start Homebridge when the computer boots. Below commands

AKE SURE YOU are YOU and not homebridge user then go to AqualinkD extras directory

cd ~/software/AqualinkD/extras
sudo cp homebridge.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo cp homebridge.defaults /etc/default/homebridge
sudo chmod 622 /etc/systemd/system/homebridge.service
sudo systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/homebridge.service
sudo systemctl start homebridge

Please note that AqualinkD can take upto 1 minute to find all devices connected to your Pool RS485 interface, and HomeBridge-AqualinkD requests these devices on startup. So it's never good to start both services at the exact same time as some devices will be missing or incorrectly configured (Like a Heater being a switch rather than a Thermostat). So best practice is to start AqualinkD at least 1 minute before starting HomeBridge-AqualinkD. HomeBridge-AqualinkD does poll AqualinkD for new devices every 10 minutes, so eventually they will all be there.


For the moment, native Homekit support has been removed, it will be added back in the future under a different implimentation. Recomended option for HomeKit support is to make use of the MQTT interface and use HomeKit2MQTT to bridge between Aqualinkd and you Apple (phone/tablet/tv & hub).

  • If you don't already have an MQTT broker Installed, install one. Mosquitto is recomended, this can usually be installed with apt-get

  • Install HomeKit2MQTT. (see webpage for install)

  • Then copy the homekit2mqtt.json configuration file found in the extras directory to your homekit2mqtt storage directory.

  • If you want to run homekit2mqtt as a daemon service, there are files in the extras directory to help you do this.

    • copy [homekit2mqtt.service] to /etc/systemd/system/homekit2mqtt.service
    • copy [homekit2mqtt.defaults] to /etc/defaults/homekit2mqtt
    • create directory /var/lib/homekitmqtt
    • copy homekit2mqtt.json to /var/lib/homekitmqtt
    • edit /etc/defaults/homekit2mqtt to change and homekit2mqtt config parameters.
    • install and start service
      • sudo systemctl enable homekit2mqtt
      • sudo systemctl daemon-reload
      • sudo systemctl start homekit2mqtt

You can of course use a myriad of other HomeKit bridges with the URL endpoints listed in the All other hubs section, or MQTT topics listed in the MQTT section. The majority of them (including HomeBridge the most popular) use Node and HAP-Node.JS, neither of which I am a fan of for the RaspberryPI. But HomeKit2MQTT seemed to have the least overhead of them all. So that's why the recomendation.



  • Enable MQTT in Domoticz, and install a MQTT broker.
  • Create a virtual device for each piece of pool equiptment you have, eg Filter Pump, Spa Mode, Pool Light, Cleaner.
  • Place the Domoticz IDX for each device in the aqualinkd.conf file under the appropiate button. Then modify each virtual device.

Without MQTT

  • Follow generic hub setup.


Copy the sections from HASSIO Implimentation.txt into your config.yaml


If you want to log/track air & water temps within MeteoHub, simple configure it to poll the below URL and water & air tempratures will be sent in a format native to MeteoHub.


t0 will be air temp and t1 water temp.

To use. copy the script from the extras directory to your meteohub box, edit the script and use your IP address in the line that makes the URL call, below.

wget -O /dev/stdout '' 2>/dev/null

In meteohub create a new weatherstation plug-in, plug-in path is the path to the above sctipt, and his save. 2 new sensors should now show up as thermo in the sensor page.


AqualinkD offers 3 ways to connect to it from other devices MQTT, Web API's & Web Sockets.

  • MQTT is a realtime pub/sub style event system and will require you to install a MQTT server, like Mosquitto
  • WEB API's simple poll based way to get information and request something to be done
  • WEB Sockets is realtime and realy only applicable for the WEB UI's included. it's not documented. If someone wants to use this, let me know and I can document it. (or look at the index.html and it should be easy to work out)

All Hubs will use either MQTT or WEB API to counicate with AqualinkD. MQTT is prefered, but it will depend on your setup and how you want to achieve the integration. The MQTT and WEB API defails are detailed in below sections.
All Hubs you will Create a device for each piece of pool equiptment you have, eg Filter Pump, Spa Mode, Pool Light, Cleaner, Water Temperature etc t,brhen configure that device to use either the MQTT or API endpoints listed below to both get the status and set the status for that device.
How you do this will obviously depend on your hub. If your install is not listed in one of the specific sections, once you have configured it, PLEASE post the info in issues section of this site, and I will add it to this page to help others.

Note on 1/2 cloud based Hubs like SmartThings.

You only need to do the configuration in the cloud, since the Smartthings hub itself (Box that you have on your lan) can talk directly to AqualinkD.
Two links that may help

Amazon Alexa notes

Alexa is a cloud only hub, (please read section below for limitations)

There is a homebridge2alexa project that looks like the best bet (although not tested). So, read the below link, if it's something you want to try, follow the install instructions for Homebridge-AqualinkD above, once running, install this plugin in the same homebridge enfironment.

Other Alexa options. Alexa does support direct connection (ie not going through the internet) for the Philips Hue devices. There are lots of projects that simulate Hue devices and allow you to comunicate to your own API's. I have not tried any of them, but the one listed below look like it would be the simpliest to configure (but comes at a cost, see last comment in this section).

You should simply be able to put the AqualinkD API endpoints in the ha-bridge configutation, like this

    "name": "pool pump",
    "deviceType": "switch",
    "offUrl": "http://aqualinkd.ip.address:port?command=Filter_Pump&value=off",
    "onUrl": "http://aqualinkd.ip.address:port?command=Filter_Pump&value=on"

Hue devices are limited to on / off and set a %, that should be all that's need for AqualinkD.

The above is java based and depends on some very heavy resources like ElasticSearch, it doesn't seem like the best option for a SBC deployment like a RaspberyPI. The below project has the same functionality and it a lot lighter weight, but looks harder to configure.

There are also lots of Node Red projects that will do this as well, if you like tinkering that may be a good option as well. Below is an example.

Another interesting option for Alexa is below, it's designed to link Alexa to Homebridge, since AqualinkD can use Homebridge for it's Apple integration, this may be worth investigating further. If there is any interest I could develop a HomeBridge plugin rather than using HomeKit2MQTT that would connect all this together. Please post in the issues if this is desired.

Note on cloud only based hubs like Alexa, Google.

You will need to way for the cloud server to comunicate directly with AqualinkD, Hubs like Alexa have no real way to comunicate directly to your a device on your LAN other than through the cloud. There are lots of ways to do that, all with their own pro's and cons.


API v2.0

The API has changed segnificantly in V2, V1 is still supported for the moment, but will be removed in the future so plase upgrade to V2.
The V2 API is designed to be identical to the MQTT topics, so if some option you may want is missing from this documentation, please check the MQTT documentation.

Retreiving status.

Getting status for AqualinkD can be done with either of the following http GET methods.

http://aqualinkd.ip:port/api/devices     <- Detailed information of each device
http://aqualinkd.ip:port/api/status      <- Overview of status of each device.
http://pool.feakes.lan/api/schedules     <- List of schedules

Both return JSON, the both return the overall status of aqualinkd, but /devices will return a lot more information specific to each device. Example command.

curl http://localhost/api/devices

Changing status.

To set a device, you call the device URI with the value you want to change, in either form-post or json format.

Example PUT to turn on the filter pump.
curl -X PUT -d value=1  "localhost/api/Filter_Pump/set"
curl -X PUT -d '{"value":"1"}'  "localhost/api/Filter_Pump/set"

Many devices have other options can be set, you address these in the URI for example, to set the filter pump RPM, you use the below

Example PUT to set the filter pump RPM.
curl -X PUT -d value=2895  "localhost/api/Filter_Pump/RPM/set"
curl -X PUT -d '{"value":"2895"}'  "localhost/api/Filter_Pump/RPM/set"

Below is a list of the URI's that can be used.

On Off commands. (value 1=on, 0=off)
/api/Aux_?/set                (<?=1 to 7>)
/api/Aux_B?/set               (<?=1 to 8> RS12 & RS16 panels only)
/api/Pool%20Light/set         (You can also use your Labels, %20 is space in a URI)

Setpoint commands (value = 0 to 105)

With rssa_device_id set, you can increase / decrease heater setpoints from their current value
/api/Pool_Heater/setpoint/increment   (number ie 1 or -1)
/api/Spa_Heater/setpoint/increment   (number ie 1 or -1)

Pump RPM/GPM commands. (value RPM or GMP to set)

Or you can address the pumps through their #
/api/Pump_?/GPM/set    (? = 1 to 4)
/api/Pump_?/RPM/set    (? = 1 to 4)

Set color light mode. As with on/off you can use Aux_3 or Label
/api/Pool%20Light/color/set   (value will be 1 to 16 - or 0 for current mode)
/api/Pool%20Light/program/set (alias for above)

Timers can be set on anything with on/off
/api/Filter_Pump/timer/set    (value in minutes, will turn device on wait x min turn device off)

You can also open a websocket and receive realtime status updates. The status json will be posted to this socked every time it changes. You can also post json commands over the websocket, but this is NOT recomended. This is reserved for the webUI and as such does change between releases. If you do want realtime updates, MQTT is the prefered method.

curl -i -N -H "Connection: Upgrade" -H "Upgrade: websocket" -H "Host: localhost" -H "Sec-WebSocket-Key: SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==" -H "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13" http://aqualinkd.ip:port



Aqualinkd supports generic MQTT implementations, as well as specific Domoticz one described above. To enable, simply configure the main topic in aqualinkd.conf.

mqtt_aq_topic = aqualinkd

Then status messages will be posted to the sub-topics listed below, with appropriate information. Each button uses the standard Aqualink RS controller name, so Aux_1 might be your pool light. Note, all Temperatures will be in C, if you have your pool controller configured to F aqualinkd will automatically do the conversion.

Device state information. Devices <Buttons> will be a 1 or 0 for state. 1=on 0=off
aqualinkd/Aux_?                     (<?=1 to 7>)
aqualinkd/Aux_B?                    (<?=1 to 8> RS12 & RS16 panels only)
aqualinkd/Aux_?/delay               (<?=1 to 7>) (0 off, 1 on. If a device has been turned on, but a delayed start is active. Same as flashing LED on keypad)
aqualinkd/Aux_?/timer               (0 off, 1 on. Timer is active)
aqualinkd/Aux_?/timer/duration      (Duration left on timer, in minutes)
aqualinkd/Freeze_Protect            (0 off, 1 on. Freeze protect is activly turning on equiptment)
aqualinkd/Freexe_Protect/enabeled   (0 off, 1 on.)
aqualinkd/Pool_Heater               (0 off, 1 on. Heater is running, heating water)
aqualinkd/Pool_Heater/enabled       (0 off, 1 on. Enabeled means on but not necessarily heating ie, water has reached target temp)
aqualinkd/Spa_Heater                (0 off, 1 on. Heater is running, heating water)
aqualinkd/Spa_Heater/enabled        (0 off, 1 on. enabeled means on not necessarily heating ie, water has reached target temp) 
aqualinkd/SWG                       (0 off, 2 on and generating salt.) 
aqualinkd/SWG/enabled               (0 off, 2 on but might not generating salt - SWG reported no-flow or equiv.)

Temperatures simply be a number posted to the topic. (float or int)

aqualinkd/display_message           (Any text message to display, either from panel or aqualinkd)

Other Information that's available depending on equiptment
aqualinkd/SWG/Percent               ( SWG Generating %, i.e. 50)
aqualinkd/SWG/PPM                   ( SWG Parts Per Million i.e. 3100)
aqualinkd/SWG/Percent_f             (since we use a homekit thermostat for SWG and use degC as %, we need to pass degF for US phone)
aqualinkd/SWG/fullstatus            (0 on, 1 no flow, 2 low salt, 4 high salt, 8 clean cell, 9 turning off, 16 high current, 32 low volts, 64 low temp, 128 check PCB, 255 off)
aqualinkd/CHEM/pH                   (pH reading if Chemlink installed)
aqualinkd/CHEM/pH_f                 (since we use a homekit temperature for pH and use degC as pH, we need to pass degF for US phone)
aqualinkd/CHEM/ORP                  (ORP reading if Chemlink installed)
aqualinkd/CHEM/ORP_f                (since we use a homekit temperature for pH and use degC as ORP, we need to pass degF for US phone)
aqualinkd/Battery                   (0 Low, 1 Ok. State of the 9v battery in the RS control panel.)
aqualinkd/Service_Mode              (0 off, 1 on, 2 timeout mode)
aqualinkd/Alive                     (Last Will Message, 0 = aqualinkd offline, 1 = aqualinkd alive)

aqualinkd/Filter_Pump/RPM           (VSP RPM Information if available)
aqualinkd/Filter_Pump/Watts         (VSP Watt Information if available)
aqualinkd/Filter_Pump/GPM           (VSP GPM Information if available)
aqualinkd/Aux_?/RPM                 (<?=1 to 7>. If Aux_? is assigned to a VSP pumpID and information is available)
aqualinkd/Aux_?/Watts               (<?=1 to 7>. If Aux_? is assigned to a VSP pumpID and information is available)
aqualinkd/Aux_?/GPM                 (<?=1 to 7>. If Aux_? is assigned to a VSP pumpID and information is available)

To turn something on, or set information, simply add set to the end of the above topics, and post 1 or 0 in the message for a button, or a number for a setpoint. Topics Aqualinkd will act on. (Freeze_Protect does not support changing state, you can only change the setpoint)

....Aux 2-6.../set
aqualinkd/SWG/Percent_f/set          ( Set % as a degF to degC conversion for Homekit)

# Change Pump RPM/GPM. RPM or GPM will be dependant on pump config.
aqualinkd/Pump_?/GPM/set      (? = 1 to 4)
aqualinkd/Pump_?/RPM/set      (? = 1 to 4)
aqualinkd/Filter_Pump/RPM/set (can also address pump through label and not #)

# Set color light mode. 
aqualinkd/Aux_1/color/set    (value will be 1 to 16 - or 0 for current mode)

# Timers can be set on anything with on/off
aqualinkd/Filter_Pump/timer/set    (value in minutes, will turn device on, wait x min, turn device off)

# With rssa_device_id set, you can increase / decrease heater setpoints from their current value
qualinkd/Pool_Heater/setpoint/increment   (number ie 1 or -1)
aqualinkd/Spa_Heater/setpoint/increment   (number ie 1 or -1)

Example that would turn on the filter pump

aqualinkd/Filter_Pump/set 1

Since AqualinkD supports chemical feeders but many use their own, you can set the pH and ORP values from external sources (rather than RS485), this way you'll get the values in the AqualinkD web UI / Homekit / etc. You set these in the exact same way as the above, either MQTT or HTTP, and you just use the set option

Using curl to do http put
curl -X PUT -d '{"value":"7.5"}'  "localhost/api/CHEM/pH/set"

Using mosquitto_pub to post MQTT message
mosquitto_pub -t aqualinkd/CHEM/pH/set -m 7.2

Common Problems

Common Problems

  • Checksum

    By far the most common problem is checksum errors, and these are usually due to wiring quality.

    If you are having issues of AqualinkD not being responsive to commands or not retrieving correct information from control panel, it is usually due to the quality of data that can be retrieved off the RS485 bus.

    Look in the logs, if you see lots of checksum errors this is what's causing it. Checksum errors are caused by one of two things, a conflicting device on the RS485 bus or bad wiring. Use the serial_logger to find out which. If the serial_logger does not show checksum errors, then it's usually a conflicting device that causing the errors, if you see checksum errors in the serial_loger then it's usually a wiring issue. Replacing the USB2RS485 adapter would be the other problem. Go to the AqualinkD serial logging section of this Wiki for more information.

  • Salt Water Generator bouncing to 0% and back.

    This can happen for multiple reasons. The most common is wiring, the second most common is a VSP pump loosing connection (again sometimes wiring). This has only been reported with Pentair VSP (not Jandy VSP), if the control panel looses connection from the pump it will set the SWG to 0%, then back to it's previous % once the connection is back. I assume it does this to be safe since doesn't know the pump state. The control panel will activly hide this bounce to 0 and back from and devces (like keypads / PDA / iAqualink etc), since AqualinkD reads the SWG messages directly, it shows this bounce. Usually it's no thing to worry about, but their are two config options you can use to hide this. One turn off reading SWG messages directly read_RS485_swg = no, this will make AqualinkD read the % from the control panel, which hides the bounce. Two use the option swg_zero_ignore_count = 20, that will make AqualinkD read 0% for 20 consecutive messages before it shows 0%.

  • Salt Water Generator beeping (usually with above bounce)

    Again the most common cause is wiring. There is one reported case of this happening (that wasn't fixed by wiring) and I think it may be covered in the next section.

  • Understanging how RS458 with USB works

    RS485 protocol basically works by

    • The master (control panel) sending a message with a specific device ID in it.
    • The master then expects an acknowledgment reply from that device within a specific time period (~40ms).
    • The master then send another message to a different ID (and again expect a reply).
    • If the device doesn't reply, it assumes it's dead.

    So if a device reply's too late, ie the master has already sent the next message, the device is replying to the wrong message, and this can cause havoc on the control panel.
    Pentair protocol has a TO and FROM ID's in each message, I assume to overcome this problem, so if a message is out of order, the master can figure it out. Jandy protocol only has a TO ID in the message, so has no way to tell the message was delivered late.
    Ontop of this, when you have Pentair devices (like SWG) on the same bus as Jandy (which is supported), the messages can become embedded in eachoter and out of sinc, This leeds to the SWG bouncing to 0% problem mentioned above of.

    Since RS485 doesn't support read & write at the same time, but USB devices do, the USB2RS485 devices have to manage this some how. Without going into details of how they overcome this, the FTDI converters seem to work the best. These devices also have to buffer the read & write, as does the linux kernel (and device driver) before AqualinkD even receives the message. So with all this buffering that can happen, but with the control panel expecting a reply in under 20ms, that usually doesn't leave much room for error. Usually, AqualinkD will read calculate what to do and write the reply in under 2ms, then with buffering in linux / device it totals about 10ms. I have tested many USB2RS485 converters and some will take 20ms or longer simply to receive the message and post to kernel, and that's before AqualinkD receives it. So in those cases, there can be issues. But if ANYTHING is taking up CPU or other USB bandwidth this can have a dramatic effect on messages being sent in time.

    So if you believe you are hitting these problems, there are a few things to check.

    • Make sure you have a FTDI USB2RS485 adapter (not clone), little more detail here adapters
    • Check the kernel sees it as FTDI adapter, and has loaded the right driver,
      • As of AqualinkD 3.2.0f if you see the below message when AqualinkD starts up, you are good. (Or at least the kernal is identifying the adapter as FTDI)
        • RS Serial: Port /dev/ttyUSB0 low latency mode is set
      • If you see either of the below, it's not so good.
        • Doesn't look like your USB2RS485 device (/dev/ttyUSB0) supports low latency, this might cause problems on a busy RS485 bus
        • Unable to set port (/dev/ttyUSB0) to low latency mode
    • Check your Pi hasn't been throttled or seen undervolt. AqualinkD provides a script in the extras directory you can run to check this
      • if you see ERROR in any of the below lines, that needs to be fixed.
    sudo ./extras/ 
    CPU temperature: 47.6
    CPU Voltage: 1.3500
    Undervolt : OK
    Undervolt history : OK
    Throttled : OK
    Throttled history : OK
    Frequency Capped : OK
    Frequency Capped history : OK
    • Make sure you don't have anything running (or cron jobs) that take considerable CPU or USB bus time, on all pi's before the 4 that can be hard since a ton of stuff is built into the broadcom USB chip. If things happen on a regular bases (like on the hour) this can be the problem.

    • As or AqualinkD 3.2.0f, their are two config option that you can play with. These won't fix the problem, but might help highlight the source of the issue. Both of these should be considered expermental. And it's best not to use both at the same time.

      • prioritize_ack = yes This will send the Acknoligment before AqualinkD process the message.
      • serial_readahead_b4_write = yes This will read / clean out any kernel buffering before sending, it will simply highlight an issue, it will not fix it. If you see the below message in the logs, AqualinkD was about to send a message after it should have.
        • ERROR on RS485, AqualinkD was too slow in replying to message! (please check for performance issues)

    The serial_logger will let you know how fast your bus is (this will depend on how many devices you have), but below is an average bus. As you can see, that averages 45ms between each message.

    RS Serial: RS485 interface received 600 packets in 28 seconds (~21.43 Msg/Sec)

    RS485 Logging



    At present AqualinkD will do everything a RS6/8/12 keypad can do as this is the protocol it mimics. But there are sometimes a few other pieces of equipment on the RS485 bus that are also sending information to the control panel, that the control panel will either not fully support or not support with a RS6 keypad. For instance, Salt Water Generator (SWG) sends far more information to the control panel, than the control panel sends the RS6 keypad about the SWG. In this case, AqualinkD watches these messages so it can have a complete and upto date information about a SWG. At the moment, it's only SWG that AqualinkD can do this for. I'd like to do this for all other devices like Variable Speed Pumps, Chemical Feeders, Heat Pumps etc, but without personally having these devices to play with, I'll need the help of the community, so that's what this section is for.

    How to log and request support for equiptment.

    First of all, don't expect this to happen over night, I'll usually need logs from several different people for each device, and maybe multiple sets. There are 3 main steps to follow

    1. Set AqualinkD to log the RS485 information.
    2. Record what you actually did with the equipment.
    3. Post it to the github discussion board. AqualinkD discussion board

    Details on each step

    1. Edit /etc/aqualinkd.conf and make sure RS485 debugging is turned on debug_RSProtocol_packets = yes

      1. MAKE SURE to turn this off once finished (comment out or set to no)
      2. Each time you start AqualinkD a log file will be created /tmp/RS485.log. AqualinkD will overwrite this file every time it starts, and for speed will "lazy write" to the file. This means you have to stop AqualinkD for the complete information to be written. So please remember to move/rename it each time you start AqualinkD.
    2. Run through a series of small commands recording everything you can.

      1. In general, you will need to start AqualinkD, change something on the equipment and stop AqualinkD. Keep logs in as many and as small changes as possible. for example, if logging a Variable Speed pump (VSP), the below would be very useful.
        1. Start AqualinkD, turn VSP on, record what RPM / Watts, stop VSP, stop AqualinkD. Save log and information.
        2. Start AqualinkD, turn VSP on, record what RPM / Watts, change RPM, record what RPM / Watts, stop VSP, stop AqualinkD. Save log and information.
        3. Start AqualinkD, turn VSP on, record what RPM / Watts, change RPM (different RPM than before), record what RPM / Watts, stop VSP, stop AqualinkD. Save log and information.
    3. The logs might be quite large, so zip them up and post them to the forum. Please be aware that without detailed information of what you did / what was reported the logs are not very useful. AqualinkD discussion board

    AqualinkD debugging & logging

    AqualinkD debugging


    In full debug or serial debug mode AqualinkD will spit out a ton of information, most of which is probably not relevant to what you are trying to do. As such, you can set certain parts of AqualinkD into debug mode and leave other parts in normal logging. First understand the normal logging options below, this will set the base level of logging. You ONLY select / uncomment one of these levels.


    Next you can put specific areas of AqualinkD into DEBUG mode, while leaving all others in the mode above. You can select / uncomment MULTIPLE of these.

    #debug_log_mask = 1    // AQUA_LOG Aqualink general debug
    #debug_log_mask = 2    // NET_LOG network utils debug
    #debug_log_mask = 4    // AQRS_LOG AqualinkRS debug (general information fro panel)
    #debug_log_mask = 8    // ONET_LOG Onetouch debug
    #debug_log_mask = 16   // IAQT_LOG iAqualink debug
    #debug_log_mask = 32   // PDA_LOG  PAD debug
    #debug_log_mask = 64   // RSSA_LOG RS Serial Adapter debug
    #debug_log_mask = 128  // DJAN_LOG Jandy device debug (SWG, VSP, etc)
    #debug_log_mask = 256  // DPEN_LOG Pentair debice debug (VSP)
    #debug_log_mask = 512  // RSSD_LOG Serial Connection debug
    #debug_log_mask = 1024 // PROG_LOG Programming debug
    #debug_log_mask = 2048 // DBGT_LOG Debug timing information
    #debug_log_mask = 4096 // TIMR_LOG Timer & Scheduler debug

    debug_log_mask = 512 // RSSD_LOG Will be like setting SERIAL_DEBUG, but you will only get RS485 messages and not put the rest of AqualinkD in DEBUG mode. If you are interested in a specific RS485 device only, then you can filter the messages further with the below, and is will only print RS485 messages from (and AqualinkD messages to) that specific ID. Only ONE ID is supported.

    RSSD_LOG_filter = 0x48

    Also don't forget the below options to log all RS485 information. (None of the above-mentioned settings will effect how these setting log).

    # All RS485 Information will be written to /tmp/RS485.log & /tmp/RS485_raw.log respectively
    debug_RSProtocol_packets = no  // Information will be formatted as AqualinkD decodes the bytes into packets.
    debug_RSProtocol_bytes = no    // Raw byte bump of everything read.

    Panel Version and Protocols

    Notes on Panel Version and Protocols

    AqualinkD supports many protocols the complete list is below. But for referance here are a few things to consider.

    • AllButton is required and is the protocol AqualinkD uses for all of it's comunication (unless below options are set in which case it's used for most but not all comunication). This is the device_id seting
      • VSP is the only thing not supported with this protocol.
    • OneTouch or iAqualinkTouch protocol is required for full VSP support, this is extended_device_id setting. If you have this enabeled, then using this protocol to changing time / setpoints / SWG is also slightly quicker than the Allbutton protocol and can be enabeled with extended_device_id_programming=yes.
      • If your panel supports it that iAqualinkTouch is prefered over OueTouch.
    • Serial Adapter protocol is instant in changing heater setpoints, this is rssa_device_id.
      • This will also poll the panel for setpoints at regular intervals to keep AqualinkD and Panel in sync. ie AqualinkD expects you to only change setpoints from AqualinkD and no other keypad unless this is enabeled.
      • RS16 Panels have 4 status LED's missing and information on these status is missing from all protocols so getting device updates on those 4 devices can be slow, using rssa_device_id will speed this up, but it won't be instant like the status of devices upto RS12.

    Below is protocols and panel revisions.

    # Possible Online       | As Shown in Diagnostics| Possible Unit  | Unit Order*  | Earliest PPD| AqualinkD |
    # Devices               | While Online           | Numbers        | Important?   | Revision    | Support   |
    # All Button            | CONTROL PANEL          | 1,2,3,4        | No*          | C           | Yes 
    # AquaLink PC           | CONTROL PANEL 4        | 4              | Yes**        | C           | No
    # OneTouch              | ONETOUCH               | 1,2,3,4        | No           | I           | Yes 
    # Wireless OneTouch***  | ONETOUCH               | 1,2,3,4        | No           | I           | (as above)
    # Serial Adapter        | SERIAL ADAPTR          | 1,2,           | No           | I           | Yes 
    # PHASTLink Serl Adptr  | SERIAL ADAPTR          | 1,2            | No           | I           | (as above)
    # SpaLink® RS           | SPALINK                | 1,2,3          | No           | G           | No
    # Dual Spa Side Switch  | SPA SW BOARD           | ----           | ----         | C           | No
    # iAqualink Touch       |                        | 1,2,3,4        | No           | R           | Yes 
    # Tele-Link®            | TELELINK 1             | 1              | ----         | C           | No
    # Auxiliary Power Center| REMOTE PWRCNTR         | 1,2,3          | Yes          |             | No
    # LX Heater             | LX HTR                 | 1,2            | Yes          | H           | No
    # AquaPure® Chlorinator | AquaPure               | 1              | ----         | I           | Yes (read only)
    # AquaPalmTM            | AQUAPALM               | 1              | ----         | MMM         | Yes (Beta)
    # RS InterLink          |                        | ----           | ----         | N           | No
    # LXi Heater            | LXi HTR                | 1,2            | Yes          | N           | No
    # Jandy VSP (ePump)     | Jandy ePUMP            | 1,2,3,4        | No           | ??          | No 
    # Pentair VSP (VF/VS)   | Intelliflo VS or VF    | 16 total       | No           | ??          | Yes (read only)
    * Unit order. Yes means that the unit number must be set correctly or the device will not work properly. The unit number is set by slide-on jumpers, a DIP switch, or a wire, depending on the type of device.
    **If an AquaLink PC is online, there must NOT be an All Button or OneTouch jumpered, as in number 4.
    ***Wireless OneTouch is shown as any other OneTouch. Its jumpers must not match the jumpers in any other OneTouch.

    Below are the configuration variables along with valid ID's, the serial_logger tool can provide information about ones that are inuse or free

    # AqualinkD.conf      | RS485 Protocol       | RS485 ID
    # setting             |                      |
    #  device_id          | All Button ID's      | 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x09, 0x08
    #  extended_device_id | OneTouch ID's        | 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43
    #  rssa_device_id     | Serial Adapter ID's  | 0x48, ?x??
    #  extended_device_id | iAqualink Touch ID's | 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33
    #  device_id          | PDA ID's             | 0x60
    #  force_SWG = yes    | AquaPure® Chlorinator| 0x50
    #  button_??_pumpID   | Jandy VSP ID's       | 0x78, 0x79, 0x7A, 0x7B
    #  button_??_pumpID   | Pentair VSP ID's     | 0x60 to 0x6F

    RS485 adapters

    RS485 protocol, wiring & adapters

    All pool equiptment uses a half duplex RS485 protocol to comunicate between Control Panel, Keypads and inteligent Devices like Salt Water Generators, Variable Speed Pumps, Chemical feeders & some heaters.

    There are a few main problems areas that you should have a basic understanding of, that can effect the performance.

    • RS485 Wiring and Termination (The majority of issues new people have are here)
    • RS485 USB Adapters and how they actually work in reguard to Pool equiptment. (this becomes very important on busy RS485 bus)

    Wiring and Termination

    Below is a basic diagram of RS485 bus

    As you can see, each device is connected to 3 wires (Data+, Data- & Ground), and there is a termination resistor at each end of the wiring (or bus).
    The ground connection is their so the adapter has a referance point for the voltages in Data+ & Data-, and there is some level of circuit protection.
    The termination resistors are their to prodide clear signals and stop reflection. Here is a detailed article on that

    Picking the right RS485 Adapter.

    With referance to the wiring above, many USB2RS485 adapters don't have the ground wire they only have 2 (data+ & -), and when they do they are not always correctly protected and that can cause a problem in the RS485 bus, like a nearby lightning strike, to kill the adapter (and sometimes the computer it's connected to). But in most cases the lack or ground will not cause you any major problems. But if you are having RS485 issues this is the first point to check. Most (but not all) Pool equiptment has built in termination that can't be changed. Most cheap USB2RS485 adapters are also terminated internally. So this means if you blindly connect everything together you'll end up with too many terminations on the RS485 bus and that will also cause you problems.

    The jandy RS485 bus will have aproximatly 20~30 messages a second when not much is going on, and will goes up from their depending on what devices are on the bus and how they are interacting with the control panel. AqualinkD (along with all devices) will read each message and make a quick decision, (ignore message, reply to message, act on message and reply). Since this specific RS485 implimentation is half-duplex, this means that while the interface needs to both read and write, it can't actually do both at the same time. This means that something needs to flip a switch in the adapter to set it to read OR write mode. Most / all adapters do this automatically by making a guess depending on TX/RX pin states. Ontop of that USB chips and/or OS Kernel will also cache messages, and the Jandy protocol only has a message TO id, not a message FROM id (so message order is highley important). So when you have ~30 messages a second on the bus that need to be read and about 0.1 of a second to reply, any form of read / write delay can cause havoc. The combination on these problems togeter means that USB2RS485 adapter choice is important. This is also more important for a Jandy control panel vs a Pentair since the Pentair RS485 protocol has a FROM id, so message order is not as important.
    On top of the above, the Raspberry Pi hardware (all version before Pi4) uses the same chip for USB/Network and a whole host of other things, making it IO bound. Can make for a whole host of issues when you consider AqualinkD's main putpost is to interface RS485 with network. While the Raspberry Pi4 has seperated network & USB chips, currently this doesn't help much as the USB interface of the Pre-Pi4's has had a huge developer influance to make it as solid as it currently is, and the Pi4 simply hasn't had that maturity yet.

    In writing all of the above, this doesn't mean that you'll get problems with using Pi / USB2RS485 adapter & AqualinkD, it run's exceptionally happily 24/7/365 for 95~97% of the users and installs out their. But if you do run into issues please consider the above, and read the below suggestions.


    Most USB2RS485 adapters use a FTDI (or clone) chipset for the USB side, (USB to UART) and a variaty of RS485 chips for the other side (UART to RS458), or in the case of FTDI FT232R chipset it can handle both.

    Counterfeit FT232RL chips are quite common, especially on inexpensive hardware, and most simply do no have the realibility of FTDI. More on fake FT232

    So in short, it's best to get an USB2RS485 that will give you the option to ground and the choice to terminate or not. Some adapters do this by the way of allowing you to solder a resistor to the board, and others (as in below link) you can simply connect 2 wires together.

    Official FTDI USB-RS485-WE-1800-BT Prefered Adapter
    OctagonStar USB to TTL/RS485 Serial Converter Adapter Solid choice, but no termination options

    Please note, these recomendations are the official FTDI USB2RS485 adapters, there are many others that use the official FTDI chipset.
    Official FTDI adapters.

    Pi Hardware

    As stated previously, Pi's can be very IO bound since they all (except Pi4) use the same chip for network & USB and getting the fastest/latest/greatest Pi doesn't really help this. But correct power does, if you have a bad PSU (like cheap wall USB charger) they usually can't keep up with the Pi, and the Pi will start to underclock iteself due to undervolt situations. AqualinkD has a quick and dirty bash script to test if this is the case, simply run ./extras/ as root from the aqualinkd download directory and if you see any errors in undervolt/throttled/frequency cap (or their history), you need to change your PSU.

    Amazon shopping list

    These two items are everything you need to get started.
    CanaKit Raspberry Pi Zero W (Wireless) Complete Starter Kit - 16 GB Edition
    FTDI USB-RS485-WE-1800-BT Cable, USB to RS485 Serial, 1.8M, Wire END


    You can also power the Pi zero off the RS485 wiring. The below (with some soldering) is the perfect PSU for that

    Wolfwhoop PW-D Control Buck Converter 6-24V to 5V 1.5A Step-Down Regulator Module Power Inverter Volt Stabilizer

    This allows you to hide eveything (Pi / PSU / USB2RS485 adapter) inside a Jandy Keypad (Details to come)

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