- Report when Ruby is removed and don't ignore when version listing fails (#212)
- Fix RHEL 7 & 8 based distros to work around /tmp execution issues (#155)
- Fix bare variables in conditionals (deprecation warnings with Ansible 2.8+) (#204)
- Fix boolean values when checking array (#207)
- Fix regression forbidding installation of rubies (#209, fixed via #207)
- Fix conditional logic for detecting and removing versions of Ruby (#212)
- Report when Ruby is removed and don't ignore when version listing fails (#212)
- Refactor rubies install and remove tasks, allow rvm to handle idempotency around this (#219)
- Update key server URLs and decommission of sks-keyservers.net (#232)
- Migrate CI to GitHub Actions (#235)
- Extend test matrix with: (#215)
- CentOS 8, Debian 10, Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04
- Ruby 2.6.6 and 2.7.1
- Modify some test assertions to better abstract RVM behaviour from its internal implementation ("blackbox" testing) (#205)
- Fix and enhance Travis CI setup (#205)
- Install more recent versions of Ruby, to be compatible with latest Bundler version
- Validate system-wide setup (root.yml)
- Parallelize the tests to speed up the builds
2018-12-28 · Changes
- Fallback to alternative GPG key servers (#192)
- Remove keys.gnupg.net in favour of pool.sks-keyservers.net (#192)
2018-12-18 · Changes
- Fix RVM verification process after changing
2018-12-18 · Changes
- Support centos6 and centos7
- Reduce the verbosity
- Update galaxy metadata to reflect Debian support (#174)
- Updated to use the full set of GPG keys as described on rvm.io (#185)
- Solve lack of terminal error during GPG execution (#188)
- Include pkuczynski gpg key (#189)
- Fix issue
src file does not exist
cause by testrb
- Bump ansible version to 2.2
- Update readme
- Fix bugs
- Use a non-root user by default for the installation.
- Bump ruby version to 2.2.2
- Fix Bundler symlinking on system path
- This fixes the location of the bundler pointing to the global ruby version
- Ensure a default value is supplied when detecting ruby, fixes #78
- Update rvm installer path
- Update become method
- Ensure installed rubies and gems are owned correctly by rvm1_user
- Fix #40 by using a proper gem path
- Recent changes to rvm made bundler not get installed by default
- This patch installs bundler by default
- Ensure rvm1_user owns all rvm related files
- Allow passing in custom configuration options when installing ruby
- Change the default system wide install dir back to /usr/local/rvm
- Add the rvm1_user: 'root' default variable to let you set the rvm directory owner
- Update the README on why setting sudo: True is necessary
- Fix an incorrect condition which caused Ansible to error out
- Import the GPG signature every time rvm runs get [version].
- Add gpg signature verification
- Remove the python-httplib2 dependency so it should work on CentOS 7
- Change how versions are set, check the readme
- Always run rvm update unless you disable it by overwriting rvm1_rvm_check_for_updates
- Add CentOS/RHEL support
- Fix #7 and #8 by no longer chowning the user:group
- Symlink the ruby related bins to /usr/local/bin when doing a system wide install
- Remove the temp install dir, always use /tmp
- Expose the rvm install flags in a new default variable rvm1_install_flags
- Change the default system wide install dir to /usr/local/lib/rvm
- Update the readme to be much more clear and provide 3 examples of how to install rvm
- Update the travis test to test against ansible 1.7.1 instead of 1.6.2
- Reformat all of the tasks to make them more readable and maintainable
- Force sudo as root when having to apt install python-httplib2, fixes #5.
- Install httplib2 if necessary (the ansible uri module depends on this)
- Add ability to define 1 or more ruby versions
- Add ability to delete ruby versions
- Expose a few useful variables and paths
- Switch over from nickjj.ruby to rvm1-ansible
- Really fix the detect tasks so they are idempotent
- Fix the detect tasks so they are idempotent
- Simplify the default ruby selection tasks into a single task
- Fix the default ruby selection task so it works for both local and system installs
- Fix a bug where /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh would be sourced even if it did not exist
- Add the --default flag to the rvm use command
- Bump the default version of ruby to 2.1.2
- Fix a bug with how the upgrade task was checking for rvm's existence
- Change how the role checks to determine if rvm is installed
- Allow you to specify a local path or url for the rvm installer script
- Allow you to specify a url or variable value for the latest rvm stable version number
- Auto upgrade rvm in an idempotent way but also allow you to turn this off
- Keep the rvm installer file on the server instead of deleting it in case http://get.rvm.io is down
- Toggle a variable to force update the installer
- View the readme to get a better understanding of what ansible-ruby does.