This is the source for my personal website. The website is generated by Jekyll.
Articles, blog posts, and media are kept in submodules which need to be initialized and cloned:
git submodule init
git submodule update
You'll also need to install RVM, then install Ruby 2.4.1 and bundler:
rvm pkg install openssl
rvm install "ruby-2.4.1" --with-openssl-dir=/usr/share/rvm/usr
rvm gemset create JosephMansfield
rvm 2.4.1@JosephMansfield
gem install bundler -v 2.2.3
First install dependencies and then build:
bundle install
jekyll build
Article sources are kept separately at sftrabbit/JosephMansfieldArticles. To add them to the build, simply do:
$ git clone articles/_posts