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File metadata and controls

93 lines (65 loc) · 2.15 KB

ReactiveMongo-Queries easier to write queries with ReactiveMongo

ReactiveMongo-Queries is available on

If you use ReactiveMongo 0.10.0, you just have to edit build.sbt and add the following:

resolvers += "Sonatype Snapshots" at ""

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.github.ReactiveMongo-Queries" %% "reactivemongo-queries" % "0.10.0.a-SNAPSHOT"

There's a version for 0.10.5.akka23-SNAPSHOT

resolvers += "Sonatype Snapshots" at ""

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.github.ReactiveMongo-Queries" %% "reactivemongo-queries" % "0.10.5.a-SNAPSHOT"

Sample project

Strongly typed queries to sophisticated objects with autocomplete

Suppose we query employees with below structure

case class Contacts(email: String, phone: String)
case class Employee(name: String, contacts: Contacts, salary: Int)

Getting Employee(s) by name

without Queries

collection.find(BSONDocument("name" -> "john"))

with Queries

import reactivemongo.queries.Query._

collection.find(on[Employee].eq(, "john"))

Getting Employee(s) by email

without Queries

collection.find(BSONDocument("" -> "[email protected]"))

with Queries

import reactivemongo.queries.Query._

collection.find(on[Employee].eq(, "[email protected]"))

Find employees with salary greater than 100k

without Queries

collection.update.find(BSONDocument("salary" -> BSONDocument("$gt" -> 100000)))

with Queries

import reactivemongo.queries.Query._

collection.find(on[Employee].gt(_.salary, 100000))

Increase salary for all employees earning less than 50k on 10%

without Queries

collection.update.find(BSONDocument("salary" -> BSONDocument("$lt" -> 50000)), 
BSONDocument("$mul" -> BSONDocument("salary" -> 1.1)))

with Queries

import reactivemongo.queries.Query._

collection.update(on[Employee].lt(_.salary, 50000), 
on[Employee].update(_.mul(_.salary, 1.1)))