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File metadata and controls

78 lines (59 loc) · 3.09 KB


This repository plays with REST resources that fulfills requests asynchronously through worker-queues. The code relies on an embedded Vert.x core components for HTTP server with async IO capabilities and Jersey 2.0 for REST framework.

Module: juitar-vertx-http-server

Provides a convenient Vert.x based HTTP server class with basic lifecycle methods and shutdown hook callback interface option.

Module: juitar-vertx-jersey

Provides a very basic implementation to enable Jersey 2.0 to work on top of a Vert.x HTTP server.

Module: juitar-vertx-rest-sampleapp

This module takes the HTTP server and Jersey adapters implemented by the other two modules and implements a REST resource which makes use of the worker-queue and jdbc-worker modules implemented in repository juitar-playground.

REST Async Response PUT Method Using the JDBC Worker Queue

public void submit(String sql, @Suspended final AsyncResponse response) {

    ApplicationContext applicationContext = Launcher.applicationContext;
    WorkQueue jdbcBatchQueue = (WorkQueue) applicationContext.getBean("jdbcBatchQueue");

    Work work = new Work(UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
            new String[]{sql},
            new ResultChannel() {
                public void onSuccess(Result result) {
                    response.resume("Result received: " + result.toString());

                public void onFailure(Result result, Exception e) {



Launcher Code

public class Lanucher {

    public static void main(String... args) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {

        // Create ResourceConfig instance and register a package scanner to register individual resources from package.
        ResourceConfig resourceConfig = new ResourceConfig();
        resourceConfig.registerFinder(new PackageNamesScanner(
                new String[]{
                }, true));

        // Create a org.juitar.server.http.vertx.VertxHttpServer
        VertxHttpServer httpServer = new VertxHttpServer(
                8080, // Server port
                "/api/.*", // URL matcher pattern
                new VertxContainerHandler( // HTTP request handler for Vert.x
                        new URI("http://localhost:8080/api/"),
                        new ApplicationHandler(resourceConfig)));

        // Start the server