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Justin Gordon edited this page Jun 3, 2018 · 2 revisions


Caching at the React on Rails level can greatly speed up your app and reduce the load on your servers, allowing more requests for a given level of hardware.

Consult the Rails Guide on Caching for details on:


React on Rails Pro has caching at 2 levels:

  1. "Fragment caching" view helpers, cached_react_component and cached_react_component_hash.
  2. Caching of requests for server rendering.


If tracing is turned on in your config/initializers/react_on_rails_pro.rb, you'll see timing log messages that begin with [ReactOnRailsPro:1234]: exec_server_render_js where 1234 is the process id and exec_server_render_js could be a different method being traced.

  • exec_server_render_js: Timing of server rendering, which may have the prerender_caching turned on.
  • cached_react_component and cached_react_component_hash: Timing of the cached view helper which maybe calling server rendering.

Here's a sample. Note the second request

Started GET "/server_side_redux_app_cached" for ::1 at 2018-05-24 22:40:13 -1000
[ReactOnRailsPro:63422] exec_server_render_js: ReduxApp, 230.7ms
[ReactOnRailsPro:63422] cached_react_component: ReduxApp, 2483.8ms
Completed 200 OK in 3613ms (Views: 3407.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

Started GET "/server_side_redux_app_cached" for ::1 at 2018-05-24 22:40:36 -1000
Processing by PagesController#server_side_redux_app_cached as HTML
  Rendering pages/server_side_redux_app_cached.html.erb within layouts/application
[ReactOnRailsPro:63422] cached_react_component: ReduxApp, 1.1ms
Completed 200 OK in 19ms (Views: 16.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

Prerender Caching

To enable caching server rendering requests to the JavaScript calculation engine (ExecJS or VM Renderer), set this config value in config/initializers/react_on_rails_pro.rb to true:

  config.prerender_caching = true

Server rendering JavaScript evaluation requests are cached by a cache key that considers the following:

  1. Hash of the server bundle.
  2. The JavaScript code to evaluate.

Note, if your server side JavaScript will be ever depend on externalities, such as AJAX calls for GraphQL, then you should set this caching to false.

Fragment Caching

Your JavaScript Bundles and Cache Keys

When doing fragment caching of server rendering with React on Rails Pro, the cache key must reflect your React. This is analogous to how Rails puts an MD5 hash of your views in the cache key so that if the views change, then your cache is busted. In the case of React code, if your React code changes, then your bundle name will change if you are doing the inclusion of a hash in the name. However, if you are using a separate webpack configuration to generate the server bundle file, then you must not include the hash in the output filename or else you will have a race condition overwriting your manifest.json. Regardless of which case you have React on Rails handles it.

Even when not doing server rendering, caching can be effective as the caching will prevent the calculation of the props and the conversion to a string of the prop values.


Here is the doc for helpers cached_react_component and cached_react_component_hash. Consult the docs in React on Rails for the non-cached analogies react_component and react_component_hash.

  # Provide caching support for react_component in a manner akin to Rails fragment caching.
  # All the same options as react_component apply with the following difference:
  # 1. You must pass the props as a block. This is so that the evaluation of the props is not done
  #    if the cache can be used.
  # 2. Provide the cache_key option
  # cache_key: String or Array containing your cache keys. If prerender is set to true, the server
  #   bundle digest will be included in the cache key. The cache_key value is the same as used for
  #   conventional Rails fragment caching.

Usage examples

The fragment caching for react_component:

<%= cached_react_component("App", cache_key: [@user, @post], prerender: true) do
end %>

And a fragment caching version for the react_component_hash:

<% react_helmet_app = cached_react_component_hash("ReactHelmetApp", cache_key: [@user, @post],
                                           id: "react-helmet-0") do
   end %>

<% content_for :title do %>
  <%= react_helmet_app['title'] %>
<% end %>

<%= react_helmet_app["componentHtml"] %>