Version of cerberus: v2.0.1
[config.toml] persistent_peers = "[email protected]:26656"
#timeout_commit: Please set it up to 29s. I took spare machines with small disks at the moment. We can accelerate later on when we are all onboarded and ready for the votings.
timeout_commit = "29s"
sudo systemctl stop cerberusd
rm -rf ~/cerberus
git clone
cd cerberus/
git checkout v2.0.1
make install
cd ~
rm -rf ~/.cerberus/
cerberusd init "yourMonikerNode" --chain-id "inferno-1"
Make sure your version is ok:
cerberusd version
Must return v2.0.1
peers="[email protected]:26656"
sed -i.bak -e "s/^persistent_peers *=.*/persistent_peers = \"$peers\"/" ~/.cerberus/config/config.toml
Make sure the persistent peer is: [email protected]:26656
If this does not work do it manually.
Get your genesis.json file from discord or from here:
Or just with the command:
rm ~/.cerberus/config/genesis.json
wget -P ~/.cerberus/config/
Verify the shasum:
jq -S -c -M '' ~/.cerberus/config/genesis.json | sha256sum
#returns 4d0e997e3ba6a555c5c7b39be86d5a2561666fe2b5ac958a0be8a0c80d998128 -
When you are ready, make sure to enable cerberus as a daemon (service) and start the service.
testnet is up and running