Theme based on Arc theme by horst3180
Flat Remix GTK theme is a pretty simple gtk window theme inspired on material design following a modern design using "flat" colors with high contrasts and sharp borders.
- Download and uncompress the zip file.
- Move "Flat Remix GTK" folder to ".themes" in your home directory.
- Select "Flat Remix GTK" as shell theme via gnome-tweak-tool.
cd /tmp && rm -rf flat-remix-gtk &&
git clone &&
mkdir -p ~/.themes && cp -r flat-remix-gtk/Flat-Remix-GTK* ~/.themes/ &&
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Flat-Remix-GTK"
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:daniruiz/flat-remix
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install flat-remix-gtk
sudo dnf copr enable daniruiz/flat-remix
sudo dnf install flat-remix-gtk
You can also support the development of Flat Remix by donating