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File metadata and controls

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2017, 2019

{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:tip: .tip} {:pre: .pre}

Use Virtual Servers to build highly available and scalable web app

{: #highly-available-and-scalable-web-application}

Adding more servers to an application is a common pattern to handle additional load. Another key aspect to increase an application availability and resiliency is to deploy the application to multiple zones or locations with data replication and load balancing.

This tutorial walks you through a scenario with the creation of:

  • Two web application servers in Dallas.
  • Cloud Load Balancer, to load balance traffic two servers within a location.
  • One MySQL database server.
  • A durable file storage to store application files and backups.
  • Configure the second location with the first same configurations, then add Cloud Internet Services to point traffic to the healthy location if one copy fails.


{: #objectives}

  • Create {{}} to install PHP and MySQL
  • Use {{}} to persist application files and database backups
  • Provision a {{}} to distribute requests to the application servers
  • Extend the solution by adding a second location for better resiliency and higher availability

Services used

{: #services}

This tutorial uses the following runtimes and services:

This tutorial may incur costs. Use the Pricing Calculator to generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage.


{: #architecture}

The application is a simple PHP frontend - a Wordpress blog - with a MySQL database. Several frontend servers handle the requests.

![Architecture diagram](images/solution14/Architecture.png)

  1. The user connects to the application.
  2. The {{}} selects one of the healthy servers to handle the request.
  3. The elected server accesses the application files stored on a shared file storage.
  4. The server also pulls information from the database and finally renders the page to the user.
  5. At a regular interval, the database content is backed up. A stand-by database server is available in case the master fails.

Before you begin

{: #prereqs}

Configure the VPN access

In this tutorial, the load balancer is the front door for the application users. The {{}} do not need to be visible on the public Internet. Thus they can be provisioned with only a private IP address and you will use your VPN connection to work on the servers.

  1. Ensure your VPN Access is enabled.

    You should be a Master User to enable VPN access or contact master user for access. {:tip}

  2. Obtain your VPN Access credentials by selecting your user in the Users list.

  3. Log in to the VPN through the web interface or use a VPN client for Linux, macOS or Windows.

You can choose to skip this step and make all your servers visible on the public Internet (although keeping them private provide an additional level of security). To make them public, select Public and Private Network Uplink when provisioning {{}}. {: tip}

Check account permissions

Contact your Infrastructure master user to get the following permissions:

  • Network so that you can create {{}} with Public and Private Network Uplink (this permission is not required if you use the VPN to connect to the servers)

Provision one server for the database

{: #database_server}

In this section, you configure one server to act as the master database.

  1. Go to the catalog in the {{}} console, and select {{}} from the Infrastructure section.

  2. Select Public Virtual Server and then click Create.

  3. Configure the server with the following:

    • Set Name to db1

    • Select a location where to provision the server. All other servers and resources created in this tutorial will need to be created in the same location.

    • Select the Ubuntu Minimal image

    • Keep the default compute flavor. The tutorial has been tested with the smallest flavor but should work with any flavor.

    • Under Attached Storage Disks, select the 25GB boot disk.

    • Under Network Interface, select the 100Mbps Private Network Uplink option.

      If you did not configure the VPN Access, select the 100Mbps Public and Private Network Uplink option. {: tip}

    • Review the other configuration options and click Provision to provision the server.

      Configure virtual server

    Note: The provisioning process can take 2 to 5 minutes for the server to be ready for use. After the server is created, you'll find the server credentials in the server detail page under Devices > Device List. To SSH into the server, you need the server private or public IP address, user name and password (Click the arrow next to the device name). {: tip}

Install and configure MySQL

{: #mysql}

The server does not come with a database. In this section, you install MySQL on the server.

Install MySQL

  1. Connect to the server by using SSH:

    ssh root@<Private-OR-Public-IP-Address>

    Remember to connect to the VPN client with the right site address based on the Location of your virtual-server. {:tip}

  2. Install MySQL:

    apt-get update
    apt-get -y install mysql-server

    You may be prompted for a password. Read through the instructions on the console shown. {:tip}

  3. Run the following script to help secure MySQL database:


    You may be prompted with couple of options. Choose wisely based on your requirements. {:tip}

Create a database for the application

  1. Login to MySQL and create a database called wordpress:

    mysql -u root -p
    CREATE DATABASE wordpress;
  2. Grant access to the database, replace database-username and database-password with what you have set earlier.

    GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,DROP,ALTER ON wordpress.* TO database-username@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'database-password';
  3. Check if database created by using:

    show databases;
  4. Exit from the database using:

  5. Make note of the database name, user and password. You will need them when configuring the application servers.

Make the MySQL server visible to other servers on the network

By default MySQL only listens on the local interface. The application servers will need to connect to the database so the MySQL configuration needs to be changed to listen on the private network interfaces.

  1. Edit the my.cnf file using nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf and add these lines:

    bind-address    =
  2. Exit and save the file using Ctrl+X.

  3. Restart MySQL:

    systemctl restart mysql
  4. Confirm MySQL is listening on all interfaces by running the following command:

    netstat --listen --numeric-ports | grep 3306

Create a file storage for database backups

{: #database_backup}

There are many ways in which backups can be done and stored when it comes to MySQL. This tutorial uses a crontab entry to dump the database content to disk. The backup files will be stored in a file storage. Obviously, this is a simple backup mechanism. If you plan to manage your own MySQL database server in a production environment, you will want to implement one of the backup strategies described in MySQL documentation.

Create the file storage

{: #create_for_backup}

  1. Go to the catalog in the {{}} console, and select {{}}
  2. Click Create
  3. Configure the service with the following:
    • Set Storage Type to Endurance
    • Select the same Location as the one where you created the database server
    • Select a billing method
    • Under Storage Packages, select 0.25 IOPS/GB
    • Under Storage Size, select 20GB
    • Keep the Snapshot Space Size to 0GB
    • Click continue to create the service.

Authorize the database server to use the file storage

Before a virtual server can mount a File Storage, it needs to be authorized.

  1. Select the newly created File Storage from the list of existing items.
  2. Under Authorized Hosts, click Authorize Host and select the virtual(database) server (Choose Devices > Virtual Server as Device Type > Type the name of the server).

Mount the file storage for database backups

The File Storage can be mounted as an NFS drive into the virtual server.

  1. Install the NFS client libraries:

    apt-get -y install nfs-common
  2. Create a file called /etc/systemd/system/mnt-database.mount by running the following command

    touch /etc/systemd/system/mnt-database.mount
  3. Edit the mnt-database.mount by using:

    nano /etc/systemd/system/mnt-database.mount
  4. Add the content below to the mnt-database.mount file and replace CHANGE_ME_TO_FILE_STORAGE_MOUNT_POINT of What with the Mount Point of the file storage (e.g You can get the Mount Point url under the file storage service created.

    Description = Mount for Container Storage
    WantedBy =

    Use Ctrl+X to save and exit the nano window {: tip}

  5. Create the mount point

mkdir /mnt/database
  1. Mount the storage

    systemctl enable --now /etc/systemd/system/mnt-database.mount
  2. Check if the mount was successfully done


    The last lines should list the File Storage mount. If this is not the case, use journalctl -xe to debug the mount operation. {: tip}

Setup a backup at regular interval

  1. Create /root/ shell script (use touch and nano) with the following commands by replacing CHANGE_ME with the database password you specified earlier:
    mysqldump -u root -p CHANGE_ME --all-databases --routines | gzip > /mnt/datamysql/backup-`date '+%m-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S'`.sql.gz
  2. Make sure the file is executable
    chmod 700 /root/
  3. Edit the crontab
    crontab -e
  4. To have the backup performed every day at 11pm, set the content to the following, save the file and close the editor
    0 23 * * * /root/

Provision two servers for the PHP application

{: #app_servers}

In this section, you will create two web application servers.

  1. Go to the catalog in the {{}} console, and select the {{}} service from the Infrastructure section.
  2. Select Public Virtual Server and then click Create.
  3. Configure the server with the following:
    • Set Name to app1

    • Select the same location where you provisioned the database server

    • Select the Ubuntu Minimal image

    • Keep the default compute flavor.

    • Under Attached Storage Disks, select 25GB as your boot disk.

    • Under Network Interface, select the 100Mbps Private Network Uplink option.

      If you did not configure the VPN Access, select the 100Mbps Public and Private Network Uplink option. {: tip}

    • Review the other configuration options and click Provision to provision the server. Configure virtual server

  4. Repeat steps 1-3 to provision another virtual server named app2

Create a file storage to share files between the application servers

{: shared_storage}

This file storage is used to share the application files between app1 and app2 servers.

Create the file storage

{: #create_for_sharing}

  1. Go to the catalog in the {{}} console, and select {{}}
  2. Click Create
  3. Configure the service with the following:
    • Set Storage Type to Endurance
    • Select the same Location as the one where you created the application servers
    • Select a billing method
    • Under Storage Packages, select 2 IOPS/GB
    • Under Storage Size, select 20GB
    • Under Snapshot Space Size, select 20GB
    • Click continue to create the service.

Configure regular snapshots

Snapshots give you a convenient option to protect your data with no performance impact. Additionally, you can replicate snapshots to another data center.

  1. Select the File Storage from the list of existing items
  2. Under Snapshot Schedules, edit the snapshot schedule. The schedule could be defined as follow:
    1. Add a hourly snapshot, set the minute to 30 and keep the last 24 snapshots
    2. Add a daily snapshot, set the time to 11pm and keep the last 7 snapshots
    3. Add a weekly snapshot, set the time to 1am and keep the last 4 snapshots and click Save. Backup snapshots

Authorize the application servers to use the file storage

  1. Under Authorized Hosts, click Authorize Host to authorize the application servers(app1 and app2) to use this file storage.

Mount file storage

Repeat the following steps on each application server(app1 and app2):

  1. Install the NFS client libraries
    apt-get update
    apt-get -y install nfs-common
  2. Create a file using touch /etc/systemd/system/mnt-www.mount and edit using nano /etc/systemd/system/mnt-www.mount with the following content by replacing CHANGE_ME_TO_FILE_STORAGE_MOUNT_POINT of What with the Mount Point for the file storage (e.g You can find the mount points under list of file storage volumes
    Description = Mount for Container Storage
    WantedBy =
  3. Create the mount point
    mkdir /mnt/www
  4. Mount the storage
    systemctl enable --now /etc/systemd/system/mnt-www.mount
  5. Check if the mount was successfully done
    The last lines should list the File Storage mount. If this is not the case, use journalctl -xe to debug the mount operation. {: tip}

Eventually all steps related to the configuration of the servers could be automated using a provisioning script or by capturing an image. {: tip}

Install and configure the PHP application on the application servers

{: #php_application}

This tutorial sets up a Wordpress blog. All Wordpress files will be installed on the shared file storage so that both application servers can access them. Before installing Wordpress, a web server and a PHP runtime need to be configured.

Install nginx and PHP

Repeat the following steps on each application server:

  1. Install nginx
    apt-get update
    apt-get -y install nginx
  2. Install PHP and mysql client
    apt-get -y install php-fpm php-mysql
  3. Stop PHP service and nginx
    systemctl stop php7.2-fpm
    systemctl stop nginx
  4. Replace the content using nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default with the following:
    server {
           listen 80 default_server;
           listen [::]:80 default_server;
           root /mnt/www/html;
           index index.php;
           server_name _;
           location = /favicon.ico {
                   log_not_found off;
                   access_log off;
           location = /robots.txt {
                   allow all;
                   log_not_found off;
                   access_log off;
           location / {
                   # following
                   try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
           # pass the PHP scripts to the local FastCGI server
           location ~ \.php$ {
                   include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
                   fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.2-fpm.sock;
           location ~* \.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico)$ {
                   expires max;
                   log_not_found off;
           # deny access to .htaccess files, if Apache's document root
           # concurs with nginx's one
           location ~ /\.ht {
                   deny all;
  5. Create a html folder inside the /mnt/www directory on one of the two app servers using
    cd  /mnt
    mkdir /www/html
    cd www
    mkdir html

Install and configure WordPress

As Wordpress will be installed on the File Storage mount, you only need to do the following steps on one of the servers. Let's pick app1.

  1. Retrieve Wordpress installation files

    If your application server has a public network link, you can directly download the Wordpress files from within the virtual server:

    apt-get install curl
    cd /tmp
    curl -O

    If the virtual server has only a private network link, you will need to retrieve the installation files from another machine with Internet access and to copy them to the virtual server. Assuming you have retrieved the Wordpress installation files from, you can copy it to the virtual server with scp:

    scp latest.tar.gz root@PRIVATE_IP_ADDRESS_OF_THE_SERVER:/tmp

    Replace latest with the filename you downloaded from wordpress website. {: tip}

    then ssh to the virtual server and change to the tmp directory

    cd /tmp
  2. Extract the installation files

    tar xzvf latest.tar.gz
  3. Prepare the Wordpress files

    cp /tmp/wordpress/wp-config-sample.php /tmp/wordpress/wp-config.php
    mkdir /tmp/wordpress/wp-content/upgrade
  4. Copy the files to the shared file storage

    rsync -av -P /tmp/wordpress/. /mnt/www/html
  5. Set permissions

    chown -R www-data:www-data /mnt/www/html
    find /mnt/www/html -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \;
    chmod g+w /mnt/www/html/wp-content
    chmod -R g+w /mnt/www/html/wp-content/themes
    chmod -R g+w /mnt/www/html/wp-content/plugins
  6. Call the following web service and inject the result into /mnt/www/html/wp-config.php using nano

    curl -s

    If your virtual server has no public network link, you can simply open from your web browser.

  7. Set the database credentials using nano /mnt/www/html/wp-config.php, update the database credentials:

    define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress');
    define('DB_USER', 'database-username');
    define('DB_PASSWORD', 'database-password');
    define('DB_HOST', 'database-server-ip-address');

    Wordpress is configured. To complete the installation, you need to access the Wordpress user interface.

On both application servers, start the web server and the PHP runtime: 7. Start the service by running the following commands

systemctl start php7.2-fpm
systemctl start nginx

Access the Wordpress installation at http://YourAppServerIPAddress/ using either the private IP address (if you are going through the VPN connection) or the public IP address of app1 or app2. Configure virtual server

If you configured the application servers with only a private network link, you will not be able to install Wordpress plugins, themes or upgrades directly from the Wordpress admin console. You will need to upload the files through the Wordpress user interface. {: tip}

Provision one load balancer server in front of the application servers

{: #load_balancer}

At this point, we have two application servers with separate IP addresses. They might even not be visible on the public Internet if you choose to only provision Private Network Uplink. Adding a load balancer in front of these servers will make the application public. The load balancer will also hide the underlying infrastructure to the users. The Load Balancer will monitor the health of the application servers and dispatch incoming requests to healthly servers.

  1. Go to the catalog to create a {{}}
  2. In the Plan step, select the same data center as app1 and app2
  3. In Network Settings,
    1. Select the same subnet as the one where app1 and app2 where provisioned
    2. Use the default IBM system pool for the load balancer public IP.
  4. In Basic,
    1. Name the load balancer, e.g. app-lb-1
    2. Keep the default protocol configuration - by default the load balancer is configured for HTTP. SSL protocol is supported with your own certificates. Refer to Import your SSL certificates in the load balancer {: tip}
  5. In Server Instances, add app1 and app2 servers
  6. Review and Create to complete the wizard.

Change Wordpress configuration to use the load balancer URL

The Wordpress configuration needs to be changed to use the Load Balancer address. Indeed, Wordpress keeps a reference to the blog URL and injects this location in the pages. If you don't change this setting, Wordpress will redirect the users to the backend servers directly, thus bypassing the Load Balancer or not working at all if the servers only have a private IP address.

  1. Find the Load Balancer address in its detail page. You can find the Load Balancer you created under Network / Load Balancing / Local.

    You can also use your own domain name with the Load Balancer by adding a CNAME record pointing to the Load Balancer address in your DNS configuration. {: tip}

  2. Log as administrator in the Wordpress blog via app1 or app2 URL

  3. In Settings / General, set both the Wordpress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) to the Load Balancer address

  4. Save the settings. Wordpress should redirect to the Load Balancer address It may take some time before the Load Balancer address becomes active due to DNS propagation. {: tip}

Test the Load Balancer behavior

The Load Balancer is configured to check the health of the servers and to redirect users only to healthy servers. To understand how the Load Balancer is working, you can

  1. Watch the nginx logs on both app1 and app2 with:

    tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log

    You should already see the regular pings from the Load Balancer to check the server health. {: tip}

  2. Access Wordpress through the Load Balancer address and make sure to force a hard reload of the page. Notice in the nginx logs both app1 and app2 are serving content for the page. The Load Balancer is redirecting traffic to both servers as expected.

  3. Stop nginx on app1

    systemctl nginx stop
  4. After a short while reload the Wordpress page, notice all hits are going to app2.

  5. Stop nginx on app2.

  6. Reload the Wordpress page. The Load Balancer will return an error as there is no healthy server.

  7. Restart nginx on app1

    systemctl nginx start
  8. Once the Load Balancer detects app1 as healthy, it will redirect traffic to this server.

Extend the solution with a 2nd location (optional)

{: #secondregion}

To increase resiliency and availability, you can extend the infrastructure setup with a second location and have your application running in two locations.

With a second location deployment, the architecture will look like this.

Architecture diagram

  1. Users access the application through IBM Cloud Internet Services (CIS).
  2. CIS routes traffic to a healthy location.
  3. Within a location a load balancer redirects traffic to a server.
  4. The application accesses the database.
  5. The application stores and retrieves media assets from a file storage.

To implement this architecture, you would need to do the following in location two:

  • Repeat all of the above previous steps in the new location.
  • Setup a database replication between the two MySQL servers across locations.
  • Configure IBM Cloud Internet Services to distribute traffic between the locations to healthy servers as described in this other tutorial.

Remove resources

{: #removeresources}

  1. Delete the Load Balancer
  2. Cancel db1, app1 and app2
  3. Delete the two File Storage services
  4. If a second location is configured, then delete all the resources and the Cloud Internet Services.

Related content

{: #related}

  • Static content served by your application may benefit from a Content Delivery Network in front of the Load Balancer to reduce the load on your backend servers. Refer to Accelerate delivery of static files using a CDN - Object Storage for a tutorial implementing a Content Delivery Network.
  • In this tutorial we provision two servers, more servers could be added automatically to handle additional load. Auto Scale provides you with the ability to automate the manual scaling process associated with adding or removing virtual servers to support your business applications.
  • To increase availability and disaster recovery options, File Storage can be configured to perform automatic regular snapshots of the content and replication to another data center.