Smooth Ultraviolet Turkey
As per Pyth docs, It is important to check the confidence interval in the price feed. If it breaches the certain level then the execution shouldn't proceed. This means there is a major difference in prices from different price sources.
No response
No response
No response
No response
No response
function currentValue() external view override returns (uint256) {
IPyth.Price memory price = pythOracle.getPriceUnsafe(tokenId);
+ if (price.conf > 0 && (price.price / int64(price.conf) < minConfidenceRatio)) {
+ revert LowConfidencePyth(price.price, price.conf);
+ }
price.publishTime < block.timestamp - noOlderThan,
"Stale Price"
return uint256(uint64(price.price));
The minConfidenceRatio
value could be an additional parameter for Pyth nodes, a global configuration or a constant in the contract.
Note that a confidence interval of 0 means no spread in price, so should be considered as a valid price.