Decent Smoke Owl
Explicitly casting a uint256
to uint160
can cause an overflow. This won't revert the transaction but can break protocol calculations.
Issue is presented in all places where functions have uint256 parameter which is later casted to uint160 because of permit functionality. I am going to show one example.
In modifyOrder()
in Bracket
contract we have the following logic to increase the order amountIn:
function modifyOrder(
uint96 orderId,
uint256 _takeProfit,
uint256 _stopPrice,
uint256 amountInDelta,
IERC20 _tokenOut,
address _recipient,
uint16 _takeProfitSlippage,
uint16 _stopSlippage,
bool permit,
bool increasePosition,
bytes calldata permitPayload
if (amountInDelta != 0) {
if (increasePosition) {
newAmountIn += amountInDelta;
//take funds via permit2
if (permit) {
uint160(amountInDelta), //@audit dangerous overflow
} else {
//legacy transfer, assume prior approval
Order memory newOrder = Order({
orderId: orderId,
takeProfit: _takeProfit,
stopPrice: _stopPrice,
@> amountIn: newAmountIn,
tokenIn: order.tokenIn,
tokenOut: _tokenOut,
feeBips: order.feeBips,
takeProfitSlippage: _takeProfitSlippage,
stopSlippage: _stopSlippage,
recipient: _recipient,
direction: MASTER.getExchangeRate(order.tokenIn, _tokenOut) >
if amountInDelta
is type(uint160).max + X
, uint160(amountInDelta)
would be equal to X - 1
thus taking only X - 1
from the user in case of permit
scenario and updating the order with the full provided amountInDelta
Users modifying orders with amountInDelta
> type(uint160).max
Incorrect accounting for orders and funds provided by users. It is expected that the amountIn
of orders is provided by users.
You can verify the behavior with the following contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.20;
contract Test {
function test(uint delta) external pure returns(uint160){
return uint160(uint256(type(uint160).max + delta));
In all places where permit is going to be used, make the user provided parameter to be uint160.