diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e4ae184..b0c2ce1 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -39,3 +39,5 @@ nosetests.xml
diff --git a/pancake.py b/pancake.py
index 37eca4f..426d607 100755
--- a/pancake.py
+++ b/pancake.py
@@ -19,12 +19,7 @@
conf_name = args.config
conf = library.config.Settings(conf_name)
- bot = library.Bot(
- conf.general['api_token'],
- name=conf.general['bot_name'],
- aws=conf.aws,
- gecko=conf.geckoboard
- )
- bot.joinRooms(conf.general['rooms'])
+ bot = library.Bot(conf)
+ bot.join_rooms(conf.general['rooms'])
diff --git a/plugins/arnold/__init__.py b/plugins/arnold/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b8f36a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/arnold/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import random
+from arnold_phrases import ARNOLD_PHRASES
+class ArnoldPlugin():
+ help = "Arnold Schwarzenegger's phrase (/! name)"
+ command = "!"
+ @staticmethod
+ def response(mentioned_user, random_user):
+ phrase = random.choice(ARNOLD_PHRASES)
+ if "{}" not in phrase:
+ phrase = "{}, " + phrase
+ username = mentioned_user
+ if not username:
+ username = random_user
+ return phrase.format(username)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/_arnold_phrases.py b/plugins/arnold/arnold_phrases.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/_arnold_phrases.py
rename to plugins/arnold/arnold_phrases.py
diff --git a/plugins/cats.py b/plugins/cats.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08f56c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/cats.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import re
+import requests
+class CatGIFPlugin():
+ help = "Post a random cat gif"
+ command = "cat"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.RE_URL = re.compile("([^<]*)", re.MULTILINE + re.IGNORECASE)
+ def response(self):
+ message = "Can't connect to cat API =("
+ params = {'format': 'xml', 'type': 'gif'}
+ r = requests.get('http://thecatapi.com/api/images/get', params=params)
+ if r.status_code == 200:
+ response = r.text
+ res = re.search(self.RE_URL, response)
+ if res:
+ message = res.groups()[0]
+ return message
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/giphy.py b/plugins/giphy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..577ec70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/giphy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import requests
+class GiphyPlugin():
+ help = "Get a random gif, with a optional search term (/gif keyboard cat)"
+ command = "gif"
+ @staticmethod
+ def response(message):
+ search_values = message.split('/gif', 1)
+ tags = ''
+ if len(search_values) == 2:
+ tags = '+'.join(search_values[1].split())
+ r = requests.get('http://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/random?api_key=dc6zaTOxFJmzC&tag=' + tags)
+ if r.status_code == 200:
+ response = r.json()
+ return response['data']['image_url']
+ else:
+ return "Can't connect to giphy API =("
diff --git a/plugins/lego/__init__.py b/plugins/lego/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0547697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/lego/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import random
+from lego_quotes import LEGO_QUOTES
+class LegoPlugin():
+ help = "LEGO Movie quote's (/lego name)"
+ command = "lego"
+ @staticmethod
+ def response(mentioned_user, random_user):
+ phrase = random.choice(LEGO_QUOTES)
+ if "{}" not in phrase:
+ phrase = "{}, " + phrase
+ username = mentioned_user
+ if not username:
+ username = random_user
+ return phrase.format(username)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/_lego_quotes.py b/plugins/lego/lego_quotes.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/_lego_quotes.py
rename to plugins/lego/lego_quotes.py
diff --git a/src/aws_basic.py b/src/aws_basic.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8baf555..0000000
--- a/src/aws_basic.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-class AWSBasic():
- REGION = 'ap-southeast-2'
- ZONE = 'ap-southeast-2a'
- RESERVED_ZONE = 'ap-southeast-2b'
- conn = False
- def __init__(self, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, region=False):
- if region:
- self.REGION = region
- self.connect(aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, region)
- def connect(self, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, region=False):
- pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/bot.py b/src/bot.py
index 1cf4548..9b64176 100644
--- a/src/bot.py
+++ b/src/bot.py
@@ -1,29 +1,20 @@
-import requests
import re
import random
import inspect
-import json
-from time import time,sleep
-from ec2_helper import EC2Helper
-from simple_hipchat import HipChat
+from time import time, sleep
from urllib2 import HTTPError
-# For Arnold
-from _arnold_phrases import ARNOLD_PHRASES
-from _lego_quotes import LEGO_QUOTES
+from plugin_loader import PluginLoader
+from simple_hipchat import HipChat
class Bot():
- RE_URL = re.compile("([^<]*)", re.MULTILINE + re.IGNORECASE)
- EC2_DOWN_CODE = 80
- ec2 = None
- geckoboard = None
rooms = None
joined_rooms = {}
actions = {}
+ plugins = []
# hipchat simple interaction object
hipster = None
name = 'Pancake'
@@ -33,7 +24,10 @@ class Bot():
rooms_users = {}
get_users_timeout = 5 * 60 # 5 min
- def __init__(self, api_token, name=None, aws=False, gecko=False):
+ def __init__(self, conf):
+ api_token = conf.general['api_token']
+ name = conf.general['bot_name']
self.hipster = HipChat(token=api_token)
@@ -43,95 +37,54 @@ def __init__(self, api_token, name=None, aws=False, gecko=False):
print('Error! API token not specified or invalid')
- if aws:
- self.__awsInit(aws)
- self.gecko = gecko
if name:
self.name = name
- self.__setActions()
+ pl = PluginLoader(conf, '/plugins')
+ self.plugins = pl.get_plugins()
+ self.__set_actions()
# Private
# ==================================================================
- def __setActions(self):
+ @staticmethod
+ def __get_latest_date(messages):
+ latest_date = ''
+ for message in messages:
+ if message['date'] > latest_date:
+ latest_date = message['date']
+ return latest_date
+ @staticmethod
+ def __mention_user(username):
+ return '@' + username.replace(' ', '')
+ def __set_actions(self):
self.actions = {
'/help': {
- 'action': self.__cmdHelp,
+ 'action': self.__cmd_help,
'help': 'Show this help'
- '/cat': {
- 'action': self.__cmdGetRandomCatGIF,
- 'help': 'Post random cat gif'
- },
- '/staging': {
- 'action': self.__cmdGetStagingStatus,
- 'help': 'Get staging servers status'
- },
- '/chuck': {
- 'action': self.__cmdGetRandomChuckPhrase,
- 'help': 'Post random Chuck\'s phrase'
- },
- '/blame': {
- 'action': self.__cmdBlameSomebody,
- 'help': 'Blame somebody'
- },
- '/pony': {
- 'action': self.__cmdGetPony,
- 'help': 'Post pony image'
- },
- '/rps': {
- 'action': self.__cmdRPS,
- 'help': 'Rock - Paper - Scissors - Lizard - Spock (type /rps help)'
- },
- '/!': {
- 'action': self.__cmdArnold,
- 'help': 'Arnold Schwarzenegger\'s phrase (/! name)'
- },
- '/lego': {
- 'action': self.__cmdLego,
- 'help': 'LEGO Movie quote\'s (/lego name)'
- },
- '/xkcd': {
- 'action': self.__cmdXKCD,
- 'help': 'Get random xkcd comics'
- },
- '/gif': {
- 'action': self.__cmdRandomGIF,
- 'help': 'Get a random gif, with a optional search term (/gif keyboard cat)'
- },
- '/roll': {
- 'action': self.__cmdRoll,
- 'help': 'Roll a random number 0 - 100'
- },
- '/tell': {
- 'action': self.__cmdTell,
- 'help': 'Tell someone something (/tell name message or /tell name message from name)'
- },
'/limit': {
- 'action': self.__cmdGetLimit,
+ 'action': self.__cmd_get_limit,
'help': 'Get current HipChat API limit status'
- },
- '/board': {
- 'action': self.__cmdPostToBoard,
- 'help': 'Post message to geckoboard'
- },
- '/?': {
- 'action': self.__cmdAsk,
- 'help': 'Ask me a question'
- def __awsInit(self, credentials):
- if not ('secret_key' in credentials and 'access_key' in credentials):
- return False
+ # load plugins
+ for plugin in self.plugins:
+ self.actions.update({
+ '/' + plugin.command: {
+ 'action': plugin.response,
+ 'help': plugin.help
+ }
+ })
- self.ec2 = EC2Helper(credentials['access_key'], credentials['secret_key'])
- def __getMessages(self, room_name, last_date):
+ def __get_messages(self, room_name, last_date):
msgs = self.hipster.method(
@@ -145,15 +98,7 @@ def __getMessages(self, room_name, last_date):
return new_messages
- def __getLatestDate(self, messages):
- latest_date = ''
- for message in messages:
- if message['date'] > latest_date:
- latest_date = message['date']
- return latest_date
- def __getLatestDates(self):
+ def __get_latest_dates(self):
last_dates = {}
for room_name in self.joined_rooms:
msgs = self.hipster.method(
@@ -162,11 +107,11 @@ def __getLatestDates(self):
parameters={'room_id': self.joined_rooms[room_name], 'date': 'recent'}
- last_dates.update({room_name: self.__getLatestDate(msgs)})
+ last_dates.update({room_name: self.__get_latest_date(msgs)})
return last_dates
- def __getUsers(self, room_name):
+ def __get_users(self, room_name):
if not room_name in self.rooms_users or self.rooms_users[room_name]['time'] + self.get_users_timeout < time():
users = self.hipster.method(
@@ -181,18 +126,15 @@ def __getUsers(self, room_name):
return self.rooms_users[room_name]['users']
- def __mentionUser(self, username):
- return '@' + username.replace(' ', '')
- def __getRandomUser(self, room_name):
+ def __get_random_user(self, room_name):
username = '@here'
- user = random.choice(self.__getUsers(room_name))
+ user = random.choice(self.__get_users(room_name))
if user:
- username = self.__mentionUser(user['name'])
+ username = self.__mention_user(user['name'])
return username
- def __getMentionedUser(self, room_name, message):
+ def __get_mentioned_user(self, room_name, message):
message_parts = message.split()
username = None
@@ -202,30 +144,17 @@ def __getMentionedUser(self, room_name, message):
search = re.compile(search, re.IGNORECASE)
- users = self.__getUsers(room_name)
+ users = self.__get_users(room_name)
usernames = [user['name'] for user in users if re.search(search, user['name'])]
if usernames:
- username = self.__mentionUser(random.choice(usernames))
+ username = self.__mention_user(random.choice(usernames))
return username
- def __doQuoteAtUser(self, room_name, quoteList, message):
- phrase = random.choice(quoteList)
- if "{}" not in phrase:
- phrase = "{}, " + phrase
- username = self.__getMentionedUser(room_name, message)
- # Default user to random if not found.
- if not username:
- username = self.__getRandomUser(room_name)
- self.postMessage(room_name, phrase.format(username))
# Commands
# ==================================================================
- def __cmdHelp(self, room_name):
+ def __cmd_help(self):
message = 'Pancake bot, here are available commands:\n'
for action_name in self.actions.keys():
message += action_name
@@ -233,220 +162,67 @@ def __cmdHelp(self, room_name):
message += ' - ' + self.actions[action_name]['help']
message += '\n'
- self.postMessage(room_name, message)
- def __cmdTell(self, room_name, message):
- message_parts = message.split()
- recipient = self.__getMentionedUser(room_name, message_parts[1])
- if not recipient: # Default to just text.
- recipient = message_parts[1]
- # Check for "from someone" at the end.
- if message_parts[-2].lower() == 'from':
- sender = self.__getMentionedUser(room_name, message_parts[-1])
- if not sender: # Default to just text.
- sender = message_parts[-1]
- # Send message as from someone.
- message_parts = message_parts
- message = ' '.join(message_parts[2:-2])
- self.postMessage(room_name, "Hey {}, {} said {}".format(recipient, sender, message))
- else:
- # Send message as from bot.
- message = ' '.join(message_parts[2:])
- self.postMessage(room_name, "Hey {}, {}".format(recipient, message))
- def __cmdPostToBoard(self, room_name, message):
- message_parts = message.split(' ', 1)
- if not self.gecko:
- return self.postMessage(room_name, 'Have no credentials for geckoboard')
- params = {
- "api_key": self.gecko["api"],
- "data": { "item":[{"text": message_parts[1],"type":0}] }
- }
- headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
- r = requests.post('https://push.geckoboard.com/v1/send/' + self.gecko["widget"], data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers)
- if r.status_code == 200:
- response = r.json()
- if response['success']:
- return self.postMessage(room_name, 'Message was posted to Geckoboard')
- return self.postMessage(room_name, 'Something went wrong')
- def __cmdGetRandomChuckPhrase(self, room_name):
- message = "Can't connect to Chuck API =("
- params = {'limitTo': '[nerdy]'}
- r = requests.get('http://api.icndb.com/jokes/random', params=params)
- if r.status_code == 200:
- response = r.json()
- if response['type'] == 'success':
- message = response['value']['joke']
- self.postMessage(room_name, message)
- def __cmdGetRandomCatGIF(self, room_name):
- message = "Can't connect to cat API =("
- params = {'format': 'xml', 'type': 'gif'}
- r = requests.get('http://thecatapi.com/api/images/get', params=params)
- if r.status_code == 200:
- response = r.text
- res = re.search(self.RE_URL, response)
- if res:
- message = res.groups()[0]
- self.postMessage(room_name, message)
- def __cmdGetStagingStatus(self, room_name):
- if not self.ec2:
- self.postMessage(room_name, 'Can\'t connect to AWS API =(')
- return False
- is_up = False
- message = ''
- short_status = 'Staging servers status: '
- instances = self.ec2.getInstanceStatuses()
- for instance in instances:
- is_up = is_up or instance['state_code'] != self.EC2_DOWN_CODE
- message += instance['name'] + ': ' + instance['state'] + '\n'
- if is_up:
- short_status += 'RUNNING'
- else:
- short_status += 'STOPPED'
- self.postMessage(room_name, short_status)
- self.postMessage(room_name, message)
- def __cmdBlameSomebody(self, room_name):
- message = '{}, this is your fault!'
- username = self.__getRandomUser(room_name)
- self.postMessage(room_name, message.format(username))
+ return message
- def __cmdGetPony(self, room_name):
- max = 160
- message = "http://ponyfac.es/{}/full.jpg".format(random.randint(1, max))
- self.postMessage(room_name, message)
- def __cmdRPS(self, room_name, username, message):
- if 'help' in message:
- self.postMessage(room_name, 'http://a.tgcdn.net/images/products/additional/large/db2e_lizard_spock.jpg')
- return False
- options = ['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors', 'Lizard', 'Spock']
- response = '{0} - {1}'.format(self.__mentionUser(username), random.choice(options))
- self.postMessage(room_name, response)
- def __cmdAsk(self, room_name, username):
- options = ['yes', 'no', 'no way!', 'yep!']
- response = '{0}, {1}'.format(self.__mentionUser(username), random.choice(options))
- self.postMessage(room_name, response)
- def __cmdArnold(self, room_name, message):
- self.__doQuoteAtUser(room_name, ARNOLD_PHRASES, message)
- def __cmdLego(self, room_name, message):
- self.__doQuoteAtUser(room_name, LEGO_QUOTES, message)
- def __cmdXKCD(self, room_name):
- max_value = 1335
- value = random.randint(1, max_value)
- r = requests.get('http://xkcd.com/{}/info.0.json'.format(value))
- if r.status_code == 200:
- response = r.json()
- self.postMessage(room_name, response['img'])
- self.postMessage(room_name, response['alt'])
- else:
- self.postMessage(room_name, "Can't connect to xkcd API =(")
- def __cmdRandomGIF(self, room_name, message):
- search_values = message.split('/gif', 1)
- tags = ''
- if len(search_values) == 2:
- tags = '+'.join(search_values[1].split())
- r = requests.get('http://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/random?api_key=dc6zaTOxFJmzC&tag=' + tags)
- if r.status_code == 200:
- response = r.json()
- self.postMessage(room_name, response['data']['image_url'])
- else:
- self.postMessage(room_name, "Can't connect to giphy API =(")
- def __cmdRoll(self, room_name, username):
- response = '{0} rolled {1}'.format(self.__mentionUser(username), random.randint(0, 100))
- self.postMessage(room_name, response)
- def __cmdGetLimit(self, room_name):
+ def __cmd_get_limit(self):
message = '{0}/{1} calls remaining, update in {2} seconds'.format(
self.hipster.limits['reset'] - time()
- self.postMessage(room_name, message)
+ return message
# Public
# ==================================================================
- def joinRooms(self, rooms):
+ def join_rooms(self, rooms):
self.rooms = rooms.split(',')
for room in self.rooms:
- self.joinRoom(room)
+ self.join_room(room)
- def joinRoom(self, room_name):
+ def join_room(self, room_name):
if room_name in self.available_rooms:
self.joined_rooms.update({room_name: self.available_rooms[room_name]})
- def postMessage(self, room_name, message):
+ def post_message(self, room_name, message):
self.hipster.message_room(self.joined_rooms[room_name], self.name, message)
- def start(self):
- last_dates = self.__getLatestDates()
+ def execute_action(self, action, room_name, message_object):
+ args = {}
+ fields = set(inspect.getargspec(action).args)
+ if 'room' in fields: args.update({'room': room_name})
+ if 'author_id' in fields: args.update({'author_id': message_object['from']['user_id']})
+ if 'author' in fields: args.update({'author': message_object['from']['name']})
+ if 'message' in fields: args.update({'message': message_object['message']})
+ if 'random_user' in fields: args.update({'random_user': self.__get_random_user(room_name)})
+ if 'mentioned_user' in fields:
+ args.update({'mentioned_user': self.__get_mentioned_user(room_name, message_object['message'])})
+ message = action(**args)
+ self.post_message(room_name, message)
+ def start(self):
+ last_dates = self.__get_latest_dates()
while True:
for room_name in self.joined_rooms:
- messages = self.__getMessages(room_name, last_dates[room_name])
+ messages = self.__get_messages(room_name, last_dates[room_name])
if messages:
- last_dates[room_name] = self.__getLatestDate(messages)
+ last_dates[room_name] = self.__get_latest_date(messages)
for message in messages:
- if message['from']['name'] != self.name:
- for action_name in self.actions:
- fields = set(inspect.getargspec(self.actions[action_name]['action'])[0])
- args = {'room_name': room_name}
- if 'user_id' in fields:
- args.update({'user_id': message['from']['user_id']})
- if 'username' in fields:
- args.update({'username': message['from']['name']})
- if 'message' in fields:
- args.update({'message': message['message']})
+ if message['from']['name'] == self.name: continue
- if action_name in message['message']:
- self.actions[action_name]['action'](**args)
+ for action_name in self.actions:
+ if action_name in message['message']:
+ print("Executing action: " + action_name + " in room '" + room_name + "'")
+ self.execute_action(self.actions[action_name]['action'], room_name, message)
except Exception, e:
diff --git a/src/config.py b/src/config.py
index 9af541a..0ce2732 100644
--- a/src/config.py
+++ b/src/config.py
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ class Settings():
rules = {
'general': ['api_token', 'rooms', 'bot_name'],
- 'aws': ['access_key', 'secret_key'],
'geckoboard': ['api', 'widget']
diff --git a/src/ec2_helper.py b/src/ec2_helper.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e0041c3..0000000
--- a/src/ec2_helper.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-import re
-import boto.ec2
-from aws_basic import AWSBasic
-class EC2Helper(AWSBasic):
- instances = []
- launch_groups = {}
- RE_STAGING = re.compile('(stage|staging)', re.IGNORECASE)
- def connect(self, access_key, secret_key, region = False):
- """
- Create connection to region
- If region didn't specified - connect to default region
- :type region: str
- :param region: Region to connect
- """
- if not region:
- region = self.REGION
- self.conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region, aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key)
- if not self.conn:
- print 'Invalid region name'
- return False
- def __getInstances(self):
- """
- Get instances list from AWS, cache it
- with custom format + create dicts for fast search
- """
- reservations = self.conn.get_all_instances()
- our_instances = []
- for reservation in reservations:
- for instance in reservation.instances:
- our_instances.append(instance)
- self.instances = our_instances
- def getInstanceStatuses(self):
- self.__getInstances()
- instances = []
- for instance in self.instances:
- if 'Name' in instance.tags:
- instance_name = instance.tags['Name']
- if re.search(self.RE_STAGING, instance_name):
- instances.append({
- 'name': instance_name,
- 'state': instance.state,
- 'state_code': instance.state_code
- })
- return instances
diff --git a/src/plugin_loader.py b/src/plugin_loader.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5dd285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugin_loader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import inspect
+class PluginLoader():
+ __plugins = []
+ __plugin_names = {}
+ conf = None
+ app_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))[0]) + '/../'
+ def __init__(self, conf, plugins_dir):
+ self.conf = conf
+ folder = self.app_dir + plugins_dir
+ sys.path.insert(0, folder)
+ for filename in os.listdir(folder):
+ full_path = folder + '/' + filename
+ if os.path.isdir(full_path) or filename[-3:] == '.py':
+ self.load_plugin(filename)
+ def __check_conflicts(self, command):
+ for plugin in self.__plugins:
+ if command == plugin.command:
+ raise Exception("Command name '" + command + "' conflicts with plugin: " + self.__plugin_names[plugin.command])
+ def get_plugins(self):
+ return self.__plugins
+ def load_plugin(self, filename):
+ """
+ Load plugin class, check if it has all the required properties
+ and initialise it
+ """
+ try:
+ if filename[-2:] == 'py':
+ filename = filename[:-3:]
+ __import__(filename)
+ for name, class_name in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[filename]):
+ if inspect.isclass(class_name):
+ args = {}
+ if hasattr(class_name, '__init__') and 'conf' in inspect.getargspec(class_name.__init__).args:
+ args.update({'conf': self.conf})
+ plugin = class_name(**args)
+ if not hasattr(plugin, 'help') and not hasattr(plugin, 'command'):
+ raise Exception("Plugin class must have 'help' and 'command' attributes")
+ self.__check_conflicts(plugin.command)
+ self.__plugins.append(plugin)
+ self.__plugin_names.update({plugin.command: filename})
+ print("Plugin '" + filename + "' (/" + plugin.command + ") was loaded...")
+ return True
+ raise Exception("No class found in " + filename)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print("Can't load plugin '" + filename + "': " + str(e))