- Change ava syntax to jest syntax (with jest-codemods)
- Add Jest Lua imports to tests ( import { expect, test } from "@rbxts/jest-globals"; )
- Add Luau Polyfill ( import { Array, Object, JsMap, Error, Number } from "@rbxts/luau-polyfill"; )
- Change Jest JS syntax with Jest Lua syntax ( expect().not. -> expect().never. )
- Adjust to roblox-ts's syntax
- Change requires to imports
- Array.length -> Array.size()
- Differentiate between empty and undefined values in arrays
- NaN -> 0/0
- Infinity -> math.huge
- toFixed -> string.format
- const Number_EPSILON = 2.220446049250313e-16;
- const Number_MAX_VALUE = 1.7976931348623157e308;
- const Number_MIN_VALUE = 5e-324;
- Boolean arithmetic
- Strict types
- Confirm parity with unit tests
- test/helpers
- utils
- text
- colors
- path2
- curves
- line2
- line3
- mat4
- plane
- vec2
- vec3
- vec4
- connectors
- geom2
- geom3
- poly2
- poly3
- measurements
- primitives
- operations
- General cleanup
- Clean up rbxUtil and examples
- Better types
- Consistent formatting
- Set up as rbxts package