Troubleshooting authentication errors can be a time-consuming undertaking as a developer works with different development and deployment environments, platforms, and tooling that understanding a cryptic 401 Unauthorized error is near to impossible. To tackle this ongoing issue, we need an effective tool (with a great UI) that will aid in the troubleshooting process.
Provide value to the team while also expanding knowledge and experience on a variety of topics REST/curl, MVC, Design Patterns, Docker, Angular.
A tool that fetches specific logs according to defined authentication errors/keywords from Conjur in a containerized environment, container ENV variables, and all related information about the unauthenticated user (if the user exists in Conjur, the Conjur policy where the user is defined, their privileges, etc).
For DAP, checks API Endpoints are functioning correctly by making queries to health, nginx services, etc (out of scope)
For DAP, fetch Master/Follower logs and configurations (out of scope)
Salesforce tool that extracts all useful information from cases necessary for engineers to troubleshoot the case
Page with mappings of repository names to their pull commands. Ex:
→docker pull
(for both private and public registries) -
Slackbot where if you use a certain #tag (#documentation), will create salesforce cases for documentation
For the first iteration of this tool, I have decided to pursue the first idea and create a tool that will do the following:
Connect with Conjur / DAP containers
Extract ENV variables
NOTE: By default, the tool also supports DAP b/c from the functionality currently offered, the user can input the container name/id and receive the necessary logs and ENV variables which is environment agnostic
NOTE: For OSS, we are limited to setting the log levels as container ENV variables before OSS spin up
Parse and extract Conjur / DAP logs based on the type user requests
Return the user's relevant data in Conjur (if the user exists in Conjur, the Conjur policy where the user is defined, their privileges, etc).
Return a result page with data
Reach out to developers, PO/Ms, and SEs to understand the pain points and use this feedback to develop tooling that will feature in the project
Define an MVP that will provide immediate value and a running backlog
Create the design
Construct classes and interfaces according to MVC
Communicate with Docker using the Java Docker client
Use Ajax / JQuery to render result on same page, without page reload
Java objects are converted to JSON objects
Page renders JSON objects
Combine Env + Log JSON objects to be rendered together under 1 call
Remove duplication of responses with each submit
Add back in MVC objects and figure out how to integrate MVC with @ResponseBody
Style the page with CSS
- New log entries and environment variables are being added to their lists with every "submit" even though input parameters are the same
Class diagram:
Sequence diagram:
Activity diagram:
UI Mocks can be found here:
- App will save state so that the user does not have to redefine query with each session
I will build an application with Spring Boot to, amongst other things, manage dependencies, abstract away complexities with feature flags, and provide a server out of box. I will use the docker-java Java Docker API client. Their docs are hosted here and I will utilize the following:
ExecCreateCmd exec = dockerClient.execCreateCmd(containerId).withCmd("env"), to extract ENV variables from the container
LogContainerCmd cmd = dockerClient.logContainerCmd(containerId), to extract logs from the container
TODO: Figure out how to export logs like so: docker logs 06b329936e62 | grep "authentication"
efficiently without exporting
the whole log file. Example 2 here
might be helpful.
- TarArchiveInputStream tarStream = new TarArchiveInputStream(dockerClient.copyArchiveFromContainerCmd(containerName, containerFile).exec()), to extract policy files from the container as a tar.
In Conjur OSS (quickstart), files are located in the policy
directory. So I will extract and query policy files for the
unauthenticated user. Helpful resource: docker-java/docker-java#991