diff --git a/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/core/modules_linux.go b/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/core/modules_linux.go
index 6401ea2f2d..1cb174e905 100644
--- a/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/core/modules_linux.go
+++ b/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/core/modules_linux.go
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import (
_ "github.com/signalfx/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/cpu"
_ "github.com/signalfx/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/cpufreq"
_ "github.com/signalfx/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/custom"
- _ "github.com/signalfx/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/df"
_ "github.com/signalfx/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/disk"
_ "github.com/signalfx/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/genericjmx"
_ "github.com/signalfx/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/hadoopjmx"
diff --git a/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/df/df.go b/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/df/df.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f050bd3f6..0000000000
--- a/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/df/df.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-//go:build linux
-// +build linux
-package df
-//go:generate ../../../../scripts/collectd-template-to-go df.tmpl
-import (
- "github.com/signalfx/signalfx-agent/pkg/core/config"
- "github.com/signalfx/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors"
- "github.com/signalfx/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd"
-func init() {
- monitors.Register(&monitorMetadata, func() interface{} {
- return &Monitor{
- MonitorCore: *collectd.NewMonitorCore(CollectdTemplate),
- }
- }, &Config{})
-// Config is the monitor-specific config with the generic config embedded
-type Config struct {
- config.MonitorConfig `yaml:",inline" singleInstance:"true"`
- // Path to the root of the host filesystem. Useful when running in a
- // container and the host filesystem is mounted in some subdirectory under
- // /.
- HostFSPath string `yaml:"hostFSPath"`
- // If true, the filesystems selected by `fsTypes` and `mountPoints` will be
- // excluded and all others included.
- IgnoreSelected *bool `yaml:"ignoreSelected" default:"true"`
- // The filesystem types to include/exclude.
- FSTypes []string `yaml:"fsTypes" default:"[\"aufs\", \"overlay\", \"tmpfs\", \"proc\", \"sysfs\", \"nsfs\", \"cgroup\", \"devpts\", \"selinuxfs\", \"devtmpfs\", \"debugfs\", \"mqueue\", \"hugetlbfs\", \"securityfs\", \"pstore\", \"binfmt_misc\", \"autofs\"]"`
- // The mount paths to include/exclude, is interpreted as a regex if
- // surrounded by `/`. Note that you need to include the full path as the
- // agent will see it, irrespective of the hostFSPath option.
- MountPoints []string `yaml:"mountPoints" default:"[\"/^/var/lib/docker/\", \"/^/var/lib/rkt/pods/\", \"/^/net//\", \"/^/smb//\"]"`
- ReportByDevice bool `yaml:"reportByDevice" default:"false"`
- ReportInodes bool `yaml:"reportInodes" default:"false"`
- // If true percent based metrics will be reported.
- ValuesPercentage bool `yaml:"valuesPercentage" default:"false"`
-// Monitor is the main type that represents the monitor
-type Monitor struct {
- collectd.MonitorCore
-// GetExtraMetrics returns additional metrics to allow through.
-func (c *Config) GetExtraMetrics() []string {
- var extraMetrics []string
- if c.ReportInodes {
- extraMetrics = append(extraMetrics, groupMetricsMap[groupInodes]...)
- }
- if c.ValuesPercentage {
- extraMetrics = append(extraMetrics, groupMetricsMap[groupPercentage]...)
- }
- if c.ReportInodes && c.ValuesPercentage {
- extraMetrics = append(extraMetrics, percentInodesFree, percentInodesReserved, percentInodesUsed)
- }
- return extraMetrics
-// Configure configures and runs the plugin in collectd
-func (m *Monitor) Configure(config *Config) error {
- // conf is a config shallow copy that will be mutated and used to configure moni tor
- conf := *config
- // Setting group flags in conf for enable extra metrics
- if m.Output.HasEnabledMetricInGroup(groupInodes) {
- conf.ReportInodes = true
- }
- if m.Output.HasEnabledMetricInGroup(groupPercentage) {
- conf.ValuesPercentage = true
- }
- if m.isReportInodesAndValuesPercentageMetric() {
- conf.ReportInodes = true
- conf.ValuesPercentage = true
- }
- return m.SetConfigurationAndRun(&conf, collectd.WithDeprecationWarningLog("filesystems"))
-func (m *Monitor) isReportInodesAndValuesPercentageMetric() bool {
- for _, metric := range m.Output.EnabledMetrics() {
- if metric == percentInodesFree || metric == percentInodesReserved || metric == percentInodesUsed {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
diff --git a/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/df/df.tmpl b/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/df/df.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 755b46f165..0000000000
--- a/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/df/df.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-LoadPlugin df
- ChangeRoot "{{.HostFSPath}}"
- IgnoreSelected {{toBool .IgnoreSelected}}
-{{range .FSTypes}}
- FSType "{{.}}"
-{{- end}}
-{{range .MountPoints}}
- MountPoint "{{.}}"
-{{- end}}
- ReportByDevice {{if .ReportByDevice}}true{{else}}false{{end}}
- ReportInodes {{if .ReportInodes}}true{{else}}false{{end}}
- ValuesPercentage {{if .ValuesPercentage}}true{{else}}false{{end}}
- Plugin "^df$"
- MetaData "monitorID" "{{.MonitorID}}"
diff --git a/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/df/genmetadata.go b/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/df/genmetadata.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e32a829ca2..0000000000
--- a/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/df/genmetadata.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by monitor-code-gen. DO NOT EDIT.
-package df
-import (
- "github.com/signalfx/golib/v3/datapoint"
- "github.com/signalfx/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors"
-const monitorType = "collectd/df"
-const (
- groupInodes = "inodes"
- groupPercentage = "percentage"
-var groupSet = map[string]bool{
- groupInodes: true,
- groupPercentage: true,
-const (
- dfComplexFree = "df_complex.free"
- dfComplexReserved = "df_complex.reserved"
- dfComplexUsed = "df_complex.used"
- dfInodesFree = "df_inodes.free"
- dfInodesReserved = "df_inodes.reserved"
- dfInodesUsed = "df_inodes.used"
- percentBytesFree = "percent_bytes.free"
- percentBytesReserved = "percent_bytes.reserved"
- percentBytesUsed = "percent_bytes.used"
- percentInodesFree = "percent_inodes.free"
- percentInodesReserved = "percent_inodes.reserved"
- percentInodesUsed = "percent_inodes.used"
-var metricSet = map[string]monitors.MetricInfo{
- dfComplexFree: {Type: datapoint.Gauge},
- dfComplexReserved: {Type: datapoint.Gauge},
- dfComplexUsed: {Type: datapoint.Gauge},
- dfInodesFree: {Type: datapoint.Gauge, Group: groupInodes},
- dfInodesReserved: {Type: datapoint.Gauge, Group: groupInodes},
- dfInodesUsed: {Type: datapoint.Gauge, Group: groupInodes},
- percentBytesFree: {Type: datapoint.Gauge, Group: groupPercentage},
- percentBytesReserved: {Type: datapoint.Gauge, Group: groupPercentage},
- percentBytesUsed: {Type: datapoint.Gauge, Group: groupPercentage},
- percentInodesFree: {Type: datapoint.Gauge},
- percentInodesReserved: {Type: datapoint.Gauge},
- percentInodesUsed: {Type: datapoint.Gauge},
-var defaultMetrics = map[string]bool{
- dfComplexFree: true,
- dfComplexUsed: true,
-var groupMetricsMap = map[string][]string{
- groupInodes: {
- dfInodesFree,
- dfInodesReserved,
- dfInodesUsed,
- },
- groupPercentage: {
- percentBytesFree,
- percentBytesReserved,
- percentBytesUsed,
- },
-var monitorMetadata = monitors.Metadata{
- MonitorType: "collectd/df",
- DefaultMetrics: defaultMetrics,
- Metrics: metricSet,
- SendUnknown: false,
- Groups: groupSet,
- GroupMetricsMap: groupMetricsMap,
- SendAll: false,
diff --git a/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/df/metadata.yaml b/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/df/metadata.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e95f12588..0000000000
--- a/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/df/metadata.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-- dimensions:
- doc: |
- Tracks free disk space on the host using the collectd [df
- plugin](https://collectd.org/wiki/index.php/Plugin:DF).
- Note that on Linux a filesystem **must** be mounted in the same filesystem
- namespace that the agent is running in for this monitor to be able to
- collect statistics about that filesystem. This is mostly an issue when
- running the agent in a container.
- **This plugin is deprecated in favor of the `filesystems` monitor.**
- metrics:
- df_complex.free:
- description: |-
- Measures free disk space in bytes on this file system.
- default: true
- type: gauge
- df_complex.reserved:
- description: |-
- Measures disk space in bytes reserved for the super-user on this file system.
- default: false
- type: gauge
- df_complex.used:
- description: |-
- Measures used disk space in bytes on this file system.
- default: true
- type: gauge
- df_inodes.free:
- description: |-
- Measures free inodes in the file system. Inodes are structures used by Unix filesystems to store metadata about files.
- default: false
- type: gauge
- group: inodes
- df_inodes.reserved:
- description: |-
- Measures inodes reserved for the super user in the file system. Inodes are structures used by Unix filesystems to store metadata about files.
- default: false
- type: gauge
- group: inodes
- df_inodes.used:
- description: |-
- Measures used inodes in the file system. Inodes are structures used by Unix filesystems to store metadata about files.
- default: false
- type: gauge
- group: inodes
- percent_bytes.free:
- description: |-
- Measures free disk space as a percentage of total disk space on this file system.
- default: false
- type: gauge
- group: percentage
- percent_bytes.reserved:
- description: |-
- Measures disk space reserved for the super-user as a percentage of total disk space of this file system.
- default: false
- type: gauge
- group: percentage
- percent_bytes.used:
- description: |-
- Measures used disk space as a percentage of total disk space of this file system.
- default: false
- type: gauge
- group: percentage
- percent_inodes.free:
- description: |-
- Measures free inodes as a percentage of total inodes in the file system. Inodes are structures used by file systems to store information about files (other than its content).
- default: false
- type: gauge
- percent_inodes.reserved:
- description: |-
- Measures inodes reserved for the super-user as a percentage of total inodes in the file system. Inodes are structures used by file systems to store information about files (other than its content).
- default: false
- type: gauge
- percent_inodes.used:
- description: |-
- Measures used inodes as a percentage of total inodes in the file system. Inodes are structures used by file systems to store information about files (other than its content).
- default: false
- type: gauge
- monitorType: collectd/df
- properties:
diff --git a/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/df/template.go b/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/df/template.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bb34f8d9d..0000000000
--- a/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd/df/template.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-//go:build linux
-// +build linux
-package df
-// AUTOGENERATED BY scripts/collectd-template-to-go. DO NOT EDIT!!
-import (
- "text/template"
- "github.com/signalfx/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/collectd"
-// CollectdTemplate is a template for a df collectd config file
-var CollectdTemplate = template.Must(collectd.InjectTemplateFuncs(template.New("df")).Parse(`
-LoadPlugin df
- ChangeRoot "{{.HostFSPath}}"
- IgnoreSelected {{toBool .IgnoreSelected}}
-{{range .FSTypes}}
- FSType "{{.}}"
-{{- end}}
-{{range .MountPoints}}
- MountPoint "{{.}}"
-{{- end}}
- ReportByDevice {{if .ReportByDevice}}true{{else}}false{{end}}
- ReportInodes {{if .ReportInodes}}true{{else}}false{{end}}
- ValuesPercentage {{if .ValuesPercentage}}true{{else}}false{{end}}
- Plugin "^df$"
- MetaData "monitorID" "{{.MonitorID}}"
diff --git a/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/filesystems/metadata.yaml b/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/filesystems/metadata.yaml
index baabaabf1a..bc7e5724d9 100644
--- a/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/filesystems/metadata.yaml
+++ b/internal/signalfx-agent/pkg/monitors/filesystems/metadata.yaml
@@ -13,28 +13,6 @@ monitors:
- type: filesystems
hostFSPath: /hostfs
- ## Migrating from collectd/df
- The `collectd/df` monitor is being deprecated in favor of the `filesystems`
- monitor. While the `collectd/df` monitor will still be available in
- 5.0, it is recommended that you switch to the `filesystems` monitor soon
- after upgrading. There are a few incompatibilities to be aware of between
- the two monitors:
- - `collectd/df` used a dimension called `plugin_instance` to identify the
- mount point or device of the filesystem. This dimension is completely
- removed in the `filesystems` monitor and replaced by the `mountpoint`
- and `device` dimensions. You no longer have to select between the two
- (the `reportByDevice` option on `collectd/df`) as both are always
- reported.
- - The mountpoints in the `plugin_instance` dimension of `collectd/df`
- were reported with `-` instead of the more conventional `/` separated
- path segments. The `filesystems` monitor always reports mountpoints in
- the `mountpoint` dimension and uses the conventional `/` separator.
- - The `collectd/df` plugin set a dimension `plugin: df` on all datapoints,
- but `filesystems` has no such comparable dimension.
description: Free disk space in bytes
diff --git a/pkg/receiver/smartagentreceiver/config.go b/pkg/receiver/smartagentreceiver/config.go
index 83c774a898..70696e6926 100644
--- a/pkg/receiver/smartagentreceiver/config.go
+++ b/pkg/receiver/smartagentreceiver/config.go
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ var (
errDimensionClientValue = fmt.Errorf("dimensionClients must be an array of compatible exporter names")
nonWindowsMonitors = map[string]bool{
"collectd/activemq": true, "collectd/apache": true, "collectd/cassandra": true, "collectd/chrony": true,
- "collectd/cpu": true, "collectd/cpufreq": true, "collectd/custom": true, "collectd/df": true, "collectd/disk": true,
+ "collectd/cpu": true, "collectd/cpufreq": true, "collectd/custom": true, "collectd/disk": true,
"collectd/genericjmx": true, "collectd/hadoopjmx": true, "collectd/kafka": true, "collectd/kafka_consumer": true,
"collectd/kafka_producer": true, "collectd/load": true, "collectd/memcached": true, "collectd/memory": true,
"collectd/mysql": true, "collectd/netinterface": true, "collectd/nginx": true, "collectd/php-fpm": true,