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Silvermine Coding Standards Specific to ES6+ / TypeScript

Variable Declarations

The keyword var should be avoided in all new code that targets ES6+. Instead, let and const should always be used. If the variable will not be changed, always use const.

Consecutive variable declarations should be grouped in one statement. However, multiple statements can be used if there is other code between them. The exception to this is multi-line const declarations. If a const declaration spans multiple lines, it must appear in a separate declaration. let declarations should never span multiple lines.


const SOME_OBJ = {
   a: 1,
   b: 2,

const SOME_STR = 'something',
      SOME_NUM = 2;

let someOtherString = 'something else',
    someOtherNumber = 3,
    arr1 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],

someChangeableObj = {
   x: 1,
   y: 2,

let myTotal = 0;

for (let x of arr1) {
   myTotal += x;

Template Literals

Template literals are preferred, but not enforced. The goal is, as always, to make the code as readable as possible. If a template literal makes the code less readable, string concatenation should be used instead. For example: `.${fileName}` is less readable than '.' + fileName.

There are two exceptions to the above:

  1. Multi-line template literals. These should never be used, because of the negative effect on indentation and readability.

    For example, the following would be necessary to ensure no leading spaces on the second line, and is not allowed:


    // This odd indentation is necessary to ensure that there are no leading spaces on
    // the second line, and should be avoided.
    function myFunction() {
      let str;
      str = `First Line
    second line`;
    // Use this instead
    function myFunction() {
       let str;
       str = 'First Line\n';
       str = str + 'second line';
  2. Implicit string conversion. Template literals should not be used solely for implicit conversion to a string. For that, the String method should be used instead. For example, String(someNumber) should be used instead of `${someNumber}`.

async / await

Allowed Sparingly

We are still forming an opinion on the use of these operators. For now, we have decided to use them sparingly and prefer the use of Promises.

The async/await style can easily lead to unintentionally synchronous code.


async function foo() {
   let a = await asyncFunc1(),
       b = await asyncFunc2();

   return a + b;

The above code would wait for asyncFunc1 to return before running asyncFunc2. A better approach would be:

function foo() {
   return Promise.all([ asyncFunc1(), asyncFunc2() ])
      .then(([ a, b ]) => { return a + b; });

This example would be more performant, as asyncFunc1 and asyncFunc2 are run concurrently. This intricacy is easily lost in reading the async/await example.


Basic object and array destructuring is permitted. However, some of the more advanced destructuring techniques are difficult to read and thus not allowed.

Basic Object/Array Destructuring



let rect = { x: 0, y: 10, width: 15, height: 20 },
    { x, y } = rect;

console.log(x, y); // 0, 10

let arr1 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
    [ a, b, c, d ] = arr1;

console.log(a, b, c, d); // 1, 2, 3, 4

Array Destructuring With Rest



let arr1 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
    [ a, b, ...arr2 ] = arr1;

console.log(a, b, arr2); // 1, 2, [ 3, 4 ]

Object Destructuring With Rest

Not Allowed

Reason: Risky. What if the object has more properties than you were expecting?


let rect = { x: 0, y: 10, width: 15, height: 20, somethingIForgotAbout: 'oops' },
    { x, y, ...dimensions } = rect;

console.log(dimensions); // { width: 15, height: 20, somethingIForgotAbout: 'oops' }

Array Destructuring With Ignores

Not Allowed

Reason: Readability is negatively impacted; it's easy to miss the ignored value.


Promise.all([ p1, p2 ]).then(([ , r2 ]) => { console.log(r2); });

Renaming While Destructuring

Not Allowed

Reason: The function of the code is not readily apparent.


const obj = { someProperty: 'some value'},
      { someProperty: someVariable } = obj;

console.log(someVariable); // 'some value'

Deep Data Destructuring

Not Allowed

Reason: It is not very readable and it does not do empty/null/undefined checking.


let foo = { bar: { bas: 123 } },
    { bar: { bas } } = foo, // Effectively let bas =;
    { notThere: { baz } } = foo; // Throws an error because notThere is undefined

Rest Parameters

Allowed, Encouraged

We prefer using the rest operator in function parameters rather than accessing the arguments variable when dealing with dynamic parameters.


function myFunction(...baz) {
   // This is preferred over console.log(arguments)

myFunction('a', 'b', 'c'); // [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]




let foo = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
    bar = [, 5, 6 ];

console.log(bar); // [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]

const obj1 = { x: 0, y: 1 },
      obj2 = { ...obj1, width: 10, height: 2};

console.log(obj2); // { x: 0, y: 1, width: 10, height: 2 }

Arrow Functions

The use of arrow functions is encouraged where appropriate.

Arrow functions must have parentheses around the parameters.


// valid
let square = (a) => { return a * a; };

// invalid
let square = a => { return a * a; };

Implicit Returns

Not Allowed

Reason: We always favor explicit syntax in our codebase. Banning implicit returns makes it more readily apparent that the function is returning a value and less likely that someone inadvertantly changes a return type by performing an operation and forgetting that the operation is automatically returned if no curly braces surround the statement.


// valid
let square = (a) => { return a * a; };

// invalid because the result of `a * a` is implicitly returned
let square = (a) => a * a;

// valid (and the curly braces make it so that nothing is returned)
someList.forEach((n) => { console.log(n); });

// invalid (because the result of console.log is implicitly returned)
someList.forEach((n) => console.log(n));


There should be a space before and after the arrow.


// valid
let square = (a) => { return a * a; };

// invalid
let square = (a)=> { return a * a; };

Arrow Functions as Class Properties

Arrow functions should not be used as TypeScript class properties. Using arrow functions as class properties leads to several hidden dangers with regards to changing calling context. In addition, subclasses cannot make use of super when overriding arrow function properties.

The following would be invalid:


class Adder {
    constructor(public a: number) {}

    add = (b: number): number => {
        return this.a + b;

Iterators and Generators

Not Allowed



Default Parameters



function multiply(a, b = 5) {
   return a * b;

console.log(multiply(2)); // 10
console.log(multiply(2, 2)); // 4

Error Handling

Typically, it's preferred that when handling custom errors, the error checking is done using instanceof. For example, we might check an error like this:

try {
} catch(err) {
   if (err instanceof CustomError) {
      console.error('Something bad happened!!')

Using instanceof is typically better than simply checking the string value of a field on the error object (e.g. err.code, err.message, etc.) because when comparing strings we could 1) easily check the wrong field, 2) mistakenly compare the right field against the wrong value, or 3) library code could change the name of or expected value of this field, which could easily be overlooked. However, if your code is being transpiled to ES5, then you'll likely want to avoid using instanceof because instanceof often does not work in code transpiled to ES5 as seen here and here.


In TypeScript, we disallow all implicit anys (see TypeScript Deep Dive).

In addition, if a variable is part of the API of the function/module (i.e. it is exported or returned), it must have an explicit type. Also, the return types of functions should be explicitly defined. This will make a change to the API readily apparent to any developer changing the type of the variable in the future.


export const a = '1';

function square(x: number) {
   return x * x;

Although a in the above code has an implicit type of string and will pass linting and compiler checks, this declaration would not be allowed in our codebase because a is exported. This poses a potential problem, since a developer may change the value of a, for example to the number 1, implicitly changing its type and the public API of this module/library, which may not be clear to the developer. By forcing an explicit type on the variable declaration it adds one more warning to the developer that he is making a potentially dangerous change.

Similarly, the return type of the square function is implicitly number because the return type declaration is left off. If the developer does something later that changes this function's returned type, the API of this function may change without the developer realizing it. If the return type is explicitly specified, however, the developer will be made immediately aware that the public API of this function is changing.

Instead, the following should be used:

export const a: string = '1';

function square(x: number): number {
   return x * x;

General Types

Never use the types Number, String, Boolean, or Object. Instead, use the lower case, primative version.


// invalid
let s: String = 'something';

// valid
let s: string = 'something';


All type declarations should be written with no space between the variable name and the colon, but one space between the colon and the type.


// valid
let x: string = 'a string';

// invalid
let x : string = 'a string',
    y :string = 'a string',
    z:string = 'a string';

TypeScript Parameter Properties

Allowed For Private Properties


// valid
class SomeClass {
   public x: number;

   constructor(x: number, private _y: number) {
      this.x = x;

   public add() {
      return this.x + this._y;

// invalid
class SomeClass {
   constructor(public x: number, private _y: number) {}

   public add() {
      return this.x + this._y;