# Atom UI Theme Template

This is a __starter template__ for creating an Atom UI theme.

This template only includes the __minimum of styling__ needed and comes with a neutral look. It could already be used as a real theme, but its purpose is to serve as a basis for creating your own theme. It is documented throughout and invites you to make changes to your liking. For some inspiration take a look at other Atom themes at [atom.io/themes](https://atom.io/themes/). Or you're always free to fork a theme that already comes close to your vision.

Happy theming! 🚀

## Getting started

1. Fork this repository.
2. Continue with step 2 from [Creating a UI Theme](http://flight-manual.atom.io/hacking-atom/sections/creating-a-theme/#creating-a-ui-theme)

If you get stuck somewhere, feel free to create an [issue](https://github.com/atom-community/ui-theme-template/issues/new).

ps. Don't forget to delete the above and edit the below in your own `README.md`.


# My UI theme

A short description of your theme.

![A screenshot of your theme](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/378023/8842525/4215f26c-3136-11e5-9d94-d2c078a05d24.png)