This repo is a fork from
Just with other feature:
- Gastby to turn your app to an universal application
- better scalable server with Typescript
## Authentication with roles & permissions. Backend & Frontend
## Chat with GraphQL Subscriptions
UI (material-ui will be replaced fully soon)
Using last version Apollo v2 and [email protected]
1/ install global
yarn update npm install -g prisma npm install -g prisma-cli npm install -g graphql
//current version [email protected] //current version [email protected] //current version [email protected]
2/ This project use a free Cloud Prisma no need Docker
3/ In folder /server
, run:
#Deploy app
prisma deploy
4/ In 2 different terminals:
# Prisma: Graphql and mySql (port 4000)
cd server
yarn install
yarn start
# Frontend: ReactJs (port 8000 in dev)
cd react
yarn install
npm run develop
Go to url: http://localhost:3000
- apollo server v2: The server use Apollo Server 2 who is now run standalon without graphql-yoga
- Pre-configured Apollo Client: The project comes with a preconfigured setup for Apollo Client
- GraphQL database: Includes GraphQL database binding to Prisma (running on MySQL)
- Tooling: Out-of-the-box support for GraphQL Playground & query performance tracing
- Extensible: Simple and flexible data model – easy to adjust and extend
- Chat: Made with Prisma & apollo subscription. (WebSocket)
- Email management:
- Welcome email + link to validate the email
- Forget password email
- Signup management:
- Check password strength
- Send welcome email + link to validate the email
- App knows if email has been approved by the link
For a fully-fledged React & Apollo tutorial, visit How to GraphQL. You can more learn about the idea behind GraphQL boilerplates here.
prisma reset
prisma deploy
Deploy app -
eslint .
Check JS/react syntax with eslint-plugin-react -
yarn start
starts GraphQL server onhttp://localhost:4000
yarn dev
starts GraphQL server onhttp://localhost:4000
and opens GraphQL Playground -
yarn playground
opens the GraphQL Playground for theprojects
yarn prisma <subcommand>
gives access to local version of Prisma CLI (e.g.yarn prisma deploy
Note: We recommend that you're using
yarn dev
during development as it will give you access to the GraphQL API or your server (defined by the application schema as well as to the Prisma API directly (defined by the Prisma database schema. If you're starting the server withyarn start
, you'll only be able to access the API of the application schema.
- User interfaces: React
- Design:
- GraphQL tool: Apollo Client
- Server JS: ExpressJs
- Server GraphQL: GraphQL apollo-server-express
- ORM (object-relational mapping): Prisma
- Database MySQL:
- Send email: nodemailer
Your feedback is very helpful, please share your opinion and thoughts! If you have any questions or want to contribute yourself, don't hesitate!
If this project help you reduce time to develop, we can help you in other task
Email:[email protected]