diff --git a/features/minimum_coverage.feature b/features/minimum_coverage.feature
index ccc97a6d..99c1272a 100644
--- a/features/minimum_coverage.feature
+++ b/features/minimum_coverage.feature
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Feature:
     When I run `bundle exec rake test`
     Then the exit status should not be 0
-    And the output should contain "Coverage (88.09%) is below the expected minimum coverage (90.00%)."
+    And the output should contain "Line coverage (88.09%) is below the expected minimum coverage (90.00%)."
     And the output should contain "SimpleCov failed with exit 2"
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Feature:
     When I run `bundle exec rake test`
     Then the exit status should not be 0
-    And the output should contain "Coverage (88.09%) is below the expected minimum coverage (88.10%)."
+    And the output should contain "Line coverage (88.09%) is below the expected minimum coverage (88.10%)."
     And the output should contain "SimpleCov failed with exit 2"
@@ -58,3 +58,21 @@ Feature:
     When I run `bundle exec rake test`
     Then the exit status should be 0
+  @branch_coverage
+  Scenario: Works together with branch coverage and the new criterion announcing both failures
+    Given SimpleCov for Test/Unit is configured with:
+      """
+      require 'simplecov'
+      SimpleCov.start do
+        add_filter 'test.rb'
+        enable_coverage :branch
+        minimum_coverage line: 90, branch: 80
+      end
+      """
+    When I run `bundle exec rake test`
+    Then the exit status should not be 0
+    And the output should contain "Line coverage (88.09%) is below the expected minimum coverage (90.00%)."
+    And the output should contain "Branch coverage (50.00%) is below the expected minimum coverage (80.00%)."
+    And the output should contain "SimpleCov failed with exit 2"
diff --git a/lib/simplecov.rb b/lib/simplecov.rb
index f5c50efb..f8edae47 100644
--- a/lib/simplecov.rb
+++ b/lib/simplecov.rb
@@ -231,12 +231,8 @@ def process_result(result, exit_status)
     # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
     def result_exit_status(result, covered_percent)
       covered_percentages = result.covered_percentages.map { |percentage| percentage.floor(2) }
-      if covered_percent < SimpleCov.minimum_coverage
-        $stderr.printf(
-          "Coverage (%<covered>.2f%%) is below the expected minimum coverage (%<minimum_coverage>.2f%%).\n",
-          covered: covered_percent,
-          minimum_coverage: SimpleCov.minimum_coverage
-        )
+      if (minimum_violations = minimum_coverage_violated(result)).any?
+        report_minimum_violated(minimum_violations)
       elsif covered_percentages.any? { |p| p < SimpleCov.minimum_coverage_by_file }
@@ -409,6 +405,31 @@ def remove_useless_results
     def result_with_not_loaded_files
       @result = SimpleCov::Result.new(add_not_loaded_files(@result))
+    def minimum_coverage_violated(result)
+      coverage_achieved = minimum_coverage.map do |criterion, percent|
+        {
+          criterion: criterion,
+          minimum_expected: percent,
+          actual: result.coverage_statistics[criterion].percent
+        }
+      end
+      coverage_achieved.select do |achieved|
+        achieved.fetch(:actual) < achieved.fetch(:minimum_expected)
+      end
+    end
+    def report_minimum_violated(violations)
+      violations.each do |violation|
+        $stderr.printf(
+          "%<criterion>s coverage (%<covered>.2f%%) is below the expected minimum coverage (%<minimum_coverage>.2f%%).\n",
+          covered: violation.fetch(:actual).floor(2),
+          minimum_coverage: violation.fetch(:minimum_expected),
+          criterion: violation.fetch(:criterion).capitalize
+        )
+      end
+    end
diff --git a/lib/simplecov/configuration.rb b/lib/simplecov/configuration.rb
index daf9106c..bba523a5 100644
--- a/lib/simplecov/configuration.rb
+++ b/lib/simplecov/configuration.rb
@@ -240,8 +240,15 @@ def merge_timeout(seconds = nil)
     # Default is 0% (disabled)
     def minimum_coverage(coverage = nil)
-      minimum_possible_coverage_exceeded("minimum_coverage") if coverage && coverage > 100
-      @minimum_coverage ||= (coverage || 0).to_f.round(2)
+      return @minimum_coverage ||= {} unless coverage
+      coverage = {DEFAULT_COVERAGE_CRITERION => coverage} if coverage.is_a?(Numeric)
+      coverage.keys.each { |criterion| raise_if_criterion_disabled(criterion) }
+      coverage.values.each do |percent|
+        minimum_possible_coverage_exceeded("minimum_coverage") if percent && percent > 100
+      end
+      @minimum_coverage = coverage
@@ -362,12 +369,21 @@ def coverage_start_arguments_supported?
-    def raise_if_criterion_unsupported(criterion)
-      raise_criterion_unsupported(criterion) unless SUPPORTED_COVERAGE_CRITERIA.member?(criterion)
+    def raise_if_criterion_disabled(criterion)
+      raise_if_criterion_unsupported(criterion)
+      # rubocop:disable Style/IfUnlessModifier
+      unless coverage_criterion_enabled?(criterion)
+        raise "Coverage criterion #{criterion}, is disabled! Please enable it first through enable_coverage #{criterion} (if supported)"
+      end
+      # rubocop:enable Style/IfUnlessModifier
-    def raise_criterion_unsupported(criterion)
-      raise "Unsupported coverage criterion #{criterion}, supported values are #{SUPPORTED_COVERAGE_CRITERIA}"
+    def raise_if_criterion_unsupported(criterion)
+      # rubocop:disable Style/IfUnlessModifier
+      unless SUPPORTED_COVERAGE_CRITERIA.member?(criterion)
+        raise "Unsupported coverage criterion #{criterion}, supported values are #{SUPPORTED_COVERAGE_CRITERIA}"
+      end
+      # rubocop:enable Style/IfUnlessModifier
     def minimum_possible_coverage_exceeded(coverage_option)
diff --git a/lib/simplecov/file_list.rb b/lib/simplecov/file_list.rb
index 4e08329e..d4c9bba9 100644
--- a/lib/simplecov/file_list.rb
+++ b/lib/simplecov/file_list.rb
@@ -23,18 +23,18 @@ def initialize(files)
       @files = files
-    def coverage
-      @coverage ||= compute_coverage
+    def coverage_statistics
+      @coverage_statistics ||= compute_coverage_statistics
     # Returns the count of lines that have coverage
     def covered_lines
-      coverage[:line]&.covered
+      coverage_statistics[:line]&.covered
     # Returns the count of lines that have been missed
     def missed_lines
-      coverage[:line]&.missed
+      coverage_statistics[:line]&.missed
     # Returns the count of lines that are not relevant for coverage
@@ -64,46 +64,46 @@ def least_covered_file
     # Returns the overall amount of relevant lines of code across all files in this list
     def lines_of_code
-      coverage[:line]&.total
+      coverage_statistics[:line]&.total
     # Computes the coverage based upon lines covered and lines missed
     # @return [Float]
     def covered_percent
-      coverage[:line]&.percent
+      coverage_statistics[:line]&.percent
     # Computes the strength (hits / line) based upon lines covered and lines missed
     # @return [Float]
     def covered_strength
-      coverage[:line]&.strength
+      coverage_statistics[:line]&.strength
     # Return total count of branches in all files
     def total_branches
-      coverage[:branch]&.total
+      coverage_statistics[:branch]&.total
     # Return total count of covered branches
     def covered_branches
-      coverage[:branch]&.covered
+      coverage_statistics[:branch]&.covered
     # Return total count of covered branches
     def missed_branches
-      coverage[:branch]&.missed
+      coverage_statistics[:branch]&.missed
     def branch_covered_percent
-      coverage[:branch]&.percent
+      coverage_statistics[:branch]&.percent
-    def compute_coverage
+    def compute_coverage_statistics
       total_coverage_statistics = @files.each_with_object(line: [], branch: []) do |file, together|
-        together[:line] << file.coverage[:line]
-        together[:branch] << file.coverage[:branch] if SimpleCov.branch_coverage?
+        together[:line] << file.coverage_statistics[:line]
+        together[:branch] << file.coverage_statistics[:branch] if SimpleCov.branch_coverage?
       coverage_statistics = {line: CoverageStatistics.from(total_coverage_statistics[:line])}
diff --git a/lib/simplecov/result.rb b/lib/simplecov/result.rb
index be3ac58e..959e81f8 100644
--- a/lib/simplecov/result.rb
+++ b/lib/simplecov/result.rb
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class Result
     # Explicitly set the command name that was used for this coverage result. Defaults to SimpleCov.command_name
     attr_writer :command_name
-    def_delegators :files, :covered_percent, :covered_percentages, :least_covered_file, :covered_strength, :covered_lines, :missed_lines, :total_branches, :covered_branches, :missed_branches
+    def_delegators :files, :covered_percent, :covered_percentages, :least_covered_file, :covered_strength, :covered_lines, :missed_lines, :total_branches, :covered_branches, :missed_branches, :coverage_statistics
     def_delegator :files, :lines_of_code, :total_lines
     # Initialize a new SimpleCov::Result from given Coverage.result (a Hash of filenames each containing an array of
diff --git a/lib/simplecov/source_file.rb b/lib/simplecov/source_file.rb
index 3506341f..f7dcda3b 100644
--- a/lib/simplecov/source_file.rb
+++ b/lib/simplecov/source_file.rb
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ def src
     alias source src
-    def coverage
-      @coverage ||=
+    def coverage_statistics
+      @coverage_statistics ||=
-          **line_coverage,
-          **branch_coverage
+          **line_coverage_statistics,
+          **branch_coverage_statistics
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def skipped_lines
     # Returns the number of relevant lines (covered + missed)
     def lines_of_code
-      coverage[:line]&.total
+      coverage_statistics[:line]&.total
     # Access SimpleCov::SourceFile::Line source lines by line number
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ def line(number)
     # The coverage for this file in percent. 0 if the file has no coverage lines
     def covered_percent
-      coverage[:line]&.percent
+      coverage_statistics[:line]&.percent
     def covered_strength
-      coverage[:line]&.strength
+      coverage_statistics[:line]&.strength
     def no_lines?
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ def no_branches?
     def branches_coverage_percent
-      coverage[:branch]&.percent
+      coverage_statistics[:branch]&.percent
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ def build_branch(branch_data, hit_count, condition_start_line)
-    def line_coverage
+    def line_coverage_statistics
         line: CoverageStatistics.new(
           total_strength: lines_strength,
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ def line_coverage
-    def branch_coverage
+    def branch_coverage_statistics
         branch: CoverageStatistics.new(
           covered: covered_branches.size,
diff --git a/spec/configuration_spec.rb b/spec/configuration_spec.rb
index 7b07df10..ff670c75 100644
--- a/spec/configuration_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/configuration_spec.rb
@@ -48,6 +48,10 @@
     describe "#minimum_coverage" do
+      after :each do
+        config.clear_coverage_criteria
+      end
       it "does not warn you about your usage" do
         expect(config).not_to receive(:warn)
@@ -57,6 +61,44 @@
         expect(config).to receive(:warn).with("The coverage you set for minimum_coverage is greater than 100%")
+      it "sets the right converage value when called with a number" do
+        config.minimum_coverage(80)
+        expect(config.minimum_coverage).to eq line: 80
+      end
+      it "sets the right coverage when called with a hash of just line" do
+        config.minimum_coverage line: 85.0
+        expect(config.minimum_coverage).to eq line: 85.0
+      end
+      it "sets the right coverage when called with a hash of just branch" do
+        config.enable_coverage :branch
+        config.minimum_coverage branch: 85.0
+        expect(config.minimum_coverage).to eq branch: 85.0
+      end
+      it "sets the right coverage when called withboth line and branch" do
+        config.enable_coverage :branch
+        config.minimum_coverage branch: 85.0, line: 95.4
+        expect(config.minimum_coverage).to eq branch: 85.0, line: 95.4
+      end
+      it "raises when trying to set branch coverage but not enabled" do
+        expect do
+          config.minimum_coverage branch: 42
+        end.to raise_error(/branch.*disabled/i)
+      end
+      it "raises when unknown coverage criteria provided" do
+        expect do
+          config.minimum_coverage unknown: 42
+        end.to raise_error(/unsupported.*unknown/i)
+      end
     describe "#minimum_coverage_by_file" do
diff --git a/spec/simplecov_spec.rb b/spec/simplecov_spec.rb
index 90e5076c..f92cf488 100644
--- a/spec/simplecov_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/simplecov_spec.rb
@@ -193,17 +193,17 @@
     describe ".process_result" do
-      context "when minimum coverage is 100%" do
-        let(:result) { SimpleCov::Result.new({}) }
+      let(:result) { SimpleCov::Result.new({}) }
+      context "when minimum coverage is 100%" do
         before do
-          allow(SimpleCov).to receive(:minimum_coverage).and_return(100)
+          allow(SimpleCov).to receive(:minimum_coverage).and_return(line: 100)
           allow(SimpleCov).to receive(:result?).and_return(true)
         context "when actual coverage is almost 100%" do
           before do
-            allow(result).to receive(:covered_percent).and_return(100 * 32_847.0 / 32_848)
+            allow(result).to receive(:coverage_statistics).and_return(line: double("statistics", percent: 100 * 32_847.0 / 32_848))
           it "return SimpleCov::ExitCodes::MINIMUM_COVERAGE" do
@@ -216,6 +216,9 @@
         context "when actual coverage is exactly 100%" do
           before do
             allow(result).to receive(:covered_percent).and_return(100.0)
+            allow(result).to receive(:coverage_statistics).and_return(
+              line: double("statistics", percent: 100.0)
+            )
             allow(result).to receive(:covered_percentages).and_return([])
             allow(SimpleCov::LastRun).to receive(:read).and_return(nil)
@@ -227,6 +230,21 @@
+      context "branch coverage" do
+        before do
+          allow(SimpleCov).to receive(:minimum_coverage).and_return(branch: 90)
+          allow(SimpleCov).to receive(:result?).and_return(true)
+        end
+        it "errors out when the coverage is too low" do
+          allow(result).to receive(:coverage_statistics).and_return(branch: double("statistics", percent: 89.99))
+          expect(
+            SimpleCov.process_result(result, SimpleCov::ExitCodes::SUCCESS)
+          ).to eq(SimpleCov::ExitCodes::MINIMUM_COVERAGE)
+        end
+      end