Bug Fixes:
Bug Fixes:
- Allow use with Rails 7.0 - #164 #165
- Add rescue_optional_target_errors config option to capture errors on optional targets - #155 #156
- Remove type definition from several columns with nullable and multiple type in OpenAPI schema
- Configure default subscriptions for emails and optional targets - #159 #160
- Upgrade gem dependency in tests with Rails 6.1 - #152
- Allow use with Rails 6.1 - #152
- Remove support for Rails 4.2 - #151
- Turn on deprecation warnings in RSpec testing for Ruby 2.7 - #122
- Remove Ruby 2.7 deprecation warnings - #122
Breaking Changes:
- Specify DynamoDB global secondary index name
- Update additional fields to store into DynamoDB when config.store_with_associated_records is true
Bug Fixes:
- Rename Notifiable#notification_action_cable_allowed? to notifiable_action_cable_allowed? to fix duplicate method name error - #138
- Fix hash syntax in swagger schemas - #146 #147
- Enable to use namespaced model - #132
Bug Fixes:
- Fix mongoid any_of selector error in filtered_by_group scope - MONGOID-4887
Bug Fixes:
- Fix scope of uniqueness validation in subscription model with mongoid - #126 #128
- Fix uninitialized constant DeviseTokenAuth when config.eager_load = true - #129
Bug Fixes:
- Add API mode using notification and subscription API controllers - #108 #113
- Add API controllers integrated with Devise Token Auth - #108 #113
- Add sample single page application working with REST API backend - #108 #113
- Move Action Cable broadcasting to optional targets - #111
- Add Action Cable API channels publishing formatted JSON - #111
- Rescue and skip error in optional_targets - #103
- Add later_than and earlier_than filter options to notification index API - #108
- Add key uniqueness validation to subscription model - #119
- Make mailer headers more configurable to set custom from, reply_to and message_id - #116
- Allow use and test with Rails 6.0 release - #102
Breaking Changes:
- Change HTTP POST method of open notification and subscription methods into PUT method
- Make Target#open_all_notifications return opened notification records instead of their count
- Make Subscriber#create_subscription raise ActivityNotification::RecordInvalidError when the request is invalid - #119
- Add push notification with Action Cable - #101
- Allow use with Rails 6.0 - #102
- Add Amazon DynamoDB support using Dynamoid
- Add ActivityNotification.config.store_with_associated_records option
- Add test case using Mongoid orm with ActiveRecord application
- Publish demo application on Heroku
Bug Fixes:
- Fix syntax error of a default view _default_without_grouping.html.erb
- Remove deprecated ActivityNotification.config.table_name option
- Use after_commit for tracked callbacks instead of after_create and after_update - #99
- Support asynchronous notification API - #29
Bug Fixes:
- Fix migration generator to specify the Rails release in generated migration files for Rails 5.x - #96
Breaking Changes:
- Change method name of Target#notify_to into Target#receive_notification_of to avoid ambiguous method name with Notifiable#notify_to - #88
- Update README.md to describe how to customize email subject - #93
Bug Fixes:
- Fix notify_all method to handle single notifiable target models - #88
- Add simple default routes with devise integration - #64
- Add :routing_scope option to support routes with scope - #56
Bug Fixes:
- Update Subscription.optional_targets into HashWithIndifferentAccess to fix subscriptions with mongoid
- Allow configuration of custom mailer templates directory - #32
- Make Notifiable#notifiable_path to work when it is defined in a superclass - #45
Bug Fixes:
- Fix mongoid development dependency to work with bullet - #72
- Remove duplicate scope of filtered_by_type since it is also defined in API - #78
- Fix a bug in Subscriber concern about lack of arguments - #80
- Allow use with Rails 5.2
- Enhancements for using the gem with i18n
- Symbolize parameters for i18n interpolation
- Allow pluralization in i18n translation
- Update render method to use plain
Bug Fixes:
- Fix a doc bug for controllers template
- Enable Amazon SNS optional target to use aws-sdk v3 service specific gems
Bug Fixes:
- Fix error calling #notify for callbacks in tracked_option
- Fix unopened_group_member_notifier_count and opened_group_member_notifier_count error when using a custom table name
- Add :pass_full_options option to NotificationApi#notify passing the entire options to notification targets
Bug Fixes:
- Add
{ optional: true }
for :group and :notifier when it is used with Rails 5
- Add function to override the subject of notification email
Bug Fixes:
- Fix a bug which ActivityNotificaion.config.mailer configuration was ignored
- Remove dependency on activerecord from gemspec
- Allow use with Rails 5.1
- Allow mongoid models as Target and Notifiable models
- Add functions for automatic tracked notifications
- Enable render_notification_of view helper method to use :as_latest_group_member option
Bug Fixes:
- Fix illegal ActiveRecord query in Notification#uniq_keys and Subscription#uniq_keys for MySQL and PostgreSQL database
Breaking Changes:
- Update type of polymorphic id field in Notification and Subscription models from Integer to String
- Suport Mongoid ORM to store Notification and Subscription records
- Separate Notification and Subscription models into ORMs and make them load from ORM selector
- Update query logic in Notification and Subscription models for Mongoid
- Make :dependent_notifications option in acts_as_notifiable separate into each target configuration
- Add overriding_notification_template_key to Notifiable model for Renderable
- Enable Devise integration to use models with single table inheritance
- Support default Slack optional target with slack-notifier 2.0.0
Breaking Changes:
- Rename :slack_name initializing parameter and template parameter of default Slack optional target to :target_username
- Add optional target function
- Optional target development framework
- Subscription management for optional targets
- Amazon SNS client as default optional target implementation
- Slack client as default optional target implementation
- Add :restrict_with_+ and :update_group_and_+ options to :dependent_notifications of acts_as_notifiable
- Add subscription management framework
- Subscription management model and API
- Default subscription controllers, routing and views
- Add Subscriber role configuration to Target role
- Add :as_latest_group_member option to batch mailer API
- Add :group_expiry_delay option to notification API
Bug Fixes:
- Fix unserializable error in Target#send_batch_unopened_notification_email since unnecessary options are passed to mailer
Breaking Changes:
- Remove notifiable_type from the argument of overridden method or configured lambda function with :batch_email_allowed option in acts_as_target role
Bug Fixes:
- Fix migration and notification generator's path
- Add function to send batch email notification
- Batch mailer API
- Default batch notification email templates
- Target role configuration for batch email notification
- Improve target API
- Add :reverse, :with_group_members, :as_latest_group_member and :custom_filter options to API loading notification index
- Add methods to get notifications for specified target type grouped by targets like Target#notification_index_map
- Arrange default notification email view templates
Breaking Changes:
- Use instance variable
instead of@notifiable
in notification email templates
- Improve notification API
- Add methods to count distinct group members or notifiers like group_member_notifier_count
- Update send_later argument of send_notification_email method to options hash argument
- Improve target API
- Update notification_index API to automatically load opened notifications with unopend notifications
- Improve acts_as roles
- Add acts_as_group role
- Add printable_name configuration for all roles
- Add :dependent_notifications option to acts_as_notifiable to make handle notifications with deleted notifiables
- Arrange default notification view templates
- Arrange bundled test application
- Make default rails version 5.0 and update gem dependency
Breaking Changes:
- Rename
configuration parameter toconfig.opened_index_limit
- Improve controller action and notification API
- Add filter options to NotificationsController#open_all action and Target#open_all_of method
- Add source documentation with YARD
- Support rails 5.0 and update gem dependency
Bug Fixes:
- Fix Notification#notifiable_path method to be called with key
- Add including PolymorphicHelpers statement to seed.rb in test application to resolve String extention
- Improve acts_as roles
- Enable models to be configured by acts_as role without including statement
- Disable email notification as default and add email configurations to acts_as roles
- Remove :skip_email option from acts_as_target
- Update Renderable#text method to use
field in i18n properties
Bug Fixes:
- Fix wrong method name of Notification#notifiable_path
- First release