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File metadata and controls

521 lines (396 loc) Β· 24 KB

πŸ”„ Migration from 10.x.x to 11.x.x

If you're using version 10.x.x, we recommend fixing all the deprecations before migrating to 11.x.x for a smoother migration.


Once you're able to build and run the app successfully, ensure to read breaking behavior. See if any changes affect your usage and update the existing code.

πŸ“‹ 1. Clipboard

The super_clipboard plugin has been removed from flutter_quill and flutter_quill_extensions.

Remove the following if used:

- FlutterQuillExtensions.useSuperClipboardPlugin();

You can either use our default implementation or continue using super_clipboard, if you're unsure, try with option A unless you have a reason to use option B.

βš™οΈ A. Using the new default implementation


You only need to remove the super_clipboard configuration if you're not using super_clipboard which was introduced in your app as a transitive dependency.

The configuration of super_clipboard is no longer required.

The following snippet in your android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml should be removed otherwise you will be unable to launch the Android app:

    android:grantUriPermissions="true" >

It can be found inside the <application> tag if you have added it.

See the quill_native_bridge platform configuration (optional for copying images on Android).

πŸ”§ Other Optional changes

The super_clipboard is no longer a dependency of flutter_quill_extensions.

As such it's no longer required to set the minSdkVersion to 23 on Android. If the main reason you updated the version was flutter_quill_extensions then you can restore the Flutter default now (currently 21).

Open the android/app/build.gradle file:

  • Use the Flutter default minSdkVersion:
android {
  defaultConfig {
   minSdk = flutter.minSdkVersion
  • Use the Flutter default ndkVersion:
android {
  ndkVersion = flutter.ndkVersion


You should only apply this optional change if you're not using super_clipboard or you don't have a reason to change the Flutter default.

βš™οΈ B. Continue using the super_clipboard implementation

Use the new default implementation or if you want to continue using super_clipboard, use the package quill_super_clipboard (support might be discontinued in future releases).


The support of quill_super_clipboard might be discontinued. It's still possible to override the default implementation manually.

See #2229.

πŸ“ 2. Quill Controller

The QuillController should now be passed to the QuillEditor and QuillSimpleToolbar constructors instead of the configuration class.


    config: QuillEditorConfig(
      controller: _controller,


    controller: _controller,
The change
+   controller: _controller,
    config: QuillEditorConfig(
-      controller: _controller,


The class QuillEditorConfigurations has been renamed to QuillEditorConfig. See renames to configuration classes section.

See #2037 for discussion. Thanks to #2078.


The QuillToolbar widget has been removed and is no longer required for custom toolbars, see removal of the QuillToolbar section.

🧹 3. Removal of the QuillEditorProvider and QuillToolbarProvider inherited widgets

It's no longer possible to access the QuillController, the QuillEditorConfiugrations, and QuillSimpleToolbarConfigurations using the BuildContext. Instead, you will have to pass them through constructors (revert to the old behavior).

The extension methods on BuildContext like requireQuillEditorConfigurations, quillEditorConfigurations, and quillEditorElementOptions have been removed.

See #2301.

🌐 4. Required localization delegate

This project uses the Flutter Localizations library, requiring FlutterQuillLocalizations.delegate to be included in your app widget (e.g., MaterialApp, WidgetsApp, CupertinoApp).

Previously, we used a helper widget (FlutterQuillLocalizationsWidget) to manually provide localization delegates, but this approach was inefficient and error-prone, causing unexpected bugs. It has been removed.

To use the QuillEditor and QuillSimpleToolbar widgets, add the required delegates as shown:

import 'package:flutter_quill/flutter_quill.dart';
import 'package:flutter_localizations/flutter_localizations.dart';

  localizationsDelegates: const [
    // Your other delegates...

OR (less code with less control)

import 'package:flutter_quill/flutter_quill.dart';

  localizationsDelegates: FlutterQuillLocalizations.localizationsDelegates,

The widget FlutterQuillLocalizationsWidget has been removed.

The library package:flutter_quill/translations.dart has been removed and the replacement is package:flutter_quill/flutter_quill.dart

πŸ”§ 5. Renames to configuration classes

  • Renames QuillEditorConfigurations to QuillEditorConfig and QuillEditor.configurations to QuillEditor.config.
  • Renames QuillRawEditorConfigurations to QuillRawEditorConfig and QuillRawEditor.configurations to QuillRawEditor.config.
  • Renames QuillSimpleToolbarConfigurations to QuillSimpleToolbarConfig and QuillSimpleToolbar.configurations to QuillSimpleToolbar.config.
  • Renames QuillSearchConfigurations to QuillSearchConfig and QuillEditorConfig.searchConfigurations to QuillEditorConfig.searchConfig.
  • Renames QuillControllerConfigurations to QuillControllerConfig and QuillController.configurations to QuillController.config. The configurations parameter in the QuillController.basic() factory constructor was also renamed to config.
  • Renames QuillToolbarImageConfigurations to QuillToolbarImageConfig and QuillToolbarImageButtonOptions.imageButtonConfigurations to QuillToolbarImageButtonOptions.imageButtonConfig.

All class names have been updated to replace Configurations with Config, and the related parameter name has been changed from configurations to config.

🧩 6. Refactoring of the Embed block interface

The and EmbedButtonBuilder have both been changed.

πŸ“₯ The method

All the properties (except context) have been encapsulated into one class EmbedContext.

  Widget build(
    BuildContext context,
-    QuillController controller,
-    Embed node,
-    bool readOnly,
-    bool inline,
-    TextStyle textStyle,
+    EmbedContext embedContext,
  ) {
-   controller.replaceText();
+   embedContext.controller.replaceText();

πŸ”˜ The EmbedButtonBuilder function

All the properties have been encapsulated into one class EmbedButtonContext and the BuildContext property has been added.

- (controller, toolbarIconSize, iconTheme, dialogTheme) =>
-  QuillToolbarImageButton(
-    controller: controller,
-    options: imageButtonOptions,
-  )
+ (context, embedContext) => QuillToolbarImageButton(
+  controller: embedContext.controller,
+  options: imageButtonOptions,
+ ),

The flutter_quill_extensions has been updated.


For more details, see custom embed blocks.

πŸ”„ 7. The flutter_quill_extensions

  • Removes ImagePickerService from OnRequestPickVideo and OnRequestPickImage.
  • Removes ImageSaverService from ImageOptionsMenu.
  • Removes QuillSharedExtensionsConfigurations.
  • The return type (ImageProvider) of ImageEmbedBuilderProviderBuilder has been made null so you can return null and fallback to our default handling. See #2317.
  • Removes QuillSharedExtensionsConfigurations.assetsPrefix. Use imageProviderBuilder to support image assets. See Image assets support.
  • Removes YouTube video support. To migrate see CHANGELOG of 10.8.0. See #2284.
  • Removes the deprecated class FlutterQuillExtensions.
  • Removes the deprecated and experimental table embed support.
  • Avoid exporting flutter_quill_extensions/utils.dart.

βœ’οΈ 8. Removal of the QuillToolbar

The QuillToolbar widget has been removed as it's no longer necessary for QuillSimpleToolbar or custom toolbars.

Previously, QuillToolbar was required to provide a toolbar provider and localization delegate. Additionally, the QuillToolbarConfigurations class has been removed.

To migrate, add the required localization delegate in your app widget and remove the QuillToolbar.

- QuillToolbar(
-  configurations: const QuillToolbarConfigurations(),
-  child: YourCustomToolbar(),
- );
+ YourCustomToolbar();

See the custom toolbar page for an example.

Customizing the buttons (that are from flutter_quill) within QuillToolbarConfigurations in a custom toolbar is no longer supported. Instead, you can use the constructor of each button widget, an example:

final QuillController _controller = QuillController.basic();
final QuillToolbarBaseButtonOptions _baseOptions = QuillToolbarBaseButtonOptions(
  afterButtonPressed: () {
    // Do something

  buttons: [
    // Example of using buttons of the `QuillSimpleToolbar` in your custom toolbar.
    // Those buttons are from the flutter_quill library.
    // Pass the _baseOptions to all buttons.
      controller: _controller,
      baseOptions: _baseOptions,
      attribute: Attribute.bold,
      controller: _controller,
      baseOptions: _baseOptions,
      controller: _controller,
      baseOptions: _baseOptions,
      // Override the base button options within options, also allow button-specific options
      options: const QuillToolbarFontSizeButtonOptions(
        items: {'Small': '8', 'Medium': '24.5', 'Large': '46'},


This might be confusing: QuillToolbar is not a visual toolbar on its own like QuillSimpleToolbar. It's a non-visual widget that only ensures to provide the localization delegate and the toolbar provider.

Expand to see explanation about QuillToolbar vs QuillSimpleToolbar

This section explains the main difference between QuillSimpleToolbar and QuillToolbar.

  • The QuillSimpleToolbar widget is a basic, straightforward toolbar provided by the library, which uses QuillToolbar internally.
  • The non-visual QuillToolbar widget is utilized within QuillSimpleToolbar and can also be used to build a custom toolbar. Before version 11.0.0, it provided the toolbar provider and localization delegate, which supported the buttons provided by the library used in QuillSimpleToolbar. For custom toolbars, QuillToolbar is only needed if you use the library’s toolbar buttons from flutter_quill. Those buttons are used in QuillSimpleToolbar.

The QuillToolbar is different depending on the release you're using:

  • On 7.x.x and older versions, the QuillToolbar.basic() was the equivalent of QuillSimpleToolbar. The widget QuillSimpleToolbar didn't exist.
  • On 9.x.x and newer versions, the QuillToolbar has been changed to be a non-visual widget and QuillSimpleToolbar was added (the visual widget).
  • On 11.0.0 and newer versions, the QuillToolbar is no longer needed and has been removed, and the QuillSimpleToolbar works without. It is no longer required for custom toolbars.

πŸ“Ž Minor changes

  • QuillEditorConfig.readOnly has been removed and is accessible in QuillController.readOnly.
  • QuillController.editorFocusNode has been removed, and is accessible in the QuillEditor widget.
  • QuillController.editorConfig has been removed, and is accessible in the QuillEditor widget.
  • QuillEditorBuilderWidget and QuillEditorConfig.builder have been removed as there's no valid use-case and this can be confusing.
  • QuillToolbarLegacySearchDialog and QuillToolbarLegacySearchButton have been removed and replaced with QuillToolbarSearchDialog and QuillToolbarSearchButton which has been introduced in 9.4.0. QuillSimpleToolbarConfigu.searchButtonType is removed too.
  • The property dialogBarrierColor has been removed from all buttons, use the DialogTheme in your ThemeData instead to customize it. See Override a theme.
  • The deprecated members QuillRawEditorConfig.enableMarkdownStyleConversion and QuillEditorConfig.enableMarkdownStyleConversion has been removed. See #2214.
  • Removes QuillSharedConfigurations.extraConfigurations. The optional configuration of flutter_quill_extensions should be separated.
  • Renames the classes:
    • QuillEditorBulletPoint to QuillBulletPoint
    • QuillEditorCheckboxPoint to QuillCheckbox
    • QuillEditorNumberPoint to QuillNumberPoint.
  • Removes QuillEditorElementOptions and QuillEditorConfig.elementOptions. To customize the leading, see #2146 as an example. The classes related to QuillEditorElementOptions such as QuillEditorCodeBlockElementOptions has been removed.
  • Removes QuillController.toolbarConfigurations to not store anything specific to the QuillSimpleToolbar in the QuillController.
  • Removes QuillToolbarBaseButtonOptions.globalIconSize and QuillToolbarBaseButtonOptions.globalIconButtonFactor. Both are deprecated for at least 10 months.
  • Removes QuillToolbarFontSizeButton.defaultDisplayText (deprecated for more than 10 months).
  • Removes fontSizesValues and fontFamilyValues from QuillSimpleToolbarConfig since those were used only in QuillToolbarFontSizeButton and QuillToolbarFontFamilyButton. Pass them to items (which exist in each button configuration) directly.
  • Removes the deprecated library flutter_quill/extensions.dart since the name was confusing, it's for flutter_quill_extensions.
  • Removes the deprecated library flutter_quill/markdown_quill.dart. Suggested alternatives: markdown_quill or quill_markdown.
  • Removes Document.fromHtml. Use an alternative such as flutter_quill_delta_from_html.
  • Removes QuillControllerConfig.editorConfig (not being used and invalid).
  • Remove QuillSharedConfigurations (it's no longer used). It was previously used to set the Local for both QuillEditor and QuillToolbar simultaneously.
  • Removes the experimental method QuillController.setContents.
  • Renames isOnTapOutsideEnabled from QuillRawEditorConfig and QuillEditorConfig to onTapOutsideEnabled.
  • Removes editor configuration from Document. Instead, only require the needed parameters as internal members. Updates Line.getPlainText().
  • The class OptionalSize are no longer exported as part of package:flutter_quill/flutter_quill.dart.
  • Renames QuillToolbarToggleCheckListButtonOptions.isShouldRequestKeyboard to QuillToolbarToggleCheckListButtonOptions.shouldRequestKeyboard.
  • Moved onClipboardPaste from QuillControllerConfig to QuillClipboardConfig. Added clipboardConfig property to QuillControllerConfig.
  • Moved onImagePaste and onGifPaste from the editor's config (QuillEditorConfig or QuillRawEditorConfig) to the clipboard's config (QuillClipboardConfig), which is part of the controller's config (QuillControllerConfig).
  • Changed the options type from QuillToolbarToggleStyleButtonOptions to QuillToolbarClipboardButtonOptions in QuillToolbarClipboardButton, use the new options class.
  • Change the onTapDown to accept TapDownDetails instead of TapDragDownDetails (revert #2128 due to regressions).
  • Change the onTapUp to accept TapUpDetails instead of TapDragUpDetails (revert #2128 due to regressions).

πŸ’₯ Breaking behavior

The existing code works and compiles but the functionality has changed in a non-backward-compatible way:

1. The QuillClipboardConfig.onClipboardPaste is not a fallback anymore when couldn't handle the paste operation by default

The QuillClipboardConfig.onClipboardPaste has been updated to allow to override of the default clipboard paste handling instead of only handling the clipboard paste if the default logic didn't paste. See the updated docs comment of QuillClipboardConfig.onClipboardPaste for an example.

Previously it was a fallback function that will be called when the default paste is not handled successfully.

To migrate, use the QuillClipboardConfig.onUnprocessedPaste callback instead.

- QuillControllerConfig(
-   onClipboardPaste: () {}
- )
+  QuillControllerConfig(
+   clipboardConfig: QuillClipboardConfig(
+     onUnprocessedPaste: () {}
+   )
+ )

2. No longer handle asset images by default in flutter_quill_extensions

The flutter_quill_extensions does not handle AssetImage anymore by default when loading images, instead use imageProviderBuilder to override the default handling.

To support loading image assets (images bundled within your app):

      imageProviderBuilder: (context, imageUrl) {
        if (imageUrl.startsWith('assets/')) {
          return AssetImage(imageUrl);
        // Fallback to default handling
        return null;

Ensures to replace assets with your assets directory name or change the logic to fit your needs.

3. No longer request editor focus by default after pressing a QuillSimpleToolbar's button

The QuillSimpleToolbar and related toolbar buttons no longer request focus from the editor after pressing a button (revert to the old behavior).

Here is a minimal example to use to the old behavior using QuillSimpleToolbar:

final QuillController _controller = QuillController.basic();
final _editorFocusNode = FocusNode();
final _editorScrollController = ScrollController();

  controller: _controller,
  config: QuillSimpleToolbarConfig(
    buttonOptions: QuillSimpleToolbarButtonOptions(
      base: QuillToolbarBaseButtonOptions(
        afterButtonPressed: _editorFocusNode.requestFocus
  child: QuillEditor(controller: _controller, focusNode: _editorFocusNode, scrollController: _editorScrollController)

With a custom toolbar:

final QuillController _controller = QuillController.basic();
final _editorFocusNode = FocusNode();
final _editorScrollController = ScrollController();

final QuillToolbarBaseButtonOptions _baseOptions = QuillToolbarBaseButtonOptions(
  afterButtonPressed: _editorFocusNode.requestFocus

  buttons: [
    // Pass the _baseOptions to all buttons.
      controller: _controller,
      baseOptions: _baseOptions,
      controller: _controller,
      baseOptions: _baseOptions,
    // all the other buttons
  child: QuillEditor(controller: _controller, focusNode: _editorFocusNode, scrollController: _editorScrollController)

Don't forgot to dispose the QuillController, FocusNode and ScrollController in the dispose() method:

void dispose() {

4. Clipboard action buttons in QuillSimpleToolbar are now disabled by default

This change was made due to a performance issue (#2421) and reverts a minor update (9.3.10) that unexpectedly enabled these buttons by default, increasing UI space usage.

To show them again, set showClipboardCut, showClipboardCopy, and showClipboardPaste to true in QuillSimpleToolbarConfig:

  config: QuillSimpleToolbarConfig(
    showClipboardCut: true,
    showClipboardCopy: true,
    showClipboardPaste: true,

5. Removal of the magnifier feature

Unfortunately, due to the high volume of issues and bugs introduced by the magnifier, this feature has been removed to ensure stability.

This feature was introduced in 9.6.0 which supports Android and iOS only.

For more details, refer to #2406.

-   magnifierConfiguration: TextMagnifierConfiguration()
// No longer supported, subscribe to for updates

In the future, new features will be implemented with more caution to avoid possible issues.

🚧 Experimental

APIs that were indicated as stable but are now updated to indicate that they are experimental, which means that they might be removed or changed in non-major releases:

  • The QuillSearchConfig and search within embed objects feature. Related #2090.
  • The QuillController.clipboardPaste() and QuillEditorConfig.onGifPaste.
  • The QuillEditorConfig.characterShortcutEvents and QuillEditorConfig.spaceShortcutEvents.
  • The QuillControllerConfig.onClipboardPaste.
  • The QuillEditorConfig.customLeadingBlockBuilder.
  • The shouldNotifyListeners in QuillController.replaceText(), QuillController.replaceText(), QuillController.formatSelection().
  • The QuillController.clipboardSelection().
  • The CopyCutServiceProvider, CopyCutService, and DefaultCopyCutService.
  • The clipboard action buttons in the QuillSimpleToolbar (showClipboardCut, showClipboardCopy and showClipboardPaste), including QuillToolbarClipboardButton and ClipboardMonitor due to a performance issue #2421.

The functionality itself has not changed and no experimental changes were introduced.