6.2.2 (2018-11-07)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- NuGet Package does not contain MvxConsoleSetup in netcoreapp project #3190
- Change
root namespace #3168 [AndroidSupport] - Update for ShowNestedFragment fragmentHost.IsVisible #3160 [Android] [AndroidSupport]
Merged pull requests:
- Compile .net into netcoreapp #3191 (martijn00)
- Refactoring registration of action for attributes #3183 (nickrandolph)
- Update support fragment default namespace #3181 (Plac3hold3r)
- Set default logging to false #3179 (stipegrbic)
- Mvxgridview toggle nestedscrolling #3178 (Tyron18)
- Update namespace for mvx:Bi.nd on WPF #3176 [Documentation] [WPF] (Cheesebaron)
- Change MvxItemTemplateSelector to MvxTemplateSelector #3174 [Documentation] (KaYLKann)
- Switch fragment host visibility exception to warning message #3166 [Android] [AndroidSupport] (Plac3hold3r)
- Add FillTargetFactories and FillBindingNames in Platforms.Forms.WPF Setup #3162 [Forms] [WPF] (flavourous)
- Add support for more control over Android PopBackStackImmediate on fragments #3159 [Android] [AndroidSupport] (Plac3hold3r)
6.2.1 (2018-10-10)
Fixed bugs:
- ExceptionSafeGetTypes throws if log is not ready #3149
- No way to detect software back button click in Android device in Xamarin.Forms application that uses MvvmCross. #3124 [Forms]
- Xamarin.Forms StarWarsSample stuck on SplashScreen after update to v6.2.0 #3104
- MvxAndroidSetup pointing to wrong views namespace #3102 [Android]
- Check for null before trying to Warn in ExceptionSafeGetTypes. #3153 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix circular references for UITableView and UICollectionView #3139 [iOS] (nmilcoff)
- Added a protected FrameworkElementsDictionary property to MvxWpfViewP… #3127 [WPF] (HaraldMuehlhoffCC)
- Update caching PagerAdapter to AndroidX implementation #3120 [AndroidSupport] (Cheesebaron)
- Fix views namespaces #3103 [Android] (Cheesebaron)
Closed issues:
- Give MvxPopToRootPresentationHint a bundle constructor argument so the Body in it's base class can be set. #3134
- iOS 12.0 Missing source event info in MvxWeakEventSubscription #3116
- Branch for 4.4.0 and 4.4.0 plugins #3110
- Allow ResX key names to comply with naming guideline when using ResXLocalization #3109 [Plugins]
- MvxAndroidSetup cause Splash Screen crash (MvxAndroidApplication works fine) #3099
- MvxMultiRegionWpfViewPresenter - Support for multiple windows needs access to _frameworkElementsDictionary #3121
Merged pull requests:
- Update color.md #3150 [Documentation] (fedemkr)
- Add the innerException in MvxApplication.OnNavigationFailed #3144 (andrechi1)
- Remove duplicate code in presenters to align them #3143 (martijn00)
- Align all presentation hints #3142 (martijn00)
- Added constructor with MvxBundle argument to MvxPopToRootPresentation… #3135 (HaraldMuehlhoffCC)
- Updated DI documentation to use new API #3132 [Documentation] (markuspalme)
- #3106 - Updated API docs for IMvxNavigationService #3131 [Documentation] (markuspalme)
- Add ability to use tags from attributes #3128 [AndroidSupport] (Cheesebaron)
- Add MvxScaffolding to list of MvvmCross Templates #3125 (Plac3hold3r)
- Updated IoC documentation to match new API #3122 (markuspalme)
- FragmentJavaName centralized #3119 [Android] [AndroidSupport] (Cheesebaron)
- Add Mvx Toolkit to Template recommendations #3113 (jtillman)
- Update viewmodel-lifecycle.md #3112 [Documentation] (gentilijuanmanuel)
- Implement DialogView for Uap #3074 (andrechi1)
- Update data-binding.md: fixed typo (#2982) #3067 [Documentation] (hyokosdeveloper)
6.2.0 (2018-09-13)
Fixed bugs:
- Android XAML Preview no longer works in my Xamarin.Forms project using MvvmCross #3091 [Forms]
- Cannot use any MainWindow type other than MvxWindow #3080 [WPF]
- NavigationService.Navigate<TResult>() immediately return null on Wpf #3065 [WPF]
- [6.2.0-beta2] FrameLayout to show Fragment not found #3059 [Android]
- Splash Screen Crashes on Android when Hard Back or Hard Home button hit #3017
- Getting Exception System.ArgumentNullException. #2952 [iOS]
- Playground.Droid crashes in nav stack #2931 [Android]
- Few of the examples compile on develop #2930 [Android]
- IMvxNavigationService.Navigate<TViewModel, TParam, TResult> deadlock if the back button is used #2924 [Forms]
- Exceptions are swallowed during Android setup #2903 [Android]
- Memory leak on opening browser and returning back on droid #2884 [Android] [AndroidSupport]
- Master Detail never cancel CloseCompletionSource #2833
- MvxNavigationService.Navigate(Type) returns before completing #2827 [Android] [Forms]
- RunAppStart isn't called in Xamarin Form - Android project #2813 [Android] [Forms]
- Failed to resolve type MvvmCross.ViewModels.IMvxAppStart #2810 [Android]
- mvx:Lang and mvx:Bind crashes in Setter Value #3096 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix forms xaml preview on android #3094 [Forms] (Cheesebaron)
- Fix bug preventing Playground.Droid from starting #3084 (tbalcom)
- Move ViewModel?.ViewDestroy() to MvxWpfView_Unloaded (MvxWpfView.cs) #3078 [WPF] (thongdoan)
- Give some love to our Network plugin #3056 [Plugins] (nmilcoff)
- Fix memory leaks on IMvxMultipleViewModelCache #3055 [Android] [AndroidSupport] (nmilcoff)
- Repair NullReferenceException with SelectedViewController is null. #3054 [iOS] (andrechi1)
- Delay creation of UIImagePickerController #3038 [iOS] (Cheesebaron)
- Fix crash when switching back to the app after Permission change #3032 [Android] [Forms] (vatsalyagoel)
- Android: Add support for ViewPagers inside Fragments #3001 [AndroidSupport] (nmilcoff)
Closed issues:
- Make MvxApplicationCallbacksCurrentTopActivity.cs:_Activities protected to facilitate extension #3048
- Build error in VS on Windows: The target "GetBuiltProjectOutputRecursive" does not exist in the project. #3043
- MvxIoCResolveException Exception when back button clicked #2984
- Working with Xamarin.ios using MvvmCross Framework, getting System.ArgumentNullException. #2954 [iOS]
- Custom Presentation Hint Handler is still being ignored #2950
- What should come after The Core Project in the TipCalc tutorial? It seems wrong. #2920 [Documentation]
- Address "RequestMainThreadAction is obsolete" build warnings #2859
- Converters for Xamarin.Forms #2847 [Forms]
- Update documentation based on new namespaces #2621 [Documentation]
Merged pull requests:
- Blog post for 6.2 release #3107 [Documentation] (nmilcoff)
- Update README.md #3105 (asudbury)
- Attempt to fix failing navigation service test #3100 (Cheesebaron)
- Playground.Droid: Remove incorrect button on SplitDetailNavView #3097 (nmilcoff)
- Fixed links to code and documentation #3088 [Documentation] (markuspalme)
- Update mvvmcross-overview.md #3087 [Documentation] (yehorhromadskyi)
- Android support for the MvxPagePresentationHint. #3086 [AndroidSupport] (markuspalme)
- Fix issues when pressing back button on splash screen #3085 [Android] (tbalcom)
- Fix TipCalc Core navigation link #3082 [Documentation] (nmilcoff)
- Check for IMvxWindow instead of MvxWindow on WPF #3081 (Cheesebaron)
- Update comments in MvxWpfLocationWatcher #3079 (fredeil)
- It seems like the code owners file is case sensitive #3076 (vatsalyagoel)
- Add ApplyWithClearBindingKey to MvxFluentBindingDescriptionSet #3073 (Plac3hold3r)
- Support for MvxPagePresentationHint in MvxIosViewPresenter (#2518). #3071 (markuspalme)
- Fix failing MvxIocPropertyInjectionTest #3069 (Cheesebaron)
- Improving documentation of the usage scenario of Presentation Attribute Overriding for iOS and XF #3062 (agat366)
- Add Codeowners #3061 [Documentation] (vatsalyagoel)
- Documentation/android spinner #3060 [Android] [Documentation] (Cheesebaron)
- Using ExceptionDispatchInfo to capture exception #3058 (nickrandolph)
- Move VisibleUIViewController to MvxTabBarViewController #3057 [iOS] (andrechi1)
- should in lower case #3053 (JTOne123)
- was updated my template version #3052 (JTOne123)
- Propagating exceptions out of setup #3051 (nickrandolph)
- Make activities dictionary protected to ease extension #3049 (daividssilverio)
- MvxNativeValueConverter and MvxFormsValueConverter for MvvmCross.Forms #3047 (MartinZikmund)
- Adding cancel support through navigation #3046 (nickrandolph)
- documentation: MvxRecyclerView #3045 [AndroidSupport] [Documentation] (Cheesebaron)
- Adding MvxNavigationViewModel to remove injected NavigationService and LogProvider #3044 (nickrandolph)
- Catch exceptions in ProcessMvxIntentResult and log #3039 (Cheesebaron)
- Fixes #3028. #3036 (tbalcom)
- Fix MvxAutoCompleteTextView not returning results #3027 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix docs style link on pull request template #3026 (borbmizzet)
- #3000 Fix ambiguous reference when binding MvxExpandableTableViewSource #3024 [iOS] (Cheesebaron)
- Fixing Forms reload issue #3023 (nickrandolph)
- Update missing Fluent binding extensions method and doc entries #3020 (Plac3hold3r)
- Adding conditional flag to allow switching between different TFMs #3015 (nickrandolph)
- Adds Android.Support.V7.Preferences.Preference.PreferenceClick target binding #3009 (tbalcom)
- Update links in docs #3007 [Documentation] (nmilcoff)
- Make sure navigation is cancel when requested #3006 (martijn00)
- Update nuget packages #3005 (martijn00)
- Unit Test Update: Async Dispatcher #3003 (johnnywebb)
- Don't throw when there is no root #3002 (martijn00)
- Tidying up more obsolete method calls and adding await as appropriate #2998 (nickrandolph)
- Tidying up dispatcher code #2997 (nickrandolph)
- Tidying up references and removing build warnings #2994 (nickrandolph)
- Removing unnecessary sdk library references #2992 (nickrandolph)
- Bugfix/issue templates #2989 (Cheesebaron)
- Make GetOrCreateViewFor virtual #2986 (Cheesebaron)
- Update data-binding.md: fixed typo #2982 [Documentation] (AndreKraemer)
- Upgrading UWP target platform version and support library version #2978 (nickrandolph)
- Version bump to Xamarin.Forms v3.1 #2976 (nickrandolph)
- Default MvxAppCompatSpinner DropDownItemTemplate doesn't display strings or use ToString on models #2975 (tbalcom)
- App crashes on resolving IMvxFormsPagePresenter #2972 (vatsalyagoel)
- Move Mvx class into IoC #2964 (martijn00)
- Adding SignClient, updating unit test runner + security fixes #2949 (Cheesebaron)
- Implementing INotifyPropertyChanging #2943 (nickrandolph)
- Improve issue templates #2940 (willsb)
- Making IMvxViewPresenter methods async #2868 (nickrandolph)
- Add support for async startup #2866 (nickrandolph)
6.2.0-beta4 (2018-09-13)
Closed issues:
- Playground.Droid can't navigate to RootViewModel #3083
- Fix comments in MvxLocationWatcher WPF #2911 [WPF]
6.2.0-beta3 (2018-08-17)
Fixed bugs:
- [Android] 6.2.0-beta2 Playground.Droid shows RootViewModel twice #3028 [Android]
- MvxAutoCompleteTextView PartialText never changes after initial setting #3008 [Android]
- MvxExpandableTableViewSource issue #3000 [iOS]
- PictureChooser can't be injected in ViewModel #2886 [iOS]
Closed issues:
- MvxTabbedPagePresentation with WrapInNavigationPage = false crashes when closing a modal view #3050
- Commit d2a7fb2d on June 15 breaks compatibility with PropertyChanged.Fody #3016
6.2.0-beta2 (2018-07-12)
6.2.0-beta1 (2018-07-10)
6.1.2 (2018-06-18)
Closed issues:
- MvxFormsAppCompatActivity.OnBackPressed assumes the standard Forms page presenter is being used #2965
- Binding stop working after upgrade from 6.0.1 to 6.1.1 on Xamarin.Forms #2960
Merged pull requests:
- Use interface instead of class for forms presenter #2966 (martijn00)
- Binding to Child View's BindingContextProperty #2959 (borbmizzet)
6.1.1 (2018-06-12)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- [Android] 6.1 hangs on splash screen #2955
- The app stuck at Splash Screen when using MVVMCross 6.x #2953
- Nightly builds are not updated #2948
- Failed to resolve "MvvmCross.Core.MvxSetup" reference from "MvvmCross, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" #2956
- Playground.Forms.Droid can't run #2951
Merged pull requests:
- Use AppDomain.CurrentDomain to find assemblies. #2958 (Cheesebaron)
6.1.0 (2018-06-11)
Fixed bugs:
- MvvmCross.Forms blank page when binding to bool in xaml with MvxBind #2623 [Forms]
- Support for ViewModel as BindableProperty #2934 [Forms] (martijn00)
- Fixing crash on UWP in Release due to plugin #2844 [UWP] (nickrandolph)
Closed issues:
- Source viewmodel in CreateBindingSet is ignored #2946
- IMvxMessenger plugin is not loaded, MvxIoCResolveException #2937
- [Discussion]Versioning and Release Schedule #2798
- (6.0) Plugins not loaded unless explicitly referenced #2923
- I'ts impossible to use custom MvxSuspensionManager in UWP projects #2882
- All bindings stop working when using {Binding Source={x:Reference this}, Path=ViewModel.property} in Xaml derived from MvxContentView<TViewModel> #2825
- MvxFormsAppCompatActivity.OnBackPressed override is broken. #2817
- Add IsOnMainThread to IMvxMainThreadDispatcher #2791
Merged pull requests:
- Fixing WPF XF build - version mismatch on XF reference #2944 (nickrandolph)
- #2904 Fix activity handle on current top activity. #2941 (Thetyne)
- Fix for unable to resolve plugins in Playground samples #2938 (flyingxu)
- Ui split view controller crash trying close null view #2935 (alinkhart)
- Updating Xamarin Forms version #2933 (nickrandolph)
- Fixed link to xamarin forms presenter page. #2927 (markuspalme)
- Add InOnMainThread #2921 (david-laundav)
- Patch 1 #2915 (sergeyyurkov)
- Fix failing unit tests #2914 (Cheesebaron)
- Fixing CI Build #2912 (nickrandolph)
- Small fixes in documentation #2909 (robvanuden)
- Reducing parameters on viewmodel #2908 (nickrandolph)
- Fixing Android/Mac Forms build issue #2907 (nickrandolph)
- Make custom Suspensionmanager possible #2902 (martijn00)
- Typed hint on AppStart and documentation #2901 (martijn00)
- MvxSimpleTableViewSource for include ViewCell designir in storyboard. #2897 [iOS] (andrechi1)
- log4net 2.0.8 netstandard compatibility fix #2896 (StevenBonePgh)
- Update WPF version too, to avoid NuGet restore complaining about downgrade #2890 (Cheesebaron)
- Remove msbuild workaround #2889 (martijn00)
- Xamarin Forms version bump #2887 [Forms] (nickrandolph)
- documentation: MvxLinearLayout #2879 (Cheesebaron)
- documentation: add swipe to refresh android docs #2878 [Documentation] (Cheesebaron)
- Correct behviour for ViewModel Lifecycle for UWP #2875 (ueman)
- Add Forms WPF into the solution #2874 (martijn00)
- Update the-tip-calc-navigation.md #2873 (Raidervz)
- Handling back pressed for Forms applications #2869 [Android] [Forms] (nickrandolph)
- Added recursive method to search for referenced assemblies and load t… #2865 (rdorta)
- Update to Forms 3.0 #2864 (martijn00)
- documentation: Added UIRefreshControl docs #2861 [Documentation] (Cheesebaron)
- Improve MvvmCross Getting Started Experience (ReadMe Content & Sample Files) #2858 (andrewtechhelp)
- Implement MvxWindowsPage.ClearBackStack #2855 [UWP] (andrechi1)
- [documentation] fixing Next link for UWP project #2853 [Documentation] (halex2005)
- Fixes #2736 #2852 (tbalcom)
- Fix usings in TipCalcTutorial #2850 [Documentation] (gentilijuanmanuel)
- Updates "Requesting presentation changes" documentation for MvvmCross 6 #2849 [Documentation] (tbalcom)
- TipCalc Tutorial: Assets improvements & typos #2845 [Documentation] (nmilcoff)
- Amended LinkerPleaseInclude (iOS) example #2843 (JoeCooper)
- Use legacy properties on the Android TimePicker for versions 5.1 and … #2841 (JimWilcox3)
- fix mvvmcross-overview link #2839 (halex2005)
- housekeeping: use https #2837 (ghuntley)
- Revitalize Tipcalc tutorial #2835 [Documentation] (nmilcoff)
- Consolidate samples into one playground #2828 (martijn00)
- Allow options to be supplied to IocConstruct #2814 (martijn00)
- Implement basic infrastructure for Tizen and Tizen.Forms #2669 (martijn00)
6.1.0-beta2 (2018-06-05)
Closed issues:
- UWP Dependency Injection on startup #2925
- Object reference not set to an instance of an object in MvxChainedSourceBinding.Dispose #2922
6.1.0-beta1 (2018-05-30)
Fixed bugs:
- ViewModel#Destroy does not get called on UWP #2860 [UWP]
- Soft back button doesn't work in Playground.Android #2736 [Android]
Closed issues:
- Backstack in mvvmcross android working incorrectly #2913
- SplashScreen doesn't automatically start Activity registered for AppStart #2895
- UWP Release Builds are crashing at runtime #2842 [UWP]
- MvxTimePicker won't bind correctly to Android versions 5.1 and below. #2840
- stamp $(AssemblyName) ($(TargetFramework)) into builds #2836
6.0.1 (2018-04-29)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Calling async method on ViewModel.Initialize never ends and InitializeTask properties never got updated #2829
- Error when using the Initialize event in a view model since upgrade to Version 6.0 #2808
- MvvmCross.Platforms.Android namespace missing from MvvmCross 6.0.0 package #2807
- Documentation request #2806
- Resource.Layout' does not contain a definition for '[ViewName]' #2801
- MvxFormsIosSetup.CreateViewPresenter called too soon? #2802
Merged pull requests:
- Small docs fix, renamed to correct method in the events mapping table. #2834 [Android] [Documentation] (agoransson)
- Update Getting-Started and MvvmCross-Overview docs #2822 [Documentation] (nmilcoff)
- Fixing crash when running Android Forms Playground #2820 (nickrandolph)
- Removing calls to base methods to prevent error #2819 (nickrandolph)
- Bugfix/fix playground wpf setup #2811 (Cheesebaron)
- Android margin extensions method bind and binding docs updates #2809 (Plac3hold3r)
- Update Acr.UserDialogs link #2805 (vatsalyagoel)
- Make it easier to override the Forms Page presenter #2803 (martijn00)
6.0.0 (2018-04-14)
Fixed bugs:
- MvvmCross doesn't work with F# Android app resources #2772 [Android]
- Playground.Droid creates multiple instances of RootViewModel #2782 [Android]
- Xamarin Forms Images is not shown on Android when using mvvmcross #2770 [Android] [Forms]
- Crash when Close Viewmodel With Result using MasterDetail #2757 [Forms]
- Playground SheetView crashes Android application #2722 [Android]
- Android app hangs on SplashScreen #2721 [Android]
- MvxViewPagerAdapter and MvxStateViewPagerAdapter ignore the presence of view model instance inside MvxViewPagerFragmentInfo #2718 [AndroidSupport]
- RegisterAttribute doesn't always match the new MvvmCross 6 namespace #2688 [Android] [AndroidSupport]
- App didn't show the right view after add SplashScreen on WPF #2684 [WPF]
- [iOS] Text Replacement does not apply change through the binding #2681 [iOS]
- Language files are not loaded in iOS project #2678 [Plugins] [iOS]
- Lack of Initialization from MvxSplashScreenActivity causes App start from external Intent (ie, Uri routing) to fail in Forms app #2624 [Android] [Forms]
- Xamarin.Forms Android - First page cannot reference Application level StaticResources #2622 [Android] [Forms]
- PluginLoaders not found for platform specific plugins #2611 [Plugins]
- Child View Presentation does not work when using More Tabs (more than five tabs) [iOS] #2609 [iOS]
- Adjusting the resolution of the resource assembly #2777 [Forms] (nickrandolph)
- Fixing issue with CurrentActivity being null in Playground.Droid #2775 [Android] (nickrandolph)
- Find resource type based on Android.Runtime.ResourceDesignerAttribute #2774 [Android] (nosami)
- Make show and close of iOS views respect Animated #2767 [iOS] (martijn00)
- MvxUISliderValueTargetBinding: Add missing return #2750 [iOS] (nmilcoff)
- Fixes #2722 #2730 [AndroidSupport] (tbalcom)
- Make sure Forms is loaded when not using a splashscreen #2729 [Android] [Forms] (martijn00)
- Android add MvxViewVodelRequest to fragment forward life cycle events #2728 [Android] [AndroidSupport] (Plac3hold3r)
- Android Dialogs: Fix close & do not keep references to instances #2711 [Android] [AndroidSupport] (nmilcoff)
- Improvements & register fix for Visibility / Messenger / PictureChooser plugins #2704 [Plugins] (nmilcoff)
- Fix moving items in the MvxRecyclerAdapter #2664 [AndroidSupport] (kjeremy)
- MvxBaseTableViewSource: Fix wrong height for xib based cells #2644 [iOS] (nmilcoff)
- Apply default templates to MvxAppCompatSpinner #2640 [AndroidSupport] (kjeremy)
- Binding types fix #2632 (Saratsin)
- Fixed issue #2515 where MvxObservableCollection.AddRange() reports wrong index #2614 (Strifex)
Closed issues:
- Generic UWP views break compiled bindings #2653 [UWP]
- Attribute "MvxBind" has already been defined #2800 [Android]
- WPF Support Missing From MvvmCross 6.0.0 #2796
- [iOS] Using VS AppCenter "AppCenter.Start" while MvxApplication.Initialize results in deadlock since MVX 6 beta7 #2745
- WPF Presenter documentation is out of date #2743 [Documentation] [WPF]
- NuGet package descriptions are missing from csproj files #2742 [Documentation]
- Need an example of custom activity transitions #2659 [Documentation]
- Skipping DigitalWorkReport.Droid.Resource.String.fab_scroll_shrink_grow_autohide_behavior #2645 [AndroidSupport]
- Cleanup "Sidebar" plugin #2626 [iOS]
- MvvmCross.Forms version out of sync with Xamarin.Forms Tutorial #2620 [Documentation]
Merged pull requests:
- Update 2018-4-14-mvvmcross-6.0.0-release.md #2799 (fedemkr)
- Making it easier to override creation of injected pages #2793 [Forms] (nickrandolph)
- Improving Forms Android support for setup #2790 (nickrandolph)
- Split out WPF #2789 (martijn00)
- Update 3rd-party-plugins.md #2788 (vurf)
- Bugfix/aapt error workaround #2787 (Cheesebaron)
- Added Margin target binding for Android #2780 [Android] (Cheesebaron)
- Fix duplicated entry for SplitView attribute on iOS ViewPresenter #2779 [iOS] (nmilcoff)
- Update json.md #2778 (dawidstefaniak)
- Make build.sh executable so that
works #2773 (nosami) - Making IMvxViewDispatcher async aware #2771 (nickrandolph)
- Make setup interface standard #2769 (martijn00)
- Match docs with code for WPF presenter #2768 (martijn00)
- Descriptions from old nuspecs in csprojs added #2766 (orzech85)
- Upgrading XF references #2764 [Forms] (nickrandolph)
- Fixing issue with navigating back with result from master details #2763 (nickrandolph)
- Adding Application Startup method to be invoked on UI thread #2761 (nickrandolph)
- Switch to new Project SDK style for MSBuildExtras + build log #2759 (Cheesebaron)
- Update appveyor and Android support library #2758 (martijn00)
- Fix MvvmCross.Forms project dependencies #2756 [Forms] (Cheesebaron)
- Adding Async dispatcher #2755 (nickrandolph)
- Only set build script names once #2753 (martijn00)
- Improve a couple of build and project files #2752 (martijn00)
- Mark iOS and tvOS AppDelegate windows as virtual #2747 [iOS] [tvOS] (nmilcoff)
- MvxSetupSingleton optimizations / Fix SplashScreen initialization on Android #2746 (nmilcoff)
- Improvements for v6 docs #2739 [Documentation] (nmilcoff)
- Fix linker problem #2737 (martijn00)
- Added generic versions of MvxApplication for WPF and UWP #2735 [UWP] [WPF] (nmilcoff)
- Clean up some long time obsolete API's #2734 (Plac3hold3r)
- Update nuget packages #2733 (martijn00)
- MvxAppStart: Add non-generic version #2732 (nmilcoff)
- Setup fixes #2731 (martijn00)
- Add missing license to SelectedItemRecyclerAdapter #2727 (Plac3hold3r)
- Make it easier to build on Mac and fix some build bugs #2726 (martijn00)
- Android add Shared Elements support #2725 [Android] (Plac3hold3r)
- Removed no longer relevant comment in MvxAppCompatSetup #2724 [Documentation] (Plac3hold3r)
- Helpers for testing RaiseCanExecuteChanged #2720 (jacobduijzer)
- #2718 Ensure that existing fragment info's VM instance is used whenev… #2719 [AndroidSupport] (wh1t3cAt1k)
- Add SplashScreen for WPF Playground to demonstrate loading issue #2716 [WPF] (Happin3ss)
- Move bootstrap explanation to the upgrade #2715 [Documentation] (martijn00)
- Target WPF 4.6.1 so it is aligned with .net standard #2714 (martijn00)
- Refactoring Setup Singleton #2713 (nickrandolph)
- Avoid using reflection to create the setup #2710 (nickrandolph)
- ItemTemplateId added to IMvxTemplateSelector #2709 [Android] (orzech85)
- Update WPF playground #2708 (jz5)
- Remove MvxImageView and the likes #2706 (nmilcoff)
- V6 blog post & migration guide #2705 [Documentation] (nmilcoff)
- Make application class virtual #2703 [Forms] (martijn00)
- Align setup and not override window #2702 (martijn00)
- Fix readme and some small issue's #2701 (martijn00)
- Change platform to platforms #2700 (martijn00)
- Update ios-tables-and-cells.md #2699 (jfversluis)
- Make it easier to change csproj versions and update nugets #2695 (martijn00)
- Lists inconsistencies #2693 [Android] [AndroidSupport] (orzech85)
- MvxPreferenceValueTargetBinding: Fix method call: Warn -> Warning #2692 (nmilcoff)
- Updates RegisterAttribute to match new Mvx 6 namespaces #2691 (tbalcom)
- v6 Blog post & migration guide updates #2689 [Documentation] (nmilcoff)
- Use previous version of VS2017 on AppVeyor #2685 (Cheesebaron)
- Add a playground page to test whether MvxContentViews load their view models #2683 (jessewdouglas)
- [iOS] Update UITextField binding when editing did end (Text Replacement fix) #2682 [iOS] (alexshikov)
- Fixes calling methods deprecated in Android API26. #2679 (tbalcom)
- Update docs broken Playground sample link #2677 [Documentation] (fedemkr)
- Move hints and attributes into the right folder #2675 (martijn00)
- Ensuring Start completed before initializing Xamarin Forms #2674 (nickrandolph)
- Update changelog #2673 [Documentation] (Cheesebaron)
- Added RaiseCanExecuteChanged interface definition to IMvxCommand<T> #2672 (jnosek)
- Cleanup csproj files and add missing headers #2671 (martijn00)
- Add check in navigation service to see if viewmodels are available #2670 (martijn00)
- Add generic setup to all platforms #2668 (martijn00)
- Update upgrade-to-mvvmcross-60.md #2667 [Documentation] (asterixorobelix)
- Fix some projects not building in specific configs #2663 (martijn00)
- Delete empty IMvxModalIosView #2660 [Plugins] [iOS] (martijn00)
- Add readme.txt file to open on nuget install #2658 (martijn00)
- Rename test to tests to align with old nuget package and current naming #2657 (martijn00)
- Version bump for UWP and SDKExtras nuget packages #2656 [UWP] (nickrandolph)
- Documentation: MvxNotifyTask, ViewModel-Lifecycle location, Samples #2655 [Documentation] (nmilcoff)
- Merge master back into develop to update docs #2654 [Documentation] (nmilcoff)
- add throw for Exception in MvxNavigationService #2651 (kvandake)
- Add docs for resharper annotations #2648 [Documentation] (mterwoord)
- MvxNotifyTask improvements #2642 (nmilcoff)
- Update nuget packages #2639 (martijn00)
- Don't put a user dependency on Microsoft.CSharp #2638 (martijn00)
- Adding support for custom renderer assemblies to MvxFormsWindowsSetup #2635 [Forms] [UWP] (MartinZikmund)
- Rename folders from iOS to Ios #2630 [iOS] (nmilcoff)
- Fix the compiling error of Playground.Forms.Uwp #2628 (flyingxu)
- Align namespaces: Rename iOS namespaces to Ios #2627 [iOS] (nmilcoff)
- Remove DownloadCache plugin #2625 [Plugins] (nmilcoff)
- Add observable collection tests #2618 (Cheesebaron)
- Use the basic Forms application type instead of the Mvx one #2617 [Forms] (martijn00)
- Improve the IMvxPluginManager interface #2616 [Plugins] (willsb)
- Reducing code to get started for UWP projects #2615 [Forms] [UWP] (nickrandolph)
- Fix a bunch of Warnings #2613 (Cheesebaron)
- Update Forms namespaces to match traditional Xamarin #2612 (nmilcoff)
- Allow more than 5 children in MoreNavigationController #2610 [iOS] [tvOS] (thefex)
- Cleanup: Create Presenters & Commands folders / Remove {PlatformName}.Base folders #2606 (nmilcoff)
6.0.0-beta8 (2018-04-10)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Reverts IsXamarinForms changes in Playground #2754 (tbalcom)
- Update ContentFiles Referenced In Readme.txt To Use MVVMCross 6.x Namespaces (& Remove MvxTrace References) #2748 (andrewtechhelp)
- Add doc about linking #2744 [Documentation] (Cheesebaron)
- Update messenger.md #2741 [Documentation] (orzech85)
6.0.0-beta7 (2018-03-30)
Closed issues:
- Add the ability to only use one instance of a given fragment #2694
6.0.0-beta6 (2018-03-19)
Closed issues:
- Using MvvmCross 5.6 NavigationService with autofac IoC #2636
Merged pull requests:
- Release/5.7.0 #2687 (Cheesebaron)
- Create 2018-03-14-mvvmcross-5.7.0-release.md #2686 (Cheesebaron)
5.7.0 (2018-03-14)
6.0.0-beta5 (2018-03-09)
Closed issues:
6.0.0-beta4 (2018-03-02)
Closed issues:
- MvvmCross.Plugin.Location.Fused 5.6.3 is not compatible with netstandard2.0 #2607
Merged pull requests:
- Revert "MvxNavigationService.cs. Add "throw" for an exception in the method NavigationRouteRequest." #2650 (Cheesebaron)
- MvxNavigationService.cs. Add "throw" for an exception in the method NavigationRouteRequest. #2647 (kvandake)
6.0.0-beta3 (2018-02-14)
6.0.0-beta2 (2018-02-12)
6.0.0-beta1 (2018-02-12)
5.6.3 (2017-12-22)
5.6.2 (2017-12-11)
5.6.1 (2017-12-11)
5.6.0 (2017-12-10)
5.5.2 (2017-11-29)
5.5.1 (2017-11-29)
5.5.0 (2017-11-23)
5.4.2 (2017-11-07)
5.4.1 (2017-11-07)
5.4.0 (2017-10-31)
5.3.2 (2017-10-23)
5.3.1 (2017-10-18)
5.3.0 (2017-10-13)
5.2.1 (2017-09-26)
5.2 (2017-09-12)
5.1.1 (2017-07-28)
5.1.0 (2017-07-17)
5.0.6 (2017-07-10)
5.0.5 (2017-06-25)
5.0.4 (2017-06-23)
5.0.3 (2017-06-19)
5.0.2 (2017-06-06)
5.0.1 (2017-05-26)
5.0.0 (2017-05-22)
5.0.0-beta.12 (2017-05-22)
5.0.0-beta.11 (2017-05-17)
5.0.0-beta.10 (2017-05-15)
5.0.0-beta.9 (2017-05-13)
5.0.0-beta.8 (2017-05-10)
5.0.0-beta.7 (2017-05-03)
5.0.0-beta.6 (2017-05-01)
5.0.0-beta.5 (2017-04-30)
5.0.0-beta.4 (2017-04-29)
5.0.0-beta.3 (2017-04-28)
5.0.0-beta.2 (2017-04-26)
5.0.0-beta.1 (2017-04-25)
4.4.0 (2016-11-01)
4.3.0 (2016-09-26)
4.2.3 (2016-08-17)
4.2.2 (2016-07-11)
4.2.1 (2016-07-05)
4.2.0 (2016-06-13)
4.1.6 (2016-05-24)
4.1.5 (2016-05-19)
4.1.4 (2016-04-20)
Binding_4.1.1 (2016-04-04)
DroidShared_4.1.2 (2016-04-04)
FullFragging_4.1.1 (2016-04-04)
4.1.0 (2016-03-22)
4.0.0 (2016-02-02)
4.0.0-beta8 (2016-01-12)
4.0.0-beta7 (2015-12-10)
4.0.0-beta5 (2015-11-06)
4.0.0-beta4 (2015-10-20)
4.0.0-beta3 (2015-09-10)
4.0.0-beta2 (2015-08-18)
4.0.0-beta1 (2015-07-31)
4.0.0-alpha9 (2015-07-17)
4.0.0-alpha8 (2015-07-17)
4.0.0-alpha4 (2015-07-17)
4.0.0-alpha3 (2015-07-15)
4.0.0-alpha2 (2015-07-14)
4.0.0-alpha1 (2015-07-09)
3.5.2-alpha2 (2015-06-30)
3.5.2-alpha1 (2015-06-16)
3.5.1 (2015-05-02)
3.51-beta1 (2015-03-11)
3.5.1-alpha1 (2015-02-08)
3.5.0 (2015-01-17)
3.5.0-beta2 (2014-12-17)
3.5.0-beta1 (2014-12-12)
3.5.0-alpha2 (2014-11-22)
3.2.2 (2014-11-22)
v3_5_alpha0 (2014-11-14)
3.2.2-beta1 (2014-10-21)
3.2.1-beta3 (2014-08-25)
3.2.1-beta2 (2014-07-27)
3.2.1-beta1 (2014-06-29)
build-3.1.177-beta5 (2014-04-09)
3.1.2-beta1 (2014-03-26)
build-3.1.176-beta5 (2014-03-10)
build-3.1.175-beta5 (2014-03-05)
build-3.1.174-beta5 (2014-02-26)
build-3.1.173-beta5 (2014-02-20)
build-3.1.171-beta5 (2014-02-14)
build-3.1.170-beta5 (2014-02-10)
build-3.1.169-beta5 (2014-02-10)
build-3.1.168-beta5 (2014-02-10)
3.1.1 (2014-02-09)
build-3.1.167-beta5 (2014-02-06)
build-3.1.166-beta5 (2014-02-06)
build-3.1.163-beta5 (2014-02-06)
build-3.1.160-beta5 (2014-02-04)
build-3.1.159-beta5 (2014-02-04)
build-3.1.158-beta5 (2014-02-04)
build-3.1.157-beta5 (2014-02-04)
build-3.1.156-beta5 (2014-02-04)
build-3.1.155-beta5 (2014-02-04)
build-3.1.154-beta5 (2014-02-03)
build-3.1.151-beta1 (2014-02-03)
build-3.1.150-beta1 (2014-02-03)
build-3.1.149-beta1 (2014-02-03)
3.1.1-beta5-attempt2 (2014-02-01)
3.1.1-beta5 (2014-02-01)
3.1.1-beta4 (2014-01-26)
3.1.1-beta3 (2014-01-16)
build-3.1.148-beta1 (2014-01-11)
build-3.1.132-beta1 (2014-01-10)
build-3.1.133-beta1 (2014-01-10)
3.1.1-beta2 (2014-01-03)
3.1.1-beta1 (2013-12-14)
build-3.1.131-beta1 (2013-12-07)
3.0.14 (2013-11-16)
3.0.14-beta3 (2013-11-13)
3.0.14-beta2-real (2013-11-04)
3.0.14-beta2 (2013-11-04)
3.0.14-beta1 (2013-11-02)
3.0.13 (2013-10-08)
3.0.13-beta4 (2013-10-05)
3.0.13-beta3 (2013-10-05)
3.0.12 (2013-09-08)
3.0.11-final (2013-09-08)
3.0.11-beta1 (2013-09-01)
3.0.11 (2013-08-27)
3.0.10 (2013-07-23)
3.0.9 (2013-07-13)
Release- (2013-06-09)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator