- Install TamperMonkey to your browser.
- Install ExHentai Enhancer.
works when:
- url match
- settings -> Front Page Settings -> check
Load all images sequentially if the there are more than one page
Show pop-up in same page instead of window popup when click
Archive Download
orTorrent Download
Download torrent directly if there is only 1 torrent
Go to next/prev row if mouse wheel on images container
works on:
- url match
- settings -> Multi-Page Viewer -> Always use the Multi-Page Viewer? -> Yup
Append current index & page count to image info
Show thumbs when mouse close to/hover thumbs(remember to open thumbs in settings)
Page elevator
Images resizer (Currently 100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, 200% of browser height)
Rotate image
Prevent image removal *disabled by default
The original script of exhentai would remove the images which are too far from your current scroll.
So if you scroll back to the images that have been removed. It might be flashing because although your browser has cached the image but still have to re-render it.
- Auto redirect to Multi-Page Viewer if in Single-Page Viewer(url match
works on:
url match
settings -> Front Page Settings -> check
Infinite Scroll
Go to next/prev row if mouse wheel on images container.
- Change browser title to Japanese (effect on browser/tab title)
You can open settings panel by clicking the Tampermonkey icon first, then select "Open settings panel".
Then you can disable any features you don't want, or change the action when click "Archive Download" here.
Key / Mouse | Feature |
left click |
Go to next page. |
numpad 3 |
Go to next page. |
numpad 6 |
Go to next page. |
space |
Go to next page. |
mouse wheel up (when hovering enhancer) |
Go to next page. |
right click |
Go to previous page. |
numpad 1 |
Go to previous page. |
numpad 4 |
Go to previous page. |
backspace |
Go to previous page. |
mouse wheel down (when hovering enhancer) |
Go to previous page. |
ctrl + → |
Go to next 10 page. |
ctrl + ← |
Go to previous 10 page. |
ctrl + 1 ~5 |
Set current size of image resizer to 100%/125%/150%/175%/200%. |
numpad + |
Increase current size of image resizer (set to 100% if not set yet). |
numpad - |
Decrease current size of image resizer (set to 200% if not set yet). |
numpad 0 |
Set current size of image resizer to smallest size (currently 100%). |
numpad . |
Set current size of image resizer to middle size (currently 150%). |
numpad enter |
Clear current size of image resizer (to original size). |
numpad 8 |
Scroll to top of current image. |
numpad 5 |
Scroll to middle of current image. |
numpad 2 |
Scroll to bottom of current image. |
numpad 7 |
Rotate the image by -90 degree. |
numpad 9 |
Rotate the image by 90 degree. |
Key F |
Toggle full screen. |
Key R |
Reload current image. |
If there is only 1 torrent, download directly
If there are multiple torrents, show popup
Scroll step by row on images container
Keyboard shortcuts for image resizer
Keyboard shortcuts for scroll to top/middle/bottom of current image
Go to next/previous 10 page by ctrl + →
ctrl + ←
pnpm dev
- install the script that pop-up on your browser.
pnpm build
- drag
to your browser to install the script.