Kalaiarasan Saminathan
Rajagopalan Ranganathan
Sunil Kumar Mohanty
Online Game Store is a project developed for the Web Software Development (CS-C3170) course for the year 2016-17. The project is based on Django framework.
Game developers have an inventory of game which they upload to the game store (just the urls).
Players can
- register in the application and purchase the game from the store and play on their mobile or desktop. The application maintains a leaderboard for each application.
- share their score in social media
- Register/Login using facebook
- Resume game from previous saved state
IDE - JetBrains PyCharm Languages - Python 3.5, HTML5, CSS (bootstrap), jquery, django
- User Registration
- Login
- Logout
- Email Validation
- Use Secret Key
- Login using Facebook
- Buy games
- payment service
- play games
- Game and Service interaction
- Player allowed to play the games which he has purchased and cannot play other games
- Search for games:
- Arranged based on topics
- arranged based on editor picks
- Arranged based on date (new ones first)
- Search based on
- name
- Game types (like arcade, simulation)
- cost ? price
- Add Game URL to game store
- Set price and remove/modify the posted game
- Statistics about the game (ex-purchases)
- Security restrictions (Only developers allowed to add/remove game)
- Save player Score
- Save in High Score
- Display High scores for the game (top 10)
- Coding style to be followed as mentioned in - https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/internals/contributing/writing-code/coding-style/
- MTV (Model Template View) pattern to be followed
- Non-technical user can use the website comfortably
- Minimize the number of clicks to complete a task
- Should be accessible by mobile touch devices
- Validate the website against W3C validator
- Save the state of the game (Score)
- Allow the user to resume the game
- Save the user preferred Resolution (Height, Width)
- Implement Restful API for important services.
- Versioning support to be provided in the API
- It should communicate the score to game store application
- Save/load the game
- Can be hosted as a static file in service, It should be available in the store
- Use bootstrap CSS framework to make a responsive design
- Use only div based layout in html
- Sharing the games in Facebook - Facebook share
- Meta data retrieval from backend
- Icon or an image for the game - create and store in the backend
- Retrieved metadata added as an advertisement or description message and shared in the frontend
- verify that the shared game has meaningful and attractive messages