Dask on SLURM

Deploy a Dask.distributed_ cluster on top of a cluster running a
SLURM_ workload manager.

Written under influence and with code borrowing from Dask-DRMAA_ project.

.. _Dask.distributed: http://distributed.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
.. _SLURM: https://slurm.schedmd.com/
.. _Dask-DRMAA: https://github.com/dask/dask-drmaa/


Launch cluster from Python code and do some simple calculation:

.. code-block:: python

   from slurmified import Cluster
   slurm_kwargs = {
       'mem-per-cpu': '100',
       'time': '1-00:00:00'
   cluster = Cluster(slurm_kwargs)
   from distributed import Client
   client = Client(cluster)
   future = client.submit(lambda x: x + 1, 10)
   future.result()  # returns 11

If you want cluster to terminate automatically after calculation finished,
you can use the following:

.. code-block:: python

   from slurmified import Cluster
   from distributed import Client
   slurm_kwargs = {
       'mem-per-cpu': '100',
       'time': '1-00:00:00'
   inputs = list(range(0, 100))
   with Cluster(slurm_kwargs).start_workers(10) as cluster:
       with Client(cluster) as client:
           incremented = client.map(lambda x: x+1, inputs)
           inverted = client.map(lambda x: -x, incremented)
           outputs = client.gather(inverted)
   print(outputs)  # prints [-1, .. , -100]

Quickly map function over arguments list:

.. code-block:: python

   from slurmified import map_interactive
   slurm_kwargs = {
       'mem-per-cpu': '100',
       'time': '1-00:00:00'
   inputs = list(range(0, 100))
   map_func = map_interactive(10, slurm_kwargs=slurm_kwargs)
   outputs = map_func(lambda x: x+1, inputs)
   print(outputs)  # prints [1, .. , 100]


Via pip::

    pip install git+https://gitlab.com/slavoutich/slurmified.git