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If you are looking for the alpha setup guide, you can find it here. If you are looking for the alpha API docs, you can find them here.

please note this documentation is for the old deprecated luxe alpha only.
luxe 1.0 is coming... see

The beginners guide is a linear guide,
it follows a semi logical progression about understanding some of the core concepts while working with luxe alpha. Things like building and running, assets, input and more.

#1 - Getting Started
#2 - Images and sprites
#3 - Sprites and animation
#4 - Text and audio

The feature guide is a piece by piece reference for specific features of the engine, designed to explain and teach what the engine can do.


wip - audio - transforms - app timing - scene - physics - collision


sprite animation
render control
wip - render batching - cameras - tilemaps - nineslice - particles - textures


wip - maths - states

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#1 - Getting started

code for this guide is found in samples/guides/1_getting_started/

getting started screenshot guide outcome

An empty project

For now, as luxe is in development,
copy the luxe/samples/empty folder as your starting point.

This will be automated in future.
Some editors (like HaxeDevelop) have a new project template already.

Basic Anatomy

A flow file?!

When you build a luxe app, it's built by flow, a build tool that reads a project file.
Your project file is called a flow file, and has the extension .flow. This is essentially the entry point to working with your project.

Open your project.flow file and look inside, you'll find information specific to your project that you can configure.

Here's is an example of what that looks like:


Your game code

The second place to look, is the src/Main.hx file, which is where your game begins. For reference, src is short for source code. Typically you would put your game haxe code in this folder.

A luxe app, in it's very basic form, is a single haxe class that extends from luxe.Game. It has some functions that you override, like the ready function, which is where you start coding your game.

If you ran this code, you would see a blank window. We'll see how to run the game a bit further down.

class Main extends luxe.Game {

	override function ready() {
	   //your game starts here


Aside from the ready function, there are quite a few that you can override in order to handle luxe system events - like onkeyup(event:KeyEvent) or update(delta:Float). The first being when a key is released, and update is called every frame for you, so you can update your game logic.

The config function

One important function in your game is the config function. This function gets called for you before ready happens. This means that anything you configure here, will be setup when the game is ready.

It is important to note, the function serves to configure your game app before it launches, meaning that almost all of the engine systems are unavailable in here.

For now, you can see what the config options are and specify them to your liking. We'll use this function again in the next guide.

override function config(config:GameConfig) {

    config.window.title = 'luxe game';
    config.window.width = 960;
    config.window.height = 640;
    config.window.fullscreen = false;

    return config;

} //config

The empty Game class

Now that we're a bit more familiar, this is how the full empty game might look.

import luxe.GameConfig;
import luxe.Input;

class Main extends luxe.Game {

    override function config(config:GameConfig) {

        config.window.title = 'luxe game';
        config.window.width = 960;
        config.window.height = 640;
        config.window.fullscreen = false;

        return config;

    } //config

    override function ready() {

    } //ready

    override function onkeyup(event:KeyEvent) {

        if(event.keycode == Key.escape) {

    } //onkeyup

    override function update(delta:Float) {

    } //update

} //Main

Building and running a luxe game

Your project file contains the information necessary to instruct the build tool - flow - on how to build your game.

flow is a command line tool but is integrated into editors like so that you can work from those instead, if you prefer. You can see how to configure that here in the setup guide.

For now, we will stick with the command line for reference on what is happening. If you haven't installed the flow shortcut (via snowfall for example) then you need to add haxelib run in front of each command below.

flow run
To run the game, you type flow run into the command line and hit enter, which you do from within your project folder. This will run all the steps necessary to convert your code into an application, and then launch it.

If you want to build without running, use flow build. If you want to launch without building, use flow launch.

You may need to run in debug mode to find the cause of runtime errors - to do that you would just append a --debug flag to the command. The final command would be flow run --debug.

Note that debug mode is significantly more expensive to run, making the game run less smoothly at times. If you aren't debugging a crash you would likely be ok without the debug flag.

Getting something on screen

Now that we have a blank window, let's draw a sprite and move it around!

To use code classes from luxe, we usually import them first. Imports go at the top of the file. Since we are going to make a sprite with a color and a position, we need the luxe.Sprite, luxe.Color and the luxe.Vector class. You don't have to import them this way, since you can reference them by their full name like above if you prefer.

import luxe.Sprite;
import luxe.Color;
import luxe.Vector;

luxe options
In luxe, most constructors of objects specify their options in an object. This solves many annoyances while working and allows you to succicntly specify only the arguments you care about, and let the rest be handled by sane defaults.

An options object is a regular haxe "anonymous object", it would look like this in a simple example :

{ name:'a sprite' }

To hand it to the constructor, you just put it in between the parenthesis. You'll see a full example just below this:

new Sprite({ name:'simple example' });

Creating a Sprite
For now, we will create a small orange block in the middle of the screen and give it a color, a size and a position. The name is optional, but it will make your project infinitely easier to work with if you name things from the start.

We will make our sprite and store it in a variable named block. This is because we want to move the sprite later when the mouse moves, so we need to hold onto the sprite we create to do that.

The variable is declared inside the class, outside of the functions. Usually at the top, right under the "class Main" part.

Inside the ready function, we create the sprite and store it in our variable. When you run this you should see an orange block in the centre of the screen!

var block : Sprite;

override function ready() {

	block = new Sprite({
		name: 'block sprite',
		pos: Luxe.screen.mid,
		color: new Color().rgb(0xf94b04),
		size: new Vector(128, 128)

} //ready

Moving things around

The onmousemove function

The Game class has a function you can override called onmousemove. It also has onmousedown and onmouseup. Each of them take the same argument, (event:MouseEvent). We can use the mouse move event to change the position of the block to match the mouse.

To do that, we can set the pos property of the block directly, which is a Vector. The vector also has an x and a y component that you can set too, for instance you can do block.pos.x += 10; to shift it ten units.

Start by overriding the onmousemove function, just below ready, and use the event information to move the block:

override function onmousemove(event:MouseEvent) {

	block.pos = event.pos;

	// also valid:
	// block.pos.x = event.x;
	// block.pos.y = event.y;

} //onmousemove


Updating things every frame

The last thing to learn in this guide is the update event function, we will rotate the block a small amount each frame.

To do this, the sprite class has a rotation_z property for convenience. It's a value set in degrees for the sprite's rotation. If we want to animate the block spinning indefinitely, we simply add a small amount to this each frame.

One thing to note though, is that we want the value to update consistently over time. To make that happen, we scale the change by the delta (difference in) time. This scaling of time makes sure it adds the amount as "per second" rather than "per update", so if the game runs faster on a faster device, it won't spin faster.

Run this and it should behave like the animated image above.

override function update(delta:Float) {

        //if we add 40° each frame, and scale it by the delta,
        //it becomes 40° per second instead of 40° per update.

    block.rotation_z += 40 * delta;

} //update

That's the basics of getting things on screen, updating things every frame, and using the override functions from the Game class to get key, mouse and other forms of input.

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#2 - Images and sprites

code for this guide is found in samples/guides/2_sprites/

sprites screenshot guide outcome

Drawing images instead of blocks

This guide covers image loading, sprite flipping, pixel art scaling and mapping input.

Loading an image asset

Loading assets is typically an asynchronous concept, on many platforms this is an literal requirement. luxe handles assets asynchronously for you, making it easy to manage. The only important thing to remember when getting started, is that you can't use an asset that you have not loaded yet.

In luxe, the word Texture is used and it just means “image”. It's just the term that the hardware rendering API's use. You will also notice the phoenix package used, phoenix is the name of the rendering backend that luxe is currently using.

Loading an image during preloading

A parcel is what luxe calls a list of assets, and is used to load and unload groups of resources.

The first method of loading an image, is to load it in the config function. The config holds a default parcel for you, that you can quickly and conveniently put assets to be loaded before your ready function is called. This means you can use it right away.

As mentioned in the previous guide, the config function is before the engine is ready, meaning that you can't draw things (like a progress bar). The config parcel is for iterating quickly, and for assets that are needed before your game is loaded. For instance, a splash screen image would be loaded here, the displayed in ready. If your game assets are small enough, loading all of the assets this way is not a problem.

We add the image to the list of textures to be loaded in the preload parcel. It has a textures list, so we give it an object with an id by adding it to the list.

    override function config(config:luxe.GameConfig) {

        config.preload.textures.push({ id:'assets/stand.png' });

        return config;

    } //config

  When ready happens, the image is loaded, and accessed via the resources API.

    //fetch the previously loaded texture!
var image = Luxe.resources.texture('assets/stand.png');

Displaying the image

In ready, we can set the filtering for pixel art, so that drawing it bigger doesn't blur it. We also calculate a good size that fits the current window, and create a sprite to display it.

We also handle some input binding, but we will get to that next.

 override function ready() {

        //fetch the previously loaded texture!
    var image = Luxe.resources.texture('assets/stand.png');

        //keep pixels crisp when scaling them, for pixel art
    image.filter_min = image.filter_mag = FilterType.nearest;

        //work out the correct size based on a made up ratio
    var ratio = 1.75;
    var height = Luxe.screen.h/ratio;
    var width = (height/image.height) * image.width;

        //create the actual visible player, give it the texture
    player = new Sprite({
       name: 'player',
       texture: image,
       pos: new Vector(Luxe.screen.mid.x, Luxe.screen.h - (height/ratio)),
       size: new Vector(width, height)

        //set up keys and values for moving around
    move_speed = width * 3;


} //ready

Basic input handling

To move the sprite around a bit, we will use one of a few methods to handle input. We saw the direct event functions last time, and another alternative type is to check a state value every frame. This usually means putting key bindings spread out around your code, making it a bit trickier to change later.

To make this type of input less hardcoded, luxe supports the notion of "named input bindings". This is what it sounds like, it binds an input event to a name. From there, you can handle the named events, rather than the raw input. This also let's us bind multiple keys to a single name, making our resulting code much simpler.

Here is how the connect_input method would look. We only need left and right in this guide, so we bind two common mappings to those names:

function connect_input() {

    //here, we are going to bind A/left and D/right into a single named
    //input event, so that we can keep our movement code the same

    Luxe.input.bind_key('left', Key.left);
    Luxe.input.bind_key('left', Key.key_a);

    Luxe.input.bind_key('right', Key.right);
    Luxe.input.bind_key('right', Key.key_d);

} //connect_input

Simple movement logic

We are going to keep things simple by shifting the player along the x axis, which looks pretty strange but we'll add animation in the next guide to make it appear less rigid.

To do that, we ask luxe during the update function if the input named "left" is pressed down. This type of input handling in luxe is called "immediate query", since you ask for an immediate result. If it returns true, it means the keys we bound were in a down state, so we move left.

Since our image is facing the other way when moving left, we also flip the sprite so it faces the direction we're moving in. The same applies for moving to the right. Again we see that we scale the movement by time, so that the movement is consistent.

override function update( delta:Float ) {

    if(Luxe.input.inputdown('left')) {

        player.pos.x -= move_speed * delta;
        player.flipx = true;

    } else if(Luxe.input.inputdown('right')) {

        player.pos.x += move_speed * delta;
        player.flipx = false;


} //update

And we're done! In the next guide we'll add some animation and more.

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#3 - Sprites and animation

code for this guide is found in samples/guides/3_sprite_animation/

sprites screenshot guide outcome

Animating a sprite

This guide covers sprite animation and a simple loading screen with a progress bar.

Loading with a progress bar

The previous guide mentioned that a parcel is a list of assets, which are loaded and unloaded as a group. We used the built in preload parcel from the config function, this time we'll make our own parcel and we'll also track the loading progress using the built in luxe.ParcelProgress class. We import that and luxe.Parcel.

We're going to load a background image, a player sprite sheet for the animation, and a json file which describes the animations for the player. We define a parcel with a list for json items, and a list for textures. When we load this parcel, it will load these items for use.

var parcel = new Parcel({
    jsons:[ { id:'assets/anim.json' } ],
    textures : [
        { id: 'assets/apartment.png' },
        { id: 'assets/player.png' }

We also want a very simple progress bar, and we use the ParcelProgress class to get it. What happens is that the parcel emits events, telling anyone who wants to know, about what is happening with the parcel. Things like progress, failed items and completeness are sent out and the luxe.ParcelProgress class simply listens in and updates the visuals accordingly.

To use it is simpler than that:

new ParcelProgress({
    parcel      : parcel,
    background  : new Color(1,1,1,0.85),
    oncomplete  : assets_loaded

The oncomplete field for the options object is a function to be called when the parcel has been loaded. In this case we make a function in our game class called assets_loaded and continue in there. This makes the execution of our game go:

ready => [ parcel loading ] => assets_loaded

And while that happens, we see the progress on screen. We can now carry on with our game code inside assets_loaded where our assets are now available to use. Before we do that though, inside ready after creating the progress bar, we have to tell the parcel to load.


after loading

The assets_loaded function continues what ready would do, so we create the world and it's contents, and connect the input like the previous guide.

function assets_loaded(_) {


} //assets_loaded

The _ character is used to ignore arguments that you don't really care about on a function. Say you had a function like add(a:Int, b:Int) but you only cared about a you could declare the function as add(a:Int, _).

This is convenient when you have callbacks that give you information that you're not going to need yet, like above.

creating the player and the apartment

The background is just a sprite, and so is the player! We're familiar with how to create those, so you can view the code sample to see the details.

Sprite frame animation

In luxe currently sprite animation is handled by a component which gets attached to an entity. A luxe.Sprite is an entity and the luxe.components.sprite.SpriteAnimation is a Sprite specific component. You can only attach this component to a Sprite.

A component is a design pattern that has been around for a long time, which composes game specific entity behaviours using modular pieces. For instance, a player might be composed of a Health, Hunger and Thirst components. A creature in this same game can also use these components, but only the first two.

This makes it powerful for creating variety and flexibility where entities can be anything at anytime, simply by their composition at the time, and not the code inside their class that's baked in.

Many engines employ this model, and there are quite a few variations of the pattern around. This guide talks about components in more detail.

creating and attaching a sprite animation component

By this point, we've created a player variable, which is a Sprite and can accept the animation component. We're going to want to keep hold of the animation component that is created, because we want to change the animation playing when moving around.

    //create the animation component and name it anim
var anim = new SpriteAnimation({ name:'anim' });
    //add the component to the player sprite/entity

An alternative approach is to leverage the fact that add will return the component instance as well. They do the same thing, but offer a succinct way which clarifies code when creating multiple components in a row.

anim = player.add( new SpriteAnimation({ name:'anim' }) );

Defining some animation data

How do we tell it what our animations look like? Sprite animations are usually stored in packed images, which puts the frames of the animation in a single image.

Here is our player sprite sheet, with an idle and walk animation stored as frames. This particular sprite was created quickly for a previous project by the talented andrio.

Note that sprite sheets aren't required, you can use separate textures but this is typically inefficient. See tests/features/sprite_animation.

To tell the animation component where each animation is and how it works, we will use a json file for convenience.

    "idle" : {
        "frame_size":{ "x":32, "y":73 },
        "frameset": ["1-3", "hold 2", "4","2-1", "hold 10"],
        "loop": true,
        "speed": 8
    "walk" : {
        "frame_size":{ "x":32, "y":73 },
        "frameset": ["5-10"],
        "loop": true,
        "speed": 9

You can see that the json frame sets are quite expressive. It allows timing to be expressed through frame numbers. The speed parameter is frames per second. Note that frame numbers in images always start at 1. There is no frame 0 in an animation.

finalizing the animation

Most of this should be self explanatory and has comments, we use the resource manager to get our parcel items we loaded, we add the component, and we define our animations using the json. Once done, we set the animation by name to the one we want, and we tell it to play!

function create_player_animation() {

        //create the animation component and add it to the sprite
    anim = player.add( new SpriteAnimation({ name:'anim' }) );

        //create the animation from the previously loaded json
    var anim_data = Luxe.resources.json('assets/anim.json');

        //create the animations from the json resource
    anim.add_from_json_object( anim_data.asset.json );

        //set the idle animation to active
    anim.animation = 'idle';;

} //create_player_animation

Changing animations for walking

A lot of the movement code hasn't changed, so we'll only focus on the animation differences.

We saw the animation property set to idle earlier, so we can change it to walk while they're moving:

    //set the correct animation
if(moving) {
    if(anim.animation != 'walk') {
        anim.animation = 'walk';
} else {
    if(anim.animation != 'idle') {
        anim.animation = 'idle';

And that's how to animate things! The full code sample is linked at the beginning of the guide and continues on from the previous guide. The next guide doesn't follow the same code but uses a lot of the concepts already introduced.

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#4 - Text and audio

code for this guide is found in samples/guides/4_text_and_tweening/

sprites screenshot guide outcome


This guide has not been written but the code sample is commented well.


#Gameplay guides

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Timers and schedules


To schedule things ahead of time, you have two options.

  • use Luxe.timer (returns a Timer instance)
  • use snow.utils.Timer class directly

A comprehensive example of this is demonstrated in beginner's guide #4.
A schedule is given a haxe function that will be called at a later time. In luxe, time is always in seconds.

var timer = Luxe.timer.schedule(time, function() {
    trace("This code happens in the future");

stopping or cancelling a timer
To stop the timer, you need the timer instance itself returned from schedule.


future goals

  • pause
    • pausing all or a single timer
  • timer grouping
    • i.e controlling game specific timers vs menu specific timers

Rendering guides

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Sprite features

The beginners guides cover basic sprite usage. The Sprite class extends the luxe.Visual class, which is a geometry container. Sprite is also a luxe.Entity, so it can accept luxe.Component attachments.

The sprite class is a Quad based geometry, and facilitates common actions with a quad based, textured sprite. If you want non quad geometry, use luxe.Visual instead, as sprite is a quad specialization.

In concept a sprite is 2D, but no restriction on 3D rotation or positioning is applied. All 2D helpers will only affect x/y relative properties of the sprite.

Sprite specific features


By default, the sprite origin will be centered. By setting the centered flag to false, it will be top left instead. The centered flag is used only when a custom origin is not specified, it will not override the explicit origin.

The centered flag sets the transform origin to size/2.


The flipx and flipy flags will flip the geometry along it's own x or y axis respectively. Flipping works by changing the UV coordinates of the texture, based on the existing uv coordinates. Comes from phoenix.geometry.QuadGeometry.

If the flip flag is already setting, setting it twice has no effect.


The size of the geometry in units, which allows setting a baseline size of the geometry. This differs from the scale transform as it is in units, allowing simpler scaling through a preset size. Comes from Visual (note this shouldn't be there).


A rectangle in texture pixels for the UV coordinates of this sprite. Can be animated through setting the properties of the UV or assigning a new UV. Comes from phoenix.geometry.QuadGeometry.


A convenience for setting the 2D rotation (around the z axis) in degrees. Will also change radians to match. Comes from Visual.


A convenience for setting the 2D rotation (around the z axis) in radians. Will also change rotation_z to match. Comes from Visual.

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SpriteAnimation features

The beginners guides cover the basic sprite and sprite animation usage. The SpriteAnimation class extends the Component class, allowing it to be attached to a Sprite. This component can only be attached to a Sprite or child instance.

Animation type

The SpriteAnimation component supports

  • uv animation from a packed sprite sheet
  • image sequence from separate textures

Controlling playback

For each example, anim is an instance of a SpriteAnimation

get/set animation

anim.animation = 'name';
var name = anim.animation;

Current animation

get/change speed

anim.speed = 25;
var speed = anim.speed;

set a specific frame
Uses frame index, not image frame.


control playback

    //reset the animation to the first frame
    //play/resume the animation;
    //stop/pause the animation. Does not reset the frame.

add/remove frame events

Frame events allow the animation to tell you when it reached specific key frames during playback. These can be used to spawn particles, play sounds and so on.

    //add event at frame 6
anim.add_event('animation', 6, 'event_name'); 
    //remove a specific event from this frame
anim.remove_event('animation', 6, 'event_name');
    //remove all events from this frame
anim.remove_events('animation', 6);

Animation JSON Data

The animation frame JSON data consists of the following properties :

UV & Image sequence common settings

  • pingpong : Bool
    • default: false
    • if true, the animation will reverse at the last frame
    • 1 2 3 2 1
  • loop : Bool
    • default: false
    • if true, the animation will continue to loop
    • 1 2 3 1 2 3 etc
    • can combine with pingpong
  • reverse : Bool
    • default: false
    • if true, animation will play in reverse
    • can combine with pingpong and loop
    • 3 2 1
  • speed : Float
    • default: 2
    • frames per second to play at
    • can be 0
  • events : Array of { frame:Int, ?event:String }
    • fires named event on frame into the attached sprite
    • IF event is not given:
    • {animation}.event.{frame}, i.e "walk.event.5"
    • handler given SpriteAnimationEventData
  • frameset : Array of String
    • required
    • sequential list of frames or frame actions:
    • range : "1-10"
    • frame : "1"
    • hold n hold current for n frames of time : "hold 10"
    • f hold n hold specific frame f for n frames : "1 hold 10"
  • frame_size : { x:Int, y:Int }
    • the size of a frame in texture pixels
    • acts as the default for frame_sources, if any
  • frame_sources : { frame:Int, pos:{ x:Int, y:Int }, size:{ w:Int, h:Int }, source:{ x:Int, y:Int, w:Int, h:Int } }
    • optional
    • per frame custom size, position and source uv rect
    • uses frame_size in place of missing info

Image sequence type only

  • image_sequence : String
    • name of a sequence of images :
    • i.e assets/idle => assets/idle0.png ... assets/idleN.png
    • will search for :
    • name_0, name-0, name0 patterns
  • filter_type : String
    • "linear" or "nearest", to set when loading the sequence

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Manipulating color in luxe

Color is a very important tool in games, and being able to smoothly transition colors is important.

When dealing with RGB color as is the default color type, it tends to break when you try and animate between two colours. The solution to this, is different color models, such as HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) and HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness).

luxe supports both HSL and HSV interchangeably with the default of RGB (and each support alpha as well).

What is the difference?

HSV and HSL are cylindrical in nature, that means that they are round and their color value works in degrees(º) rather than components.

Take a look at the image below, this is the color wheel (Hue only), mapped to degrees.

color wheel

How this helps

Notice how if we want to transition from red (danger!) to orange (warning) on a flashing UI element, it's around 30º of movement?

To animate that using Hue (the above color wheel) it is simple, we animate the hue value.

Color classes have their own convenience tween function
One thing you will notice is that the color classes have their own tween function for convenience.

        //We create our red color using 0º Hue (red), 
        //the second and third argument are saturation and value, 
        //which we set to "maximum" right now.

    var color = new ColorHSV(0, 1, 1);

        //Now we want to animate to orange, just change the hue
        //over two seconds, to orange

    color.tween(2, { h:30 });

By mapping the colors to a round cylinder it affords much smoother transitions between colors, much smoother than RGB can do.

Saturation, Lightness and Value

Color can be quite a complex system, and has mathematical properties outside of the scope of this simple guide. If you want to get in depth details into the mechanics of color , this article on wikipedia is quite thorough.

Now - for simplicity sake - we will define the terms in a less exact way. Take a solid color at hue 30º like above.

  • Value - The color approaches black when value is lowest
  • Lightness - The color approaches white when the lightness is highest
  • Saturation - The amount of color present (like draining the color away)

Have a look at these graphs from Wikipedia for a clearer view.


Creating and using the different types

Now that you hopefully understand the purpose and differences, we can look at how to work with them in luxe.

        //defaults for r g b and a are 1 (full white)
    var color: Color = new Color( r, g, b, a );

        //Defaults for h = 0, s = 0, v = 1, a = 1 (full white)
    var colorhsv: ColorHSV = new ColorHSV( h, s, v, a );

        //Defaults for h = 0, s = 1, l = 1, a = 1 (full white)
    var colorhsl: ColorHSL = new ColorHSL( h, s, l, a );

This is for creating, but how about switching between?

Changing color type
All types are extended from the Color class, so they automatically work where Color is expected. For example, a sprite color is typed as Color but a ColorHSL or ColorHSV can be given in place - sprite.color = colorhsl;

This makes all types interchangeable automatically, but the following functions are exposed as well.

        // helpers on Color
    color.toColorHSL        //returns ColorHSL
    color.toColorHSV        //returns ColorHSV
    color.fromColorHSL      //changes color
    color.fromColorHSV      //changes color

        //helpers on ColorHSL
    colorhsl.toColor        //returns Color
    colorhsl.toColorHSV     //returns ColorHSV
    colorhsl.fromColor      //changes colorhsl
    colorhsl.fromColorHSV   //changes colorhsv

        //helpers on ColorHSV
    colorhsv.toColor        //returns Color
    colorhsv.toColorHSL     //returns ColorHSV
    colorhsv.fromColor      //changes colorhsv
    colorhsv.fromColorHSL   //changes colorhsv

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Render order and sorting

The rendering works by sorting items according to the following high level rules :

  • Renderer
  • batchers,
    • sorted by layer property
  • geometry, sorted by an order sort
    • depth
    • shader
    • texture
    • primitive
    • clipping
    • age

In general use, you control specific batches of items using a Batcher, specifying it's layer for overall order. Then, you specify geometry depths, the rest is automatic.

Geometry depth

In luxe, "geometry depth" is not the same as the geometry z position in world space. The depth is a render tree depth, controlling render order explicitly.

If you want to draw spriteA above spriteB, setting spriteA depth to 2, and spriteB depth to 1, it will always rendering second.

depth values
The depth value is a floating point number which is convenient for "last minute" depth control, allowing finely grained details to matter. Some examples can be "all hud elements are between 10 and 11", where 10.1 is hud background, 10.2 is hud buttons, 10.3 is hud text and so on.

Because of this, 10.1 is a valid depth and so is 10.142325. The granularity is subject to floating point errors, so try not to go too small here or you may get different sorting.

This is especially useful when render depth is calculated dynamically. In a 2D front down view, the depth can simply be the Y position in world space, and as avatars move through the space they update their depth to their position. It also allows division to be used to calculate sorting, which is helpful in situations where depth is calculated on the fly.

As the depth value is the first rule, it can also be used when working with depth testing and transparent objects. You could split transparent objects into a separate batcher, and control it as a whole, or you can separate it using the depth values, ensuring the render order is respected.

Render callbacks

In your game class you can override the onprerender, onrender and onpostrender events.

These are for all rendering that happens, not a specific subset of geometry. This is useful if you want to do some explicit rendering into render targets before the rest is processed.

Group render callbacks

In luxe, with phoenix (the rendering engine in luxe) you can listen for events from the batcher that geometry is in, in order to alter render state.

This allows you to specify render state (like blend modes) or control rendering into textures explicitly through the use of the callbacks.

Take a look at this example, we ask the default batcher to tell us when it is being rendered.

override function ready() {

    Luxe.renderer.batcher.on(prerender, before);
    Luxe.renderer.batcher.on(postrender, after);

} //ready

function before(_) {

        //change how this group is blended

} //before

function after(_) {

        //reset to default blend mode

} //after

And the results would be similar to :

Blending and blendmodes are a frequent topic in rendering and you can explore the different types here :

Anders Riggelsen blend modes online tool

Rendering a batcher to a texture

You could also use the render callbacks to switch the rendering target. If you listen for the callbacks as above, you can set and unset the target easily.

function before(_) { = my_render_target;

} //before

function after(_) {

        //reset to default render target = null;

} //after

For a clearer example of rendering to a texture, see tests/rendering/rendertexture

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Shaders in luxe

What are shaders exactly?

I have written a comprehensive primer to shaders here!

The series talks about shaders in various ways,
but for the luxe specifics, we'll look at how to use them.

Using shaders in luxe

luxe makes using shaders easier by wrapping up the details, allowing you to load and apply shaders to your sprites and geometry easily. It also makes it simple to send information into the shaders.

Take a look at the code from the demo, and you should be able to follow along as to what is happening. As with other resources, you can't use it unless it is loaded. You can load shaders via a parcel, or via the resource manager.

        //we create a variable to hold the shader
    var hue_shader : Shader;

        //and then we fetch the already loaded shader 
    hue_shader = Luxe.resources.shader('hue');

        //then we tell the sprite to use this shader when rendering
    hue_sprite.shader = hue_shader;

In our example, when we move the mouse, we send some information to the shader to change the color.

    override function onmousemove( e:MouseEvent ) {

        var percent = e.pos.x / Luxe.screen.w;
        var hue = (Math.PI*2) * percent;

            //hue based on mouse x
        hue_shader.set_float('in_hue', hue);


shader code

The shaders in luxe currently use GLSL, the OpenGL Shading Language across all targets. There are many resources around for shaders and GLSL specifically so this guide won't need to cover that. The test code has some simple example shaders you can learn from.

built in shaders
The default shaders the engine uses are in phoenix/defaults/shaders.

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Drawing shapes as geometry

Luxe supports drawing a few shapes by default, each with some very similar options available. This is essentially a convenient way to draw debugging information quickly, and allows immediate (draw once) rendering.

These are accessed via the Luxe.draw api, and return a phoenix.geometry.Geometry instance. Since geometry is lower level than say, a Sprite, it is often convenient to use the draw API as more of a factory for the geometry, that you then use in a higher level container (like a Visual).

  • line
  • rectangle, box
  • ring, arc, circle, pie
  • text

There is a pattern here - a rectangle is an outline, and a box is filled in. A ring is an outline, a circle is solid. An arc is an outline, a pie is solid.

using the geometry in a visual

It's convenient to be able to treat the geometry as a higher level object, like an Entity which is what Visual is for. You can use the draw API to create visuals by handing it to the geometry property. We use 0,0 as the position because it will be centered on the visual's transform.

It's important to note though, the the visual is what you're creating as the result of this, so there are some properties of the geometry created by the draw API that get overridden. For example, the color property is set on the visual level. If it was set on the geometry draw create step, it will have no effect.

var visual = new luxe.Visual({
    color : new luxe.Color(0.8, 0.3, 0.2, 1),
    geometry: Luxe.draw.ring({
        x : 0,
        y : 0,
        r : 50

visual.pos = Luxe.screen.mid;


Drawing a line:

	var mid_y = Luxe.screen.h/2;

        p0 : new Vector( 0, mid_y ),
        p1 : new Vector( Luxe.screen.w, mid_y ),
        color : new Color( 0.5, 0.2, 0.2, 1 )

And a rectangle :

        x : 10, 
        y : 10,
        w : Luxe.screen.w - 20, 
        h : Luxe.screen.h - 20,
        color : new Color( 0.4, 0.4, 0.4 )

And a circle :{
        x : Luxe.screen.w/2,
        y : Luxe.screen.h/2,
        r : 50,
        color : new Color( 0.8, 0.3, 0.2, 1 )

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Fonts and text

Creating custom bitmap fonts

The fonts currently supported by luxe are in a "AngelCode BMFont" format. This format has become widespread and many tools now exist to create fonts easily for it.

Some tools to generate a font, but Littera is the best free choice :

If you want to color the text in luxe using geometry colors, you must create a white fill solid text, alpha.

Export the fonts as .fnt text based format.

Importing custom fonts

To use a custom font, you can use a parcel (as shown in the beginner guide), or, you can manually load the font yourself.

To do so, you use Luxe.resources.load_font. You can manually create a phoenix.BitmapFont and use BitmapFont.load, or even new BitmapFont() and from_string functions. The BitmapFont API docs have all the details.

To use Luxe.resources.font and Luxe.resources.load_font you should also read the assets guide.
Take note that the folder is separated from the file name, because there can and often are multiple texture sheets for a font set. The name is always without a path.

A more thorough example can be found in tests/rendering/fonts/ and tests/features/text/, tests/features/text2/

override function ready() {

    var get = Luxe.resources.load_font('assets/fonts/font.fnt');
    get.then(function(font:BitmapFont) {

            font: font,
            text : "LUXE\nLUXE",
            bounds : new Rectangle(
                0, 0, 
                Luxe.screen.w * 0.99, Luxe.screen.h * 0.98
            color : new Color().rgb(0xff4b03),
            align : TextAlign.right,
            align_vertical : TextAlign.bottom,
            point_size : 32

    }); //onload


system guides

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Assets system

The following asset types are supported directly by the API for convenience :

  • textures ( images, png, jpg, tga, psd, gif, bmp )
  • text assets ( any format, xml, txt etc )
  • json assets ( parses and returns a usable json object )
  • sound assets ( audio, ogg/wav/pcm )
  • bitmap fonts ( a text .fnt description + image files see font guide )
  • shader files ( glsl shaders, with custom vertex or fragment shaders )
  • binary files ( any binary byte data )



By design, you should always consider asset loading to be asynchronous.

If you load assets in a background thread, you wait. If you load assets on web, you wait. Many game consoles load data async too. For this reason, and for portability, assets are treated as asynchronous.

The separation between loading, and using an asset is important.
To use an asset, it must already be loaded. The resource manager employs the concept of Promises and Parcels to make this really simple, and the luxe Game class includes an easy way to quickly load dev assets for prototyping/jamming.

Using assets

Once an asset has been loaded (see below) it is stored in the resource manager.
To retrieve a stored asset by it's id, the following functions are available:

  • Luxe.resources.bytes
  • Luxe.resources.text
  • Luxe.resources.json
  • Luxe.resources.texture
  • Luxe.resources.font
  • Luxe.resources.shader
  • Luxe.resources.sound

If the asset does not exist (i.e is not loaded) then the function returns null. Since these functions return concrete types, you can make the code using the resource imperative and deterministic. For example, this code can rely on the asset being loaded, if I ensured that it was ahead of time.

var sprite = new luxe.Sprite({
    pos: Luxe.screen.mid,
    texture: Luxe.resources.texture('assets/image.png')

Loading assets

Assets need to be loaded before they can be used.

Luxe.resources has a bunch of load_* functions for this purpose.

  • Luxe.resources.load_bytes
  • Luxe.resources.load_text
  • Luxe.resources.load_json
  • Luxe.resources.load_texture
  • Luxe.resources.load_font
  • Luxe.resources.load_shader
  • Luxe.resources.load_sound

These functions return something called a Promise, which promises a value when it's ready. This just means that it will call a function for you, when the asset has finished loading.

var load = Luxe.resources.load_texture('assets/image.png');

load.then(function(texture:phoenix.Texture) {

    //now use the texture value
    trace('Loaded texture ${} with size ${texture.width}x${texture.height}');


To handle multiple returned load promises, you can use Promise.all from snow.api.Promise. Take note that the array returned from Promise.all will be typed as Dynamic if mixing resource types.

var list = [

var load = Promise.all(list);

load.then(function(loaded:Array<phoenix.Texture>) {
    for(image in loaded) {
        trace('Loaded texture ${}');

Resource content
Some of these load functions return a Resource instance,
which contains the asset data within it.

For example, to access the loaded text data from a load_text call, it will give you a TextResource, which contains a TextAsset. To access the value, you would use loaded_text.asset.text.

The resource API docs have further details.

Loading assets in a Parcel

A parcel is simply a related group of assets that would like to load together.
This can include all the assets for your game, or just a subsection like a specific level.

A parcel includes the same default types as listed above, bytes, texts, jsons, textures, fonts, shaders and sounds. These are simple arrays, that you fill when creating a parcel before calling the load function.

Taken from a tutorial guide:

var parcel = new luxe.Parcel({
    jsons:[ { id:'assets/anim.json' } ],
    textures : [
        { id: 'assets/apartment.png' },
        { id: 'assets/player.png' }

We could now call parcel.load() which would load the assets,
but we would probably like to see a progress bar.

There is a simple default one built in, but you can feel free to implement one yourself.

    //this will call a function named assets_loaded when done
new luxe.ParcelProgress({
    parcel      : parcel,
    background  : new Color(1,1,1,0.85),
    oncomplete  : assets_loaded

    //load the assets

The default preload parcel

To aid rapid development and for convenience,
the Game class (your application) offers you a “default preload parcel”.
This parcel is loaded before anything happens, and assets in it will be available before ready is called.

Take note that the preload parcel serves a simple purpose:

  • Handle really early asset/data dependency
  • Rapid development to avoid creating a parcel manually (yet)

It is not suited for preloading game content in general,

  • It does not include a progress bar (no renderer available yet)
  • Failed assets in this early loader are fatal, the application stops

This makes it good for early required data, less so for loading levels and menus and so on.

To use the preload parcel, you fill in the parcel arrays within your config function.

override function config(config:luxe.GameConfig) {

    config.preload.textures.push({ id:'assets/logo.png' });

    config.preload.jsons = [
        { id:'assets/1.json' },
        { id:'assets/2.json' }

    return config;

} //config

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Events, Signals, Messages?

One common method of communicating between game systems, a very powerful method of development, is called event driven design.

Event driven design, often also referred to as signals and slots, or messaging systems and are simple in principle. They allow code to listen or attach to messages (also called events or signals) from elsewhere in the code.

If you think about it like a radio station, it's sent out to people who may choose to listen to a particular channel. The events are sent whether there is any code listening, and there can be multiple listeners on a single "channel".

This model allows systems some encapsulation and decoupling from one another. It also allows more adaptive changes to the code based on the changes that happen at runtime. All possible combinations don't have to be connected in advanced or coded in place.

Let's look at a simple example.

The player is losing health

Imagine a game where your player can take damage from a projectile, an arrow fired by an enemy. Here is some pseudo code to imagine what would happen, when the player has collided with the arrow.

        // arrow update code:
        //    check if we are going to hit something?
    for(entity in range_of_collision) {

        if(entity.collides_with(this)) {

                //we have hit an entity!
                //we will assume this is the player and convert it
            var player: Player = cast entity;
            player.take_damage( damage_amount );



Now, what if the entity was another enemy? What if we don't want to do maximum damage to other enemies?

    if( entity.collides_with( this ) ) {

            //we have hit an entity!
        if(, Player) ) {

            var player : Player = cast entity;
            player.take_damage( damage_amount );

        } else if(, Enemy) ) {

            var enemy : Enemy = cast entity;
            enemy.take_damage( damage_amount * 0.5 );



Now what happens when the arrow hits a wall entity? What if there are different types of walls? Or different types of enemies? This can quickly spiral into many needless type checks and make this code very specific and hardcoded. It has to have code to handle every single case, which introduces a large amount of complexity and bug potential.

Let's try the evented approach.

The player is losing health event

Events make this example a lot more elegant and flexible. Instead of handling specifics, we'll use the entity specific events instance to send it a message. "Hey, whatever type of entity you are, if you are listening for this event, you are taking damage".

if(entity.collides_with(this)) {'take_damage', { from:this, amount:damage_amount });


Now, no matter what the entity is - it is up to the entity (encapsulated, decoupled from the arrow!) to handle the situation. This includes ignoring the event as well.

        //Inside the Player class
    override function init() {

        events.listen('takes_damage', on_take_damage);


    function on_take_damage( data:DamageEvent ) {

            //from, and amount are available
            //we can also handle game specific situations here, like 
            //if there was invincibility, or a damage reduction buff
        health -= data.amount;


And how about on the walls?

        //When taking damage, handle the arrow differently by wall type.
        //In this fake example, we can reflect or explode the arrow
        //(assuming the take damage is only from arrows here, see below)

    function on_take_damage( data:DamageEvent ) {
        switch(wall_type) {
            case WallType.reflective:
            case WallType.normal:

Important notes

There are two ways to fire and event, will immediately call any listeners, and events.queue will store the event in a queue for the next frame update. The distinction is important for ordering, as well as immediacy of events (like an input event is more important than other events).

You can remove a listener from an event using the unique ID that the listen function returns. This is important to manage your events so that you don't end up accidentally handling events at the wrong time - like the player shooting arrows while the menu is open because the event remained connected.

        //connect a listener
    var listen_id = events.listen('event', function(){ } );

        //this will remove just this listener
    events.disconnect( listen_id );

Being more specific

This example could use some more specifics, for example, the player will handle a 'takes_damage' event from more than just arrow projectiles.

For this, you can use event namespaces, and wildcards in the events. Let's make this more specific, first.

    //In the arrow collision check'take_damage.arrow', 
    { from:this, amount:damage_amount });


    //Inside the Player class
override function init() {

  events.listen('takes_damage.arrow', on_take_damage_from_arrow);
  events.listen('takes_damage.explosion', on_take_damage_from_explosion);


function on_take_damage_from_arrow( data:ArrowDamageEvent ) {

function on_take_damage_from_explosion( data:ExplosionDamageEvent ) {

Being less specific

If you wanted to listen for all the takes_damage events , you can use wildcards.

events.listen('takes_damage.*', on_take_damage_from_any );

You can also use the wildcard elsewhere, like this :

events.listen('game.*.ui', on_any_ui_events );  

They can even be used for more complex event listeners, like "player enters swamp",

events.listen('(player)*(swamp)', on_entering_swamp );

Global vs Local events

A good example of a global event is when the user presses the pause key. This single action has ramifications across the entire game, right down to the animation system and in the menu code and the game logic - an easy way to tell every system that want's to know when the game is paused, is by using events.'game.pause');'game.unpause');

...'game.pause', on_game_pause);'game.unpause', on_game_unpause);

As mentioned above, many listeners can listen for a single event, and can react accordingly.

All of the above examples were sending events directly INTO an entity, only that entity would see it. There is also a way to send messages globally, for every class/function to listen for in the entire game. Let's go back to the example of the player taking damage from anything, and tell the entire game that there was damage lost.

    //In the player class,
    //we use the GLOBAL events to tell 
    //the rest of the game that we've taken
    //any damage from any type of event
override function init() {          
    events.listen('takes_damage.*', function(e) {'game.player.damage', e);


    //In the UI class, somewhere else, we can react
    //to the player getting hurt event sent out'game.player.damage', function(e) {
        //Flash the screen red, etc
        //shake the camera 10% of the damage amount e.amount * 0.1 ); 


Wrapping up

As you can see, events are powerful and meaningful and can be used for almost anything. You can always create your own instance of luxe.Events and have many local events systems (though, entities already have one built in!).

In depth details

If you are wonder just exactly what happens with the filtering, here is what it is doing,

public function does_filter_event( _filter:String, _event:String ) {

  var _replace_stars : EReg = ~/\*/gi;
  var _final_filter : String = _replace_stars.replace( _filter, '.*?' );
  var _final_search : EReg = new EReg(_final_filter, 'gi');

  return _final_search.match( _event );

} //does_filter_event

Below are some more examples in a test case to demonstrate more uses of the event system.


Since event names are string, you can group events by a delimeter,
i.e'game.player.*'), which can be used to filter events by type.

import luxe.Vector;
import luxe.Input;
import luxe.Entity;

typedef HealthEvent = {
    amount : Float
typedef DiedEvent = {
    attacker : String
typedef SpawnEvent = {
    spawn_node : String

class Main extends luxe.Game {

    var entity : Entity;

    public function ready() {

            //Global events connections 'global event' , function(e){
            trace("Global Event Fired");

            //Connect global to local event 'local event' , function(e){
            trace("Should not print");

            //Local to entity event connections
        entity = Luxe.scene.create(Entity,'temp');'local event', function(e){
            trace("Local Event Fired");
        });'player.*', function(e){
            trace('player event happened!');
            trace('it was `'   + e._event_name_ + 
                '` which has ' + e._event_connection_count_ + 
                ' listeners!');
            function( e:HealthEvent ){
                trace(' ouch! I lost ' + e.amount + ' health :(');
            function( e:HealthEvent ){
                trace(' woo! I got ' + e.amount + ' hp');
            function( e:DiedEvent ){
                trace(' oh snap! I was killed by ' + e.attacker );
            function( e:Main.SpawnEvent ){
                trace(' ok, letsdoodis, now at ' + e.spawn_node );

        trace('PRESS SPACE TO FIRE EVENTS');

            //Events class exposes the filter function 
            //to test and learn how it works

        trace(does_filter('game.*', 'game.player.test'));
        trace(does_filter('game:player:*', 'game:player:health'));
        trace(does_filter('game.*.player', 'game.ui.player'));
        trace(does_filter('game.*.player', 'game.death.player'));
        trace(does_filter('game.*.player', 'game.death.test'));
        trace(does_filter('*.player', 'ui.player'));
        trace(does_filter('*.player', 'health.player'));
        trace(does_filter('*.player', 'derp.plea'));
        trace(does_filter('(player)*(house)', 'player inside house'));

    } //ready

        //shortening the lines above
    inline function does_filter(filter:String, event:String) {
        return, event);
    public function onkeyup(e) {

        if(e.value == Input.Keys.escape) {

        if(e.value == {
   'global event' );
   'local event' );

  '', {amount:10});
  '', {amount:23});
  '', {amount:60});
  'player.died', {attacker:'SomeEnemy'});
  'player.spawn', {spawn_node:'spawn12'});
  '', {amount:'100'});

        } //space

    } //onkeyup


More examples

var event_id ='debug:event1', 
    function(e) { trace('event listener 1 : ' + e); }); 'debug:event1' , 
    function(e){ trace('event listener 2 : ' + e); }); 'debug:event1' , 
    function(e){ trace('event listener 3 : ' + e); });

trace( 'registered debug:event1 ' + event_id );'debug:event1', {
    name: 'test event',

    //remove one of them event_id );

    //now only two listeners'debug:event1', {
    name: 'test event',

    //fire next frame'debug:event1');
    //fire two seconds from now 2.0 , 'debug:event1');

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Understanding Components

code for this guide is found in samples/guides/5_components/

sprites screenshot guide outcome

What are Entities, and what are Components?

You have probably heard about about component/entity systems at some point if you have made games, and with good reason as they are quite useful for the way games are often structured. This was mentioned in the third guide with regards to sprite animation.

The terms are quite straight forward -

  • An Entity is a place to attach components to
  • A Component adds some behaviour to an Entity, the one that it is attached to

A quick concrete example

  • A Sprite on screen is an Entity, an "EnemyTower" sprite
  • A "ShootEveryThreeSeconds" is a component
  • A "TakeDamageUntilZeroAndThenDie" is a component

This means that generally an entity doesn't do anything on it's own, it's a blank slate. By attaching components to it, it can become more specific at any time. This gives you the flexibility to compose dynamic items at runtime, and an entity is only defined by the components it has, not the code that is inside of it's class. If a tower wanted to fly for some reason, it can.


It's worth knowing that there are a few approaches to "entity component systems" as a concept. In current luxe the component is a class that contains code and is attached to an entity which is a container for components.

Anatomy of a Component class

Component classes have some default functions that are called for you, much like the game class. Have a look at the comments in the code below to see them.

import luxe.Component;

class MyComponent extends Component {

    override function init() {
        //called when initialising the component

    override function update(dt:Float) {
        //called every frame for you

    override function onreset() {
        //called when the scene starts or restarts


Component spatial transforms

Components are directly tied to the entity they are attached to.
When you change the transform from a component class - it is changing the entity itself.

pos.x = 100 changes the entity position.
It is the same as saying entity.pos.x = 100.

All of the spatial values, pos , rotation and scale, affect the entity transform directly. Keep this in mind!

Creating and accessing entities

Creating entities

Entities are created using the same common pattern of new luxe.Entity(options). You can import luxe.Entity too. This entity will automatically be added to the default scene unless you ask it not to be. See the EntityOptions for all the flags.

var entity = new Entity({ name:'entity_name' });

The luxe.Sprite and luxe.Camera class in luxe extend from the Entity class so that you can add components to them.

Accessing entities from other entities and components

By default, entities are stored in scenes by name so you can fetch them later. This means that when creating your sprite, or entity, you will want to pass the name as well. You fetch the sprite from the scene by accessing the entities property from the scene.

public function init() {

    var sprite = new Sprite({
        name : 'spritename'



    //at a later time
var sprite: Sprite = cast Luxe.scene.entities.get('spritename');

Creating and accessing components

All components should typically extend from the luxe.Component class in order to behave as expected.

Adding components to entities

Components are added to entities using the add function on the entity, and the add function returns the instance for convenience. This was also demonstrated in the third beginner's guide.

Remember to name things, since the name of the component is needed later for fetching a reference if you don't have one. Since the same entity can have multiple components of the same type, the name is of the unique instance. i.e If you had two health components on the same entity each one would need to be named to identify them later.

When you create a custom component, the constructor is in your hands, but remember to call super with at least the name of the instance. You can see this in the example later.

Also important to mind the timing of the system events. The constructor will be called when new is invoked, while init and other events will probably happen later. This makes the constructor relatively early and can cause confusion when things you expected to exist do not exist yet.

var component : Component;
var entity : Entity;

override function ready() {

        // create an entity in the default scene
    entity = new Entity({ name:'some_entity' });

        // add/attach a component to the entity.
    component = entity.add(new Component({ name:'some_component' });


Accessing the entity the component is attached to

When you are inside of a component and want to access the entity that the component is connected to, there is a variable called entity that is declared in the Component class as entity : Entity.

When the entity is attached to a sub class of Entity (like a Sprite, which extends Entity), you can store a typed reference by using the cast keyword. The onadded function is a good place for that. Now you can use the sprite features without casting each time. Like below :

var sprite : Sprite;

override function onadded() {

    sprite = cast entity;
    sprite.flipx = false; //`Sprite` specific


Accessing other components attached to the entity

When you want to access other components attached to the entity, you can use the get function. The get function is available from inside the component class, or from the entity.get endpoint.

The parameter passed into the get function is the name of the component instance (which is passed into the constructor of the Component when calling the new function, or from super in subclasses).

var move : Movement;

override function init() {

    move = cast get('move');

        move.speed *= 2;

    var health : Health = get('health');

        health.amount += 10;


A practical sample

To further demonstrate the component entity stuff, we will do the following :

  • Create a sprite (which is an entity)
  • Attach a custom component that will rotate the sprite
  • Attach a custom component that will make the sprite bounce


You can mix and match components in this way to create a variety of behaviours with little effort, and to change the behaviour on the fly.


import luxe.Vector;
import luxe.Component;
import luxe.Sprite;

//This component will rotate the entity 
//that it is attached to a small amount each frame.
//It is assumed that the entity is a Sprite! 

class Rotate extends Component {

    public var rotate_speed : Float = 10;
    public var max_rotate_speed : Float = 60;

    var sprite : Sprite;

    override function init() {
        sprite = cast entity;

    override function update( dt:Float ) {

            //changes to the transform inside 
            //of components affect the entity directly!
        sprite.rotation_z += rotate_speed * dt;

    } //update

} //Rotate


import luxe.Component;

class Bounce extends Component {

    var dir : Int = 1;
    var speed : Int = 200;

    override function update( dt:Float ) {

        pos.y += speed * dir * dt;
            //hit the bottom? go back up
        if(pos.y > Luxe.screen.h) {
            dir = -1;
            //hit the middle? go down
        if(pos.y < Luxe.screen.h/2) {
            dir = 1;

    } //update

} //Bounce

The rest of the code can be found in the link at the start of the guide.

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Utilities and helpers

Geometry utils

Often when dealing with geometry or geometrical constructions (like procedurally generating spaces) it's helpful to have functions or classes to make building complex things easier.

These functions are accessible through Luxe.utils.geometry

The geometrical utils object contains a handful of useful functions for exactly that, some examples:

  • Determine line segments that make a smooth circle with a radius of r
  • Generate a random point within a 1 radius circle area
  • Find if a point is inside of this polygon (list of positions, or Geometry)
  • Find a point of line intersect with an invisible plane

These functions are easily used by Luxe.utils.geometry from anywhere.

As the API changes and more additions are added,
you will find the full list of utilities in the
GeometryUtils API docs

General utilities

These are functions that aren't specific to any discipline so there are many different kinds.
Some of the examples include :

These functions are accessible through Luxe.utils

  • generate a uniqueid or UUID
  • get a haxe stacktrace as a string
  • find assets in a sequence

Math utilities

Haxe already has many maths utilities built in, in the Math class.

On top of that, there are many game or rendering specific maths functions that are convenient to have,

These are all currently static functions, rather than an instance. i.e Maths.radians( 90 )

These functions are accessible through luxe.utils.Maths

  • is a value within a range (useful for floating point "equality")
  • wrap an angle smoothly around a fixed range (like 060 or 0360)
  • the nearest power of two value of a number
  • smoothstep interpolations
  • degrees/radians conversions
  • random number helpers

You will find the full list of utilities in the
Maths API docs