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User sync tool

Known Vulnerabilities

sync user org memberships from an external source into Snyk

  • add/update users to orgs (when using --add-new flag
  • remove users from orgs (when using --delete-missing flag)
Use the `--dry-run` option to check the execution plan before making any changes to Snyk

This tool is designed to be flexible to to use for:

  1. adding user memberships - using the --add-new flag, add user memberships to Snyk if they are found in the source file but not in Snyk
  2. removing stale user memberships - using the --delete-missing flag, remove user memberships from Snyk if they are not found in the source file but are in Snyk
  3. true bi-directional sync - using both --add-new and --delete-missing, sync the user memberships in both directions

Known Limitations

  • if users are completely new to the system, they will be sent an invitation to their first org. after accepting, they will be made members of any other orgs as necessary on a subsequent run.
  • group-level memberships are not currently supported, such as group admin. If a group admin is found in snyk, but not in the source file, it will be flagged for review but no action will be taken.


Grab a release binary or npm install -g snyk-user-sync-tool

Usage: snyk-user-sync-tool [OPTIONS]
                If no arguments are specified, values will be picked up from
                environment variables.

                If pointing to a self-hosted or on-premise instance of Snyk,
                SNYK_API is required to be set in your environment,
                e.g. SNYK_API=https://my.snyk.domain/api. If omitted, then Snyk
                SaaS is used.

  --version             Show version number                            [boolean]
  --add-new             add memberships if they are found in the
                        membership-file and are not in Snyk
  --delete-missing      delete memberships from Snyk if they are found
                        to be missing from the membership-file (use with
  --v2                  use v2 file format
  --membership-file     path to membership file
                        if not specified, taken from SNYK_IAM_MEMBERSHIP_FILE
  --api-keys            list of api keys per group
                        if not specified, taken from SNYK_IAM_API_KEYS
  --dry-run             print/log the execution plan without making any updates
                        to Snyk
  --invite-to-all-orgs  send new users an invite to every org, rather than only
                        the first
  --debug               enable debug mode                              [boolean]
  --help                Show help                                      [boolean]


snyk-user-sync-tool --v2 --dry-run --membership-file=snyk-memberships-v2.json --add-new --delete-missing

run with debugging enabled: DEBUG=* snyk-user-sync-tool

If initial job run, db, prev, and log directories will be created

Note: there are two different supported file formats

  • The default is the user membership flat structure
  • v2 format (used in conjunction with the --v2 flag) is a nested structure per group

For more details, see the Membership file format section.

Setup Environment


export SNYK_IAM_MEMBERSHIP_FILE=<absolute path to user membership json file>
export SNYK_IAM_API_KEYS='<group name>':<group key>,'<group name>':<group key>

if running self-hosted/on-premise Snyk, set the SNYK_API endpoint

export SNYK_API=https://<instance host or ip>/api


set SNYK_IAM_MEMBERSHIP_FILE=<absolute path to user membership json file>
set SNYK_IAM_API_KEYS='<group name>':<group key>,'<group name>':<group key>

if running self-hosted/on-premise Snyk, set the SNYK_API endpoint

set SNYK_API=https://<instance host or ip>/api
  • SNYK_IAM_API_KEYS -> you must use single quotes around group name
    • this tool will only sync users for groups which have a key defined here
  • SNYK_IAM_MEMBERSHIP_FILE -> typically in source_data dir, but can be anywhere
    • make sure to specify the full path including the filename, for example.: c:\snyk\snyk_users.json or /opt/snyk/snyk_users.json

if connecting to a Snyk instance using a self-signed certificate, set environment variable NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0

Membership File format

There are two file formats supported:

1. User-based (default)

flat representation, each record represents a user membership consisting of their userEmail, role, org, and group.

            "userEmail": "[email protected]",
  	    "role": "collaborator",
  	    "org": "Org Name 1-1",
  	    "group": "Group Name 1"
  	    "userEmail": "[email protected]",
  	    "role": "admin",
  	    "org": "Org Name 1-1",
  	    "group": "Group Name 1"
  	    "userEmail": "[email protected]",
  	    "role": "collaborator",
  	    "org": "Org Name 2-1",
  	    "group": "Group Name 2"
  	    "userEmail": "[email protected]",
  	    "role": "admin",
  	    "org": "Org Name 2-2",
  	    "group": "Group Name 2"

2. Group-based (--v2)

nested representation, comprising a set of groups each containing the group name, the set of orgs, and the set of both admins and collaborators within those orgs.

This looks like:

    "groups": [
            "groupName": "Some Group",
            "admins": [],
            "orgs": [
                    "orgName": "Some Org",
                    "collaborators": [
                            "email": "[email protected]"
                            "email": "[email protected]"
                    "orgName": "Some Other Org",
                    "collaborators": [
                            "email": "[email protected]"
                            "email": "[email protected]"
            "groupName": "Some Other Group",
            "admins": [
                    "email": "[email protected]"
                    "email": "[email protected]"
            "orgs": [
                    "orgName": "Yet Another Org",
                    "collaborators": [
                            "email": "[email protected]"
                            "email": "[email protected]"
  • Ensure that the org name and group match exactly including the case
  • Possible values for role are collaborator and admin
  • Previous job run input is saved in prev/ directory
  • Group Names should be unique and Org Names should be unique within a Group

Pending invites

  • If a user-org membership is being added, and the user is not part of any Snyk org in the group, the an invitation must be sent to first bring the user into the system.
    • After a user accepts the invitation to the first org, from there additional org memberships are handled programmatically.
    • This means that if adding a user to snyk for the first time, to more than one org, then the first job run will invite them to the first org, and the next job run will add them to the remaining orgs.
  • After initial job run, pending invites are tracked locally in db/pending_invites.json
    • If this file is lost, it will be recreated. Used to reduce calls to Snyk if invites are already known to be pending Note: If invitations need to be re-sent, you must delete the invitation from Snyk and then delete db/pending_invites.json.

Service Account setup

  • In order to populate the group names and keys, you will have to manually create the Groups and a service account in each group.
    • Note that the name you give the service account is what will appear in the invitation email
    • Use the same name across each group being managed by this tool for consistency, for example 'Snyk-User-Sync'

Error handling

gracefully skip certain issues and continue processing

  • Group memberships are skipped when the API Key for the group is invalid. This event is also logged.
  • Group memberships are skipped when the group name is not found in the SNYK_IAM_API_KEYS list. This event is also logged.
  • Individual memberships are skipped when the role is not a valid option (admin, collaborator), or if the userEmail field is not a properly formatted email address. This event is also logged.
  • Stale membership removal is skipped for groups when the API Key is invalid. This event is also logged.


Each job run has a log user-sync-run-<mm_dd_yy_mm_ss>.log located in the logs/ directory local to where the application is installed.


See guidelines here