Are you comfortable regularly giving friends company?
Are you comfortable regularly giving friends emotional support?
Are you comfortable regularly assisting friends?
Are you comfortable regularly giving friends resources?
Are you comfortable regularly giving friends affection?
Are you comfortable giving friends company when they are having an emergency?
Are you comfortable giving friends emotional support when they are having an emergency?
Are you comfortable assisting friends when they are having an emergency?
Are you comfortable giving friends resources when they are having an emergency?
Are you comfortable giving friends affection when they are having an emergency?
Are you comfortable regularly receive company from friends?
Are you comfortable regularly receiving emotional support from friends?
Are you comfortable regularly receiving assistance from friends?
Are you comfortable regularly receiving resources from friends?
Are you comfortable regularly accepting affection from friends?
Are you comfortable receiving company from friends when you are having an emergency?
Are you comfortable receiving emotional support from friends when you are having an emergency?
Are you comfortable receiving assistance from friends when you are having an emergency?
Are you comfortable receiving resources from friends when you are having an emergency?
Are you comfortable accepting affection from friends when you are having an emergency?
Do you need to regularly give friends company?
Do you need to regularly give friends emotional support?
Do you need to regularly assist friends?
Do you need to regularly offer friends resources?
Do you need to regularly give friends affection?
Do you need to give friends company when they are having an emergency?
Do you need to give friends emotional support when they are having an emergency?
Do you need to assist friends when they are having an emergency?
Do you need to give friends resources when they are having an emergency?
Do you need to give friends affection when they are having an emergency?
Do you need to regularly receive company from friends?
Do you need to regularly receive emotional support from friends?
Do you need to regularly receive assistance from friends?
Do you need to regularly receive resources from friends?
Do you need to regularly receive affection from friends?
Do you need company from friends when you are having an emergency?
Do you need emotional support from friends when you are having an emergency?
Do you need assistance from friends when you are having an emergency?
Do you need resources from friends when you are having an emergency?
Do you need affection from friends when you are having an emergency?
Do you feel entitled to company from friends?
Do you feel entitled to emotional support from friends?
Do you feel entitled to assistance from friends?
Do you feel entitled to resources from friends?
Do you feel entitled to affection from friends?
now go down the list and replace friends with strangers, acquaintances, and partners