- Install Guest Additions
- 16gb memory allocated
- 8 CPU cores
- Disable 3D Acceleration
- Advanced -> Shared Clipboard: Bidirectional, Drag'n Drop: Bidirectional
- 128gb storage
- Enable CD Drive (If applicable)
- Personalization -> Task Bar -> Turn off: Task View, Widgets, Chat, OneDrive Icon
- Personalization -> Search -> Icon Only
- Personalization -> Themes -> Icon Settings; Turn all off
- Move all desktop shortcuts to
- Wallpaper: catppuccin/various-os-(1,2,3)-4k.png
- Taskbar -> Automatically hide taskbar
- Color: Metal blue
- Or, Color: #1e2030
- Whatever catppuccin base is
- Install Nerd Fonts
- Chrome set as default
- System -> For Developers -> File Explorer; Toggle: Show File Extensions, Show Hidden Files, Show Full Path, Show Empty Drives
Please see our lord and savior devaslife
- git
- any certs where necessary
- scoop
- Run Powershell (Regularly), not as administrator
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://get.scoop.sh | Invoke-Expression
- lf (it's like ranger but cross platform and works in windows)
- ripgrep
- fzf
- nvim
- PSfzf
- Terminal-Icons
- post-git
- oh-my-posh
- rust
- treesitter-cli
winget install Schniz.fnm
fnm use --install-if-missing 20
scoop install neovim
scoop install ripgrep
scoop install fzf
Install-Module -Name PSfzf -scope CurrentUser -Force
scoop install gcc
scoop install make
# wait until lazy does its thing
cd C:\Users\<USER_NAME>\AppData\Local\nvim-data\lazy\telescope-fzf-native.nvim
Powershell Customization
Setup git config and rsa keys
Powershell (Run as administrator) -> Set-Service ssh-agent -StartupType Automatic
- I think this is a Git executable sort of thing
I mean, we're really only using this for Visual Studio C# and dotnet development
Install VSCode and Visual Studio
- VSCode for misc. powershell scripts and related, this is because it's much more lightweight than visual studio
- .NET development
- C++ development (tooling for binary installs)
- Catppuccin Theme
- VsVim Extension
- Load _vsvimrc here:
- Load _vsvimrc here:
- Edit.GoToAll (Ctrl+,) it Code Search
- remap that to Ctrl+F
- Equivalent of unix
pages:Get-Help <command> -ShowWindow
- Getting all env's in powershell:
gci env:* | sort-object name
- Open file explorer at current path:
ii .
- Redraw entire screen when display updates (This might make it appear faster)
- Use CaskaydiaCove NerdFont (FiraCode is too sharp for windows)