- Renamed app from "Java Code Generators" to "Code Generator For Java" for copyright reasons.
- Updated icon for copyright compliance.
- added new Generate SerialVersionUID
- auto import java.util.Objects when generating equals
- multiple issues when generating a Class with only static fields
added new Beta or Experimental menu that includes
Generate Lombok @RequiredArgsConstructor and @Slf4j Generate Lombok @Data @Accessors @EqualsAndHashCode Generate Lombok @Slf4j
- added new option to Generate Logger Debug of any selected text like
log.debug("selectedText: {}", selectedText);
- multiple errors using the GUI without closing it
- added new Submenu contains all the available commands.
- Settings property to let Fluent Setters calls normal Setters and it's true by default.
- some tweaks and fixs
- Settings property to include
annotation with the generated code.
- Settings property to copy
annotation from variables to Setters and Getters.
- Settings property to use id only with
- Settings property to use String, Primitive and Primitive Wrappers only for
- Support for multiple variables same line
private String firstName,lastName;
- Generator GUI
- Generate all "Quick"
- toString() without Getters()
- No need to highlight properties
- Determine existing code "prevents duplicate"
- Generate All
- Option to put the method's opening brace on a new line instead of the same line "java.code.generators.methodOpeningBraceOnNewLine"
- selecting any variable marked as protected result in 'undefined'
- add setting to include Fluent Setters with Java: Generate Setters and Getters
- add support for multiple classes,enums and interfaces in the same file
- Generate Getters (only)
- Generate Fluent Setters
- generate Equals And HashCode
- tweaks
- generate Constructor
- generate Constructor Using Fields
- declarations with assignment
- generate toString()
- Newline missing in some scenarios
- ignoring @Annotations
- ignoring one line comments
- generate Setters and Getters