In this lab, you are working in the role of a data analyst.
You will use Power BI Desktop to connect to the Sale Analysis dataset published in Exercise 7. You will then convert the live connection to a DirectQuery model, allowing you to extend the remote model with a calculated column and a new table of imported data sourced from a web page.
Important: You must successfully complete Exercise 7.2 before commencing this lab.
In this task, you will get started by enabling a preview feature and creating a live connection to the Sale Analysis dataset.
In this task, you will enable a preview feature to work with DirectQuery models with Power BI datasets.
Open Power BI Desktop.
If the getting started window opens, at the top-right of the window, click X.
To enable the preview feature, on the File tab (backstage view), select Options and Settings, and then select Options.
In the Options window, at the left, select Preview Features.
Ensure the DirectQuery for Power BI Datasets and Analysis Services feature is checked.
Click OK.
When notified that a restart of Power BI Desktop is required, click OK.
Close Power BI Desktop.
Open Power BI Desktop again, and close the getting started window.
To save the Power BI Desktop solution, on the File tab (backstage view), select Save.
Save the file as Sale Report to an easy-to-remember location in your file system.
In this task, you will create a live connection to the Sale Analysis dataset.
On the Home ribbon, from inside the Data group, click Get Data, and then select Power BI Datasets.
In the Select a Dataset window, notice that the Sale Analysis dataset is endorsed as a promoted dataset.
It was endorsed by the BI developer who published the dataset in Exercise 07.
Select the Sale Analysis dataset.
Click Create.
In the status bar, at the right, notice the live connection status.
Live connections are ideal when creating a report that uses an existing Power BI dataset.
Switch to Model view.
To upgrade to the new model view, in the banner across the top of the diagram, click Upgrade Now.
While the model is hosted remotely as a Power BI dataset, it’s still possible to review the model design in the diagram.
In the model diagram, select any table, and then in the Properties pane, notice that all properties are read-only.
A live connection to a Power BI dataset is read-only, unless you convert it to a DirectQuery model. You will convert it to a DirectQuery model in the next section. It will allow you to extend the design of the remote model that the BI developer published in Exercise 07.
Save the Power BI Desktop solution.
In this task, you will develop a new model that uses a DirectQuery connection to a remote Power BI dataset and extends it with new calculations and data. You will then publish the new model to the Power BI service.
In this task, you will edit the model.
On the Home ribbon tab, from inside the Modeling group, click Make Changes to This Model.
To understand the transformation that is about to happen, read the text in the dialog window.
Click Add a Local Model.
The model is now a DirectQuery model. It’s now possible to enhance the model by modifying certain table or column properties, or adding calculated columns. It’s even possible to extend the model with new tables of data that are sourced from other data sources.
In Report view, in the status bar, at the right, notice that the model is using DirectQuery storage mode.
Your local model is in fact a DirectQuery connection to the Power BI dataset.
Switch to Model view.
In the diagram, select any table, and then notice it is now possible to modify the properties—but do not modify any properties at this time.
In this task, you will create a calculated column to enable a new way of analyzing US state sale amounts.
Switch to Report view.
In the Fields pane (located at the right), right-click the Geography table, and then select New Column.
In the formula bar (located beneath the ribbon tab), enter the following calculated column definition.
Tip: To enter a carriage return, press Shift+Enter. To enter a tab, press Shift +Tab.
DAX State-Province Type = SWITCH( TRUE(), Geography[State-Province] = "Puerto Rico (US Territory)", "Territory", Geography[State-Province] IN {"Alaska", "Hawaii"}, "Non-contiguous", Geography[Country] = "United States", "Contiguous", "N/A" )
*The calculated column is named State-Province Type. The expression uses the DAX SWITCH function to return a classification for each table row (which represents a city) based on these rules (the first rule match wins): • If the state name of the city is Puerto Rico (US Territory), it is classified as Territory. • Otherwise, if the state name of the city is Alaska or Hawaii, it is classified as Non-contiguous. • Otherwise, if the country of the city is United States, it is classified as Contiguous. • Otherwise, it is classified as N/A.
In the Fields pane, in the Geography table, notice the addition of the calculated column (if necessary, widen the pane).
To filter the report, ensure the Filters pane is open.
In the Fields pane, in the Geography table, right-click the Country field, and then select Add to Filters | Report-level Filters.
In the Filters pane, in the Country filter tile, check the United States item.
All report pages now filter by the country United States.
To add a matrix visual to the page, in the Visualizations pane, click the Matrix icon.
Position and resize the visual to fill the report page, but be sure to leave about a 0.5 inches (1 cm) of space along the top of the page.
In the Fields pane, from the Geography table, drag the State-Province Type field and drop it into the matrix visual.
In the matrix visual, verify that you see three rows—one for each state-province classification.
To add a new level to the matrix visual rows, from the Geography table, drag the State-Province field into the Rows well (located beneath the Visualizations pane), directly beneath the State-Province Type field.
To add a value to the matrix visual, in the Fields pane, from inside the Sale table, drag the Sale Amount field into the matrix visual.
Notice that it is now possible to analyze sale amounts using the classifications generated by the calculated column added to the Geography table.
To expand all levels on the matrix visual rows, at the top-right of the matrix visual, click the Expand All Down One Level In the Hierarchy icon (fork-like icon).
In this task, you will create a new table sourced from a web page to support per capita analysis.
On the Home ribbon tab, from inside the Data group, click Get Data, and then select Web.
In the From Web window, in the URL box, enter: The URL is for a web page that contains US census population data. You will preview the web page in the following steps.
Click OK.
In the Access Web Content window, notice that anonymous authentication is selected, and then click Connect.
In the Navigator window, in the right pane, select Web View.
Review the web page design.
The page comprises a table listing US states together with their 2009 census population value and a ranking.
Switch back to Table view.
To preview HTML table data, in the left pane, select (do not check) Table 2.
This table of data contains the data that’s required by your model to calculate sale per capita. Three transformations, however, will need to be applied: The row for United States must be removed, the Rank column must be removed, and the Number column must be renamed to Population.
To create a query based on the Table 2 HTML table, check the Table 2 checkbox.
Click Transform Data.
In the Power Query Editor window, in the Query Settings pane (located at the right), in the Name box, replace the text with US State Population, and then press Enter.
To remove the United States row, in the State column header, click the down-arrow, and then uncheck the United States item (scroll to the bottom of the list).
Click OK.
To remove the Rank column, right-click the Rank column header, and then select Remove.
To rename the Number column, double-click the Number column header, replace the text with Population, and then press Enter.
Verify that the query has two columns and 51 rows.
Tip: The query column and row counts are displayed at the left of the status bar.
To apply the query, on the Home ribbon tab, from inside the Close group, click the Close & Apply icon.
When prompted about a potential security risk, read the notification, and then click OK.
The warning is irrelevant in your model design because Power Query isn’t merging queries that connect to different data sources.
The query is applied to create a model table. Because the data connection to the web page does not support DirectQuery storage mode, the table rows have been imported into the model.
In Report view, in the status bar, at the right, notice that the model is now using mixed storage mode.
Switch to Model view.
Notice the addition of the US State Population table.
Hover the cursor over the table header, and review the tooltip.
The tooltip describes that the table data is imported.
Move the US State Population table so it sits beside the Geography table.
To create a model relationship, from the Geography table, drag the State-Province column and drop it on the State column of the US State Population table.
In the Create Relationship window, in the Cross Filter Direction dropdown list, select Both.
The rows of Geography table store cities, so the values found in the State-Province column contain duplicate values (for example, there are many cities in the state of California). When you create the relationship, Power BI Desktop automatically determines column cardinalities and discovered that it’s a many-to-one relationship. To ensure filters propagate from the Geography table to the US State Population table, the relationship must cross filter in both directions.
Click OK.
To hide the new table, in the header of the US State Population table, click the visibility icon.
The table is hidden because it will only be used by a measure calculation that you will create in the next task.
In this task, you will create a measure to calculate sale per capita.
Switch to Report view.
In the Fields pane, right-click the Sale table, and then select New Measure.
In the formula bar, enter the following measure definition.
DAX Sale per Capita = DIVIDE( SUM('Sale'[Sale Amount]), SUM('US State Population'[Population]) )
The measure is named Sale per Capita. The expression uses the DAX DIVIDE function to divide the sum of the Sale Amount column by the sum of the Population column.
On the Measure Tools contextual ribbon tab, from inside the Formatting group, in the Format dropdown list, select Currency.
In the decimal places box, enter 2.
To add the measure to the matrix visual, in the Fields pane, from inside the Sale table, drag the Sale per Capita field into the matrix visual.
The measure evaluates the result by combining data sourced from a remote model in the Power BI service with imported table local to your new model.
In this task, you will modify data in the US State Population table to address a data issue in the data warehouse.
In the matrix visual, notice there is no measure value for the state of Massachusetts.
It’s because the state name, as stored in the Azure Synapse Analytics data warehouse, is misspelled (with trailing characters [E]). One approach to fix the spelling is to ask the data warehouse team to update their data, but that’s likely to take some time to achieve, if ever. The other approach is to modify the data loaded into the US State Population table, which you will do now.
On the Home ribbon tab, from inside the Queries group, click the Transform Data icon.
In the Power Query Editor window, right-click the State column, and then select Replace Values.
In the Replace Values window, in the Value to Find box, enter the correctly spelled state name: Massachusetts
In the Replace With box, enter the misspelled state name: Massachusetts[E]
Click OK.
To apply the query, on the Home ribbon tab, from inside the Close group, click the Close & Apply icon.
When the query applies (and data is reimported into the model), in the matrix visual, notice that there is now a sale per capita value for the state of Massachusetts.
The development and testing of the data model is now complete. You will now remove the visual in preparation for authoring a new report design in Exercise 09.
Select the matrix visual.
To remove the visual, press the Delete key.
In the Filters pane, remove the Country filter.
Save the Power BI Desktop solution.
Leave the solution open for the next exercise.
The lab is now complete. As a data analyst, you will author a multi-page report design in Exercise 09.
In this exercise, you used Power BI Desktop to live connect to the Sale Analysis dataset published in Exercise 07 by the BI developer. You then converted the live connection to a DirectQuery model, allowing you to extend the remote model with a calculated column and a new table of imported data sourced from a web page.