diff --git a/doc/Clock commands/clock_managment_hld.md b/doc/Clock commands/clock_managment_hld.md
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+# Clock Managment Design #
+## Table of Content
+* 1. [Table of Content](#TableofContent)
+ * 1.1. [Revision](#Revision)
+ * 1.2. [Scope](#Scope)
+ * 1.3. [Definitions/Abbreviations](#DefinitionsAbbreviations)
+ * 1.4. [Overview](#Overview)
+ * 1.5. [Requirements](#Requirements)
+ * 1.5.1. [Functional requirements](#FunctionalRequirements)
+ * 1.5.2. [Configuration and Management Requirements](#ConfigurationManagementRequirements)
+* 2. [Design](#Design)
+ * 2.1. [High-Level Design](#High-LevelDesign)
+* 3. [Configuration and management](#Configurationandmanagement)
+ * 3.1. [ConfigDB Tables](#ConfigDBTables)
+ * 3.2. [CLI/YANG model](#CLIYANGmodel)
+ * 3.2.1. [Yang model](#Yangmodel)
+ * 3.2.2. [CLI](#Climodel)
+* 4. [Test Plan](#TestPlan)
+ * 4.1. [Unit Test cases](#UnitTestcases)
+### 1.1 Revision
+| Rev | Date | Author | Change Description |
+| :---: | :-----: | :--------------: | :----------------: |
+| 0.1 | 01/2023 | Meir Renford | High level Design |
+### 1.2. Scope
+This document will address the high level design for clock commands:
+1. Set/show date-time command
+2. Set/show timezone command
+### 1.3 Definitions/Abbreviations
+### 1.4 Overview
+The clock commands allow to set and review the current time parameters of the system - including: time, date and timezone.
+### 1.5 Requirements
+#### 1.5.1. Functional requirements
+1. Any time/date configuration will change accordingly the system time.
+#### 1.5.2. Configuration and Management Requirements
+The requirements from the module are:
+1. Set and show the system time and date.
+2. Set and show the system timezone.
+## 2 Design
+### 2.1 High-Level Design
+The design of this feature is based on Linux command of timedatectl.
+(man page for timedatectl: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/timedatectl.1.html)
+All set operations are based on this command, executing directly in linux upon user CLI execution.
+The time/date/timezone are configured directly to Linux, and is persistent upon any reboot.
+System state of time/date/timezone will appear in 1 line as an output of existing "show clock" command.
+hostcfgd will be the daemon in charge of this configuration management.
+CLI Commands desin:
+ Set operations will be divided into 2 different commands:
+ 1. config clock timezone (to set timezone command)
+ * will get single input as a string, and validate it is valid as part of ("timedatectl list-timezones" command).
+ Validation will be done either by YANG model, or (if not possible) by issueing relevant error to log.
+ * Value will be stored in db for future upgrade operations.
+ Value is persistent upon reboot.
+ * Linux timedatectl with set-timezone flag will be called.
+ e.g. timedatectl set-timezone "Asia/Kolkata"
+ * In case NTP is enabled -> timezone configuration is allowed and overrides the current time.
+ * Date & timezone setting will be reflected of all the services/dockers in the system.
+ 2. config clock date (to set time and date)
+ * Command will recieve single string with date-time format
+ * Command does not need to be stored in DB.
+ * Linux timedatectl with set-time flag will be called.
+ e.g. timedatectl set-time "2012-10-30 18:17:16"
+ * In case NTP is enabled -> time/date set is NOT allowed and being blocked
+ Additional show command will be added to display all valid timezones:
+ 3. show clock timezones
+ * Will display list of all valid timezones to be configured.
+ * based on "timedatectl list-timezones" linux command.
+General notes:
+ * Both set commands will be written directly to Linux (via imedatectl command), and will be activated immediately.
+ * In case of any set command (time/date/timezone) a relevant message will be print to syslog.
+ * In case of any set command (time/date/timezone) - rsyslog service should be restarted to reflect the time change.
+ * Upgrades - timezone configuration is part of DEVICE_METADATA, hence - configuration upgrade will be taken care of as any other sonic configuration.
+## 3 Configuration and management
+### 3.1 ConfigDB Tables
+Only timezone configuration will be saved.
+Additional field will be added to DEVICE_METADATA table
+ "timezone": {{string}}
+default value: "Etc/UTC"
+### 3.2 CLI/YANG model
+#### 3.2.1. Yang model
+Adding to existing Yang model of device_metadata (https://github.com/sonic-net/sonic-buildimage/blob/master/src/sonic-yang-models/yang-models/sonic-device_metadata.yang)
+ container sonic-device_metadata {
+ container DEVICE_METADATA {
+ description "DEVICE_METADATA part of config_db.json";
+ container localhost{
+ ...
+ leaf timezone {
+ type string;
+ description "System time-zone setting";
+ }
+#### 3.2.2. CLI
+##### Show CLI
+root@host:~$ show clock
+Sun 15 Jan 2023 06:12:08 PM IST
+root@host:~$ show clock timezones
+##### Config CLI
+root@host:~$ config clock timezone ""
+root@host:~$ config clock date
+## 4 Test Plan
+### 4.1 Unit Test cases
+1. Good flows:
+ a. set timezone -
+ output of the set command is empty, and expect to see the new timezone in show command output, and the time is correlated with this timezone.
+ b. set date & time -
+ - output of the set command is empty, and expect to see the new date & time in show command output.
+ c. check reboot -
+ rebooting without config save restores configuration (timezone) to the saved one.
+ d. check docker restart -
+ expect to see the time remains as system time.
+ e. config load / reload <> -
+ expect to see timezone changes upon new configuration.
+ f. reboot without config save -
+ expect rebooting without config save restores configuration (timezone) to the saved one.
+ g. upgrade with manually timedatectl before upgrade -
+ Expect to have configuration timezone (if configuration exist) apply and change the timedatectl.
+2. Bad flows:
+ a. set invalid timezone -
+ expect for error message for invalid timezone, and timezone shouldn’t change (remains the same in show command output).
+ b. set empty string -
+ expect for error message for empty / incomplete command. Nothing should be changed after it.
+ c. set invalide date/time format -
+ expect for error message for the invalid parameter.
+3. NTP interop
+ a. Change time/date, followed by changing NTP - and see time changed.
+ b. try to change time/date in case NTP is enabled -> and expect getting a failure.
+ c. Change timezone in case NTP is enabled, and expect to succeed and change relevant time.
+4. Rsyslog:
+ a. In case of any set command (time/date/timezone) - verify rsyslog service should be restarted to reflect the time change.
+* Functional tests covering flows above will be part of sonic-mgmt tests suite.