:depth: 3
From the command line, sourmash can be used to compute MinHash sketches from DNA sequences, compare them to each other, and plot the results; these sketches are saved into "signature files". These signatures allow you to estimate sequence similarity quickly and accurately in large collections, among other capabilities.
Please see the mash software and the mash paper (Ondov et al., 2016) for background information on how and why MinHash sketches work.
sourmash uses a subcommand syntax, so all commands start with
followed by a subcommand specifying the action to be
Grab three bacterial genomes from NCBI:
curl -L -O ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/refseq/bacteria/Escherichia_coli/reference/GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2/GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_genomic.fna.gz
curl -L -O ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/refseq/bacteria/Salmonella_enterica/reference/GCF_000006945.2_ASM694v2/GCF_000006945.2_ASM694v2_genomic.fna.gz
curl -L -O ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/refseq/bacteria/Sphingobacteriaceae_bacterium_DW12/latest_assembly_versions/GCF_000783305.1_ASM78330v1/GCF_000783305.1_ASM78330v1_genomic.fna.gz
Compute signatures for each:
sourmash compute -k 31 *.fna.gz
This will produce three .sig
files containing MinHash signatures at k=31.
Next, compare all the signatures to each other:
sourmash compare *.sig -o cmp
Optionally, parallelize compare to 8 threads with -p 8
sourmash compare -p 8 *.sig -o cmp
Finally, plot a dendrogram:
sourmash plot cmp --labels
This will output two files, cmp.dendro.png
and cmp.matrix.png
containing a clustering & dendrogram of the sequences, as well as a
similarity matrix and heatmap.
To get a list of subcommands, run sourmash
without any arguments.
There are five main subcommands: compute
, compare
, plot
, and gather
. See the tutorial for a
walkthrough of these commands.
creates signatures.compare
compares signatures and builds a distance matrix.plot
plots distance matrices created bycompare
finds matches to a query signature in a collection of signatures.gather
finds non-overlapping matches to a metagenome in a collection of signatures.
There are also a number of commands that work with taxonomic
information; these are grouped under the sourmash lca
subcommand. See the LCA tutorial for a
walkthrough of these commands.
lca classify
classifies many signatures against an LCA database.lca summarize
summarizes the content of metagenomes using an LCA database.lca gather
finds non-overlapping matches to a metagenome in an LCA database.lca index
creates a database for use with LCA subcommands.lca rankinfo
summarizes the content of a database.lca compare_csv
compares lineage spreadsheets, e.g. those output bylca classify
Finally, there are a number of utility and information commands:
shows version and software information.index
indexes many signatures using a Sequence Bloom Tree (SBT).sbt_combine
combines multiple SBTs.categorize
is an experimental command to categorize many signatures.watch
is an experimental command to classify a stream of sequencing data.
Please use the command line option --help
to get more detailed usage
information for each command.
Note that as of sourmash v3.4, most commands will load signatures from indexed databases (the SBT and LCA formats) as well as from signature files.
The compute
subcommand computes and saves signatures for
each sequence in one or more sequence files. It takes as input FASTA
or FASTQ files, and these files can be uncompressed or compressed with
gzip or bzip2. The output will be one or more JSON signature files
that can be used with sourmash compare
Please see Using sourmash: a practical guide for more information on computing signatures.
sourmash compute filename [ filename2 ... ]
Optional arguments:
--ksizes K1[,K2,K3] -- one or more k-mer sizes to use; default is 31
--force -- recompute existing signatures; convert non-DNA characters to N
--output -- save all the signatures to this file; can be '-' for stdout.
--track-abundance -- compute and save k-mer abundances.
--name-from-first -- name the signature based on the first sequence in the file
--singleton -- instead of computing a single signature for each input file,
compute one for each sequence
--merged <name> -- compute a single signature for all of the input files,
naming it <name>
The compare
subcommand compares one or more signatures
(created with compute
) using estimated Jaccard index or
(if signatures are computed with --track-abundance
) the angular
The default output
is a text display of a similarity matrix where each entry [i, j]
contains the estimated Jaccard index between input signature i
input signature j
. The output matrix can be saved to a file
with --output
and used with the sourmash plot
subcommand (or loaded
with numpy.load(...)
. Using --csv
will output a CSV file that can
be loaded into other languages than Python, such as R.
sourmash compare file1.sig [ file2.sig ... ]
--output -- save the distance matrix to this file (as a numpy binary matrix)
--ksize -- do the comparisons at this k-mer size.
--containment -- compute containment instead of similarity.
C(i, j) = size(i intersection j) / size(i).
--from-file -- append the list of files in this text file to the input
Note: compare by default produces a symmetric similarity matrix that can be used as an input to clustering. With --containment
, however, this matrix is no longer symmetric and cannot formally be used for clustering.
The plot
subcommand produces two plots -- a dendrogram and a
dendrogram+matrix -- from a distance matrix computed by sourmash compare --output <matrix>
. The default output is two PNG files.
sourmash plot <matrix>
--pdf -- output PDF files.
--labels -- display the signature names (by default, the filenames) on the plot
--indices -- turn off index display on the plot.
--vmax -- maximum value (default 1.0) for heatmap.
--vmin -- minimum value (default 0.0) for heatmap.
--subsample=<N> -- plot a maximum of <N> samples, randomly chosen.
--subsample-seed=<seed> -- seed for pseudorandom number generator.
Example output:
The search
subcommand searches a collection of signatures or SBTs for
matches to the query signature. It can search for matches with either
high Jaccard similarity
or containment; the default is to use Jaccard similarity, unless
is specified. -o/--output
will create a CSV file
containing the matches.
will load all of provided signatures into memory, which can
be slow and somewhat memory intensive for large collections. You can
use sourmash index
to create a Sequence Bloom Tree (SBT) that can
be quickly searched on disk; this is the same format in which we provide
GenBank and other databases.
sourmash search query.sig [ list of signatures or SBTs ]
Example output:
49 matches; showing first 20:
similarity match
---------- -----
75.4% NZ_JMGW01000001.1 Escherichia coli 1-176-05_S4_C2 e117605...
72.2% NZ_GG774190.1 Escherichia coli MS 196-1 Scfld2538, whole ...
71.4% NZ_JMGU01000001.1 Escherichia coli 2-011-08_S3_C2 e201108...
70.1% NZ_JHRU01000001.1 Escherichia coli strain 100854 100854_1...
69.0% NZ_JH659569.1 Escherichia coli M919 supercont2.1, whole g...
The gather
subcommand finds all non-overlapping matches to the
query. This is specifically meant for metagenome and genome bin
analysis. (See Classifying Signatures
for more information on the different approaches that can be used
If the input signature was computed with --track-abundance
, output
will be abundance weighted (unless --ignore-abundances
specified). -o/--output
will create a CSV file containing the
, like search
, will load all of provided signatures into
memory. You can use sourmash index
to create a Sequence Bloom Tree
(SBT) that can be quickly searched on disk; this is
the same format in which we provide GenBank and other databases.
sourmash gather query.sig [ list of signatures or SBTs ]
Example output:
overlap p_query p_match
--------- ------- --------
1.4 Mbp 11.0% 58.0% JANA01000001.1 Fusobacterium sp. OBRC...
1.0 Mbp 7.7% 25.9% CP001957.1 Haloferax volcanii DS2 pla...
0.9 Mbp 7.4% 11.8% BA000019.2 Nostoc sp. PCC 7120 DNA, c...
0.7 Mbp 5.9% 23.0% FOVK01000036.1 Proteiniclasticum rumi...
0.7 Mbp 5.3% 17.6% AE017285.1 Desulfovibrio vulgaris sub...
The command line option --threshold-bp
sets the threshold below
which matches are no longer reported; by default, this is set to
50kb. see the Appendix in
Classifying Signatures for details.
Use sourmash gather
to classify a metagenome against a collection of
genomes with no (or incomplete) taxonomic information. Use sourmash lca summarize
and sourmash lca gather
to classify a metagenome
using a collection of genomes with taxonomic information.
These commands use LCA databases (created with lca index
, below, or
prepared databases such as
sourmash lca classify
classifies one or more signatures using the given
list of LCA DBs. It is meant for classifying metagenome-assembled genome
bins (MAGs) and single-cell genomes (SAGs).
sourmash lca classify --query query.sig [query2.sig ...] --db <lca db> [<lca db2> ...]
For example, the command
sourmash lca classify --query tests/test-data/63.fa.sig \
--db podar-ref.lca.json
will produce the following logging to stderr:
loaded 1 LCA databases. ksize=31, scaled=10000
finding query signatures...
outputting classifications to stdout
... classifying NC_011663.1 Shewanella baltica OS223, complete genome
classified 1 signatures total
and the example classification output is a CSV file with headers:
"NC_009665.1 Shewanella baltica OS185, complete genome",found,Bacteria,Proteobacteria,Gammaproteobacteria,Alteromonadales,Shewanellaceae,Shewanella,Shewanella baltica
The status
column in the classification output can take three
possible values: nomatch
, found
, and disagree
. nomatch
that no match was found for this query, and found
means that an
unambiguous assignment was found - all k-mers were classified within
the same taxonomic hierarchy, and the most detailed lineage available
was reported. disagree
means that there was a taxonomic disagreement,
and the lowest compatible taxonomic node was reported.
To elaborate on this a bit, suppose that all of the k-mers within a
signature were classified as family Shewanellaceae, genus
Shewanella, or species Shewanella baltica. Then the lowest
compatible node (here species Shewanella baltica) would be reported,
and the status of the classification would be found
. However, if a
number of additional k-mers in the input signature were classified as
Shewanella oneidensis, sourmash would be unable to resolve the
taxonomic assignment below genus Shewanella and it would report
a status of disagree
with the genus-level assignment of Shewanella;
species level assignments would not be reported.
(This is the approach that Kraken and other lowest common ancestor implementations use, we believe.)
Note: you can specify a list of files to load signatures from in a
text file passed to sourmash lca classify
with the
flag; these files will be appended to the --query
sourmash lca summarize
produces a Kraken-style summary of the
combined contents of the given query signatures. It is meant for
exploring metagenomes and metagenome-assembled genome bins.
Note, unlike sourmash lca classify
, lca summarize
merges all
of the query signatures into one and reports on the combined contents.
To report on individual signatures, use the --singleton
flag; this will
become default in sourmash 4.0 and beyond, and the merging behavior will
be removed.
As of sourmash 3.4, sourmash lca summarize
also supports abundance
weighted queries; this can be turned on with --with-abundance
. This flag
will weight output percentages by the number of times a k-mer is seen.
This will become default behavior in sourmash 4.0 and beyond.
sourmash lca summarize --query query.sig [query2.sig ...]
--db <lca db> [<lca db2> ...]
For example, with the data in tests/test-data/fake-abund
, the command line:
sourmash lca summarize --query query.sig.gz --db matches.lca.json.gz
will produce the following log output to stderr:
loaded 1 LCA databases. ksize=31, scaled=10000
finding query signatures...
loaded 1 signatures from 1 files total.
and the following example summarize output to stdout:
79.6% 550 Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Alteromonadales;Shewanellaceae;Shewanella;Shewanella baltica;Shewanella baltica OS223
79.6% 550 Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Alteromonadales;Shewanellaceae;Shewanella;Shewanella baltica
79.6% 550 Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Alteromonadales;Shewanellaceae;Shewanella
79.6% 550 Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Alteromonadales;Shewanellaceae
79.6% 550 Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Alteromonadales
79.6% 550 Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria
79.6% 550 Bacteria;Proteobacteria
79.6% 550 Bacteria
20.4% 141 Archaea;Euryarchaeota;unassigned;unassigned;unassigned;Aciduliprofundum;Aciduliprofundum boonei;Aciduliprofundum boonei T469
20.4% 141 Archaea;Euryarchaeota;unassigned;unassigned;unassigned;Aciduliprofundum;Aciduliprofundum boonei
20.4% 141 Archaea;Euryarchaeota;unassigned;unassigned;unassigned;Aciduliprofundum
20.4% 141 Archaea;Euryarchaeota;unassigned;unassigned;unassigned
20.4% 141 Archaea;Euryarchaeota;unassigned;unassigned
20.4% 141 Archaea;Euryarchaeota;unassigned
20.4% 141 Archaea;Euryarchaeota
20.4% 141 Archaea
The output is space-separated and consists of three columns: the percentage of total k-mers that have this classification; the number of k-mers that have this classification; and the lineage classification. K-mer classifications are reported hierarchically, so the percentages and totals contain all assignments that are at a lower taxonomic level - e.g. Bacteria, above, contains all the k-mers in Bacteria;Proteobacteria.
The same information is reported in a CSV file if -o/--output
is used.
The proportions reflect the query signature construction, where the metagenome contains a 1.5 Mbp Archaeal genome and a 5.4 Mbp Bacterial genome. The Archaeal genome is therefore only ~20% of the distinct k-mers in the metagenome (1.5 Mbp divided by 6.9 Mbp).
If --with-abundance
is given, the output changes to reflect the proportions
of the query metagenome based on k-mer/read abundances:
56.8% 740 Archaea;Euryarchaeota;unassigned;unassigned;unassigned;Aciduliprofundum;Aciduliprofundum boonei;Aciduliprofundum boonei T469
56.8% 740 Archaea;Euryarchaeota;unassigned;unassigned;unassigned;Aciduliprofundum;Aciduliprofundum boonei
56.8% 740 Archaea;Euryarchaeota;unassigned;unassigned;unassigned;Aciduliprofundum
56.8% 740 Archaea;Euryarchaeota;unassigned;unassigned;unassigned
56.8% 740 Archaea;Euryarchaeota;unassigned;unassigned
56.8% 740 Archaea;Euryarchaeota;unassigned
56.8% 740 Archaea;Euryarchaeota
56.8% 740 Archaea
43.2% 563 Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Alteromonadales;Shewanellaceae;Shewanella;Shewanella baltica;Shewanella baltica OS223
43.2% 563 Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Alteromonadales;Shewanellaceae;Shewanella;Shewanella baltica
43.2% 563 Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Alteromonadales;Shewanellaceae;Shewanella
43.2% 563 Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Alteromonadales;Shewanellaceae
43.2% 563 Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Alteromonadales
43.2% 563 Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria
43.2% 563 Bacteria;Proteobacteria
43.2% 563 Bacteria
Here, the changed proportions reflect the query signature abundances, where the 1.5 Mbp Archaeal genome is present 5 times, while the 5.4 Mbp Bacterial genome is present only once; when weighted by abundance, the Bacterial genome is only 41.8% of the metagenome content, while the Archaeal genome is 58.1% of the metagenome content.
Note: you can specify a list of files to load signatures from in a
text file passed to sourmash lca summarize
with the
flag; these files will be appended to the --query
The sourmash lca gather
command finds all non-overlapping
matches to the query, similar to the sourmash gather
command. This
is specifically meant for metagenome and genome bin analysis. (See
Classifying Signatures for more
information on the different approaches that can be used here.)
If the input signature was computed with --track-abundance
, output
will be abundance weighted (unless --ignore-abundances
specified). -o/--output
will create a CSV file containing the
sourmash lca gather query.sig [<lca database> ...]
Example output:
overlap p_query p_match
--------- ------- --------
1.8 Mbp 14.6% 9.1% Fusobacterium nucleatum
1.0 Mbp 7.8% 16.3% Proteiniclasticum ruminis
1.0 Mbp 7.7% 25.9% Haloferax volcanii
0.9 Mbp 7.4% 11.8% Nostoc sp. PCC 7120
0.9 Mbp 7.0% 5.8% Shewanella baltica
0.8 Mbp 6.0% 8.6% Desulfovibrio vulgaris
0.6 Mbp 4.9% 12.6% Thermus thermophilus
The sourmash lca index
command creates an LCA database from
a lineage spreadsheet and a collection of signatures. This can be used
to create LCA databases from private collections of genomes, and can
also be used to create databases for e.g. subsets of GenBank.
See the sourmash lca
tutorial and the blog
Why are taxonomic assignments so different for Tara bins?
for some use cases.
If you are interested in preparing lineage spreadsheets from GenBank genomes (or building off of NCBI taxonomies more generally), please see the NCBI lineage repository.
You can use --from-file
to pass lca index
a text file containing a
list of files to index.
The sourmash lca rankinfo
command displays k-mer specificity
information for one or more LCA databases. See the blog post
How specific are k-mers for taxonomic assignment of microbes, anyway? for example output.
The sourmash lca compare_csv
command compares two lineage
spreadsheets (such as those output by sourmash lca classify
or taken
as input by sourmash lca index
) and summarizes their
agreement/disagreement. Please see the blog post
Why are taxonomic assignments so different for Tara bins?
for an example use case.
These commands manipulate signatures from the command line. Currently
supported subcommands are merge
, rename
, intersect
, downsample
, subtract
, import
, export
, info
, filter
, cat
, and split
The signature commands that combine or otherwise have multiple
signatures interacting (merge
, intersect
, subtract
) work only on
compatible signatures, where the k-mer size and nucleotide/protein
sequences match each other. If working directly with the hash values
(e.g. merge
, intersect
, subtract
) then the scaled values must
also match; you can use downsample
to convert a bunch of samples to
the same scaled value.
If there are multiple signatures in a file with different ksizes and/or
from nucleotide and protein sequences, you can choose amongst them with
and --dna
or --protein
, as with other sourmash commands
such as search
, gather
, and compare
Note, you can use sourmash sig
as shorthand for all of these commands.
Most commands will load signatures automatically from indexed databases
(SBT and LCA formats) as well as from signature files, and you can load
signatures from stdin using -
on the command line.
Concatenate signature files.
For example,
sourmash signature cat file1.sig file2.sig -o all.sig
will combine all signatures in file1.sig
and file2.sig
and put them
in the file all.sig
Display signature details.
For example,
sourmash sig describe tests/test-data/47.fa.sig
will display:
signature filename: tests/test-data/47.fa.sig
signature: NC_009665.1 Shewanella baltica OS185, complete genome
source file: 47.fa
md5: 09a08691ce52952152f0e866a59f6261
k=31 molecule=DNA num=0 scaled=1000 seed=42 track_abundance=0
size: 5177
signature license: CC0
Split each signature in the input file(s) into individual files, with
standardized names. Note: unlike the rest of the sourmash sig
commands, split
can load signatures from LCA and SBT databases as
For example,
sourmash signature split tests/test-data/2.fa.sig
will create 3 files,
, and
, representing the three
different DNA signatures at different ksizes created from the input file
The format of the names of the output files is standardized and stable for major versions of sourmash: currently, they are period-separated with fields:
- a unique hash value based on the contents of the signature.k=<ksize>
- k-mer size.scaled=<scaled>
- scaled or num value for MinHash.<moltype>
- the molecule type (DNA, protein, dayhoff, or hp)dup=<n>
- a non-negative integer that prevents duplicate signatures from colliding.basename
- basename of first input file used to create signature; if none provided, or stdin, this isnone
If --outdir
is specified, all of the signatures are placed in outdir.
Merge two (or more) signatures.
For example,
sourmash signature merge file1.sig file2.sig -o merged.sig
will output the union of all the hashes in file1.sig
and file2.sig
to merged.sig
All of the signatures passed to merge must either have been computed
with --track-abundance
, or not. If they have track_abundance
then the merged signature will have the sum of all abundances across
the individual signatures. The --flatten
flag will override this
behavior and allow merging of mixtures by removing all abundances.
Rename the display name for one or more signatures - this is the name
output for matches in compare
, search
, gather
, etc.
For example,
sourmash signature rename file1.sig "new name" -o renamed.sig
will place a renamed copy of the hashes in file1.sig
in the file
. If you provide multiple signatures, all will be renamed
to the same name.
Subtract all of the hash values from one signature that are in one or more of the others.
For example,
sourmash signature subtract file1.sig file2.sig file3.sig -o subtracted.sig
will subtract all of the hashes in file2.sig
and file3.sig
, and save the new signature to subtracted.sig
To use subtract
on signatures calculated with
, you must specify --flatten
Output the intersection of the hash values in multiple signature files.
For example,
sourmash signature intersect file1.sig file2.sig file3.sig -o intersect.sig
will output the intersection of all the hashes in those three files to
The intersect
command flattens all signatures, i.e. the abundances
in any signatures will be ignored and the output signature will have
turned off.
Downsample one or more signatures.
With downsample
, you can --
- increase the
value for a signature computed with--scaled
, shrinking it in size; - decrease the
value for a traditional num MinHash, shrinking it in size; - try to convert a
signature to anum
signature; - try to convert a
signature to a--scaled
For example,
sourmash signature downsample file1.sig file2.sig --scaled 100000 -o downsampled.sig
will output each signature, downsampled to a scaled value of 100000, to
; and
sourmash signature downsample --num 500 scaled_file.sig -o downsampled.sig
will try to convert a scaled MinHash to a num MinHash.
Extract the specified signature(s) from a collection of signatures.
For example,
sourmash signature extract *.sig -k 21 --dna -o extracted.sig
will extract all nucleotide signatures calculated at k=21 from all .sig files in the current directory.
There are currently two other useful selectors for extract
: you can specify
(part of) an md5sum, as output in the CSVs produced by search
and gather
and you can specify (part of) a name.
For example,
sourmash signature extract tests/test-data/*.fa.sig --md5 09a0869
will extract the signature from 47.fa.sig
which has an md5sum of
; and
sourmash signature extract tests/test-data/*.fa.sig --name NC_009665
will extract the same signature, which has an accession number of
Flatten the specified signature(s), removing abundances and setting track_abundance to False.
For example,
sourmash signature flatten *.sig -o flattened.sig
will remove all abundances from all of the .sig files in the current directory.
The flatten
command accepts the same selectors as extract
Filter the hashes in the specified signature(s) by abundance, by either
or -M/--max-abundance
or both. Abundance selection is
inclusive, so -m 2 -M 5
will select hashes with abundance greater than
or equal to 2, and less than or equal to 5.
For example,
sourmash signature -m 2 *.sig
will output new signatures containing only hashes that occur two or more times in each signature.
The filter
command accepts the same selectors as extract
Import signatures into sourmash format. Currently only supports mash,
and can import mash sketches output by mash info -d <filename.msh>
For example,
sourmash signature import filename.msh.json -o imported.sig
will import the contents of filename.msh.json
into imported.sig
Export signatures from sourmash format. Currently only supports mash dump format.
For example,
sourmash signature export filename.sig -o filename.sig.msh.json
Display a detailed comparison of two signatures. This computes the
Jaccard similarity (as in sourmash compare
or sourmash search
) and
the Jaccard containment in both directions (as with --containment
It also displays the number of hash values in the union and
intersection of the two signatures, as well as the number of disjoint
hash values in each signature.
This command has two uses - first, it is helpful for understanding how similarity and containment are calculated, and second, it is useful for analyzing signatures with very small overlaps, where the similarity and/or containment might be very close to zero.
For example,
sourmash signature overlap file1.sig file2.sig
will display the detailed comparison of file1.sig
and file2.sig
sourmash uses several different command-line styles.
both take a single query signature and search multiple signatures or databases. In this case, there has to be a single identifiable query for sourmash to use, and if you're using a database or list of signatures as the source of a query, you'll need to provide a selector (ksize with-k
, moltype with--dna
etc, or md5sum with--query-md5
) that picks out a single signature. -
takes multiple signatures and can load them from files, directories, and indexed databases (SBT or LCA). It can also take a list of file paths in a text file, using--from-file
(see below). -
lca classify
andlca summarize
commands take multiple signatures with--query
, and multiple LCA databases, with--db
.sourmash multigather
also uses this style. This allows these commands to specify multiple queries and multiple databases without (too much) confusion. These commands will take files containing signature files using--query-from-file
(see below). -
andlca index
take a few fixed parameters (database name, taxonomy spreadsheet) and then an arbitrary number of other files that contain signatures, including files, directories, and indexed databases. These commands will also take--from-file
(see below).
None of these commands currently support searching, comparing, or indexing signatures with multiple ksizes or moltypes at the same time; you need to pick the ksize and moltype to use for your search. Where possible, scaled values will be made compatible.
Backing up a little, there are many ways to store and search signatures.
The simplest is one signature in a single JSON file. You can also put
many signatures in a single JSON file, either by building them that
way with sourmash compute
or by using sourmash sig cat
or other
commands. Searching or comparing these files involves loading them
sequentially and iterating across all of the signatures - which can be
slow, especially for many (100s or 1000s) of signatures.
Indexed databases can make searching signatures a lot faster. SBT databases are low memory and disk-intensive databases that allow for fast searches using a tree structure, while LCA databases are higher memory and (after a potentially significant load time) are quite fast.
(LCA databases also permit taxonomic searches using sourmash lca
The main point is that since all of these databases contain signatures, as of sourmash 3.4, any command that takes more than one signature will also automatically load all of the signatures in the database.
Note that, for now, both SBT and LCA database can only contain one "type" of signature (one ksize, one moltype, etc.) If the database signature type is incompatible with the other signatures, sourmash will complain. In contrast, signature files can contain many different types of signatures, and compatible ones will be discovered automatically.
Various sourmash commands will also take --from-file
, which will take a path to a text file containing
a list of file paths. This can be useful for situations where you want
to specify thousands of queries, or a subset of signatures produced by
some other command.
Note that until 4.0, --traverse-directory
may be needed for many
commands in order for them to load signatures from a directory
hierarchy -- search
, gather
, index
, lca index
, and compare
for example. All of the sourmash sig
commands support loading from a
directory if you provide it on the command line, and this will be the
default behavior in sourmash 4.0.
All of the commands in sourmash operate in "online" mode, so you can combine multiple databases and signatures on the command line and get the same answer as if you built a single large database from all of them. The only addendum to this rule is that if you have multiple identical matches, the first one to be found will differ depending on the order that the files are passed in on the command line.
This can actually be pretty convenient for speeding up searches - for
example, if you're using sourmash gather
and you want to find any
new results after a database update, you can provide a file containing
the previously found matches on the command line before the updated
database. Then gather
will automatically "find" the previously found
matches before anything else, but only if there are no better matches to
be found in the updated database. (OK, it's a bit of a niche case, but it's
been useful. :)
Most commands will take stdin via the usual UNIX convention, -
Moreover, sourmash compute
and the sourmash sig
commands will
output to stdout. So, for example,
sourmash compute ... -o - | sourmash sig describe -
will describe the
signatures that were just computed.
(This is a relatively new feature as of 3.4 and our testing may need some work, so please let us know if there's something that doesn't work and we will fix it :).