will define what devices and services will be integrated into the application.
Property | Type | Value/Description | Required? | Default |
id | string | Id used to identify application over WebSocket proxy | Yes | |
password | string | Secret password required for any request to function | Yes | |
proxyHost | string | Address of webSocket proxy to connect to | No | |
allowUnsecuredLAN | boolean | Check LAN requests against unhashed password | No | false |
guest | object | Guest options | No | |
- id | string | Id used to identify application over WebSocket proxy | No | |
- indefinite | boolean | Keep guest proxy instance alive indefinitely | No | |
- password | string | Password provided to guests | No | |
spotify | object | See here for more information | No | |
- cliendId | string | See here for more information | Yes | |
- clientSecret | string | See here for more information | Yes | |
- blacklistedPermissions | array | Spotify permissions to deny Pantheon | No | |
- browser | string | Browser to launch Spotify authentication page with | No | 'chromium' |
- display | string | Display to launch browser on | No | 0 |
- foreeKill | boolean | Force kills browser by process name (spotify.browser config) |
No | false |
hueUserIDs | User IDs for Hue bridges - see here on how to register a user to a Hue bridge, and obtain the user ID | No | ||
- [ipaddress] | string | User ID registered to bridge on ip address | No | |
photons | object | Individually listed Particle Photon devices | No | |
- [name of photon] | object | Unique name for Photon device | Yes | |
-- token | string | Authentication token for Photon device | Yes | |
-- deviceId | string | ID of Photon Device | Yes | |
-- name | string | Name of function to call | No | |
-- argument | string | Argument to provide to function call | No | |
httpRequests | object | Pre-defined HTTP requests | No | |
- [name of request] | object | Unique name for request | Yes | |
-- method | string | HTTP method to use, e.g., POST , GET , etc. |
No | POST |
-- ... | string | See Node.js's http.request method for a list of valid options properties |
Some |
Example of a config.json
"id": "123456",
"password": "hunter2",
"proxyHost": "",
"hueUserIDs": {
"": "123456"
"ports": {
"jFive": "/dev/cu.usbmodem1",
"serial": "/dev/cu.usbmodem1"
"photons": {
"deadbolt": {
"token": "123456",
"deviceId": "654321",
"argument": "open",
"password": "hunter2"
"secretary": {
"token": "123456",
"deviceId": "098765"
"lamprey": {
"token": "123456",
"deviceId": "555555"
"httpRequests": {
"buzz": {
"options": {
"path": "/api/press",
"port": 3000,
"hostname": ""
"body": { "code": "hunter" }
"unified": {
"hostname": ""