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<h1 align="center">rspc</h1>
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   A blazing fast and easy to use TRPC-like server for Rust.
<a align="center" href="https://www.rspc.dev/">

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## Example

You define a `rspc` router and attach procedures to it like below. This will be very familiar if you have used [trpc](https://trpc.io/) or [GraphQL](https://graphql.org) before.

let router = <rspc::Router>::new()
    .query("version", |t| {
        t(|ctx, input: ()| "0.0.1")
    .mutation("helloWorld", |t| {
        t(|ctx, input: ()| async { "Hello World!" })

## Features:

- Per Request Context - Great for database connection & authentication data
- Middleware - With support for context switching
- Merging routers - Great for separating code between files

### Inspiration

This project is based off [trpc](https://trpc.io) and was inspired by the bridge system [Jamie Pine](https://github.com/jamiepine) designed for [Spacedrive](https://www.spacedrive.com). A huge thanks to everyone who helped inspire this project!