diff --git a/doc/luigi_patterns.rst b/doc/luigi_patterns.rst
index 532b2d9966..327f86432e 100644
--- a/doc/luigi_patterns.rst
+++ b/doc/luigi_patterns.rst
@@ -226,6 +226,33 @@ the task parameters or other dynamic attributes:
 Since, by default, resources have a usage limit of 1, no two instances of Task A 
 will now run if they have the same `important_file_name` property.
+Decreasing resources of running tasks
+At scheduling time, the luigi scheduler needs to be aware of the maximum
+resource consumption a task might have once it runs. For some tasks, however,
+it can be beneficial to decrease the amount of consumed resources between two
+steps within their run method (e.g. after some heavy computation). In this
+case, a different task waiting for that particular resource can already be
+.. code-block:: python
+    class A(luigi.Task):
+        # set maximum resources a priori
+        resources = {"some_resource": 3}
+        def run(self):
+            # do something
+            ...
+            # decrease consumption of "some_resource" by one
+            self.decrease_running_resources({"some_resource": 1})
+            # continue with reduced resources
+            ...
 Monitoring task pipelines
diff --git a/luigi/scheduler.py b/luigi/scheduler.py
index 0a25cf7704..f83893e3c0 100644
--- a/luigi/scheduler.py
+++ b/luigi/scheduler.py
@@ -784,6 +784,8 @@ def add_task(self, task_id=None, status=PENDING, runnable=True,
         worker_id = worker
         worker = self._update_worker(worker_id)
+        resources = {} if resources is None else resources.copy()
         if retry_policy_dict is None:
             retry_policy_dict = {}
@@ -815,7 +817,9 @@ def add_task(self, task_id=None, status=PENDING, runnable=True,
         if status == RUNNING and not task.worker_running:
             task.worker_running = worker_id
             if batch_id:
-                task.resources_running = self._state.get_batch_running_tasks(batch_id)[0].resources_running
+                # copy resources_running of the first batch task
+                batch_tasks = self._state.get_batch_running_tasks(batch_id)
+                task.resources_running = batch_tasks[0].resources_running.copy()
             task.time_running = time.time()
         if tracking_url is not None or task.status != RUNNING:
@@ -970,8 +974,9 @@ def _used_resources(self):
         used_resources = collections.defaultdict(int)
         if self._resources is not None:
             for task in self._state.get_active_tasks_by_status(RUNNING):
-                if getattr(task, 'resources_running', task.resources):
-                    for resource, amount in six.iteritems(getattr(task, 'resources_running', task.resources)):
+                resources_running = getattr(task, "resources_running", task.resources)
+                if resources_running:
+                    for resource, amount in six.iteritems(resources_running):
                         used_resources[resource] += amount
         return used_resources
@@ -1175,7 +1180,7 @@ def get_work(self, host=None, assistant=False, current_tasks=None, worker=None,
         elif best_task:
             self._state.set_status(best_task, RUNNING, self._config)
             best_task.worker_running = worker_id
-            best_task.resources_running = best_task.resources
+            best_task.resources_running = best_task.resources.copy()
             best_task.time_running = time.time()
             self._update_task_history(best_task, RUNNING, host=host)
@@ -1237,6 +1242,7 @@ def _serialize_task(self, task_id, include_deps=True, deps=None):
             'name': task.family,
             'priority': task.priority,
             'resources': task.resources,
+            'resources_running': getattr(task, "resources_running", None),
             'tracking_url': getattr(task, "tracking_url", None),
             'status_message': getattr(task, "status_message", None),
             'progress_percentage': getattr(task, "progress_percentage", None)
@@ -1521,6 +1527,31 @@ def get_task_progress_percentage(self, task_id):
             return {"taskId": task_id, "progressPercentage": None}
+    @rpc_method()
+    def decrease_running_task_resources(self, task_id, decrease_resources):
+        if self._state.has_task(task_id):
+            task = self._state.get_task(task_id)
+            if task.status != RUNNING:
+                return
+            def decrease(resources, decrease_resources):
+                for resource, decrease_amount in six.iteritems(decrease_resources):
+                    if decrease_amount > 0 and resource in resources:
+                        resources[resource] = max(0, resources[resource] - decrease_amount)
+            decrease(task.resources_running, decrease_resources)
+            if task.batch_id is not None:
+                for batch_task in self._state.get_batch_running_tasks(task.batch_id):
+                    decrease(batch_task.resources_running, decrease_resources)
+    @rpc_method()
+    def get_running_task_resources(self, task_id):
+        if self._state.has_task(task_id):
+            task = self._state.get_task(task_id)
+            return {"taskId": task_id, "resources": getattr(task, "resources_running", None)}
+        else:
+            return {"taskId": task_id, "resources": None}
     def _update_task_history(self, task, status, host=None):
             if status == DONE or status == FAILED:
diff --git a/luigi/static/visualiser/js/visualiserApp.js b/luigi/static/visualiser/js/visualiserApp.js
index b49def6df7..2cd3ceef51 100644
--- a/luigi/static/visualiser/js/visualiserApp.js
+++ b/luigi/static/visualiser/js/visualiserApp.js
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ function visualiserApp(luigi) {
             taskParams: taskParams,
             displayName: task.display_name,
             priority: task.priority,
-            resources: JSON.stringify(task.resources).replace(/,"/g, ', "'),
+            resources: JSON.stringify(task.resources_running || task.resources).replace(/,"/g, ', "'),
             displayTime: displayTime,
             displayTimestamp: task.last_updated,
             timeRunning: time_running,
diff --git a/luigi/task.py b/luigi/task.py
index 890ff348e5..08e40ae214 100644
--- a/luigi/task.py
+++ b/luigi/task.py
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 import copy
 import functools
+import luigi
 from luigi import six
 from luigi import parameter
@@ -686,7 +687,7 @@ def _dump(self):
-        unpicklable_properties = ('set_tracking_url', 'set_status_message', 'set_progress_percentage')
+        unpicklable_properties = tuple(luigi.worker.TaskProcess.forward_reporter_callbacks.values())
         reserved_properties = {}
         for property_name in unpicklable_properties:
             if hasattr(self, property_name):
diff --git a/luigi/worker.py b/luigi/worker.py
index 4a2e276c38..aec97d32b9 100644
--- a/luigi/worker.py
+++ b/luigi/worker.py
@@ -110,6 +110,15 @@ class TaskProcess(multiprocessing.Process):
     Mainly for convenience since this is run in a separate process. """
+    # mapping of status_reporter methods to task callbacks that are added to the task
+    # before they actually run, and removed afterwards
+    forward_reporter_callbacks = {
+        "update_tracking_url": "set_tracking_url",
+        "update_status_message": "set_status_message",
+        "update_progress_percentage": "set_progress_percentage",
+        "decrease_running_resources": "decrease_running_resources",
+    }
     def __init__(self, task, worker_id, result_queue, status_reporter,
                  use_multiprocessing=False, worker_timeout=0, check_unfulfilled_deps=True):
         super(TaskProcess, self).__init__()
@@ -124,15 +133,15 @@ def __init__(self, task, worker_id, result_queue, status_reporter,
         self.check_unfulfilled_deps = check_unfulfilled_deps
     def _run_get_new_deps(self):
-        self.task.set_tracking_url = self.status_reporter.update_tracking_url
-        self.task.set_status_message = self.status_reporter.update_status_message
-        self.task.set_progress_percentage = self.status_reporter.update_progress_percentage
+        # set task callbacks before running
+        for reporter_attr, task_attr in six.iteritems(self.forward_reporter_callbacks):
+            setattr(self.task, task_attr, getattr(self.status_reporter, reporter_attr))
         task_gen = self.task.run()
-        self.task.set_tracking_url = None
-        self.task.set_status_message = None
-        self.task.set_progress_percentage = None
+        # reset task callbacks
+        for reporter_attr, task_attr in six.iteritems(self.forward_reporter_callbacks):
+            setattr(self.task, task_attr, None)
         if not isinstance(task_gen, types.GeneratorType):
             return None
@@ -274,6 +283,9 @@ def update_status_message(self, message):
     def update_progress_percentage(self, percentage):
         self._scheduler.set_task_progress_percentage(self._task_id, percentage)
+    def decrease_running_resources(self, decrease_resources):
+        self._scheduler.decrease_running_task_resources(self._task_id, decrease_resources)
 class SingleProcessPool(object):
diff --git a/test/scheduler_api_test.py b/test/scheduler_api_test.py
index e1033abe62..8fe672a0ee 100644
--- a/test/scheduler_api_test.py
+++ b/test/scheduler_api_test.py
@@ -408,12 +408,12 @@ def test_set_batch_runner_max(self):
         self.sch.add_task(worker=WORKER, task_id='A_2', status=DONE)
         self.assertEqual({'A_1', 'A_2'}, set(self.sch.task_list(DONE, '').keys()))
-    def _start_simple_batch(self, use_max=False, mark_running=True):
+    def _start_simple_batch(self, use_max=False, mark_running=True, resources=None):
         self.sch.add_task_batcher(worker=WORKER, task_family='A', batched_args=['a'])
         self.sch.add_task(worker=WORKER, task_id='A_1', family='A', params={'a': '1'},
-                          batchable=True)
+                          batchable=True, resources=resources)
         self.sch.add_task(worker=WORKER, task_id='A_2', family='A', params={'a': '2'},
-                          batchable=True)
+                          batchable=True, resources=resources)
         response = self.sch.get_work(worker=WORKER)
         if mark_running:
             batch_id = response['batch_id']
@@ -496,6 +496,13 @@ def test_batch_update_progress(self):
         for task_id in ('A_1', 'A_2', 'A_1_2'):
             self.assertEqual(30, self.sch.get_task_progress_percentage(task_id)['progressPercentage'])
+    def test_batch_decrease_resources(self):
+        self.sch.update_resources(x=3)
+        self._start_simple_batch(resources={'x': 3})
+        self.sch.decrease_running_task_resources('A_1_2', {'x': 1})
+        for task_id in ('A_1', 'A_2', 'A_1_2'):
+            self.assertEqual(2, self.sch.get_running_task_resources(task_id)['resources']['x'])
     def test_batch_tracking_url(self):
         self.sch.add_task(worker=WORKER, task_id='A_1_2', tracking_url='http://test.tracking.url/')
diff --git a/test/task_running_resources_test.py b/test/task_running_resources_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79727d971f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/task_running_resources_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2012-2015 Spotify AB
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import time
+import signal
+import multiprocessing
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from helpers import unittest, RunOnceTask
+import luigi
+import luigi.server
+class ResourceTestTask(RunOnceTask):
+    param = luigi.Parameter()
+    reduce_foo = luigi.BoolParameter()
+    def process_resources(self):
+        return {"foo": 2}
+    def run(self):
+        if self.reduce_foo:
+            self.decrease_running_resources({"foo": 1})
+        time.sleep(2)
+        super(ResourceTestTask, self).run()
+class ResourceWrapperTask(RunOnceTask):
+    reduce_foo = ResourceTestTask.reduce_foo
+    def requires(self):
+        return [
+            ResourceTestTask(param="a", reduce_foo=self.reduce_foo),
+            ResourceTestTask(param="b"),
+        ]
+class LocalRunningResourcesTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_resource_reduction(self):
+        # trivial resource reduction on local scheduler
+        # test the running_task_resources setter and getter
+        sch = luigi.scheduler.Scheduler(resources={"foo": 2})
+        with luigi.worker.Worker(scheduler=sch) as w:
+            task = ResourceTestTask(param="a", reduce_foo=True)
+            w.add(task)
+            w.run()
+            self.assertEqual(sch.get_running_task_resources(task.task_id)["resources"]["foo"], 1)
+class ConcurrentRunningResourcesTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def get_app(self):
+        return luigi.server.app(luigi.scheduler.Scheduler())
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(ConcurrentRunningResourcesTest, self).setUp()
+        # run the luigi server in a new process and wait for its startup
+        self._process = multiprocessing.Process(target=luigi.server.run)
+        self._process.start()
+        time.sleep(0.5)
+        # configure the rpc scheduler, update the foo resource
+        self.sch = luigi.rpc.RemoteScheduler()
+        self.sch.update_resource("foo", 3)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        super(ConcurrentRunningResourcesTest, self).tearDown()
+        # graceful server shutdown
+        self._process.terminate()
+        self._process.join(timeout=1)
+        if self._process.is_alive():
+            os.kill(self._process.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
+    @contextmanager
+    def worker(self, scheduler=None, processes=2):
+        with luigi.worker.Worker(scheduler=scheduler or self.sch, worker_processes=processes) as w:
+            w._config.wait_interval = 0.2
+            w._config.check_unfulfilled_deps = False
+            yield w
+    @contextmanager
+    def assert_duration(self, min_duration=0, max_duration=-1):
+        t0 = time.time()
+        try:
+            yield
+        finally:
+            duration = time.time() - t0
+            self.assertGreater(duration, min_duration)
+            if max_duration > 0:
+                self.assertLess(duration, max_duration)
+    def test_tasks_serial(self):
+        # serial test
+        # run two tasks that do not reduce the "foo" resource
+        # as the total foo resource (3) is smaller than the requirement of two tasks (4),
+        # the scheduler is forced to run them serially which takes longer than 4 seconds
+        with self.worker() as w:
+            w.add(ResourceWrapperTask(reduce_foo=False))
+            with self.assert_duration(min_duration=4):
+                w.run()
+    def test_tasks_parallel(self):
+        # parallel test
+        # run two tasks and the first one lowers its requirement on the "foo" resource, so that
+        # the total "foo" resource (3) is sufficient to run both tasks in parallel shortly after
+        # the first task started, so the entire process should not exceed 4 seconds
+        with self.worker() as w:
+            w.add(ResourceWrapperTask(reduce_foo=True))
+            with self.assert_duration(max_duration=4):
+                w.run()