If you have a responsive site and you're wondering how to best combine the ad integration with responsiveness, we'd like to show you one possibility and maybe give you some food for thought. Important: These are only general ideas and suggestions. Since each site is different, these are not necessarily the most efficient solutions.
The AdSSetup is the configuration for our Adlib. Here you control (besides general settings like the CLS placeholder) which ads and formats are ordered from the adserver.
The idea is that the page width is checked with Javascript before the adSSetup is defined and a choice is made between different presets for mobile / tablet / desktop.
The code could look something like this:
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth || window.document.documentElement.clientWidth || window.document.body.clientWidth;
var view = "m";
if (windowWidth > 900) {
view = "d";
} else {
view = "m";
The Mrec is included on desktop as well as mobile. Since the possible sizes may differ here, we can predefine them as follows if needed:
var AdSizes = {
mrec: {
m: [{
"minWidth": 1,
"sizes": [[9,9],[300,250],[320,50],[320,75],[320,160],[300,300]]
d: [{
"minWidth": 1,
"sizes": [[9,9],[300,250],[320,160],[300,300]]
Reacting to different page dimensions With the "minWidth" attribute you can place an order depending on the page width. Using the billboard example - if the page is wider than 969px, the second array is used. If it is less wide, the first array will be used.
var billboardSizes = [{
"minWidth": 1,
"sizes": [[9,9],[800,250]]
"minWidth": 969,
"sizes": [[9,9],[800,250],[970,250]]
With this feature, you can define multiple layout scenarios that support different ad formats depending on the available width.
Then we define adPlacements and adSlotSizes for the different views:
var Ads = {
m: {
adPlacements: ["banner","mrec","mrec_btf","mrec_btf_2","inpage"],
adSlotSizes: {
"mrec": AdSizes.mrec.m,
"mrec_btf": AdSizes.mrec.m,
"mrec_btf_2": AdSizes.mrec.m,
"banner": [{
"minWidth": 1,
"sizes": [[9,9],[320,50],[320,75],[320,80]]
"inpage": [{
"minWidth": 1,
"sizes": [[1,1],[640,360]]
d: {
adPlacements: ["superbanner","sky","billboard","mrec","mrec_btf","mrec_btf_2","inpage"],
adSlotSizes: {
"mrec": AdSizes.mrec.d,
"mrec_btf": AdSizes.mrec.d,
"mrec_btf_2": AdSizes.mrec.d,
"superbanner": [{
"minWidth": 1,
"sizes": [[9,9],[728,90],[728,600],[1000,600]]
"sky": [{
"minWidth": 1,
"sizes": [[9,9],[160,600],[120,600],[300,600]]
"billboard": billboardSizes, // See how we use this variable to refer to different sizes, depending on the pageWidth
"inpage": [{
"minWidth": 1,
"sizes": [[1,1],[640,360],[1000,300]]
Here we now use our prepared configuration to put together the AdSSetup based on the page width.
adSSetup = {
adPlacements: Ads[view].adPlacements,
adSlotSizes: Ads[view].adSlotSizes,
view: view,
partners: true,
colorBg: false,
bgClick: true,
hasVideoPlayer: true,
isArticle: false,
pageName: "home_index",
target: "value1;value2;value3;key1=value1",
iabTax: "IAB2,IAB2-1,1,32",
placeholder: {
disablePlaceholders: false,
default: {
"border-color": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
"background-color": "#eee",
"admarkPosition": "bottom right",
"color": "#999",
"font-size": "12px",
"font-family": "Tahoma"
While handling HTML containers depending on variables is relatively easy with frameworks like Angular or React compared to vanilla JavaScript. Nonetheless, there are some ways to set the markup dynamically even with vanilla javascript.
At this point, we would like to present one possible solution.
A possible solution would be to first give the AdSlots a placeholder id and rewrite it after the viewport has been detected.
<div id="adSlot0"></div>
<div id="adSlot1"></div>
<div id="adSlot2"></div>
This way you would define another object in the header of the page that contains all AdSlots that should be rendered on the page depending on the viewport.
var slotIds = {
d: ["superbanner", "sky", "billboard", "mrec", "inpage"],
m: ["banner", "", "mrec", "mrec_btf", "inpage"]
var slotIdIndex = 0;
However, this object would be different from the previously defined Ads[view].adPlacements
in this approach, because this time we would also define empty AdSlots that don't get an id depending on the viewport.
This table should help to illustrate the idea:
placeholder id | AdSlot on view = d | AdSlot on view = m |
adSlot0 | superbanner | banner |
adSlot1 | sky | none* |
adSlot2 | billboard | mrec |
adSlot3 | mrec | mrec_btf |
adSlot4 | inpage | inpage |
As you can see, the Sky in this example does not get a mobile counterpart because the AdSlot for the mobile viewport does not have a suitable position.
Now we would add a script tag after each placeholder AdSlot container to set the id depending on the viewport.
<div id="adSlot0"></div>
document.getElementById("adSlot" + slotIdIndex).id = slotIds[adSSetup.view][slotIdIndex];
Please make sure that adSlots are not reloaded from third party modules or changed asynchronously. Otherwise this can lead not only to CLS but also to ad delivery problems.
To make things easier, here is a full code example for you to play around with:
<script src="path/to/adlib.js"></script>
// The idea is that the page width is checked with Javascript before the adSSetup is defined
// and a choice is made between different presets for mobile / tablet / desktop.
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth || window.document.documentElement.clientWidth || window.document.body.clientWidth;
var view = "m";
if (windowWidth > 900) {
view = "d";
} else {
view = "m";
// The Mrec is included on desktop as well as mobile.
// Since the possible sizes may differ here, we can predefine them as follows if needed:
var AdSizes = {
mrec: {
m: [{
"minWidth": 1,
"sizes": [[9,9],[300,250],[320,50],[320,75],[320,160],[300,300]]
d: [{
"minWidth": 1,
"sizes": [[9,9],[300,250],[320,160],[300,300]]
// Then we define adPlacements and adSlotSizes for the different views.
// See how we reference the different adSizes for the mrec defined above.
var Ads = {
m: {
adPlacements: ["banner","mrec","mrec_btf","mrec_btf_2","inpage"],
adSlotSizes: {
"mrec": AdSizes.mrec.m,
"mrec_btf": AdSizes.mrec.m,
"mrec_btf_2": AdSizes.mrec.m,
"banner": [{
"minWidth": 1,
"sizes": [[9,9],[320,50],[320,75],[320,80]]
"inpage": [{
"minWidth": 1,
"sizes": [[1,1],[640,360]]
d: {
adPlacements: ["superbanner","sky","billboard","mrec","mrec_btf","mrec_btf_2","inpage"],
adSlotSizes: {
"mrec": AdSizes.mrec.d,
"mrec_btf": AdSizes.mrec.d,
"mrec_btf_2": AdSizes.mrec.d,
"superbanner": [{
"minWidth": 1,
"sizes": [[9,9],[728,90],[728,600],[1000,600]]
"sky": [{
"minWidth": 1,
"sizes": [[9,9],[160,600],[120,600],[300,600]]
"billboard": [{
"minWidth": 1,
"sizes": [[9,9],[800,250]]
"inpage": [{
"minWidth": 1,
"sizes": [[1,1],[640,360],[1000,300]]
// Here we now use our prepared configuration to put together the AdSSetup based on the page width.
adSSetup = {
adPlacements: Ads[view].adPlacements,
adSlotSizes: Ads[view].adSlotSizes,
view: view,
partners: true,
colorBg: false,
bgClick: true,
hasVideoPlayer: true,
isArticle: false,
pageName: "home_index",
target: "value1;value2;value3;key1=value1",
iabTax: "IAB2,IAB2-1,1,32",
placeholder: {
disablePlaceholders: false,
default: {
"border-color": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
"background-color": "#eee",
"admarkPosition": "bottom right",
"color": "#999",
"font-size": "12px",
"font-family": "Tahoma"
// A possible solution would be to first give the AdSlots a placeholder id and rewrite it after the viewport has been detected.
// This way you would define another object in the header of the page that contains all AdSlots that should be rendered on the page depending on the viewport.
var slotIds = {
d: ["superbanner", "sky", "billboard", "mrec", "inpage"],
m: ["banner", "", "mrec", "mrec_btf", "inpage"]
var slotIdIndex = 0;
// By including an empty string in the array above, we can skip the second slot on mobile.
document.getElementById("adSlot" + slotIdIndex).id = slotIds[adSSetup.view][slotIdIndex];
<div id="contentWrapper">
<p>Lorem ipsum...</p>
<div id="adSlot0"></div>
<p>Lorem ipsum...</p>
<div id="adSlot1"></div>
<p>Lorem ipsum...</p>
<div id="adSlot2"></div>
- All adSSetup configurations are needed in the header of the page, before the adlib is loaded.
- The adlib needs also to be loaded in the header of the page
- Important: Please do not load the adlib async!
- For more informations about the adSSetup and its settings, please have a look into our general documentation.
If you have any questions or problem don't hesitate to contact us:
Ad Technology Team [email protected]