issues Search Results · repo:spring-projects/spring-boot
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Windows 11 openjdk-24-ea+34_windows-x64_bin Spring boot: 3.4.2 Apache Tomcat/10.1.34
Gets WARNING at startup:
C:\LocalData\DEV\Java\jdk-24\bin\java.exe --enable-preview --enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED ...
status: waiting-for-feedback
status: waiting-for-triage
- transentia
- 3
- Opened yesterday
- #44042
To pass to ContentNegotiationConfigurer#defaultContentType.
It s unclear why only some of the content negotiation properties can be configured. This one seems like it would be
commonly used.
status: waiting-for-triage
- OrangeDog
- Opened yesterday
- #44039
With a fresh Spring Boot 3.4.2 Maven WAR project generated from I am observing the
If you add a dependency to the pom.xml, say
groupId ...
status: declined
- ilgrosso
- 5
- Opened yesterday
- #44038
Today, I ve stumbled over this issue:
It seems that this happens not only when annotating controller methods with @Timed but also when annotating ...
type: documentation
- helpermethod
- 4
- Opened yesterday
- #44037
Forward port of issue #44035 to 3.5.x.
status: forward-port
type: documentation
- snicoll
- Opened yesterday
- #44036
Forward port of issue #44032 to 3.4.x.
status: forward-port
type: documentation
- snicoll
- Opened yesterday
- #44035
WARNING: A restricted method in java.lang.System has been called
WARNING: java.lang.System::load has been called by org.apache.tomcat.jni.Library in an unnamed module (file:/Users/aw036093/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.apache.tomcat.embed/tomcat-embed-core/10.1.34/f610f84be607fbc82e393cc220f0ad45f92afc91/tomcat-embed-core-10.1.34.jar) ...
for: team-attention
type: bug
- wilkinsona
- 3
- Opened yesterday
- #44033
Forward port of issue #44030 to 3.5.x.
status: forward-port
type: task
- philwebb
- Opened 2 days ago
- #44031
!-- Thanks for raising a Spring Boot issue. Please take the time to review the following categories as some of them do
not apply here.
🙅 Please DO NOT Raise an Issue Cases
- Question STOP!! Please ...
type: task
- philwebb
- Opened 2 days ago
- #44030
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