My Web Dev journey Story, shortly
(Writing retrospectively) I was really struggling at cleaning, at filling the cardboard boxes, weighing them, sizing them, and emptying the 4 rooms flat and selling items...
Filling the cardboard boxes with the families items they wanted to take, and checking during calls what was where,...
My kids and my wife departed few months before me.
I was left alone to do the job efficiently!
(Writing retrospectively) I believe the first day was the 5 Dec 2018 when I wrote the version of the concept of Home Inventory. I was finishing the race to the move to Finland, that occured 15 days ahead.
From Trappes (France) to Oulu (Finland). No incident. Phew!
Christmas 2018. Thank you Eli The Computer Guy for this superbe tutorial that got me started with web development! You help me a lot!
For sure I would not have not started without this website.
- Went throught HTML and CSS and PHP basics with this website
- Created the Home Inventory Home Page, with HTLM, CSS and PHP!
Made the Home Inventory Home Page responsible and added tiny bits of Javascript.
Learned some Javascript with this website and added more some into the home page.
- Fixed the topbar dropdown.
- Added a search filed and styled it.
Fixed Record New Carboard mobile layout.
- Remade new cardboard mobile view with CSS Grid.
- Front-end of cardboard search STARTED.
Front-end of cardboard search CONTINUED.
Getting familiar with MySQL and PHP PDO.
PHP PDO MySQL implementation for Record New Cardboard feature STARTED.
PHP PDO MySQL implementation for Record New Cardboard feature DONE.
Having an hour of coding/learning web dev every morning can really make a difference at the end!
Feel that I did a lot this year!