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Partial application of modules

It's all very adequately explained here:

module PartialApplicationOfModules where

  open import Data.List

Here is a module. It has three parameters.

  module Folding (A : Set) (id : A) (_+_ : A → A → A) where

    open import Data.List

    fold : List A → A
    fold [] = id
    fold (x ∷ xs) = x + fold xs

You can just open the module without providing any values for the parameters. This will add those missing parameters as extra arguments to every definition within the module. The type of fold below is (A : Set) (id : A) (_+_ : A → A → A) → List A → A which you can verify for yourself using C-c C-d

  module Example1 where

    open Folding

    example : Set
    example = {! fold!}

If you provide parameters then fold will have its types specialised. The type is List ℕ → ℕ below

  module Example1a where
    open import Data.Nat

    open Folding ℕ zero _+_

    example : Set
    example = {! fold !}

But you can partially apply to a module! The type of fold below is (id : ℕ) (_+₁_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ) → List ℕ → ℕ

  module Example2 where
    open import Data.Nat

    open Folding ℕ

    example : Set
    example = {! fold !}

And (_+₁_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ) → List ℕ → ℕ below

  module Example3 where
    open import Data.Nat

    open Folding ℕ zero

    example : Set
    example = {! fold !}

Just like for functions you can only partially apply in the order that the parameters appear in the declaration.

Now let's look at another example

  module Composer {A B C : Set} (f : B → C) (g : A → B) where
    open import Function

    composed : A → C
    composed = f ∘ g

The type of composed is {A B C : Set} (f : B → C) (g : A → B) → A → C below.

  module Example5 where
    open import Data.Nat
    open Composer 

    example : Set
    example = {! composed !} 

Because we have implicit parameters you can omit then. Plus we can apply selectively using their name.

In the following example B and C can be inferred (from the type of suc) and only the implicit argument {A = ℕ} needs to be provided. applications involving named arguments B and C can be ommited.

  module Example6 where
    open import Data.Nat
    open Composer {A = ℕ} suc

    example : Set
    example = {! composed !} 

But remember, you can omit implicit parameters but you can't reorder applications. The follow is illegal:

open Compose {B = ℕ} {A = ℕ}