Since tomap has no longer time to dedicate to it, we have forked the project in order to maintain it. This repo has been forked from github repository
Nsis build extension for VSTS
This extension can be used to build nsis script or to make nsis available for other tasks (as an environment variable).
Nsis version used is version 3.03
- Go to VSTS Marketplace and install the extension
- In your build definition add the task "Nsis"
- Either select your nsi script (and build arguments:
- Or just include NSIS as an environnement variable called NSIS_EXE that you can use in the following tasks.
There is also an option called "Include additional plugins". If you check this option, the content of the folder nsis/plugins will be copied to the nsis plugin folder and those plugins will be made available to your nsis script.
There is another option called "Custom Plugins Path". If you set a path on this field, the content of the referenced folder will be copied to the nsis plugin folder and those plugins will be made available to your nsis script.
To test that the task works properly, you can download install.nsi and use it as a test script.
The nsis/plugins folder contains multiple plugins that were found on nsis web site:
- SimpleSC NSIS Simple Service Plugin (license MPL / LGPL)
, another plugin to manage services Examples:
services2::IsServiceRunning "w3svc"
Pop $0
${If} $0 == "Yes"
services2::IsServiceInstalled "w3wp"
work the same
services2::SendServiceCommandWait "start" "w3wp" "120"
Pop $0
${If} $0 == "Ok"
- there are other plugins to be documented
This extension is publicly available on VSTS Marketplace:
It is build in VSTS using DevOps.
Here is the status:
The build is done following the build steps on Microsoft documentation page
This extension is published under MIT license. See license file.
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog
- new plugin option "Custom Plugins Path" to be able to include custom plugins path in order to be able to use custom plugins that aren't included on default plugins folder. All plugins file in this path will be copied to nsis\plugins\x86-ansi