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Ansible AWX Tower

Ansible AWX Tower Logo

Centralize and control your IT infrastructure with a powerful web-based automation platform

🚀 About

In this HashiQube DevOps Lab, you'll get hands-on experience with Ansible AWX Tower - a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine built on top of Ansible. AWX Tower provides a robust platform for:

  • Managing credentials, inventories, projects, and playbooks
  • Configuring AWX Tower using the CLI
  • Triggering Ansible runs programmatically

AWX is the upstream open-source project for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, giving you enterprise-grade automation capabilities including:

  • Visual dashboard for infrastructure management
  • Role-based access control
  • Job scheduling
  • Integrated notifications
  • Graphical inventory management
  • REST API and CLI for integration with existing tools and processes

📋 Quick Start

Github Codespace

Open in GitHub Codespaces

bash docker/
bash minikube/
bash ansible-tower/


vagrant up --provision-with basetools,docker,docsify,minikube,ansible-tower

Docker Compose

docker compose exec hashiqube /bin/bash
bash bashiqube/
bash docker/
bash docsify/
bash minikube/
bash ansible-tower/

🔍 Access Information

After provisioning, you can access AWX Ansible Tower at:

  • URL: http://localhost:8043
  • Username: admin
  • Password: Displayed at the end of the provisioning operation
Ansible Tower Dashboard

AWX Ansible Tower Dashboard

Ansible Tower Password

The login password is displayed at the end of the provisioning process

🛠️ Working with AWX Tower

The following components were automatically configured during provisioning, but this guide will show you how to create them manually as well.

Adding a Project

Projects in AWX Tower represent a collection of Ansible playbooks. You can connect to source control management (SCM) systems like Git.

Add Project

Creating a new project in AWX Tower

# Command used during auto-provisioning:
sudo --preserve-env=PATH -u vagrant /home/vagrant/.local/bin/awx projects create \
  --organization 'Default' \
  --scm_update_on_launch true \
  --scm_url \
  --scm_type git \
  --name ansible-role-example-role \
  --description ansible-role-example-role \
  --wait $AWX_COMMON

Adding Credentials

Credentials allow AWX Tower to authenticate with the systems you're managing.

Add Credential

Creating machine credentials in AWX Tower

# Command used during auto-provisioning:
sudo --preserve-env=PATH -u vagrant /home/vagrant/.local/bin/awx credentials create \
  --credential_type 'Machine' \
  --organization 'Default' \
  --name 'ansible' \
  --inputs '{"username": "vagrant", "password": "vagrant"}' \

Creating an Inventory

Inventories define the hosts and groups that AWX Tower will manage.

Add Inventory

Creating a new inventory in AWX Tower

# Command used during auto-provisioning:
sudo --preserve-env=PATH -u vagrant /home/vagrant/.local/bin/awx inventory create \
  --name 'Demo Inventory' \
  --description 'Demo Inventory' \
  --organization 'Default' \
  --wait $AWX_COMMON

Setting Up a Job Template

Job templates combine projects, inventories, and credentials to create runnable automation tasks.

Add Job Template

Creating a job template in AWX Tower

Additional Template Settings

Additional job template settings for triggering capabilities

# Command used during auto-provisioning:
sudo --preserve-env=PATH -u vagrant /home/vagrant/.local/bin/awx job_templates create \
  --name ansible-role-example-role \
  --description ansible-role-example-role \
  --job_type run \
  --inventory 'Demo Inventory' \
  --project 'ansible-role-example-role' \
  --become_enabled true \
  --ask_limit_on_launch true \
  --ask_tags_on_launch true \
  --playbook site.yml \
  --ask_variables_on_launch true \
  --wait $AWX_COMMON

▶️ Triggering Jobs

Using the Callback URL

One powerful feature of AWX Tower is the ability to trigger jobs via API callbacks:

# SSH into Hashiqube
vagrant ssh

# Trigger an Ansible run via API callback
curl -s -i -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json \
  --data '{"host_config_key": "UL3H6uRtDozHA13trZudrUwUPBw4rSo7rRvi"}' \ -v -k
Jobs View

Jobs view showing successful job execution

Job Details

Detailed job execution information

Working with Windows Hosts

When working with Windows hosts, additional configuration is required:

Windows Job Template

Creating a job template for Windows hosts

Windows Template Extra Vars

Extra variables needed for Windows automation

# Required extra variables for Windows hosts
ansible_shell_type: cmd
ansible_connection: ssh

To trigger a Windows job via PowerShell:

powershell.exe -Command "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true };Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri -Method POST -Body @{host_config_key='UL3H6uRtDozHA13trZudrUwUPBw4rSo7rRvi'}"
Windows Job Details

Windows job execution details

🧰 Using AWX CLI

AWX CLI provides a powerful way to interact with AWX Tower from the command line, making it ideal for integration with CI/CD pipelines:

# Install the CLI tools
pip3 install awxkit         # For AWX
pip3 install ansible-tower-cli  # For Ansible Tower

# Example: Launch a job template and monitor its status
awx -f human job_templates launch 9 \
  --monitor --filter status --conf.insecure \
  --conf.username admin --conf.password password

🔄 Integration with Terraform

You can easily integrate AWX Tower with Terraform for infrastructure automation:

locals {
  timestamp = timestamp()

resource "null_resource" "awx_cli" {
  triggers = {
    timestamp = local.timestamp

  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    inline = [
      "/home/vagrant/.local/bin/awx -f human job_templates launch 9 --monitor --filter status --conf.insecure --conf.username admin --conf.password password",

    connection {
      type     = "ssh"
      user     = "vagrant"
      password = "vagrant"
      host     = ""

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = "/usr/local/bin/awx -f human job_templates launch 9 --monitor --filter status --conf.insecure --conf.username admin --conf.password password"

📚 Additional Resources